<<silently>>\n<<set $act -= 1>>\n<<set $roll = Math.random()>>\s\n<<if $roll lte 0.2>>\n <<set $grocdec = "lich">>\n<<else>>\n <<set $grocdec = "norm">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<if $grocdec eq "norm">>[img[GrocPres.jpg]]\n\nYou head out to pick up your groceries & prescription. The effort exhausts you physically. <<set $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<set $roll = Math.random()>>\s\n<<if $psy gte 3>>\s\n <<if $roll lte 0.15>>The store is <b>too stressful</b>.<<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n <<else>>You pick up <<set $mroll = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3) + Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)>><b><<print $mroll>> meals</b>.<<set $food += $mroll>>\s\n <<endif>>\s\n<<else if $roll lte 0.6>>The store is <b>too stressful</b>.<<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n<<else>>You pick up <<set $mroll = 1 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*5)>><b><<print $mroll>> meals</b>.<<set $food += $mroll>>\s\n<<endif>> \s\n<<set $roll = Math.random()>>\s\n<<if $roll lte 0.2 and $roll gte 0.1>>The Pharmacy <b>doesn't have your meds</b> today.<<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n<<else if $roll lt 0.1>>The Pharmacy is <b>closed</b> today.<<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n<<else>>You pick up <b>5 pills</b>.<<set $pills += 5>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n<<set $phy -= 1>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]\n<<else if $grocdec eq "lich">>[img[Called.jpg]]\n\nYou head out to pick up your groceries & prescription. You feel the pull of the Lich. He must be close..\n\n <<if $psy gt 4>>[[Confront Him]]<<endif>>\n <<if $psy gt 3>>[[Resist and Flee]]<<endif>>\n [[Give in..]]\s\n<<endif>>
[img[Pills.jpg]]\n\n<<set $act -= 1>><<set $pills -= 1>><<set $ptaken = true>>You take your pills. <<set $roll = Math.random()* 10>><<if $roll lte 10 - ($bod + $phy)>>You feel nauseous.<<set $phy -= 1>><<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
<<silently>><<set $day = 1, $psy = 5, $phy = 5, $bod = 5, $exh = 0, $act = 4, $bra = 0>>\n<<set $lastbod = $bod>>\n<<set $therapy = 12, $physio = 3>>\n<<set $hunger = 1, $apart = 1, $pills = 1 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*3), $food = 1 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)>>\n<<set $pcounter = 0>>\n<<set $kit = true>>\n<<set $deadreason = []>>\n<<set $badcount = 0>>\n<<set $bodarr = ["dead", "crumbling into slimy puddles on the floor", "in a constant struggle to keep your viscera in your torso","sorely missing your lower jaw", "slowly amassing a shelf of your missing extremities", "displaying a greenish tinge, but otherwise whole"], $therarr = ["death and undeath", "the Lich's attack on your Clan", "your memories of the Clan", "your old friends", "your body falling apart", "the future", "the things you wanted to do when you were alive"], $locarr = ["across the city", "in the park", "outside the temple", "in the sewers"]>>\n<<endsilently>><font size = 15><center>ZOMBIE NINJA</center></font>\n<font size = 20><center>CONFESSIONAL</center></font>\n\n<center>[img[Title.jpg]]\n[[New Game|FirstMain]]\n[[Thanks/Inspirations/Etc|Thanks Etc]]</center>\n
<b>Cool Stuff You Might Like:</b>\n<a href="http://monsterkillers.com/games/2012-07-18%20Rat%20Chaos/ratchaos.html">Rat Chaos</a>\n<a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091064/">The Fly (1986)</a>\n<a href="http://www.kongregate.com/games/SmilingCat/dehoarder">Dehoarder</a>\n<a href="http://noncanon.com/HorseMaster.html">Horse Master</a>\n<a href="http://www.depressionquest.com/">Depression Quest</a>\n\n<b>Cool People Who Helped:</b>\n<a href="https://twitter.com/th3force">Xiaoxi Zhang</a> \n<a href="https://twitter.com/zhugie42">Barry Hermans</a>\n<a href="https://twitter.com/linedrag/">alex</a>\n<a href="https://twitter.com/Bakuraptor">Bakuraptor</a>\n<a href="https://twitter.com/webbedspace">Leon Arnott</a>\n\n<<return>>
<<silently>>\n<<if $psy gt 5>><<set $psy = 5>><<endif>>\n<<if $phy gt 5>><<set $phy = 5>><<endif>>\n<<if $hunger lt 0>><<set $hunger = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $apart lt 0>><<set $apart = 0>><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hunger gt 4>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("starved")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $psy lte 0>>\n <<set $roll = Math.random()*5>>\n <<if $roll gte 5 - $badcount>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("suicide")>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bod lte 0>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("decomposed")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $deadreason.length gt 0>><<display Dead>><<else>><center>[img[Main.jpg]]</center>\n<center><<display UI>></center>\n\nYou have <b><<$act>> Action<<if $act neq 1>>s<<endif>></b> left today.\n\n<<if $psy lt 2>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> having any [[appointments]] today..\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<if $day neq $therapy and $day neq $physio>>You have no [[appointments]] today.<<else>><<if $day eq $therapy>><b>You have Therapy today.</b><<else>><b>You have Physiotherapy today. </b><<endif>><<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1>>[[Go to your Appointment]]<<endif>><<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\nYour apartment is <<if $apart lt 1>><b>clean</b><<else if $apart eq 1>><b>okay</b><<else if $apart lte 2>><b>grubby</b><<else if $apart lte 3>><b>filthy</b><<else>><b>reeking and barely livable</b><<endif>>. <<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and $apart gte 1>>[[Tidy it?|Tidy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $psy gte 2>>You are <<if $hunger eq 0>><b>not hungry</b> at all<<else if $hunger eq 1>><b>reasonably hungry</b><<else if $hunger eq 2>><b>famished</b><<else if $hunger eq 3>><b>starving</b><<else if $hunger eq 4>><b>about to crumble into dust if you don't eat</b><<endif>><<else>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> when you last ate.<<endif>>. <<if $act gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and (($pills gte 1 and $psy gte 2 and $hunger gt 0) or ($psy eq 1 and $food gte 1))>>[[Eat?|Eat]]<<endif>>\n<<if $psy gte 2>><<if $ptaken eq false>>You <b>haven't</b> taken your [[pills]] today.<<else>>You <b>have</b> taken your [[pills]] today.<<endif>><<else>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> if you took your [[pills]] or not.<<endif>> <<if $act gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and (($pills gte 1 and $psy gte 2 and $ptaken eq false) or ($psy eq 1 and $pills gte 1))>>[[Take your Pills?|Take your Pills]]<<endif>>\n<<if $lastbod neq $bod>><b>Your body has degraded.</b><<set $lastbod = $bod>><<endif>> You are <<$bodarr [$bod]>>.\n<<if $act gt 0 and $phy gt 0 and $psy gt 0>>[[Go for a Walk?|Go for a Walk]]\n[[Get Groceries & Prescription?|Get Groceries & Prescription]]\n[[Relax]]<<else if $act gt 0>>[[Relax]]<<endif>>\n[[Go to Bed]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<silently>><<set $lichpull = false>><<set $ninjas = false>><<set $lastbod = $bod>><<set $act -= 1>><<set $roll = Math.random()>>\n<<if $roll lt 0.2>>\s\n <<set $lichpull = true>>\s\n<<else if $roll lt 0.4>>\n <<set $ninjas = true>><<endif>>\s\n<<endsilently>>\s\n<<if $ninjas eq false and $lich eq false>>You go for a walk.<<set $roll = Math.random()>>\s\n <<if $roll lte 0.7>> The effort exhausts you physically.<<set $phy -= 1>>\s\n <<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $lichpull eq true>>\s\n[img[Called.jpg]]\n\nYou go for a walk. You feel the pull of the Lich. He must be close..\n\n<<if $psy gt 4>>[[Confront Him]]<<endif>>\n<<if $psy gt 3>>[[Resist and Flee]]<<endif>>\n[[Give in..]]\n<<else if $ninjas eq true>>\s\n[img[Ninjas.jpg]]\n\nYou go for a walk. Some Ninjas from your old Clan spot you and try to chase you down. <<set $roll eq Math.random() - ($bod / 10)>>\s\n <<if $roll gte 0.5>> They catch you and beat you severely.<<set $phy -= 2, $psy -= 2, $bod -= 1>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]\n <<else>>You manage to get away.<<set $phy -= 1, $psy -= 2>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]\n <<endif>>\s\n<<else>> You feel calmer.<<set $psy += 2>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]\n<<endif>>\n
To keep your body from falling apart even faster, and deter maggots. They don't work wonderfully well, but they're all you can get.\n\n<<return>>
<<set $kit = false>><<set $psy -= 2>>[img[Skip.jpg]]\n\nYou heap it all in a binbag and throw it in a skip. That.. Really hurts.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
[img[Relax.jpg]]\n\n<<set $act -= 1>><<set $roll = Math.random()*10>><<if $roll gte (6 - ($phy*3)) + $bod + ($psy*0.5)>>You manage to relax for a while.<<set $phy += 1, $psy += 1>><<else>>Due to a combination of pain and stress you are unable to properly relax.<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
<<set $hunger -= 2, $phys -= 1, $psy -= 2, $bod -= 1>><<set $roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*4)>>[img[Give%20in.jpg]]\n\nYou come to across town. You don't remember what happened. It's probably for the best.\n\n[[Flee|Main]]
[img[Kit.jpg]]\n\nYou keep hold of it, for now.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
<<set $arr = ["In-depth analysis of the history of worker's rights", "Esoteric collection of preserved animal heads"]>>\n<<set $roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)>>\n\nMy <<$arr [$roll] >> brings all the boys to the yard.
Zombie Ninja Confessional
<center>[img[Eat.jpg]]</center>\n\n<<set $apart += 0.5>><<set $act -= 1>><<set $food -= 1>><<set $hunger -= 2>><<set $roll = Math.random()>>You eat some food.<<if $bod lte 3>> You spill most of it down yourself.<<endif>><<if $roll lte 0.3>> The effort of cooking exhausts you.<<set $phy -= 1>><<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
It's all you can afford.\n\n<<return>>
<<set $act -= 1>><<if $day eq $physio>><<set $physio += 7 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*12)>><<if $physio eq $therapy>><<set $physio += 1>><<endif>>[img[Appointment.jpg]]\n\nYou go to your physio appointment. <<set $roll = Math.ceil(Math.random()*8)>>\s\n<<if $roll gt 10 - ($phy + Math.ceil($psy / 2))>>The appointment goes well. <<set $psy += 1, $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<else if $roll gt 8 - ($phy + Math.ceil($psy / 2))>>The appointment goes okay.<<set $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<else if $roll gt 6 - ($phy + Math.ceil($psy / 2))>>The appointment goes poorly. You struggle with the exercises, and the doctor seems angry at your percieved lack of effort.<<set $phy -= 1, $psy -= 1>>\s\n<<else>>The appointment goes horribly. You stagger home.<<set $phy -= 2, $psy -= 2>><<endif>>\n\nYour next physiotherapy appointment is on day <<$physio>>.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]\s\n<<else>><<set $therapy += 7 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*12)>><<if $therapy eq $physio>><<set $therapy += 1>><<endif>>[img[Appointment.jpg]]\n\nYou go to your therapy appointment. <<set $roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*8)>>You talk about <<$therarr [$roll]>>. <<set $roll = Math.ceil(Math.random()*8)>>\s\n<<if $roll gt 10 - $phy - Math.ceil($psy / 2)>>It feels good to get it out. The appointment goes well.<<set $psy += 2, $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<else if $roll gt 8 - $phy - Math.ceil($psy / 2)>>It's territory you needed to tread. The appointment goes okay.<<set $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<else if $roll gt 6 - $phy - Math.ceil($psy / 2)>>It's draining as hell. The appointment goes poorly.<<set $phy -= 1, set $psy -= 1, $phy -= 1>>\s\n<<else>>It puts you in a dark mood, and the appointment goes horribly. You stagger home.<<set $phy -= 2, $psy -= 2>><<endif>>\n\nYour next therapy appointment is on day <<$therapy>>.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]<<endif>>
Physiotherapy, to help slow and control the degredation of your body. Therapy, to help you deal with the consequences.\n\n<<return>>
<<silently>>\n<<if $psy gt 5>><<set $psy = 5>><<endif>>\n<<if $phy gt 5>><<set $phy = 5>><<endif>>\n<<if $hunger lt 0>><<set $hunger = 0>><<endif>>\n<<if $apart lt 0>><<set $apart = 0>><<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $hunger gt 4>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("starved")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $psy lte 0>>\n <<set $roll = Math.random()*5>>\n <<if $roll gte 5 - $badcount>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("suicide")>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $bod lte 0>>\n <<set $deadreason.push("decomposed")>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<if $deadreason.length gt 0>><<display Dead>><<else>><center>[img[Main.jpg]]</center>\n<center><<display UI>></center>\nYou wake up. Sunlight strobes across the grimy [[ceiling]] above your head, distorted by the windows of passing trains. You get a jolt of fear at missing Morning Training. Then you [[remember]], and close your eyes again for a while.\n\nYou have <b><<$act>> Action<<if $act gt 1>>s<<endif>></b> left today.\n\n<<if $psy lt 2>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> having any [[appointments]] today..\s\n<<else>>\s\n<<if $day neq $therapy and $day neq $physio>>You have no [[appointments]] today.<<else>><<if $day eq $therapy>><b>You have Therapy today.</b><<else>><b>You have Physiotherapy today.</b><<endif>> <<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1>>[[Go to your Appointment]]<<endif>><<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\nYour apartment is <<if $apart lt 1>><b>clean</b><<else if $apart eq 1>><b>okay</b><<else if $apart lte 2>><b>grubby</b><<else if $apart lte 3>><b>filthy</b><<else>><b>reeking and barely livable</b><<endif>>. <<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and $apart gte 1>>[[Tidy it?|Tidy]]<<endif>>\n<<if $psy gte 2>>You are <<if $hunger eq 0>><b>not hungry</b> at all<<else if $hunger eq 1>><b>reasonably hungry</b><<else if $hunger eq 2>><b>famished</b><<else if $hunger eq 3>><b>starving</b><<else if $hunger eq 4>><b>about to crumble into dust if you don't eat</b><<endif>><<else>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> when you last ate.<<endif>>. <<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and $food gte 1>>[[Eat?|Eat]]<<endif>>\n<<if $psy gte 2>><<if $ptaken eq false>>You <b>haven't</b> taken your [[pills]] today.<<else>>You <b>have</b> taken your [[pills]] today.<<endif>><<else>>You <b><i>don't remember</i></b> if you took your [[pills]] or not.<<endif>> <<if $act gte 1 and $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1 and $pills gte 1>>[[Take your Pills?|Take your Pills]]<<endif>>\n<<if $lastbod neq $bod>><b>Your body has degraded.</b><<endif>> You are <<$bodarr [$bod]>>.\n<<if $act gt 0 and $phy gt 0 and $psy gt 0>>[[Go for a Walk?|Go for a Walk]]\n[[Get Groceries & Prescription?|Get Groceries & Prescription]]\n[[Relax?|Relax]]\n[[Go to Bed?|Go to Bed]]<<else if $act gt 0>>[[Relax]]\n[[Go to Bed?|Go to Bed]]<<endif>>\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $lastbod = $bod>>\s\n<<set $ninjaclan eq false>>\s\n<<set $roll = Math.random()*7 + $bod>>\s\n<<if $roll lte 7>>\s\n <<set $ninjaclan = true>>\s\n<<endif>>\n<<if $ninjaclan eq false>>\s\n <<set $kit = false>>[img[Clan.jpg]]\s\n<<else>>[img[Ninjas.jpg]]\s\n<<endif>>\n\nYou sneak to the gates of your Clan's headquarters. <<if $ninjaclan eq true>> Some Ninjas spot you. The alarm is raised, and they try to chase you down. <<set $roll eq Math.random() - ($bod / 10)>><<if $roll gte 0.5>>They catch you and beat you severely. <<set $phy -= 2, $psy -= 2, $bod -= 1>><<else>>You manage to get away. <<set $phy -= 1, $psy -= 2>><<endif>>You <b>still have</b> your equipment. <<if $bod lte 2>>Your shambling body is <b>no longer fit to evade the Clan footpatrols</b>, it seems. <<endif>><<else>>The Ninjas at the watchposts are vigilant, but your knowledge of the building layout & patrols gives you the edge. You <b>leave</b> your sacred bundle of weapons and clothes at the foot of the Main Entrance, and vanish without a trace. <<set $phy -= 1, $psy += 2>><<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
a.internalLink {color: #33CC00 }\na.internalLink:hover {color: #FF0000 }\n
You're not welcome back at the Temple anymore.\n\n<<return>>
<<set $dream = true>>[img[Bed.jpg]]\n\nYou go to bed. \s\n<<if ($day eq $therapy or $day eq $physio) and $appgone eq false>>Lying there, you realise you missed your \s\n <<if $day eq $therapy>>therapy\s\n <<else>>physiotherapy\s\n <<endif>>\s\n appointment. You try not to beat yourself up for it too much, but it's hard not to feel like you've messed up. <<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n<<set $roll = Math.random()>>\s\n<<if $psy lte 2 and $phy lte 2 and $roll gte 0.8>>\s\n You sleep all night, and all through the day, too..<<set $day += 1, $hunger += 1>>\s\n<<else>>\s\n <<set $roll = Math.random()*10>>\s\n <<if $roll gte (10 - ($phy*3)) + $bod + ($psy*0.5)>>You sleep soundly that night.<<set $phy += 2, $psy += 2>>\s\n <<else if $roll gte (6 - ($phy*3)) + $bod + ($psy*0.5)>>You spend much of the night tossing and turning, but manage to get a little sleep.\s\n <<else>>\s\n <<set $dream = false>>You are unable to sleep that night.<<set $psy -= 1>>\s\n <<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $dream eq true>><<set $roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * $therarr.length)>> You dream of <<$therarr [$roll] >>.\s\n<<endif>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]<<silently>><<set $day += 1>>\n<<set $hunger += 1>>\n<<if $psy lte 1 or $phy lte 1>>\n <<set $badcount += 1>>\n<<else>>\n<<set $badcount = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $lastbod = $bod>>\n <<if $ptaken eq false>>\n <<set $pcounter += 1>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $pcounter = 0>>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $roll = Math.random() + ($pcounter*0.2)>>\n<<if $roll gt 0.8>>\n <<set $bod -= 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<set $ptaken = false>>\n<<if $psy gte 3 and $phy gte 3 and ($psy gte 4 or $phy gte 4)>>\n <<set $act = 4>>\n<<else if $psy gte 2 and $phy gte 2>>\n <<set $act = 3>>\n<<else if $psy gte 1 and $phy gte 1>>\n <<set $act = 2>>\n<<else>>\n <<set $act = 1>>\n<<endif>>\n<<if $apart gt 3>><<set $psy -= 1>><<endif>>\n<<set $apart += 0.5>>\n<<endsilently>>
[img[LichDeath.jpg]]\n\n<<set $deadreason.push("had the dark magic that powered your undeath ripped from you"), $bod = 0>>An expression of the briefest surprise crosses his face. You stagger towards him, a tanto knife gripped to your chest in a lunge.\n\nHe raises one palm towards you. You can feel your flesh disintegrate. You are without skin. Without muscle. Without bone.\n\nYou are [[dust|Dead]].
<<silently>>\n<<if $kit eq true>>\n <<set $roll = Math.random()>>\n <<if $roll gte 0.8>>\n <<set $tidykit = true>>\n <<endif>>\n<<endif>>\n<<endsilently>>\n<<set $act -= 1>><<set $apart -= 1>><<if $tidykit eq true and $kit eq true>>[img[Kit.jpg]]\n\nYou clean your apartment. The effort exhausts you. Your apartment looks a little cleaner.\n\nYou come across your old ninja equipment, bundled up in a sports bag. It reminds you of all the things you used to be able to do. It makes you intensely sad<<if $psy lte 3>>, but it has too many memories attached for you to throw it out right now.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]<<else>>, but it would be painful to get rid of..\n\n[[Throw it in the trash.|NoKit]]\n[[Return it to the Clan.|TempKit]]\n[[Keep it.|KeepKit]]<<endif>><<else>>[img[Tidy.jpg]]\n\nYou clean your apartment. The effort exhausts you. <<if $bod lte 4>>It's slow going with your ruined fingers.<<endif>> Your apartment looks a little cleaner.\n\n[[Okay|Main]]<<endif>><<set $phy -= 1, $psy -= 1>>
<center><<set $roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * $deadreason.length)>><<set $death = $deadreason [$roll] >>You have died the final death.\n\n<<if $deadreason.indexOf("suicide") gt -1>>You killed yourself.<<else>>You <<$death>>.<<endif>>\n\nYou lasted <<$day>> days. \n\nYour final stats were:\n<<display UI>></center>\n\n[[...|Start]]
[Day: <<$day>> || Pills: <<$pills>> | Food: <<$food>> | Body: <<$bod>>]\n[Energy || Psychological: <<$psy>> | Physical: <<$phy>>]
[img[Main.jpg]]\n\nYou get back safely. You are shaking. <<set $psy -= 2, $phy -= 1>>\n\n[[Okay|Main]]
[img[Lich.jpg]]\n\nYou follow the psychic aura through the streets. You find him in a darkened clearing in the Park. A shrivelled man in samurai armour, the plates painted in chipped crimson. Streams of purple silk are draped from his shoulders, embroidered with glowing orange-gold sigils. A ring of candles surrounds him. \n\nHe turns to you.\n\n[["Obey.."|Give in..]]\n[[Resist|OhNo]]