Twinefoolery By John C. Knudsen IFID: 3392B434-249A-4689-B624-6F7A92B28C59 Version 1.0 Created in 2020 Written in Twine 2.37 and Chapbook 1.0 format. In the far away Land of IF, there is a curious place called Genre. The town is laid out in a hook shape, at the base of Macro Mountain. Railroad tracks run through the middle of the town. On one side of the tracks live the Twiners; on the other, the Parsers. The Twiners barely tolerate the Parsers, and vice versa. A satirical tribute to Twine authors and IF purists everywhere. Your feedback is welcome. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Unzip contents to a new folder on your computer. 2. Click on the foolery.html file to play.