Yes and no. Your vibrations exist, and so does your part of the consciousness - that is, your lens through which you interpret all those vibrations. \nBut 'you' - the <<$name>>, your body, your brain your feelings - are only an illusion. An artifact of your lens, if you will.\n\n[[I don't agree...|Disagree]]\n[[Yes!|Love]]\n[[Alright...|Love]]
I (what I can describe as 'I', at least) love you <<$name>>, your bit of consciousness, the lens you make the world with, the vibrations in your little area of the universe. \n\n<<set $alert = alert('I love you infinitely. Even from afar, parts of your vibrations stay with me, others reach me and I respond to very single one of them...')>>\n\n\n
Under A Mountain
Evrything in the universe ('uni-verse' - everything is one) is nothing but vibrations. \n\nIt is your consciousness, THE consciousness, that translates these vibrations into colours, shapes, textures; into sounds and feelings; into tastes and smells. In the 'real' world, there is no beauty, no distinctions. You and your parts are only vibrations, the same vibrations as me and my parts, and as those of every other person, of all other 'things'.\n\n[[So, I don't exist?|Mid-one]]\n\n[[But where is my consciousness?|Mid-two]]
We'll it's not as simple as we tend to assume it is.\n\n[[Ok, how so?|Option one-two]]\n
You're in your mind. Your consciousness is what creates the world.\n\n[[oh yes?|Further]]
<<set $name to prompt("What's your name?","Alberto")>>\n\nHello <<$name>>.\n\nWhere are you now? \n\n[[Here, of course!|Option one]]\n[[Why do you ask?|Option two]]\n[[Hmm, I'm not so sure.|Option three]]\n
It's everywhere!\n\n[[Yes, everywhere! I am everything and nothing!|Love]]
No, you're not!\n\n[[.... But then, where am I?|Option one-two]]\n
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Good start!\n\nYou're in your mind, in your consciousness.\n\n[[right...|Further]]