While Cliff is out, a few notes about the Adventure Game Toolkit. The Toolkit contains a sophisticated parser that can understand (1) com- plex input commands including pronouns (IT, HIM, HER, THEM, MY and ITS), and (2) compound commands separated by AND, THEN or punctuation symbols, and (3) commands addressed to characters within the game. Here are a few examples of commands (hypothetical) that AGT can handle with ease. DROP THE FOOD, THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR WITH THE BRASS KEY AND THEN LEAVE PUT ON THE CLOAK, THEN EXAMINE IT; READ ITS LABEL PLACE THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE TREE ENTER THE HOUSE; GET ALL; EXIT; SOUTH; SOUTH THEN DOWN SCOTTY, BEAM DOWN A TRICORDER AND A BLT THROW THE BATTLE AXE AND THE ROCK AT THE WEREWOLFú¿ ATTACK HIM (HIM refers to the last noun mentionedúÙ An entire compass of directions is open to you: (1-2 letters or spelled) N ú S ú E ú W ú NE ú NW ú SE ú SW ú U ú D You can ENTER rooms and areas, request an (I)VENTORY, (L)OOK an area over, (W)AIT for something to happen and if it doesn't, EXIT that room or area. If something you do doesn't do something right away, you can do what you did A(G)AIN. Note: You can enter the entire (word) or just the (l)etter. You can request a BRIEF or a VERBOSE room description. If your system has a printer tied to it, you can send it a SCRIPT of your actions. AGT's com- mand UNSCRIPT turns it off. If you find you have to take a phone call or go out and get the mail, you can SAVE your place and RESTORE your status at a later date. This feature acts like a bookmark and, if you should have an accident on page 147, can save you the hassle of reading back through the entire book to get to the scene of the accident. If you find yourself in a position where you simply don't know what to do, you can do one of two things. You can stand in the middle of the room and SCREAM your head off, or you can ask for HELP. The latter can be HELPful, but don't rely on it too much. After all, not even the San Francisco Main Library's Reference Department can tell you the amount of air displaced by an exploding popcorn kernel (or even want to look up that information). Finally, there's relief for the typist who is worn down by an unforgiving keyboard. AGT provides function and keypad/cursor keys in lieu of several frequently used commands. If at any time you need to be reminded what the F-Keys and cursor keys stand for, enter a ? and a diagram will appear. Holding down the Shift key and pressing the PrintScreen key (with printer on-line) will produce a copy you can refer to throughout the game. Hmmm, it looks like Cliff is coming to. He's not going to be happy. Well, you're on your own. Enjoy the adventure... Enjoy the game... But most important... Enjoy life.