There are three licenses in this directory. All code under the org.p2c2e class hierarchy is licensed under the terms specified by the file "p2c2e-license.txt." All code under the micromod class hierarchy is licensed under the terms specifed by the file "LGPL-2.1.txt." All code under the com.sixlegs.image.png hierarchy is licensed under the terms specified by the file "lgpl.txt." In brief: the org.p2c2e code uses a BSD-type license, which is the least restrictive of the three. The micromod code and the sixlegs code use slightly different versions of the GNU LGPL. The zag jar file is an archive (not a linked executable; linking is done at runtime in the Java VM) containing code that falls under all of these licenses. Be aware of this if you wish to distribute the jar file: you are bound by all licenses in that case. GlulxAcceleratedFunctions is based on the version in Andrew Plotkin's Glulx, which comes with the following notice: The source code in this package is copyright 1999-2010 by Andrew Plotkin. You may copy and distribute it freely, by any means and under any conditions, as long as the code and documentation is not changed. You may also incorporate this code into your own program and distribute that, or modify this code and use and distribute the modified version, as long as you retain a notice in your program or documentation which mentions my name and the URL shown above.