Jonathan Floyd (1)
Margret Jacobs
Dear All,
As some of you might know, an incident has occurred to our colleague. Mr. Kevin Miller from our finance department was reported missing as of last night. All we know of his last whereabouts is that he took the 21A bus from down the road and got off at Moss Street at 09:23PM. There is no trace of him since that time and location. If anyone knows anything about Kevin’s potential whereabouts, please ping Sandy so she may pass it on to the investigators.
For those in office, your cooperation with the investigators is of utmost importance. They will be conducting interviews up until noon, please provide any and all information you have about Kevin.
I will be providing updates about Kevin in the this all-staff general channel thoughout the day.
Sending my thoughts and blessings out to Kevin’s family and friends. Let’s all stay strong and hope Kevin will be returned to us soon.
Margret Jacobs
Director of Jenyeric Ltd.