97998f49-caa9-4428-806f-eb505a408dcd 1.0 2020 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif White 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif Black 13 Red 13 Black White White Black false false false Black false false Black White Black false Black false false false false You open your eyes slowly and look around. Looks like you are in an old mansion, falling apart.

"Where am I ? I don't remember anything, how did I end up here? "

However you have a strange sensation, this place fells familiar, like you've already been there, but where and when ?

"Anyway...I need to get up."

You stand up after a few minutes and start to explore the house.
First you can see three rooms around you, one on each side and the last one in front of you. Then you go upstairs in a hallway leading to another room on the left and one the right. Going back downstairs you notice the front door. You try to open it but it's locked.

"I need to find the key to get out of here."]]>
player false false 5 5 MakeObjectInvisible (player) ]]> false false false Look at Look at
\"I've seen this painting before...in a nightmare\"

It represents a strange woman with no face, wearing a white dress and a veil.

You lift it, without really thinking, to see if the key is underneath but unfortunately it isn't.

\"I have to keep looking.\"") ]]>

"The key might be inside." ]]>
false false false You open it to see if the key is inside. Unfortunately there are only old photos of a man, a woman and two young boys, maybe the family that used to live in the mansion. You continue your research. Look at Look at MakeObjectVisible (jewelry box) false ]]> false false Look at Open Close Look at Open Close
\"Maybe it's the family that used to live here.\"") ]]>
msg ("\"Hmm...still nothing, I need to keep looking.\"")

"I should look in this stack of book"

You dig in it, hoping to find the key. After several minutes you give up and decide to look elsewhere.

"Not here either."

You stand up and look around again. ]]>
player You stop in front of a shelf, appealed by one of the books. false Take
\"I've never seen a book like this before.\"

You open it and look quickly inside. Then you see one of the pages completely covered with blood.

You put the book back on the shelf but you see something else...
") ]]>
picture ("clé argent.png") msg ("")
silver key false 1 Take Use
\"What is this ?\"

You extend your hand to the back and feel something metallic.

\"Could it be...\"

You found an antique silver key .

\"Finally I have a chance to leave this place\"") ]]>
You are now upstairs. You look around one more time on the bookshelves but don't find it. false false axe false This axe is damaged but its blade is still very sharp. false an 1 Look at Use
"Nothing interesting here."

You start to leave but you see a door at the back of the kitchen.

"I should take a look."]]>
stare stare "You can't stare " + object.article + "." lookatcloser look at closer "You can't look at closer " + object.article + "."
player You can now go downstairs. false 1 Take Switch on Look at Switch on You look briefly in the basement and see a key holder on which is hung a key, next to the stairs. false 1 Look at Use
\"I hope it's the right one this time.\"") ]]>

"Let's start with the left room."]]>

"Everything is upside down."

You first look around the old dressing table in front of the bed.]]>

"I have to keep looking."

false Look at Look at

You try to open it but as well as the bathroom door it's locked.

You explore every corner of the old office hoping to find the right key even if it will take you hours.

false There are many stack of papers. Look at Look at
\"I have to focus. The key, that's just what I need.\"") ]]>
false false 1 Take Look at Use
\"I knew it was here. Now let's open the door.\"

You come back downstairs and run in front of the main door.") ]]>
1 false Open Close Open Close axe
openit open it "You can't open it " + object.article + "." closeit close it "You can't close it " + object.article + "." openthe open the "You can't open the " + object.article + "." closethe close the "You can't close the " + object.article + "." lookcloseratthe look closer at the "You can't look closer at the " + object.article + "." lookcloserat look closer at "You can't look closer at " + object.article + "." lock false false 1 Open Close Drop Open Close gold key
\"...Just a nightmare...\" you whisper to yourself

You open your eyes and see the woman from the painting standing in front of you.

\"What...\"") ]]>
lighton light on "You can't light on " + object.article + "." There is something behind the door that prevents you from opening it.

You come back in the hallway.]]>
false Look at Look at
false 1 Open Open axe
destroy destroy "You can't destroy " + object.article + "."