^^[[ Jonathan Floyd (1) ]]^^
''Margret Jacobs ''
Dear All,
As some of you might know, an incident has occurred to our colleague. Mr. Kevin Miller from our finance department was reported missing as of last night. All we know of his last whereabouts is that he took the 21A bus from down the road and got off at Moss Street at 09:23PM. There is no trace of him since that time and location. If anyone knows anything about Kevin’s potential whereabouts, please ping Sandy so she may pass it on to the investigators.
For those in office, your cooperation with the investigators is of utmost importance. They will be conducting interviews up until noon, please provide any and all information you have about Kevin.
I will be providing updates about Kevin in the this all-staff general channel thoughout the day.
Sending my thoughts and blessings out to Kevin’s family and friends. Let’s all stay strong and hope Kevin will be returned to us soon.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[ //Yeah//]
thought for a second that I had dreamed up that email...
which one is Kevin again?
[[What do you mean?]]
[[Kevin from Finance.]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X") [//I hope he's okay//]]
for sure, hope he's safe.
but also, which one is Kevin?
[[What do you mean?]]
[[Kevin from Finance.]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Sounds crazy//]
I know right?
but also, which one is Kevin?
[[What do you mean?]]
[[Kevin from Finance.]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//What do you mean?//]
that's the only thing I know about Kevin.
his name is Kevin and he works in finance.
don't know what sub-department of finance, but I know we got a Kevin
plus, we have 7 or so finance guys, and that's not including the interns. Do you know which one he is?
[[You’ve been here longer than me]]
[[Probably… the one that’s balding?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"============XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[//You've been here longer than me//]
I started 1 month before you, that's not a lot of time to know everyone in this company
I've never even had to speak to him until the rest of you guys came in
[[That's a long time]]
[[That's true]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Probably… the one that’s balding?//]
now you know that doesn't help narrow anything down
[[You’ve been here longer than me]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//That's a long time//]
you don't get to give me that attitude.
you also don't know what he looks like
or how he sounds like either!
kevin's pronouns are he/him right?
and we're all work from home anyway, so
it's not like we actually get a chance to socialise in person.
[[But we've spoken to him]]
[[That's true]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
Morning! Did Kelly with the login/payment problems contact you again?
Also, how wild is this thing about Kevin? Hope he's doing okay.
Did not expect to wake up to an email about a missing colleague. This is absolutely unreal.
[[Kelly didn't contact me]]
[[I know right?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//But we've spoken to him//]
yeah for work! that's different!
I didn't even clock his last name was miller until the email
[[What's my last name?]]
[[That's harsh]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
^^(align:"==>")+(box:"=========X")[10:08]^^I mean I'm pretty sure he's the guy that processes refunds but... Other than that I honestly know nothing about him
hoping someone can give Sandy from HR some info about him
feel like the guy's a mystery
[[We just didn't know him well]]
[[Yeah, probably]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//What's my last name?//]
ha ha.
speak to you enough to see your name come up on the sidebar
and we're colleagues in the same team.
it's only courtesy to know the names of the people you work most with
I do wonder if anyone was able to give Sandy from HR any info...
feel like the guy's a mystery
[[Yeah, probably]]
[[We just didn't know him well]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//We just didn't know him well//]
yeah well
if you're not memorable despite having multiple conversations or whatever
maybe the fault lies in you
[[Yeah, probably]]
[[That's harsh]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kelly didn't contact me//]
Okay, cool
Do you know if Jon's working today? He's online, but he hasn't replied to my messages
We're supposed to be a team... That work together... he knows that Right?
She might've contacted him instead. But if not, I'll have to chase her payment
I don't know how much work I'm going to get done today with Kevin missing...
I just can't believe something happened to that man...
[[He's online ]]
[[Jon's trying to find him]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Yeah, probably//]
that said
feels bad that this happened to him
I feel like there's for sure a way we can help?
I'm not getting a lot of customer complaints today
or queries
we could probably spend some time looking into what happened.
you in?
[[We should leave it to the cops]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//That's harsh//]
you can't say that about me when you also don't know anything about the man
that said
feels bad that this happened to him
there's for sure a way we can help?
I'm not getting a lot of customer complaints today
or queries
we could probably spend some time looking into what happened.
you in?
[[We should leave it to the cops]]
^^[[Jasmine Diaz (3)]] ^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//We should leave it to the cops//]
and what, sit around doing nothing all day?
when we could expedite the search?
we should start by asking finance about him, see what they know
[[Sounds good]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
we can start by asking people in finance what they know about their colleague?
[[Sounds good]]
^^[[Jasmine Diaz (3)]]
[[Willow Roberts]]
[[Luke Axford]]^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Sounds good//]
I can ask mike and jess
you take luke and willow?
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")[//Morning, Willow! I was hoping you could help with something?//]
Of course! What's the invoice you need help with?
[[Actually, it's about Kevin]]
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXX")[//Hi Luke, I was hoping you could assist me with something?//]
Of course, ping me the invoice ID so I can take a look?
[[It's about Kevin]]
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I know right?//]
I mean I expect to wake up to an email about something so dreadful but
I bet everyone in the office is gossiping about Kevin...
Anyways, Kelly?
[[Kelly didn't contact me]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//He's online//]
Is he swamped with queries?
The inbox seems quite managable today though
[[Jon's trying to find him]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Jon's trying to find him//]
Didn't know he and Kevin were close
[[They're not]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//They're not//]
What's he doing?
[[He's asking finance about Kevin]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
did you tell Jasmine?
I'm getting so many messages from her
I was hoping I didn't have to get back to her about work until after I finish coffee
it's to unprofessional
[[Since when did you care about professionalism]]
[[She might be helpful]]
[[Jasmine Diaz (4)]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Since when did you care about professionalism//]
low blow. please do your job
and by your job, I mean finding Kevin
and maybe getting Jasmine to do our share of work today
I have a feeling this investigation will take up the whole work day=|
^^[[Willow Roberts]]
[[Luke Axford]]
[[Jasmine Diaz (4)]] ^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//She might be helpful//]
you know damn well she isn't
she comes back from lunch five minutes early
there's no way she's going to help us sleuth
willow and luke will definitely be more helpful than jasmine
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
Honestly, I cannot see how he can be helpful to the case
I just know he hasn't checked his email yet
Talk about professionalism
I need to know if we need to chase Kelly!!
[[Jon might turn up with something]]
|==| =|
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (5) ]]^^
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//He's asking finance about Kevin//]
If anything, they'll give info over to the cops first, though
Tell him to stop wasting time and get back to work
I don't want to get in trouble with Margret
Or, I guess with Ruth...
[[Actually, I'll also be looking for Kevin. Can I reassign my cases to you for today?]]
[[Jon might turn up with something]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXX")[//Actually, I'll also be looking for Kevin. Can I reassign my cases to you for today?//]
Are you for real
What can you even do
I've never heard you mention Kevin before, and I'm pretty sure Kevin's never spoke about you
Not that I have many opportunities to speak with Kevin about things that aren't invoices
[[Just for today?]]
[[Kevin's missing !!!]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Jon might turn up with something//]
I'm not confident he's charismatic enough to get anything out of anyone
I won't tell Ruth, but he better get back to me by the end of the hour
Don't get looped in with his schemes btw
[[Can I reassign my cases to you?]]
[[I won't...]]
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Can I reassign my cases to you?//]
What? No!!!
[[Kevin's missing !!!]]
[[Just for today?]]
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Just for today?//]
I mean...
Whatever, I guess, it's a slow enough day
Just make sure Ruth doesn't catch on
I'll search up your case IDs so Ruth doesn't get notified that you're not actually doing work
You owe me one
[[Thanks, Jasmine. Appreciate it.]]
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin's missing !!!//]
Yeah but!
I don't want to sound unempathetic, but how exactly would asking finance help...
The police are already investigating anyway, and they do this professionally!
[[Just for today?]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I won't...//]
I don't think I like that hesitance there
Please do not tell me you got looped into this
If Ruth finds out...
You probably won't be fired, but it's still //bad//
[[Kevin's missing !!!]]
|==| =|
^^[[Luke Axford (2)]]
[[Willow Roberts (1)]] ^^
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Thanks, Jasmine. Appreciate it.//]
I can't even say you owe me lunch because you don't come into office
but you owe me!!
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
Morning! Your teammate Jonathan mentioned that there's a case you need some assistance with. I can take a look at it if you've got the invoice number?
[[It's about Kevin]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
Hi there, Jonathan from customer services notified me of a financial request you're having trouble with?
[[Actually, it's about Kevin]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//It's about Kevin//]
Oh, well
If you happen to know anything about it, please give Sandy a shout
[[I was hoping you could tell me more about him?]]
[[Are you close with Kevin?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Actually, it's about Kevin//]
Was there something you needed him to do for you? I can takeover for now.
[[I meant about his disappearance?]]
[[Were you close with Kevin?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXX")[//I was hoping you could tell me more about him?//]
Well, there's not a lot I know about his private life
He's real quiet, even during non-work hours
Keeps to himself a lot, which I understand. Everyone's got boundaries.
Just hope he could've spoken about himself more so that maybe we'd have more to go on
I hope he's just... visiting someone out of town and forgot to charge his phone or something
[[Does he have family out of town?]]
[[Is he forgetful like that?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Are you close with Kevin?//]
He's a good colleague. Quiet for the most part but cracks a good joke or two sometimes
We get drinks sometimes, usually when the suns out for longer
It’s a toss up whether he’ll come
I think he likes a good hour and a half away or something
Genuinely hoping he's just visiting a family out of town or something and his phone died
Really hope he gets found soon
[[Does he have family out of town?]]
[[Is he forgetful like that?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Does he have family out of town?//]
Doesn't everyone?
Kevin probably just took a day off to travel but forgot to actually ask for the day off
And didn't charge his phone or something
I overheard that his emergency contact couldn't get a call through either, so the phone battery's probably busted. Or the phone's just off.
[[Does he turn off his phone often?]]
[[Kevin's emergency contact?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Is he forgetful like that?//]
In my years of working with him, not forgetful
Just not very interested in connecting with the rest of the world, would be the best description
There's not much difference if his phone is on or not since he's not on any socials
But he tends to keep his phone charged since it's a bit of a commute to get home for him.
[[Where does he live?]]
[[Does he turn off his phone often?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Deos he turn off his phone often?//]
He's unreachable at 9PM sharp
Once tried to call him because an overseas client was looking for him
And no one could get through!
He's a generation or two older than myself, I think, so he probably sleeps early.
[[How old is Kevin?]]
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin's emergency contact?//]
No clue who it is
But it's reassuring to know that at least someone close to him knows about this
At the same time, though, a little anxious about that fact that his emergency contact also has no clue where he is
And that we can't get through to him
[[Does he turn off his phone often?]]
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (2) ]]
[[Jasmine Diaz (5)]]^^
Hi Team,
It's been a crazy morning for everyone. Gossip spreads fast and I must remind everyone to keep this incident under the radar. Do not post about this on social media. Kevin's loved ones are stressed enough as it is.
Additionally, mental health services are available and accessible by messaging one of our Safety Officers. If you feel you are in need of those services, please do not hesitate to seek them out—they are here for a reason, and they are here for you. Otherwise, please proceed your work day as usual—we will fill that Kevin sized hole in our hearts soon!
Despite this heartbreaking news, we must push on. We've got a big backlog on missing payments/payments that didn't go through. This will need to be sorted before EOD. I've been hearing chatter about trying to find Kevin on company time. ''Please do not take matters into you own hands. This incident will be handled by law enforcement.''
If you have any concerns, feel free to send a quick email or a message.
Please take care and thank you for your discretion,
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Where does he live?//]
Not sure. Again, he’s not one to offer information about himself.
Just know that he lives alone.
If he has a spouse or partner, I wouldn't know. He doesn't wear a wedding ring, I assume he isn't married.
Whoever the police contacted as Kevin's emergency contact probably wouldn't be a romantic connection.
[[Kevin's emergency contact?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//How old is Kevin?//]
Probably... fifties?? Maybe sixties?
He hasn't aged a day since I started working here, and that was five years ago
You know
You're asking a lot of questions about Kevin.
While I appreciate your concern, I wouldn't dwell on this.
I'm sure Kevin's fine. We have a whole investigation team trying to find him.
[[And I'm trying to help]]
[[This is the most interesting thing that's happened here]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//And I'm trying to help//]
I'll be frank with you, I don't think you'll get very far asking me
Or anyone in the company
Even the officer's here have a better chance asking around his neighbours than at his workplace
It's always the neighbours that know something, right ? In those mystery novels?
[[Mystery novels?]]
|==| =|
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXX")[//This is the most interesting thing that's happened here//]
Hah! I don't disagree.
Knowing Kevin and his elusivity, this could very well feature on a crime podcast.
Crime's too strong of a word. Mystery podcast maybe.
Pretty sure Kevin was a fan of mystery novels too.
[[Mystery novels?]]
|==| =|
[[Jonathan Floyd (2)]]
Luke Axford 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Mystery novels?//]
I remember Kevin was reading Sherlock the other day
or Poirot.
Probably Poirot actually, but I didn't get a good look at the cover
As much as I would like to continue this conversation, I do need to get back to work.
The backlog is piling up and it's not even noon.
Without Kevin, it's one less pair of eyes and hands processing numbers
You should too.
Take care.
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
jess from accounting likes accounting puns
i might have to replace you with jess as my work bestie
not because I like accounting puns or puns in general
anyway, you spoken to luke yet?
[[Not yet]]
|==| =|
^^[[Jasmine Diaz (5)]] ^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
I swear to god if jasmine snitched...
she can't be that anal right, there's no way
[[I don't think it was her]]
|==| =|
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (3)]]^^
Jasmine Diaz🟢
oh my god
I DID NOT say anything !!
Cross my heart
I swear
[[I know it wasn't you]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I don't think it was her//]
okay good because I'll cry otherwise
so what did you find out about kevin?
[[Kevin's twitter is @KevinMiller12171]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXX")[//I meant about his disappearance?//]
I see
As I've told the investigators, I have no clue why he would be up and gone the way he did
And before you ask if he showed any signs of distress piror to last night, the answer is no.
[[Are you aware of any suspicious people around Kevin?]]
[[Do you know where he could've went??]]
[[Was he easy to get along with?]]
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Were you close with Kevin?//]
I'd say so
He showed me the ropes when I started working here
And back then I had just switched career paths too, so
He's a bit of a mentor figure to me
Before you interrogate me further, as you so clearly seem to be doing, let me just say that no, I didn't notice any difference in his behaviour prior to last night
[[Do you know where he could've went??]]
[[Are you aware of any suspicious people around Kevin?]]
[[Was he easy to get along with?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXX")[//Are you aware of any suspicious people around Kevin?//]
Straight to the point, aren't you?
Making me feel like I'm back in the interrogation room I just came out of.
But no, I don't think so
He doesn't seem the type to be involved with anything shady
But then again, I don't really know anything about his life outside of the office
Kevin's quite the private type of person
Even though he has social media, he's barely posting anything
[[He has social media?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXX")[//Do you know where he could've went??//]
Here's the thing, I've been wracking my brain to try to narrow down where he could possibly be visiting
if he's willingly up and dissappeared I mean.
He hasn't mentioned wanting a holiday, or visiting anyone or anything
He's most excited to go home usually
I don't remember him showing any interest in going anywhere outside the city on his socials
but he also isn't very active on them
[[He has social media?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//He has social media?//]
He might be one of the eldest members of the team, but he does have both a twitter and instagram
Nothing on his instagram, though
[[Would you mind sharing his @?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Was he easy to get along with?//]
Have you spoken to Kevin before?
[[Only professionally]]
[[Ashamed to say, not really]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Only professionally//]
Right, your team works from home...
Kevin's an amiable guy, just really shy despite his years and experience.
I think he's been here like 21 yers or something.
You really have to sort of pry him out of his shell to get to know him.
But it's not like he isn't friendly if he doesn't really know you, you know?
His tweets are just, for the lack of a better description, cute old man tweets?
[[Would you mind sharing his @?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Ashamed to say, not really//]
Well, your team does work from home, I suppose.
Kevin's an agreeable guy.
I think he's quite shy despite his years and experience
I think he's been here like 21 yers or something?
You really have to sort of pry him out of his shell to get to know him.
But it's not like he isn't friendly if he doesn't really know you, you know?
His tweets are just, for the lack of a better description, cute old man tweets?
[[Would you mind sharing his @?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Kevin's twitter is @KevinMiller12171//]
didn't think he'd be the type, but nice going
I have to assume that the investigators have already taken a look but it can't hurt to look twice
while you do that i'm gonna question the interns, see if they know anything
[[Go to: twitter.com/KevinMiller12156]]?
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
mike said that out of everyone in finance, willow was closest to kevin
you speak to her yet?
[[Willow Roberts (1)]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
figured you'd take luke first
sent willow a heads up for ya
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
okay. trading time.
what info did you gather?
|==| =|
^^[[Cusotmer Services/Queries Team (1)]] ^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
what'd he say?
shit, ruth just messaged the channel
^^[[Luke Axford (2)]]^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Not yet//]
I'lll see if that part time finance guy knows anything
what's his name?
you know what, you focus on luke, I'll figure it out
btw, sent him a heads up for ya
|==| =|
Jonathon Floyd🟢
I swear to god if jasmine snitched...
she can't be that anal right, there's no way
she KNOWS sucking up won't get her a promotion
[[I don't think it was her]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
I didn't even think of this until the investigators brought it up
I suppose you can never really rule out affiliation with gangs or loan sharks
But I can't imagine Kevin being invovled with that stuff
If he was, then he was real good at hiding it
Knowing him, if he was struggling with something dangerous like that, his social media probably wouldn't look like that
[[He has social media?]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Would you mind sharing his @?//]
You're welcome
I don't think he'd appreciate me sharing his @ to the police, and now to you, but sure, let me look it up
[[Thanks so much]]
[[Didn't think he'd be interested in social media]]
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Thanks so much//]
It's @KevinMiller12171
What are you trying to do, anyway?
[[Just trying to find a colleague]]
[[Kevin's a mystery]]
|==| =|
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXX")[//Didn't think he'd be interested in social media//]
He's not very active
It was more like monthly updates rather than constant casual updates
I have to ask. Why are you taking this upon yourself?
[[Kevin's a mystery]]
[[Just trying to find a colleague]]
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (4)]]^^
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Just trying to find a colleague//]
Well, if you find anything, let me know
And also let Sandy from HR know
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin's a mystery//]
Haha, he is a fan of the mystery genre, but not enough to become one I hope.
I don't agree with your outlook on this, though
Kevin's a person, and he's still missing
If this is for your own entertainment, please reconsider your values
That said, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to go on with my workday knowing my colleague is missing
If you have any financial requests from clients, just let me know.
[[Thank you]]
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (4)]] ^^
Willow Roberts 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Thank you//]
And you find anything
Let me know
(also Sandy from HR know)
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
oh my god
[[I hope he's okay]]
[[Sounds crazy]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin from Finance.//]
yeah I know that
but that's all I know about him
we've got 7 or so finance guys, and that's not including the interns. Do you know which one he is?
[[You’ve been here longer than me]]
[[Probably… the one that’s balding?]]
Kevin Miller
We're all floating down on the same river.
Born 12 January 1971
38 Following
Joined 6 May 2015
^^Tweets and Replies^^
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 March 2018^^
A rich earl-grey at 2PM. Very refreshing and smooth.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^22 January 2018^^
Beautiful flower on 1st street. A drop of spring amidst the long, dark winters.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 November 2017^^
Great book. I would highly recommend for lovers of mystery. The melancholy, tense action and reveal was delightful to see unfold. 4/5!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 August 2017^^
I would’ve never thought that I would be seeing this many total eclipses in my lifetime. What an incredible moment to experience.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 June 2017^^
On the bus back returning from office and realised how much has changed: Bellheart field now has a gas station and 2 fast food restaurants…
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 April 2017^^
Spending my off-day lounging with windows open and a leaf the epitome of evergreen flew onto the table! Nature is calling for me to go hiking soon.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 February 2017^^
It seems like a pattern that I’m not the fondest of has formed from my newfound habit of eating earlier. The sooner I have dinner, the sooner I’m asleep.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^2 January 2017^^
Tried a new tea today. Have never been a fan of floral blends, but Walsburi’s newest elderflower, jasmine and rose tea is a gateway tea.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^2 December 2016^^
I will never not be baffled by the determination of that punk down the street, revving his engine past midnight every day. We get it, you’re home! Pipe down!
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 October 2016^^
An unreal, insane, colossal waste of a workday. The temps have their training today, and instead of simply training our new colleagues ( … )
my entire team also underwent the same training despite having been at the company for ages! The nail in the coffin? (…)
Training was 5hrs & led by our newest colleague. I’ve never experienced a more redundant day at work.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 July 2016^^
The A.B.C. Murders performed by my local theatre troupe was a wonderful adaptation. Lovely to have attended their final performance! Bravissima!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 May 2016^^
Was blown away by a video my colleague showed me today. The advances animation has made in CGI is a technological wonder! (…)
I truly regret not watching Cameron’s Avatar when it was still in theatres, way back when. It would have taken my breath away!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 March 2016^^
Every time my back cracks a little, I wonder if I should switch to a more active job, rather than sitting in a chair for eight hours a day…
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 January 2016^^
Been in bit of a reading slump recently, but picked up an interesting-looking second hand book on the way home. Will post my thoughts soon.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 December 2015^^
That urge to simply venture into the depths of nature is so very appealing after 10 hours at the office…
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 October 2015^^
My friend from my bo0kclub shared the most insightful reading of Bleak House. Inspiring how young he is and how deeply he contemplates.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 August 2015^^
While exposing age known on the internet can be embarrassing, and I absolutely hate to say it, but sometimes, the speed of our present is truly wicked.
Pausing time (every 2 business days) would be appreciated just so we all get some time to enjoy and live life, which is what we were made to do
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 June 2015^^
Saw kids buying vinyl records on my way to a cafe. Really brought back memories of my youth, bittersweet and fleeting.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 April 2015^^
Brightening my bedro0m with yellow poppies. Their symbolism crushing down on me.
[[5lack: (2) Notifications]]
^^[[Jasmine Diaz (2)]]^^
''Email Notifications (automatic)''
You have (1) unread email.
Open [[Case: 82481]]?
|==|From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: Please Assist
To whom it may concern,
I'm having just a slight bit of trouble connecting with anyone in office. Is there a number for which I could call the office? I think I've tried to connect with someone 21 times, and have been put on hold or transferred to someone else. I believe my query might be more easily solved if I speak to a member of your team directly.
Mike Virnell
[[Reply All]]=|
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
I've pretty much helped you sort out all the customer emails now
[[Really? Thanks so much]]
[[A perfect day for the inbox to be slow]]
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//A perfect day for the inbox to be slow//]
You're lucky that today was such a slow day
Nevermind, you just got another email
You can take that one though right? I've gone through 12 of yours on top of my 13
[[I'll get this one]]
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Really? Thanks so much//]
I think a new one just came in, but you can take this one, right? I've gone through 12 of yours on top of my 13
This is a one time thing !!
I still want gratitude in a physical form, perferably something I may consume
This can be either delivering food to my address for lunch or,,,
I don't know, can you bake?
[[I can bake]]
[[I'll deliver something to you]]
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I can bake//]
I'm learning a lot about you today
If possible, anything chocolate would be nice
Hard no on lemon squares, we're not old people
No offense if you enjoy that though.
My favourite is a key lime pie
and my brother says that makes me sound like a sad old lady,
so any insults you might have ready to throw at me will have already been said
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I'll deliver something to you//]
Will get you my address on a day I can't be bothered to cook or bring food into the office
So, how's the search going?
Have you found Mr Kevin Miller?
[[It's going]]
[[Email Notifications (automatic)]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
How's the search going?
Have you found Mr Kevin Miller?
[[It's going]]
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
Classic, can't go wrong !
How's the search going?
Have you found Kevin?
[[It's going]]
[[Email Notifications (automatic)]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//It's going//]
I'm guessing it's not looking great
I suggest you take a break from detective work and go back to work for a bit
Answer that one email at the very least
[[Yeah, sure...]]
[[Might help clear my head]]
Email Notifications (automatic)
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I can take it//]
Just so you know, this is a one time thing !!
I still want gratitude in a physical form, perferably something I may consume
This can be either delivering food to my address for Lunch or
I don't know, can you bake?
[[I can bake]]
[[I'll deliver something to you]]
[[Email Notifications (automatic)]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Might help clear my head//]
Switch it up a little
Lmk when you have a new lead on Mr Kevin Miller
[[Email Notifications (automatic)]]
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Yeah, sure...//]
Just get back to work !
I don't wanna get in trouble!
Email Notifications (automatic)
You have (1) unread email.
Open [[Case: 82481]]?
|==|To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: Please Assist
//Dear Mike,
Thank you for contacting Jenyeric — please know that your every query is important to us.
This is our reception number, which is also available on our website:
I can also assist you through email, if you would like.
Alternatively, we could give you a call. If you would like to speak to a specific department, please let me know so that I may notify them to ring you when they can.
Jenyeric Ltd. //
[[View Reply]]From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: Please Assist
Hi there,
I hope I don’t come off as condescending, but I will have to humbly ask four an alternative. I don't think I'm comfortable threely giving that informatIon away in an email.
I understand that ate the end of the day, you are trying to help, but I must implore you to try a little harder to assist those who are in need of your help? Four starters, an attitude that is less like a machine and more like a person? VVe are all human after all, aren’t we.
If it’s not two much trouble, I would like to receive a call from you by the end of the day to solve this problem I’m facing. I have to assume there’s half a dozen things you’re busy with today, but 1 am hopeful you will be able to assist me. HaVe a good day.
Mike Virnell
[[5lack: (1) Notification]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
so everyone on the team has been getting emails from a Mike Virell or something, have you?
[[Me too]]
[[You mean Mike Virnell]]
|==| To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
//Hi Mike,
The phone number for our office is available on our website, but here it is again if it is difficult to locate: +X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
If you would like for us to assist you through email, that is completely fine too.
Please specify what you need assistance with, so I can patch you to the right team to best help you.
Thank you . //
[[View Reply (1) ]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Me too//]
great so they've harassed all of us
you willing to take one for the team?
[[I got it]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//You mean Mike Virnell//]
virell, virnell, whatever, you've been getting asssigned emails from them too?
i think
[[I have]]
|==| =|
''Email Notifications (automatic)''
[[Reply]] Case 82481 ?
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I have//]
great so they've harassed all of us
you willing to take one for the team?
[[I got it]]
|==| =|
^^[[Cusotmer Services/Queries Team (1)]]^^
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
damn, nvm, ruth just sent an email
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (3)]] ^^
Jasmine Diaz🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I know it wasn't you//]
Our internal communications are probably being monitored (for investigation purposes or otherwise)
I'm gonna focus on work now (you should too!)
|==| From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
Awaiting a call to assist with this issue.
Mike Virnell
[[5lack: (5) Notifications]]
//Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
i havent even replied to the emails from this mike verail guy
and yet, im still getting emails from them??
mike virne
nope: mike virnell
[[Not quite sure how to proceed...]]
[[Not a fan of their tone]]
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
Hey, unsure if you've checked your email yet, but there's a really strange email from a Mike Virnell?
[[Handling it as we speak]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//You got it too?//]
i know right?
whats this guy's deal?
like what does he want from us???
[[They want us to call them?]]
[[They want us to solve a problem]]
|==| //Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
[[Wait a bit]]?
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Handling it as we speak//]
The mispellings are one thing, but
the weird capitalization and numbers are freaking me out a little bit...
And the attitude! I will fist fight this guy !
[[It's okay, I'll handle it]]
|==| =|
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (7)]]^^
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//It's okay, I'll handle it//]
Ok, thanks
|==| =|
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
Is it okay if you take this one?
[[No problem]]
|==| =|
^^[[Jonathan Floyd (7)]]^^
Jasmine Diaz 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//No problem//]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
ive just checked to see if we have records of mike virnell
like if they had previous quieries or purchased something from us
or if they were a client or supplier etcetc.
we have no record of this person
so i genuinely have no clue what they even need help with?
what were they even saying in that weird email?
it just sounds like complaining for complaining's sake
[[They want us to call them?]]
[[They want us to solve a problem]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//They want us to call them?//]
with what number?
they didn't give us anything...
[[I'll ask for clarification]]
[[I think they did]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//They want us to solve a problem//]
well... whats the problem they need help with?
[[I'll ask for clarification]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I think he did//]
you sure?
i didn't really see a number to call...
but i mean, if you've got it, you've got it
i trust you
let me know if they sound like an asshole
//Call [[+XX 431 794 2635]]?//
//Call [[+XX 431 845 2615]]?//
//Call [[+XX 311 825 5148]]?//
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I'll ask for clarification//]
this mike person already sounds pissed off...
im not sure how good an idea that will be but
im sure they don't mean any harm?
[[Reply to Case 82481]]
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
//Hi Mike,
Thanks for your patience.
We're having trouble understanding what you need help with and how we can assist you. Could you please clarify what it is you require assistance with so what we may proceed to solving your issue?
Jenyeric Ltd.//
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
Awaiting a call to assist with this issue.
Mike Virnell
[[View Case: 82481]]
[[Jasmine Diaz (1)]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Not a fan of their tone//]
god ikr
im gonna check if we've ever had a mike virnell email us
and whether they've been blocked before
|==| From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: Please Assist
To whom it may concern,
I'm having just a slight bit of trouble connecting with anyone in office. Is there a number for which I could reach you? I think I've tried to connect with someone 21 times, and have been put on hold or transferred to someone else. I believe my query might be more easily solved if I speak to a member of your team directly.
Mike Virnell
To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: Please Assist
//Dear Mike,
Thank you for contacting Jenyeric — please know that your every query is important to us.
This is our reception number, which is also available on our website:
I can also assist you through email, if you would like.
Alternatively, we could give you a call. If you would like to speak to a specific department, please let me know so that I may notify them to ring you when they can.
Jenyeric Ltd. //
From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: Please Assist
Hi there,
I hope I don’t come off as condescending, but I will have to humbly ask four an alternative. I don't think I'm comfortable threely giving that informatIon away in an email.
I understand that ate the end of the day, you are trying to help, but I must implore you to try a little harder to assist those who are in need of your help? Four starters, an attitude that is less like a machine and more like a person? VVe are all human after all, aren’t we.
If it’s not two much trouble, I would like to receive a call from you by the end of the day to solve this problem I’m facing. I have to assume there’s half a dozen things you’re busy with today, but 1 am hopeful you will be able to assist me. HaVe a good day.
Mike Virnell
To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
Hi Mike,
The phone number for our office is available on our website, but here it is again if you are unable to locate it: +X-XXX-XXX-XXXX
If you would like for us to assist you through email, that is completely fine too.
Please specify what you need assistance with, so I can patch you to the right team to best help you.
Thank you .
From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
Respectfully, I have already given you my number.
Awaiting a call to assist with this issue.
Mike Virnell
From: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
To: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
//Hi Mike,
Thanks for your patience.
We're having trouble understanding what you need help with and how we can assist you. Could you please clarify what it is you require assistance with so what we may proceed to solving your issue?
Jenyeric Ltd.//
From: Mike.Virnell21@gmail.com
To: Jenyeric.general@JYRC.com
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Please Assist
Awaiting a call to assist with this issue.
Mike Virnell
[[5lack: (2) Notification]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
Call [[+XX 431 845 2615]]?
Call [[+XX 311 825 5148]]?
|==| //Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
[[Wait some more]]?
[[Hang up]]?//Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
[["Hi, is this Mike Virnell?"]]
[["Hello, this is Jenyeric Ltd."]]=|
Ruth Lowe🟢
Hey, are you free to chase up on some payments?
There's around 300 customers having trouble with payments.
Jasmine, Frank and Stephany might need a hand?
[[I'll be good to help after this more complex query]]
[[I'm a bit swamped today, if its okay to pass?]]
"Yeah, Mike (text-style:"blurrier")[Vernon] speaking"
[["Sorry, was that Virnell or?"]]
[["Could you spell out your last name for me?"]]
[["I'm calling from Jenyeric Ltd."]]
"Uhh... Okay, hi, can I help you with something?"
[["Can we help you?"]]
[["Is this Mike Virnell?"]]
"If you're a telemarketing company, then I'm so sorry to have wasted your time like that, you can just hang up. I'm driving at the moment so if you'd be so kind to just cut this call short for the both of us?"
[["Is this Mike Virnell?"]]
[["Okay, thanks for your time. Have a nice day!"]]"Yeah, Mike (text-style:"blurrier")[Vernon] speaking"
[["Sorry, was that Virnell or?"]]
[["Could you spell out your last name for me?"]]
// Call time 0:48 //
//Call [[+XX 431 845 2615]]?//"Uhh, okay, that's great? So...?"
[["Did you send us an email seeking assistance?"]]"Vernon. V-e-r-n-o-n."
[["Okay, I think I have the wrong number"]]
[["Vernon spelt v-e-r-n-o-n?"]]"Yeah, Mike Vernon."
"Buddy, if you can't really hear me just call me back later okay? I'm on the road at the moment and would rather not be taking a call."
[["Vernon spelt v-e-r-n-o-n?"]]
[["Did you send us an email seeking assistance?"]]"Yeah, that's right. Remind me wat you're calling for?"
[["Okay, I think I have the wrong number"]] "Uhhh no, sorry"
[["Okay, thanks for your time. Have a nice day!"]]//Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
[[Wait even longer]]?//Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...//
[[Hang up]]?//Ring... Ring...
"Who is this?"
[["Hi, I'm calling from Jenyeric Ltd."]]
[["Hi, am I speaking to Mike Virnell?"]]"Yes, hello there."
[["Am I speaking to Mike Virnell?"]]
[["How may I assist your query?"]]"You're looking for the wrong person, I'm afraid."
[["I'm sorry, I must have been given the wrong number"]]
[["I see, apologies. Have a nice day."]]"You weren't given the wrong number."
[["Excuse me?"]]
[["Who are you?"]]"Giving up so easily?"
"I thought you were different."
[[Call Disconnected]]"Hm?"
[["Did you send an email to Jenyeric Ltd?"]]
[["How do you know what number I was given?"]]"Not Mike Virnell, that much I can reveal."
[["So you've said."]]
[["How do you know what number I was given?"]]"I have. But I've also said who I am already, so you should be able to answer your own question yourself."
[["You haven't told me anything"]]
[["I'm not enjoying this conversation"]]"Well, that's for you to figure out isn't it? Respectfully, everything you need has been laid out for you. Just try a little harder."
//[[Call Disconnected]]////What customer makes the staff helping them do backflips just to understand the query? That's just counterintuitive. What is there to figure out? What's left? The phone number was correct... but the name wasn't?//
[[5lack: (3) Notifications]]"You should have already acquired everything you need to know about me. I'm an open book."
//[[Call Disconnected]]//"Giving up so easily? I thought you were different."
//[[Call Disconnected]]//"Who are you asking?"
[["You, who else?"]]
[["Mike Virnell"]]"And what makes you think I've sent an email?"
[["You're Mike Vernir"]]
[["Mike Virnell"]]"Hah! Ashamed to say that's not my name. What a shame, I thought you would be different."
[["Excuse me?"]]
[["Who are you?"]] "You think I'm... Sorry, what's that name again?"
[["Mike Virnell"]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
how'd the call go? can we close the case?
please tell me we can close the case.
why isn't that case marked as closed yet
[[Mike Virnell isn't Mike Virnell]]
[['Mike' expected me to be 'different']]
[[Mike was uncooperative and I am closing the case]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
[['Mike' is something of a pseudonym]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike' expected me to be 'different'//]
different? from what?
and how?
[['Mike' wasn't very forthcoming with any info]]
[[Maybe from everyone else on quieres?]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXX")[//Mike was uncooperative and I am closing the case//]
okay as much as i would support you doing that
i cannot support you doing that
if ruth finds out we've left even one customer hanging
on today of all days?
we're toast.
[[We're wasting time this way]]
[[We still need to find Kevin]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//We're wasting time this way//]
as opposed to wasting time finding kevin?
the interns were trained by luke
and partially WFH
they don't interact with kevin enough to know anything else about him
they're just like us fr
we should maybe resolve this query first, no?
i think i'm starting to feel the guilt of not doing what we're supposed to be doing during work hours
so... what did mike virnell need help with??
[['Mike' is something of a pseudonym]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//We still need to find Kevin//]
well, i haven't found anything else from my end
the interns weren't trained by kevin
luke was heading the programme
so they don't interact with kevin enough to know anything else about him
they're just like us fr
though we should maybe resolve this query first, no?
i think i'm starting to feel the guilt of not doing what we're supposed to be doing during work hours
so... what did mike virnell need help with??
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Why's that?//]
kevin uses the number 21 a lot don't you think?
or at least the numbers 2 and 1
in his tweets especially
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Me too, I think//]
okay just so we're on the same page,
where are you seeing your 21s
[[Kevin's tweets, obviously]]
[[Mike Virnell's phone number]]
[[Mike Virnell's emails]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike' is not a real customer//]
what like theyre a bot?
[[or just someone bored]]
[['Mike Virnell' isn't a real person]]
[[We're wasting time this way]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//'Mike' is something of a pseudonym//]
who the hell is using pseudonyms for something like contacting customer service
as if we'd remember every name we come across
be serious
[[I am serious]]
[[Remember, 'Mike' isn't real]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike' wasn't very forthcoming with any info//]
okay well maybe we just reverse engineer this
what did you say that made 'being different' something to be brought up?
[[I didn't understand what what Mike wanted]]
[[Nothing out of the ordinary]]
[[Maybe I was too professional and they didn't vibe with that?]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
because you were the one who called?
[[Something like that]]
[[Because I understood what the email meant]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Something like that//]]
I have to assume calling mike wasn't helpful then if you're coming out of a phone call
and you can't tell me a solid thing about what happened in the call
[[Maybe I was too professional and they didn't vibe with that?]]
[[Mike was uncooperative and I am closing the case]]
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
"No worries, bud. Have a nice day!"
[["Okay, thanks for your time. Have a nice day!"]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I didn't understand what what Mike wanted//]
great so we still dont know what this person needs help with
or if they need any help at all
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
[['Mike Virnell' isn't a real person]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Something like that//]]
proper weird, sorry you're stuck with this case
I have to assume calling mike wasn't helpful then if you're coming out of a phone call
and you can't tell me a solid thing about what happened in the call
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Maybe I was too professional and they didn't vibe with that?//]
i doubt anyone would say that if a customer service person wasn't being friendly enough
what else did you talk about?
[['Mike' is not a real customer]]
[[We're wasting time this way]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//or just someone bored//]
while i can't deny the possibility of a bored teenager or some loner 21 year old
i want to believe its unlikely
[[why 21 yo?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike Virnell' isn't a real person//]
freaky statement but okay proceed
who or what is mike virnell?
[['Mike' is something of a pseudonym]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Because I understood what the email meant//]
right, and the email was a code for a phone number?
so who is this mike virnell person and whatd they want
[['Mike Virnell' isn't real]]
[[probably just someone bored]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin's tweets, obviously//]
well, yeah
there's a lot of twos and ones, and usually the twos are followed by ones
he mostly tweets on the 21st
anywhere else?
[[Mike Virnell's phone number]]
[[Mike Virnell's emails]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Mike Virnell's phone number//]
now you know i dont know mike virnells phone number
but i mean, the first email we got from mike claims that they've called our customer services number 21 times and couldn't get through to anyone
who the hell calls a number 21 times??
and that's blatantly a lie
we did not get 21 calls from a mikev inrell
*mike virnell
[['Mike Virnell', look closer]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Mike Virnell's emails//]
[[First Email]]
[[Second Email]]
[[Third Email]]
[[Fourth Email]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//why 21 yo?//]
oh, no reason
probs because I've been seeing the number 21 way too many times today
[[Why's that?]]
[[Me too, I think]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike Virnell', look closer//]
mike virnell look closer indeed
[[Spell that out one more time?]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Remember, 'Mike' isn't real//]
oh right...
so, what or who is 'mikev inrell'
*mike virnell
[[probably just someone bored]]
[['Mike Virnell', look closer]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
while i can't deny the possibility of a bored teenager or some loner 21 year old
i want to believe its unlikely
[[why 21 yo?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
god now i don't even want to find him anymore
he's just been toying with us the whole time
dude, if he can skip work like that, i'm disappearing next week.
[[Don't say that]]
[[Farewell, Jon]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Don't say that//]
you can't tell me you aren't even a little bit peeved by this
god and it took unscrambling a name like noir detectives too
you even called him!!
[[Both of us don't know his voice, remember?]]
[[Yeah, this is sicko behavior]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Farewell, Jon//]
cover for me when sandy employs investigators to look for me
give them a billion weird emails to decipher
better yet, give KEVIN the weird emails to decipher
[[Guess I'll give him a call back now?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Both of us don't know his voice, remember?//]
fine, fair, whatever
now that we know who 'mike virnell' is, give kevin a call
and just LAY IT ON 'IM
i am in such a state of just
astonishment? glee from solving a mystery??
i cant even pinpoint what im feeling right now
[[Guess I'll give him a call back now?]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Yeah, this is sicko behavior//]
you HAVE to call him back and just lay it on him
im in such a state of just
astonishment? glee from solving a mystery??
i cant even pinpoint what im feeling right now
[[Guess I'll give him a call back now?]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I am serious//]
ok so who is this mike virnell?
mike hasn't said anything about themselves
we have so little to go on
and we still need to find kevin
[[We still need to find Kevin]]
[[probably just someone bored]]
|==| =|
Ruth Lowe🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXXX")[//I'll be good to help after this more complex query//]
I'll ask someone else for now.
Call [[+XX 431 794 2635]]?
Call [[+XX 431 845 2615]]?
Call [[+XX 311 825 5148]]?
Ruth Lowe🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I'm a bit swamped today, if it's okay to pass?//]
Right, because the rest of us aren't?
[[I'll be good to help after this more complex query]]
"You're looking for the wrong person, I'm afraid."
[["I'm sorry, I must have been given the wrong number"]]
[["I see, apologies. Have a nice day."]]"My query? About what exactly?"
[["Did you send an email to Jenyeric Ltd?"]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//'Mike Virnell' isn't real//]
what do you mean
like they're not a real customer?
whod you speak to then?
[[probably just someone bored]]
[['Mike' is something of a pseudonym]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Spell that out one more time?//]
mike virnell rearranged...
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//First Email//]
the first email we got from mike claims that they've called our customer services number 21 times and couldn't get through to anyone
who the hell calls a number 21 times??
and that's blatantly a lie
we did not get 21 calls from a mikev inrell
*mike virnell
mike virnell, right, thats the name?
[['Mike Virnell', look closer]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Second Email//]
[[First Email]]
[[Third Email]]
[[Fourth Email]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Third Email//]
[[First Email]]
[[Second Email]]
[[Fourth Email]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Fourth email//]
[[First Email]]
[[Second Email]]
[[Third Email]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Guess I'll give him a call back?//]
take one for the team
also maybe let him know that people are seriously worries about him
//[[Call Kevin Miller?]]//
|==| //Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
Ring... Ring...
[[... ...]]
[[Hello?]] ...
[[... ...]]"I was wondering if you would be able to figure it out..."
[[Hello, Kevin Miller from finance.]]"I'm glad you could figure this out."
[["Come back to work"]]
[["People are worried about you"]]
[["You've wasted my entire day. I'm going to let Sandy know I've found you."]]
"A bold demand that I will have to politely decline. I will return when I feel like returning, or rather, when you are able to find me."
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
[["Worrying everyone is not polite"]]
"People are worried about me? Who, pray tell, are worried?"
[[Your colleagues, like Willow]]
[["Your emergency contact"]]"I must assume Sandy from human resources is facing the burnt of it all, which was an unavoidable result. I hope I haven't caused her too much trouble. Do tell me how I've wasted your day though? Did you not choose to chase after a mystery willingly? Instead of leaving my disappearance to be solved by professionals, you've spent a good chunk of your day searching for me. How does it feel? The thrill of it?"
[["Not good"]]
[["I was trying to be a good colleague"]]
[["People are worried about you"]] "Not good? And yet you still didn't give up."
[["I was trying to be a good colleague"]]
[["Well, you've manufactured this mystery"]]"How very upstanding of you. And yet, I have to wonder whether you took this upon yourself for the right reasons? Rather, if you're such a good colleague, why was it that you knew nothing about me piror to today?"
[["You're not very memorable"]]
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
"Hm. Very telling that there is no one worrying over me. Perhaps except for you? Although, I have a feeling that you finding me was either a product of coincidence, a demonstration of cleverness or a pursuit of a mystery. It could also very well be all three, but I am most inclined to lean towards the most latter of those options."
[["Well, you've manufactured this mystery"]]
[["You're hard to approach"]]"Ah yes, Willow. She's a nice girl, I hate to have worried her. She's got a good head on her shoulders, I'd like to see her be more ambitious. Climb up that corporate ladder. Speaking of which, wasn't she the only one who really cared about me in the office?
[["Everyone's worried."]]
[["Yes."]]"Yes, well, my niece should know where I am once she figures things out. But you, on the other hand? I wonder if you're taking a close enough look at everything. What relationship we seem to have, us surface-level colleagues, is a plague upon our world, don't you think? I bet you didn't even know my last name until I took an action as drastic as this. Am I right? Why do you think you, or anyone in our office, had such a difficult time seeking me?"
[["Because we're not always in the office"]]
[["Because we're in different departments"]]
[["Because you're not very memorable"]]"Everyone, you say? I'm willing to bet you don't even know anything about me. Well, perhaps you know me better now, but if I hadn't taken drastic measures, not many people would have really seen me."
[["Because you're not very memorable"]]
[["Half of us don't even know you"]]
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
"I quite like your boldness. In a company with as many employees as we have, a good ten-plus people in my department, why is it that only one person worried about my wellbeing?"
[["Everyone was worried"]]
[["You're hard to approach"]]
[["Half of us don't even know you"]]"Everyone, you say? I'm willing to bet you don't even know anything about me. Well, perhaps you know me better now, but if I hadn't taken drastic measures, not many people would have really seen me."
[["Because you're not very memorable"]]
[["Half of us don't even know you"]]
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
"And yet, you have no problem coming to me when you need me to do something for you. We have formally met once, at the all-staff on the second week of January. You do remember seeing me there, don't you?"
[["I'm afraid not."]]
[["You're not very memorable"]]
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
"And half of you didn't care to. I've been in this company a long time, and I'm willing to bet half of you don't even know my last name. Why do you think that is?"
[["Because we're not always in the office"]]
[["Because we're in different departments"]]
[["Because you're not very memorable"]]"Feeble excuse. It's almost like you're unwilling to make choices for yourself? Pushing the blame to something uncontrollable despite having some agency in the situation."
[["Both sides are at fault"]]
[["Please just stop."]]"Feeble excuse. It's almost like you're unwilling to make choices for yourself? Pushing the blame to something uncontrollable despite having some agency in the situation."
[["Both sides are at fault"]]
[["Please just stop."]]"Hah! That's rich. I'm not memorable, you say, then how is it that I can name everyone else in the company? Yes, even the interns that will soon depart and we never hear from again. Can you name those interns? Because I can. So I'll ask you now: who is to blame when someone is not memorable? Who is to blame for not knowing a colleague's name?
[["Still yours"]]
[["Both sides are at fault"]]
"Hm. Bold words for someone who knows so little about who you are accusing."
[["So why don't you share something about yourself'']]
[["Please just stop."]] "Hm. I'm suppose there is some truth in that statement. Well, in this case, I would like to offer you a hint as to how to pursue your search for me, should you rise to the occasion."
[["Please just stop."]]
[["Okay. I accept."]]
"We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."
//Call [[+XX 311 825 5148]]?//
//Call [[+XX 431 845 2615]]?//
"You are operating under the understanding that I do not want to be found, but you're very far from the truth. In your investigation into where I may be, have you really understood everything you've come across? Are you really willing to let it end like this?"
[["What are you trying to say"]]
"Everyon's worried about me? Who, pray tell, are worried?"
[[Your colleagues, like Willow]]
[["Your emergency contact"]]"Nearly all mysteries are manufactured, aren't they?"
[["I've found you. I'll share this phone number"]]
[["Half of us don't even know you"]]
[["Not like this though"]]"Hah! That's rich. I'm not memorable, you say, then how is it that I can name everyone else in the company? Yes, even the interns that will soon depart and we never hear from again. Can you name those interns? Because I can. So I'll ask you now: who is to blame when someone is not memorable? Who is to blame for not knowing a colleague's name?
[["Still yours"]]
[["Both sides are at fault"]]
"Honesty is a good virtue to have, and I appreciate your candor. I can't deny that your admission is hurtful, but I am glad you are willing to be open with me. As thanks, I would like to offer you a hint as to how to pursue your search for me, should you rise to the occasion."
[["Please just stop."]]
[["Okay. I accept."]]
"You seem to think that you've found me. You haven't. You can give this phone number to investigators, and they can try to find me, but you should know that by doing so you would've given up halfway. And you don't seem like a quitter to me. But then again, we don't know each other very well. I wonder why that is?"
[["Because we're not always in the office"]]
[["Because we're in different departments"]]
"No? What makes my disappearance different from, say, a friend's? I notice you're not informing anyone else about your discovery, or that I'm safe. Or that I've, as you said, 'manufactured this mystery'. Was this not just a thrill to you? Was trying to find me because you don't want to be performing your work duties?"
[["What are you trying to say"]]
[["I'm afraid not."]]"If Willow has shared my socials, then you already have everything you need. I would urge you to continue your investigation and not inform Sandy of our communication, but you're a quitter after all. A shame."
//[[Call Disconnected ]]//"Good to hear. In this case, I must ask that you hold off letting Sandy from HR know about our line of communication. Deal?"
[[Sandy Thompson]]
[[Jonathan Floyd]]
"If Willow has shared my socials, then you already have everything you need. Good luck!"
//[[Call Disconnected ]]//=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Kevin's kind of weird//]
weird like scary or just plain weird?
|==| =|
[[Jonathan Floyd]]
Sandy Thompson 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Hi Sandy, I believe I know Kevin's location//]
You do?
[[I have a phone number]]
|==| =|
[[Jonathan Floyd]]
Sandy Thompson 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//I have a phone number//]
Have you spoken to him? Is he alright?
[[He's fine]]
|==| =|
[[Jonathan Floyd]]
Sandy Thompson 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//He's fine//]
Oh thank god. That's amazing.
What is the phone number?
[[It's +XX 431 845 2615]]
|==| =|
Sandy Thompson 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//It's +XX 431 845 2615//]
I cannot thank you enough!
In the meantime, please proceed with your workday. We'll update everyone about Kevin's situation once we get in contact with him.
[[Sounds great]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
did he tell you where he was?
[[We have everything we need to find him]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
did he tell you where he was?
[[We have everything we need to find him]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
did he tell you where he was?
[[We have everything we need to find him]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//We have everything we need to find him//]
okay, so more decoding
what's on the list now?
[[Phone number]]
[[Emergency contact]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Phone number//]
oh, i mean we can always give sandy the phone number?
and the investigators can probably look for him?
[[Yeah, I'll share the number with Sandy]]
[[No, we're missing something]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Phone number//]
oh, i mean we can always let kevin's emergency contact know he's ok
and have them reach out
[[Yeah, I'll share the number with Sandy]]
[[No, we're missing something]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
as in the location of where he tweeted from?
is that even a function?
[[He must've tweeted an address]]
[[He repeated the number 21 a lot]]
|==| =|
[[Sandy Thompson]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//Yeah, I'll share the number with Sandy//]
sounds good
this was anticlimactic, huh
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXX")[//No, we're missing something//]
The tweets?
[[The dates]]
[[Tweeted locations]]
[[Character count]]
[[Content of tweets]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//He must've tweeted an address//]
well, there's no address specified...
are we supposed to decipher his tweets?
like we did with the email?
what are we even supposed to be focusing on?
[[The dates]]
[[Tweeted locations]]
[[Character count]]
[[Content of tweets]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//He repeated the number 21 a lot//]
he did
he also mostly tweets on the 21st, which is some insane planning ahead
and the fact that there's also only 21 tweets...
what does he want people to notice, though?
in order to to find him?
[[The dates]]
[[Tweeted locations]]
[[Character count]]
[[Content of tweets]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//The dates//]
there's a lot of twos and ones, and usually the twos are followed by ones
he mostly tweets on the 21st
all they tell us is kevin's obsession with the number 21 though
[[Character count]]
[[Content of tweets]]
[[Tweeted locations]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
the only named locations are Bellheart field, and an unspecified //walsburi’s// supermarket,
you mean to tell me he's either
a) chilling at a gas station, or
b) at literally any of the 1500 branches of walsburi’s we have in this country
[[The dates]]
[[Character count]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Character count//]
you're joking, theres no way
[[Go to twitter.com/KevinMiller12156]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Content of tweets//]
most of these tweets are irrelevant to... literally everyone who isn't kevin i guess?
there's definitely a sense of melancholy and loneliness in a lot of those tweets
and maybe a couple indicators of midlife crisis
you don't think kevin went bungee jumping or something do you?
[[The dates]]
[[Character count]]
|==| "You have everything you need to find me, but maybe I'll give you a hint so that we can continue our conversation in person."
[["Okay. I accept."]]
[["Please just stop."]] =|
[[General-all (1)]]
Sandy Thompson 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=X")[//Sounds great//]
|==| (text-style:"sway")[//Hi everyone,
We've been able to make contact with Kevin! Turns out, it was just plain old miscommunication between himself and the company. Apologies for the hectic day and big thanks to those in office for cooperating with the investigators.
Yesterday was Kevin's last day with us! It had completely slipped under the radar, and Sandy had just informed us that our panic was overblown. If we had simply double-checked his contract, as well as our correspondence with Kevin, this would not have happened.
Additionally, a warm reminder to everyone requesting a leave day to please complete the form in the drive AND to send it to your department leads to sign off on it. Please also go complete the online form for this so that Sandy can be made aware of this.
That's all, enjoy the rest of your day.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.
she/her //]
//[[The End]]//Kevin Miller
We're all floating down on the same river.
Born 12 January 1971
38 Following
Joined 6 May 2015
^^Tweets and Replies^^
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 March 2018^^
A rich earl-grey at 2PM. Very refreshing and smooth.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^22 January 2018^^
Beautiful flower on 1st street. A drop of spring amidst the long, dark winters.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 November 2017^^
Great book. I would highly recommend for lovers of mystery. The melancholy, tense action and reveal was delightful to see unfold. 4/5!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 August 2017^^
I would’ve never thought that I would be seeing this many total eclipses in my lifetime. What an incredible moment to experience.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 June 2017^^
On the bus back returning from office and realised how much has changed: Bellheart field now has a gas station and 2 fast food restaurants…
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 April 2017^^
Spending my off-day lounging with windows open and a leaf the epitome of evergreen flew onto the table! Nature is calling for me to go hiking soon.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 February 2017^^
It seems like a pattern that I’m not the fondest of has formed from my newfound habit of eating earlier. The sooner I have dinner, the sooner I’m asleep.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^2 January 2017^^
Tried a new tea today. Have never been a fan of floral blends, but Walsburi’s newest elderflower, jasmine and rose tea is a gateway tea.
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^2 December 2016^^
I will never not be baffled by the determination of that punk down the street, revving his engine past midnight every day. We get it, you’re home! Pipe down!
''Kevin Miller''@KevinMiller12171 ^^21 October 2016^^
An unreal, insane, colossal waste of a workday. The temps have their training today, and instead of simply training our new colleagues ( … )
my entire team also underwent the same training despite having been at the company for ages! The nail in the coffin? (…)
Training was 5hrs & led by our newest colleague. I’ve never experienced a more redundant day at work.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 July 2016^^
The A.B.C. Murders performed by my local theatre troupe was a wonderful adaptation. Lovely to have attended their final performance! Bravissima!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 May 2016^^
Was blown away by a video my colleague showed me today. The advances animation has made in CGI is a technological wonder! (…)
I truly regret not watching Cameron’s Avatar when it was still in theatres, way back when. It would have taken my breath away!
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 March 2016^^
Every time my back cracks a little, I wonder if I should switch to a more active job, rather than sitting in a chair for eight hours a day…
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 January 2016^^
Been in bit of a reading slump recently, but picked up an interesting-looking second hand book on the way home. Will post my thoughts soon.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 December 2015^^
That urge to simply venture into the depths of nature is so very appealing after 10 hours at the office…
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 October 2015^^
My friend from my bo0kclub shared the most insightful reading of Bleak House. Inspiring how young he is and how deeply he contemplates.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 August 2015^^
While exposing age known on the internet can be embarrassing, and I absolutely hate to say it, but sometimes, the speed of our present is truly wicked.
Pausing time (every 2 business days) would be appreciated just so we all get some time to enjoy and live life, which is what we were made to do
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 June 2015^^
Saw kids buying vinyl records on my way to a cafe. Really brought back memories of my youth, bittersweet and fleeting.
''Kevin Miller'' @KevinMiller12171 ^^21 April 2015^^
Brightening my bedro0m with yellow poppies. Their symbolism crushing down on me.
//[[Return to 5lack]]//=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
so what did you gleam from... counting characters?
[[It's 21 Hurrey Boulevard, V0N 2L0]]
[[It's 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2L0]]
[[It's 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2M0]]
|==| =|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXXX")[//It's 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2L0//]
he's all the way in pemberton???????
[[You coming with me?]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXX")[//It's 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2M0//]
there's no way... that's so far!
i got "21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2L0"
drastically different locations...
[[It's 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2L0]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Appreciate it, lets go?//]
//[[Arrive at 21 Hurrey Boulevard]]//"This is a residential area... is Kevin trying to lure us into a house and murder us"
[["I think we have the wrong address, Jon..."]]
[["Let's just call it a day. Kevin's not worth it."]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//You're coming with?//]
this sounds too fishy to not be a set up for a murder
hope no one at work notices we're gone
[[Appreciate it, lets go?]]"So, what now? Home? Or try the other address?"
//[[Try 21 Hurley Boulevard, V0N 2L0]]//
[["Let's just call it a day. Kevin's not worth it."]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//Kevin said we would speak in person//]
okay, i'll come with
this sounds too fishy to not be a set up for a murder
hope no one at work notices we're gone
[[Appreciate it, lets go?]](text-style:"sway")[//Hi everyone,
We've been able to make contact with Kevin! Turns out, it was just plain old miscommunication between himself and the company. Apologies for the hectic day and big thanks to those in office for cooperating with the investigators.
Yesterday was Kevin's last day with us! It had completely slipped under the radar, and Sandy had just informed us that our panic was overblown. If we had simply double-checked his contract, as well as our correspondence with Kevin, this would not have happened.
Additionally, a warm reminder to everyone requesting a leave day to please complete the form in the drive AND to send it to your department leads to sign off on it. Please also go complete the online form for this so that Sandy can be made aware of this.
That's all, enjoy the rest of your day.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.
she/her //]
//[[The End]]//"That's Kevin sitting at the window booth isn't it. God he just looks like a Kevin Miller. He looks just like a kinda old finance guy, distinctly different from a finance bro though, mind you. What the hell is he doing at a cafe all the way out here in Pemberton..."
[["Let's go talk to him?"]]
[["Should I call him to double check if that's him?"]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//You coming with me?//]
this sounds too fishy to not be a set up for a murder, don't you think?
a cabin near the woods???????????
[[See you there, Jon]]
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXX")[//See you there, Jon//]
i can't be the only sane person here
god fine
i'll come pick you up
[[Arrive at 21 Hurley Boulevard]]"All right, I'll let you in on a secret. I had always entertained the thought of just disappearing without a trace, leaving everything behind, maybe starting anew somewhere. I had this thought when I was 21. And it's been a while since I've been 21. I've met a few //characters// since then, which in turn changed my //character// so that leaving no-strings-attached became an impossible move. I did, however, plan to go somewhere, and I wonder if you can find where that is."
[["Is the address where you are now?"]]"No, I kinda remember seeing him at the all-staff that one time. That's Kevin from finance all right."
[["Let's go talk to him?"]]"I'll stay out here. You go talk to him. Bang on the window if he's sus."
//[[Speak to Kevin?]]//"I have to assume you are one of the members of Jenyeric's customer services team. How devoted an employee you must be to come all the way here to solve a query."
[["I'm not here for work, Kevin"]]
[["This is unusual behavior, Kevin"]]"Hm. Have you and Mr. Floyd ditched work to come find me, then?"
[["We have."]]"It is admittedly drastic, if it weren't my last day at work already. Which no one seemed to have noticed, for whatever reason. I can't say that I didn't mind, but it definitely did help me with this adventure I've been on. Instead of having my pay docked, I just made an entire office frazzled. But what of your behavior? Only paying attention when someone becomes a spectacle? What does that say about yourself? Did you and Mr. Floyd ditch work to come find me?"
[["You were right about the thrill of a mystery"]]
[["We have."]]"I'm most thankful for that. Since you've come all this way, I must wonder what kept you going? It is an incredible dedication to be trying to find a man you knew next to nothing about."
[["You just wanted to be seen"]]
[["You were right about the thrill of a mystery"]]
[["Just felt like it"]]=|
Jonathan Floyd 🟢
(align:"==>")+(box:"=XXXXX")[//It's 21 Hurrey Boulevard, V0N 2L0//]
okay, so
do we go to 21 hurrey boulevard??
[[You're coming with?]]
[[Kevin said we would speak in person]]
|==|"Okay, changing course."
//[[Arrive at 21 Hurley Boulevard]] //"Hm. Insightful. In that case, would you like to make my first day of retirement be a day of gaining a new friend while achieving a lifelong goal?"
[["Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Kevin Miller."]]
[["I'll have to reject your offer of friendship"]]
"Hm. Your boldness is somewhat endearing. Well, since you're here anyway, would you like to make my first day of retirement be a day of gaining a new friend while achieving a lifelong goal?"
[["Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Kevin Miller."]]
[["I'll have to reject your offer of friendship"]]"I know I am. And I hope you reflect upon today for the rest of your young life. Well, since you're here anyway, would you like to make my first day of retirement be a day of gaining a new friend while achieving a lifelong goal?"
[["Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Kevin Miller."]]
[["I'll have to reject your offer of friendship"]]"I see. Not many can stomach this endeavour that you've managed to get to the end of. May I ask why you have chosen this?"
[["You're way too weird for me"]]
[["Goodbye forever, Kevin from finance"]]
(text-style:"sway")[//You have acquired a new friend: Kevin Miller (formerly from finance). Age 53. Interests: nature, history, mystery. Current concern: going through a midlife crisis and is easily forgetten by the people he meets. Highlight of the day: pulled an Agatha Christie on December 3rd 1926 and gained a new friend. Current goal: To take tours of the nature reserves closeby.//]
"Goodbye forever. Have a safe trip home, stranger."
(text-style:"sway")[//Hi everyone,
We've been able to make contact with Kevin! Turns out, it was just plain old miscommunication between himself and the company. Apologies for the hectic day and big thanks to those in office for cooperating with the investigators.
Yesterday was Kevin's last day with us! It had completely slipped under the radar, and Sandy had just informed us that our panic was overblown. If we had simply double-checked his contract, as well as our correspondence with Kevin, this would not have happened.
Additionally, a warm reminder to everyone requesting a leave day to please complete the form in the drive AND to send it to your department leads to sign off on it. Please also go complete the online form for this so that Sandy can be made aware of this.
That's all, enjoy the rest of your day.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.
she/her //]
//[[The End]]//"I am, once again, disappointed in your choice, but what can I say? It's expected of you people. In any case, we have spoken. Yes. Have a safe trip home, stranger."
(text-style:"sway")[//Hi everyone,
We've been able to make contact with Kevin! Turns out, it was just plain old miscommunication between himself and the company. Apologies for the hectic day and big thanks to those in office for cooperating with the investigators.
Yesterday was Kevin's last day with us! It had completely slipped under the radar, and Sandy has just informed us that our panic was overblown. If we had simply double checked his contract as well as our correspondences with Kevin, this would not have happened.
Additionally, a warm reminder to everyone requesting for a leave day to please complete the form in the drive AND to send it to both your department lead to sign off on it. Please also go complete the online form for this so that Sandy can be made aware of this.
That's all, enjoy the rest of your day.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.
she/her //]
//[[The End]]//Thank you for playing!
Hope you enjoyed the journey of finding Kev from finance (who is, at the end of the day, just a weird pretentious little old guy that needs some friends!) As this is my first full game that I've worked on by myself, any and all feedback is welcome in the comments!
Special thanks to Magda Barbosa for designing the cover art & Herrick for playtesting.
Jonathan Floyd (1)
Margret Jacobs
Dear All,
As some of you might know, an incident has occurred to our colleague. Mr. Kevin Miller from our finance department was reported missing as of last night. All we know of his last whereabouts is that he took the 21A bus from down the road and got off at Moss Street at 09:23PM. There is no trace of him since that time and location. If anyone knows anything about Kevin’s potential whereabouts, please ping Sandy so she may pass it on to the investigators.
For those in office, your cooperation with the investigators is of utmost importance. They will be conducting interviews up until noon, please provide any and all information you have about Kevin.
I will be providing updates about Kevin in the this all-staff general channel thoughout the day.
Sending my thoughts and blessings out to Kevin’s family and friends. Let’s all stay strong and hope Kevin will be returned to us soon.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.