A "Guided" Tour Of ADVENTURE IN HUMONGOUS CAVE (c) 1990 by David Malmberg ADVENTURE IN HUMONGOUS CAVE First a little history of the game. The original Adventure was written in FORTRAN by Will Crowther in the late 1960's. He was working for a consulting firm near MIT at the time. Crowther based the game on Kentucky's Mammoth Cave which he had mapped in the mid 60's. Crowther put the game on APRAnet, a pioneer telecommunications network linking many universities and private research institutions across the country. In 1976, the game was discovered on APRAnet by Don Woods who was then at Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Woods contacted Crowther to obtain the source code and to get permission to enhance the game. Crowther agreed and helped Woods to re-write and greatly expand the game. The combined Crowther-Woods version had about 130 locations and players attempted to score the maximum of 350 points. It is this version that is generally referred to as "Colossal Cave", the "Original Adventure" or simply "Adventure." This version and its FORTRAN source code were freely distributed over APRAnet and become widely available on various mainframes and minicomputers across the nation in the late 1970's. During the 1980's, this version was translated to other computer languages, including BASIC and C, and was adapted to run on every microcomputer known to man. It was this game, the original Adventure, that captivated the time and imagination of countless Adventurers. Almost every professional Adventure game writer (including the infamous Infocomies, Dave Lebling and Marc Blank; Sierra On-Line's founders, Ken and Roberta Williams; and Adventure International's Scott Adams) credit the original Adventure with both introducing them to the genre and inspiring them to write their own games. Some time during the late 1970's, David Platt of Honeywell's Los Angles Development Center expanded Crowther and Woods' Adventure game to approximately 200 locations and a maximum of 550 points. This version became know as the "Enhanced Adventure" or "Adventure 550." The Platt version was installed on most of the major time-sharing systems (CompuServe, The Source, GEnie, etc.) during the 1980's and became very popular with users and system operators alike. (The amount of money spent and still being spent on time-sharing connect charges playing either Adventure 350 or Adventure 550 must be truly staggering!) I had developed a version of the original Adventure as a sample game for my adventure game authoring system (the Adventure Game Toolkit or AGT -- co-developed by Mark Welch) in the late 1980's. When I release a new version of AGT designed to create very large adventure games, I again turned to the original Adventure for both inspiration and a sample game. I was able to find the source code for David Platt's enhanced 550-point version on a bulletin board. Both the Crowther-Woods and the Platt versions of Adventure have become "public domain" and the code and text of the games can be (and have been) freely used by others. Using Platt's code as my staring point, I have further expanded and enhanced the Adventure to encompass 300 locations and over 200 creatures, treasures and puzzles -- thereby creating what I believe to be the largest text adventure game currently available on any microcomputer. ADVENTURE IN HUMONGOUS CAVE is the result of that effort. Now a few words about the "walk-thru" of the game that follows. This walk-thru is just one way to solve this adventure. Of course, it is also possible to solve ADVENTURE IN HUMONGOUS CAVE using other sequences of commands. Similarly, the specific vocabulary shown below is not the only set of words that work. There are many synonyms for both verbs and nouns that work equally well in the game. Also, this walk-thru uses single, simple commands for increased clarity even though the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT) is capable of understanding more complex, compound commands. For example, AGT is capable of moving from outside the building and entering the cave if the player enters the following single command: SOUTH, SOUTH AND SOUTH; UNLOCK THE GRATE WITH IRON KEY THEN OPEN IT, THEN DOWN For clarity in the walk-thru, the players commands will always be shown in their simplest form and in their smallest "pieces", i.e., the above command will be broken in to its individual pieces and each will be given separately as follow: SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH UNLOCK GRATE (with key or keys implied) OPEN IT (grate implied) DOWN On last point about the walk-thru before we actually begin it. The walk-thru given below only visits about two thirds of the locations in the game. Similarly, it does not attempt to be to try out every possible command or show every possible clever answer to each potentially futile attempt to solve the various puzzles. Rather, the walk-thru is the "shortest" way to actually solve the game in a logical sequence and to get a perfect score of 1000 points. By a "logical sequence", I mean that you must discover hints, tools, magic words, etc. before you actually use them in the walk-thru. Throughout this walk-thru, explanations and comments will be shown after an arrow and two dashes like the following: <-- For convenience, here are the instructions: During your adventure in the cave, I will be your eyes and hands. I know of places, actions, and things. Most of my vocabulary describes places and is used to move you there. To move, try words like FOREST, BUILDING, STREAMBED, ENTER, EAST, NORTHWEST, NORTH, SOUTH, UP or DOWN. I know about a few special objects, like a black rod hidden in the cave. These objects can be manipulated using some of the various action words I know. The objects may have side effects; for instance, the rod scares the bird. Usually adventurers having trouble moving just need to try a few more words. Usually people trying unsuccessfully to manipulate an object are attempting something beyond their (or my!) capabilities and should try a completely different tack. To speed the game you can sometimes move long distances with a single word. For example, "BUILDING" usually gets you to the building from anywhere above ground except when lost in the forest. Also, note that cave passages turn a lot, and that leaving a room to the NORTH does not guarantee entering the next from the SOUTH. Your commands should generally be in the format: <(multiple) noun phrase(s)> Some (hypothetical) examples of valid commands: PLACE A RED ROCK IN THE SMALL BOWL PUT THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE OAK TREE READ MY POETRY BOOK SWIM IN THE SWIMMING POOL EXAMINE THE GOLD RING, THE DWARF AND THE SILVER NECKLACE EAT THE CELERY, THE TUNA, THE APPLE AND THE ONION THROW THE BATTLE AXE AND THE LARGE ROCK AT THE WEREWOLF SHOOT THE BURGLAR WITH THE REVOLVER ATTACK HIM ("HIM" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the burglar) FIRE THE LASER PISTOL AT THE ALIEN MUTANT GET THE BOOK (also: TAKE THE BOOK) READ IT ("IT" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the book) GET ALL (will get everything movable at the current location) GET THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND THE CLOAK EXAMINE THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND CLOAK PUSH THE RED BUTTON AND THE GREEN BUTTON UNLOCK THE FILE CABINET WITH THE STEEL KEY JUMP THROUGH THE OPENING JUMP OVER THE LOG NORTH SOUTHWEST PLACE AN AXE AND THE SHIELD NEXT TO THE BIG TREE PUT THE FOOD ON THE KITCHEN TABLE TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT LIGHT THE TORCH WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES SCREAM AT THE UGLY TROLL CLIMB UP THE LADDER EXTINGUISH THE FIRE (or PUT OUT THE FIRE) DRINK THE WHITE WINE THROW THE FIRE WOOD IN THE STOVE PULL THE BELL CORD WEAR THE STUPID HAT (also: PUT ON THE STUPID HAT) TAKE OFF THE HAT (also: REMOVE THE HAT) NE (for NORTHEAST) DROP THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE ENTER THE CAVE XYZZY (i.e., a "magic" word) TURN THE DOORKNOB PLAY WITH THE DOG TALK TO (or TALK WITH) THE OLD MAN (ABOUT THE WEATHER) TELL JEFF ABOUT THE SWORD ASK JODIE ABOUT THE CRIME Compound commands can be created by connecting single commands (like those above) with "AND", "THEN" or the punctuation symbols "," or ";" to connect two or more separate commands. However, "end-of-sentence" punctuation symbols like ".", "!" and "?" should not be used. Below are a few examples of valid compound commands: TURN THE DOORKNOB THEN ENTER THE CAVE CLIMB DOWN THE LADDER THEN SOUTH, WEST AND NORTHWEST GET THE CLOAK AND THEN EXAMINE IT; READ THE LABEL DROP THE FOOD AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND THEN LEAVE GET THE TORCH, LIGHT IT WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES THEN EXAMINE IT If the game understands all of the words in your command, but still seems confused by the command -- then try to say the same thing using fewer words and a simpler sentence. When in doubt, simplify your input commands as much as possible. This also saves typing effort. SPECIAL COMMANDS: The game uses a number of special commands for various "housekeeping" chores. These are all pretty standard for most adventure games, specifically: HELP May (or may not) give you a hint. SCORE Will summarize your progress, so far. INVENTORY Will display a list of the items you are carrying, and those items you are wearing. BRIEF Will cause location descriptions to be brief. VERBOSE Will cause location descriptions to be verbose. LOOK Will give you a full (verbose) description of your current location. LIST EXITS Will list the obvious (visible) exits from your current location. There may be other ways to exit the location -- but they may not be obvious. NOTIFY Will cause game to notify player whenever the score changes. OOPS Will allow you to edit (using the cursor keys, and the delete, insert and backspace keys) your previous input command. For example, if you enter THORW ROPE by mistake, OOPS will enable you to edit this command and correct it to THROW ROPE. SAVE GAME Will save the current game status on disk. RESTORE GAME Will restore a previously saved game from disk. SCRIPT Causes output to go to both the screen and a printer (using the LP1 port). UNSCRIPT Causes output to go to the screen (only). SOUND ON/OFF SOUND OFF turns the sound off and SOUND ON turns it on. VIEW Will allow you to view the various illustrations (if any) available at any location. For example, VIEW SCENE will show a picture of the current location, VIEW OGRE will show a picture to the ogre, etc. QUIT Quits the current game session. Always exit using QUIT -- so the game can erase some temporary data files and save disk space! FUNCTION AND ALT-CURSOR KEYS: The combination of the ALT key and the cursor keys have all been programmed to create an input command corresponding to their respective movement or compass directions, i.e., the ALT key and the up-arrow key causes a NORTH command to be generated, the ALT key and the home key causes a NORTHWEST command to be generated, etc. Similarly, the function keys have been predefined to stand for several of the most frequently used commands. Further, by giving the command DEFINE, you may re-define any of the function keys to give any command you wish. For example, in this game you might find it useful to re-define one of the function keys to give the command KILL ORC WITH AXE or GIVE CANDY TO BABY. Hitting the '?' key (during the game) will display a diagram of keys and their current definitions. "POP-UP" HINTS: This game also has a "pop-up" hint system. Any time you are stuck and need a hint, hit the key and the key together and a menu-driven system of hints for the game will pop-up for you to use. Hitting the ESC key will return you to the game when you are done with the hints. "LOOK-AND-FEEL" OPTIONS: This particular game is using a special version of the AGT (Adventure Game Toolkit) called the "Master's Edition" which allows the user to customize the manner in which the game's general interface is defined and to specify the game's overall "look-and-feel." The user may define color schemes, status line options, command input method, size and "layout" of the screen, etc. Once the player has a set of "look-and-feel" options he or she likes, these options may be saved as the standard defaults for this game and any other AGT game the user plays. One of the options available is a unique "menu-driven" input option that allows the player to enter game commands by selecting words from a menu. This option is particularly helpful for players who are often frustrated by their inability to figure out an adventure game's vocabulary -- since the menu always displays a list of "feasible" (though not always "smart" or even appropriate) commands from which the player may make a selection. The "look-and-feel" options are accessed by hitting the ESC key during the game (i.e., not now). <-- This "walk-thru" will be given in a number of separate "campaigns", where each campaign consists of a group of closely related locations and/or puzzles. The specific campaigns in the walk-thru are: 1 -- Outside The Cave 2 -- Below The Building 3 -- Near The Cave Entrance 4 -- In The Heart Of The Cave 5 -- Beyond The Oyster 6 -- Across The Troll Bridge 7 -- Above The Beanstalk 8 -- The End-Game <-- Now, let's actually begin the game with the first campaign. < ---------------- CAMPAIGN 1 -- Outside The Cave --------------------------> <-- You begin the adventure here at the end of the road. << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign. What Now? NOTIFY <-- Game will now notify player of score changes. OK What Now? READ SIGN You can win $100 by being the first person to discover 10 "secret words" that are hidden throughout this adventure!!! As you play the game, you will come upon secret words, numbered 1 through 10. Just write them down. When you have found all 10 secret words, mail your list of words, and your name and address to: Softworks 43064 Via Moraga Mission San Jose, California 94539 The first person (as determined by the post mark on the letter) who correctly identifies all ten secret words will receive $100!!! DO NOT CALL ON THE TELEPHONE WITH YOUR LIST! ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY LETTER! <-- Sorry, but the $100 prize has been already won. What Now? AGAIN This game was created using the "Master's Edition" of the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT). The "Master's Edition" is the long-awaited and long-promised version 2.0 of AGT and represents the response to over five years of AGT user's requests for improvements and additional capabilities and features. The MASTER'S EDITION of ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT is designed to allow a game designer/writer to create and play his/her own high-quality text adventure games with optional graphic illustrations, sound effects and music. Once created, these adventure games can be shared with and enjoyed by others -- even if they do not have a copy of the Adventure Game Toolkit themselves. FEATURES OF MASTER'S EDITION OF THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT The Master's Edition of AGT has a number of features that make it the most comprehensive text adventure game creation product currently available. Some of these key features are: * Default "look-and-feel" of Infocom adventure games with similar screen layout and standard vocabulary and routines. * Large standard vocabulary with potential to define many more words unique to a specific adventure. Typical games can have a vocabulary of 1000 words or more. * Sophisticated parser that can understand (1) complex input commands including pronouns (IT, HIM, HER, THEM, MY and ITS), and (2) compound commands separated by AND or THEN or punctuation symbols, and (3) commands addressed to characters within the game. Here are a few examples of commands AGT can handle with ease: GET THE FLASH LIGHT AND THEN SWITCH IT ON PUT ON THE CLOAK, THEN EXAMINE IT; READ ITS LABEL PLACE THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE TREE ENTER THE HOUSE; GET ALL; EXIT; SOUTH; SOUTH THEN DOWN SULU, SET A COURSE FOR ALPHA 14 SCOTTY, BEAM DOWN A TRICORDER AND THE QWERTY MODULE DROP THE FOOD, THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR WITH THE BRASS KEY AND THEN LEAVE * Function and cursor keys predefined to input frequently used commands and move directions. Function keys may also be redefined to input frequently used commands like THROW AXE AT DWARF or GIVE MILK BOTTLE TO BABY. * An OOPS feature that allows you to edit/correct your input commands. * SCRIPT and UNSCRIPT commands to echo game output to printer. * Optional graphic illustrations using PCX formatted pictures for display on CGA, EGA or VGA screens. The PCX format is the most widely available of any picture format and is supported by most PAINT and/or DRAW programs. Plus -- a great deal of PCX "clip-art" is available. * Optional music and sound effects that can be played in the "background" during the game. These sound effects use the PC's internal speaker and do not require any special "sound card." * Optional user-definable "look-and-feel" interface including a menu-driven player input option that displays feasible commands for the player to pick from. * Optional "pop-up" hints available when the and keys are pressed at the same time. * Optional fonts (EGA and VGA monitors only) that can be changed to suit the needs of the game. The Master's Edition comes with over 30 sample fonts including Old English, Scrawl, Computereze. Plus, a Font Editor is provided that allows you to create your own unique fonts. * Totally "backward" compatible with all previous versions of AGT. WHAT THE REVIEWERS HAVE SAID ABOUT THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT "Using the Adventure Game Toolkit, anyone with an ounce of imagination can create a text adventure game ... similar in layout and sophistication to those made by Infocom and other commercial developers." -- Donald B. Trivette in PC Magazine "The Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT) acts as a compiler which allows for creating remarkably complex and sophisticated games in a fairly simple way .... AGT's parser reminds me of Infocom's." -- Scorpia in Computer Gaming World "If you have ever wondered what it is like to create your own adventure games, but didn't have the programming knowledge to do it, this product is for you .... The process is easy ... and you'll have hours of fun doing it." -- Resul DeMaria in Public Domain Software & Shareware "The Adventure Game Toolkit from Softworks ... provides all the tools you need to build your own text based adventure games .... The Adventure Game Toolkit is an extremely powerful development package." -- Bob Napp in "Big Blue Disk" The Adventure & Strategy Club (of England) selected the Adventure Game Toolkit as the Best Utility of 1991/1992. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE NORMAL EDITION AND THE MASTER'S EDITION OF AGT The "Normal Edition" (i.e., the normal version) of AGT is very simple to use and can be used by programming novices or even by non-programmer's to create very professional text adventures similar to those from firms like Infocom. Versions of the "Normal Edition" are available for IBM, Macintosh, Atari ST and Amiga computers and games created on any of these computers can be re-compiled and played on any of the other computers. The Normal Edition is still supported and available from Softworks as Shareware for only $20 (or $40 including a 223 page printed manual with lots and lots of detailed examples). This price covers the cost of two ZIPped disks with over 1.5 megabytes of goodies including summary documentation on disk, and the AGT source code to over a dozen adventure games that may be studied for ideas or simply played for fun. The "Master's Edition" contains all the features and capabilities of the "Normal Edition" plus a whole lot more. It is available only for IBM (or compatible) computers. The Master's Edition is aimed at the more sophisticated and experienced programmer/game designer. The Master's Edition allows you to create games that are approximately twice as large as those possible using the Normal Edition. Plus, your games can have optional graphic illustrations, sound effects, music, "pop-up" hints, unique fonts (EGA or VGA screens only), and a customizeable "look-and-feel" user interface including a menu-driven player input option. The Master's Edition is available from Softworks for only $50. This price includes the cost of five ZIPped disks with over 3.5 megabytes of goodies including complete documentation on disk, a bunch of game creation utilities, several brand new sample games including the complete AGT source code to HUMONGOUS CAVE (believed to be the largest text adventure game available on any microcomputer). The Master's Edition package also includes the complete AGT source code to the game you are currently playing with all of its related font, music, sound effects and pictures files. Which version is right for you? If you are a "power" gamer/programmer and know that you can use (or need) the full power of the Master's Edition, then by all means -- get the Master's Edition. If you have less experience with programming or game design, then you should probably start with the Normal Edition. If you select the Normal Edition, you can always upgrade later when you need the full power of the Master's Edition -- for a special "registered AGT user" upgrade price of only $35. To order either the Normal Edition or the Master's Edition, just write or call: Softworks 43064 Via Moraga Mission San Jose, California 94539 VISA or MasterCard accepted for telephone orders (510) 659-0533 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM -- PST only! To get a printed order form, just enter the COMMAND: PRINT FORM Softworks is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals -- your guarantee of quality in shareware software. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿ ³ (tm) ÄÄij ³O ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÐÄÄ¿ ³ Association of ³ ³ ÃÄÙ Shareware ÀÄÄÄ´ O ³ Professionals ÄÄÄÄÄÄij º ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÀÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÙ MEMBER What Now? PRINT ORDER FORM < -- Let's not do that now. However, you do get 10 points. You just received 10 extra points for printing the order form. <-- Good Show! What Now? ENTER << Inside building >> You are inside a small building, a well house for a large spring. The stream bubbles up out of the ground and flows out the side of the building through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The word "THURB" has been painted on one of the pipes. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall. A huge steel safe has been installed into the brick wall on the east wall. The safe door is closed. A huge grandfather clock stands against the wall. There are some old, ugly, dirty tennis shoes here. A Boy-Scout compass is lying nearby. There are several iron keys on the ground here. There is a shiny brass lamp nearby. It is off. There is tasty food here. There is a small bottle of water here. There is cloak made from a heavy metallic fabric here. What Now? GET LAMP AND EXAMINE IT The grandfather loudly chimes the quarter hour. It is 6:45. You are now carrying the brass lantern. The lamp runs on batteries and is currently turned off. What Now? EXAMINE CLOCK The grandfather clock is about eight feet tall. It ticks very noisily. It is 6:45 A.M. What Now? EXIT << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign. What Now? NORTH << Forest >> You are in open forest near both a valley and a road. What Now? NORTH Are you trying to get into the cave? Please answer Yes or No: NO <-- You lose points if you accept hints. << Thick woods >> You are in the midst of a thick woods. The ground is damp with dew. The air is chilly and you shiver from the cold. The only path leads south -- back the way you came. There are large trees here. There are a lot of leaves on the ground all around you. What Now? EXAMINE TREES AND LEAVES The trees here are mostly large maples. One of the trees has a heart carved on its trunk. Inside the heart is carved "Dave + Ann = Love" and below the heart is the date "July 20, 1943." Someone has also scratched the cryptic message "Turn Right First!" on the truck below the heart. You wonder what that might mean. <-- The date 7-20-43 is the combination to the safe! The leaves are mostly from maple trees. They are showing lots of fall colors. Were you expecting something else, perhaps? What Now? NO Don't be so negative! What Now? SOUTH << Forest >> You are in open forest, with a deep valley to one side. There is a piece of crumpled paper here. What Now? GET PAPER AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the crumpled paper. The paper appears to be some kind of map. It is torn at the top of the paper. What Now? READ MAP | | | | ____| |____ ______________ ______________ ______| |___ | MAZE |____| MAZE |____| MAZE |____| SE | | N ____ SW ____ E ____ MAZE | |______________| |____ E ____| |______________| |_______________| ____| |____ |WEST END OF | |ROYAL HALL | |____ E ____| ____| |____ |EAST END OF | |ROYAL HALL | |______________| What Now? SOUTH << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign. What Now? ENTER << Inside building >> You are inside a small building, a well house for a large spring. The stream bubbles up out of the ground and flows out the side of the building through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The word "THURB" has been painted on one of the pipes. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall. A huge steel safe has been installed into the brick wall on the east wall. The safe door is closed. A huge grandfather clock stands against the wall. There are some old, ugly, dirty tennis shoes here. A Boy-Scout compass is lying nearby. There are several iron keys on the ground here. There is tasty food here. There is a small bottle of water here. There is cloak made from a heavy metallic fabric here. What Now? DROP PAPER You drop the crumpled paper. What Now? EXIT << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign. What Now? WEST << Hill by road >> You have walked up a hill, still in the forest. A road slopes down the side of the hill to the east. There is a small brick building in the distance at the end of the road. A path leads down into a large valley to the west. What Now? WEST << Eastern Side Of Valley >> You are standing amidst some trees on the eastern edge of a large valley. The forest continues to the north, south and west, although a deep stream bars any exit west. There is a small path winding through the trees and up the hill to the east. A small but wilted rose has been left here. What Now? GET ROSE AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the small rose. The rose is slowly wilting away. What Now? NORTH << Thick Forest >> You are lost amidst a thick mass of trees and bushes which block direct paths forcing you to take long and probably circular routes in your attempts to get past them. A large juicy red apple lies temptingly before you. What Now? GET APPLE AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the red apple. This is a nice big juicy red apple, not the type of apple that would be poisoned at all. Your score just increase by 15 to 25. <-- All "treasures" in this game are worth 15 points each. What Now? WEST << Stream Edge >> You are on the edge of the stream, hemmed close to the water by thick bushes, and clumps of reeds. One or two gaps in the hedges allow you to squeeze northward back into the main part of the forest. Other paths allow you to walk west or east along the stream bank. What Now? WEST << Humpbacked Bridge >> You are standing at the northern end of a small humpbacked bridge, a picturesque stone structure, coated in moss and creepers which crosses the stream to the south of you. Paths seem to converge here from the north, west and east. What Now? WEST << Stream >> You are standing beside a narrow stream, which tinkles eastward through the trees. You can travel through the trees in any direction save for south where the stream has cut a deep channel too wide to ford. What Now? WEST << Stream >> You are standing beside a small silvery stream which gurgles gently from a rocky hollow to the west, to run gently eastward between the trees which surround you. Tracks lead through the trees in all directions. What Now? WEST << Spring >> You are standing in a small rocky hollow on the edge of the western mountains. A single spring trickles from the rock here, running eastward out into the valley proper. Apart from east back into the valley, steep rocky cliffs bar all exits. A small stone pitcher has been placed here. What Now? EXAMINE PITCHER The pitcher has been carved out of a single piece of rock, probably granite. What Now? PUT ROSE IN PITCHER OK. You put the rose in the pitcher. What Now? PUT WATER IN PITCHER The pitcher is now full of cool water. As soon as water and the rose met, the rose seems to take on a whole new life. Its petals open wider and its color gets richer. Strangely enough, it even smells better. <-- The rose just needed some water to revive its beauty. What Now? GET ROSE AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the beautiful rose. The rose is in full bloom. It is a beautiful rich red color and smells wonderful. Your score just increase by 15 to 40. What Now? SMELL ROSE The rose smells wonderful. Your score just increase by 10 to 50. <-- You must stop to smell the roses -- especially since it is worth 10 points. What Now? EAST << Stream >> You are standing beside a small silvery stream which gurgles gently from a rocky hollow to the west, to run gently eastward between the trees which surround you. Tracks lead through the trees in all directions. What Now? EAST << Stream >> You are standing beside a narrow stream, which tinkles eastward through the trees. You can travel through the trees in any direction save for south where the stream has cut a deep channel too wide to ford. What Now? EAST << Humpbacked Bridge >> You are standing at the northern end of a small humpbacked bridge, a picturesque stone structure, coated in moss and creepers which crosses the stream to the south of you. Paths seem to converge here from the north, west and east. What Now? EAST << Stream Edge >> You are on the edge of the stream, hemmed close to the water by thick bushes, and clumps of reeds. One or two gaps in the hedges allow you to squeeze northward back into the main part of the forest. Other paths allow you to walk west or east along the stream bank. What Now? NORTH << Forests Edge >> You stand on the edge of the forest, which extends south east and west as far as you can see. To the north the trees give way to a grassy hill. A narrow worn path leads north up the hill. To the south the path through the forest is almost blocked by thick hedges, but a few gaps enable you to squeeze through. What Now? NORTH << On Path >> You stand on a path which leads south -- down into the valley and northward into a churchyard of some sort, with a ruined church standing beside it. What Now? NORTH << Churchyard >> You stand in what is apparently an old and disused churchyard. Weeds and moss cover the crumbling gravestones and paths. To the east is a huge ancient church, now decaying and surrounded by bits of fallen stonework. To the north the graveyard continues. What Now? EAST << Arched Entry >> You stand in what must have once been a magnificent arched entrance, with huge oak doors, and a carved doorway fit for a palace. Now however the doors lie in rotting pieces on the floor, and rain drips down the moss covered stonework. What Now? EAST << The Church >> You stand in the center of the now battered and dilapidated church. Water runs down the walls, dripping in pools onto the rotting remains of the pews. The church extends northward, and southward toward the altar. To the west is the exit. What Now? NORTH << North End Of Church >> You stand at the north end of the church, looking south down between the silent rows of rotting pews. Another doorway leads east into a small room. There are some wax candles here. What Now? EXAMINE CANDLES The candles are just that. Wax candles. Not long ones or fancy candles, just plain old regular candles. Every adventure game needs a light source of some kind. Why should this game be any different??? There are 5 candles. What Now? INVENTORY You are carrying the following: red apple beautiful rose brass lantern You are wearing the following: brown knapsack What Now? EXAMINE KNAPSACK The knapsack is about a foot square and is brown. It has a flap which can be opened and closed. What Now? OPEN KNAPSACK The brown knapsack is now open. What Now? EXAMINE IT The knapsack is about a foot square and is brown. It has a flap which can be opened and closed. There are some matches here. (in the knapsack) What Now? GET MATCHES AND EXAMINE THEM You are now carrying the wooden matches. The matches are just that. Wooden matches. Not long ones or fancy matches, just plain old regular matches. There are 10 matches. What Now? LIGHT CANDLE AND EXAMINE IT You light the candle which burns brightly. The candle is burning brightly. However, the wind is whistling through the room and the candle is unlikely to burn for too much longer. What Now? PRAY Prayer is good for the soul. You feel better, now. Your score just increase by 15 to 65. <-- Need to PRAY with a lighted candle What Now? PRAY <-- Only once, however. You're going to need a lot of prayer before this adventure is over. What Now? DROP MATCHES <-- Wont need again. You drop the wooden matches. What Now? DROP KNAPSACK <-- Wont need again. You drop the brown knapsack. What Now? SOUTH << The Church >> You stand in the center of the now battered and dilapidated church. Water runs down the walls, dripping in pools onto the rotting remains of the pews. The church extends northward, and southward toward the altar. To the west is the exit. What Now? SOUTH << By The Altar >> You are standing beside the altar, now barely recognizable, a smashed and aged pile of rotten wood and fabrics, hiding mossy stonework beneath. A set of steps lead up to the east, probably to the church tower. The main church hall is north, and to the south you can go behind the altar. What Now? SOUTH << Behind The Altar >> You stand behind the altar looking northward along the length of the church which is a very sorry sight indeed, everything wooden is rotting, the stonework is moss covered, and gaping holes in the roof allow you to look skyward. A small silver cross on a silver chain lies sparkling before you! What Now? GET CROSS AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the silver cross. The cross is silver and hangs in the center of the chain which is also silver. Your score just increase by 15 to 80. What Now? WEAR CROSS You are now wearing the silver cross. <-- Wearing the cross protects you against Vampire bat attacks. What Now? NORTH << By The Altar >> You are standing beside the altar, now barely recognizable, a smashed and aged pile of rotten wood and fabrics, hiding mossy stonework beneath. A set of steps lead up to the east, probably to the church tower. The main church hall is north, and to the south you can go behind the altar. What Now? EAST << Stairs >> You stand on a set of slippery stone steps which lead both downwards and upward from here. Doorways lead south into a small room and west into the main church hall. What Now? UP A sudden draft blows out your candle. <-- Candle only stays lit inside Church. << The Stairs >> You are climbing a set of steep, slippery stairs that lead up into the church tower. Water runs down the steps, collecting in mossy pools, where the cracks and dips in the stonework allow it. The steps turn from stone to wood up above, and look very dodgy. To the west a doorway leads out into the pulpit. What Now? WEST << The Pulpit >> You stand in the rotting remains of what was the pulpit, looking north along the length of the church hall, a sorry sight indeed, and also gazing up through the holes in the roof, skyward. There is a large wooden sign nailed to the pulpit. Its paint is flaked and faded. A doorway leads east onto some stairs. What Now? READ SIGN The paint is cracked and faded and the letters are difficult to read. However, it appears to be a long list of commandments. There are many, many, many more than ten. Your eyes scan the list and fall randomly on a commandment near the bottom of the list. You just make it out... COMMANDMENT #12592 Oh ye who write Adventure Games that torment the player with stupid puzzles: Dost thou know the magnitude of thy sin before the gods? Yea, verily, thou shalt be ground between two stones. Shall the angry gods cast thy body into the whirlpool? Surely, thy eye shall be put out with a sharp stick! Even unto the ends of the earth shalt thou wander and unto the land of the dead shalt thou be sent at last. Surely thou shalt repent of thy low cunning. You smile and nod your head in agreement and approval. <-- A little "foreshadowing" of things to come! Your score just increase by 10 to 90. What Now? EAST << The Stairs >> You are climbing a set of steep, slippery stairs that lead up into the church tower. Water runs down the steps, collecting in mossy pools, where the cracks and dips in the stonework allow it. The steps turn from stone to wood up above, and look very dodgy. To the west a doorway leads out into the pulpit. What Now? DOWN << Stairs >> You stand on a set of slippery stone steps which lead both downwards and upward from here. Doorways lead south into a small room and west into the main church hall. What Now? SOUTH << Bell Ringers' Room >> You are standing in a small stone room, which is both wet and cold. The wooden roof above you has holes in it through which ropes hang, presumably for the church bells. A single doorway leads north. What Now? EXAMINE ROPES The ropes are pulled to ring the church bells. What Now? PULL ROPES Ding! Dong! Your score just increase by 10 to 100.<-- Ringing the bells is worth 10 points. What Now? RING BELLS <-- Only once, however. Ding! Dong! What Now? CLIMB ROPES You climb up the rope to the room above, where you find... << The Bells, The Bells!! >> You stand in a large chamber packed with bells. There is a doorway to the north. The bell ropes hang down through holes in the floor. A golden weathercock has been left here, somewhat out of order. What Now? GET COCK AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the golden weathercock. The weathercock is made of solid gold. It is meant to show which way the wind is blowing. This one looks like it is broken. Your score just increase by 15 to 115. What Now? CLIMB ROPES You climb down the rope to the room below, where you find... << Bell Ringers' Room >> You are standing in a small stone room, which is both wet and cold. The wooden roof above you has holes in it through which ropes hang, presumably for the church bells. A single doorway leads north. What Now? NORTH << Stairs >> You stand on a set of slippery stone steps which lead both downwards and upward from here. Doorways lead south into a small room and west into the main church hall. What Now? DOWN << The Crypt >> You stand in the crypt. The room is damp and dismal and smells moldy. It is a creepy and sinister place. You can't help but give a little shudder either from the cold or from fear. A staircase leads up and back out of the crypt. You see a very grimy, dirty urn. A large closed coffin sits against one wall. There are quite a few moldy bones scattered on the floor. There is a small skull nearby. There are cobwebs everywhere. What Now? EXAMINE SKULL AND BONES The skull is rather small and ugly. The back of the skull looks like it has been crushed. The head bone is connected to the neck bone. The neck bone is connected to the back bone. The back bone is connected to the front bone. etc. etc. ... What Now? GET URN AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the dirty urn. The urn is encrusted with what looks like decades of grime and dirt. There appears to be some writing on the side. What Now? READ URN The urn is too dirty to make out the words. What Now? OPEN COFFIN You manage to slide the coffin lid off and discover a stairway inside the coffin leading down into the darkness below. What Now? DOWN << Cavern >> You are in a cavern with iridescent glowing walls. A stairway leads up. There is an opening in the wall to the east. There is a long ladder here. What Now? GET LADDER AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the long ladder. The ladder is made out of wood and is about 10 feet long. It is quite heavy. What Now? UP You climb the stairs only to discover that someone has closed the coffin lid. You push and push, but you can't budge it. You are trapped! <-- The player must throw something into the chasm in order to escape. << Cavern >> You are in a cavern with iridescent glowing walls. A stairway leads up. There is an opening in the wall to the east. What Now? EAST For some reason, you can't see anything here. What Now? LIGHT LAMP You hear the flapping of many wings. Bats!! A shiver of fear shocks your very being. <-- Wearing the cross protects you against Vampire bats. Your lamp is now shining brightly! What Now? LOOK << Odd room >> You are in an odd-shaped room with a strange smell. It is dark and musty. There are openings to the west and to the south. There is a brass plaque mounted on the north wall of the room. Several giant vampire bats are flying about the room. What Now? EXAMINE BATS The bats are each about a foot across. Their wings make a real racket as they flap around the room. What Now? SOUTH << North ledge >> You are on a ledge overlooking a deep and wide chasm. It is too wide to jump. Peering down into the chasm, you can just barely see the bottom far below. There is only one exit from the room and it is an opening to the north. You see a narrow ledge on the other side of the chasm. What Now? EXAMINE LEDGE The ledge juts out over the chasm. However, it is still too far away to jump. You don't see how you get across to the ledge. What Now? EXAMINE CHASM You peer across the chasm and can just make out the other side through the thick white mist. The chasm is too wide to jump. You drop a small rock over the edge into the mist and it is quite a while before you hear it hit bottom. What Now? HELP Maybe you should try to throw something useful across the chasm! What Now? THROW LADDER OVER CHASM The ladder disappears into the chasm. What Now? HELP You shouldn't believe everything you read in Adventure Games -- even the HELP messages! Your score just increase by 10 to 125. <-- Asking for HELP after throwing something into the chasm is worth 10 points. What Now? NORTH << Odd room >> You are in an odd-shaped room with a strange smell. It is dark and musty. There are openings to the west and to the south. There is a brass plaque mounted on the north wall of the room. Several giant vampire bats are flying about the room. What Now? WEST << Cavern >> You are in a cavern with iridescent glowing walls. A stairway leads up. There is an opening in the wall to the east. What Now? UP << The Crypt >> You stand in the crypt. The room is damp and dismal and smells moldy. It is a creepy and sinister place. You can't help but give a little shudder either from the cold or from fear. A staircase leads up and back out of the crypt. There are quite a few moldy bones scattered on the floor. There is a small skull nearby. There are cobwebs everywhere. The open coffin reveals a set of stairs leading down. What Now? EXTINGUISH LIGHT Your lamp is now off. What Now? UP << Stairs >> You stand on a set of slippery stone steps which lead both downwards and upward from here. Doorways lead south into a small room and west into the main church hall. What Now? WEST << By The Altar >> You are standing beside the altar, now barely recognizable, a smashed and aged pile of rotten wood and fabrics, hiding mossy stonework beneath. A set of steps lead up to the east, probably to the church tower. The main church hall is north, and to the south you can go behind the altar. What Now? NORTH << The Church >> You stand in the center of the now battered and dilapidated church. Water runs down the walls, dripping in pools onto the rotting remains of the pews. The church extends northward, and southward toward the altar. To the west is the exit. What Now? WEST << Arched Entry >> You stand in what must have once been a magnificent arched entrance, with huge oak doors, and a carved doorway fit for a palace. Now however the doors lie in rotting pieces on the floor, and rain drips down the moss covered stonework. What Now? WEST << Churchyard >> You stand in what is apparently an old and disused churchyard. Weeds and moss cover the crumbling gravestones and paths. To the east is a huge ancient church, now decaying and surrounded by bits of fallen stonework. To the north the graveyard continues. What Now? SOUTH << On Path >> You stand on a path which leads south -- down into the valley and northward into a churchyard of some sort, with a ruined church standing beside it. What Now? SOUTH << Forests Edge >> You stand on the edge of the forest, which extends south east and west as far as you can see. To the north the trees give way to a grassy hill. A narrow worn path leads north up the hill. To the south the path through the forest is almost blocked by thick hedges, but a few gaps enable you to squeeze through. What Now? SOUTH << Stream Edge >> You are on the edge of the stream, hemmed close to the water by thick bushes, and clumps of reeds. One or two gaps in the hedges allow you to squeeze northward back into the main part of the forest. Other paths allow you to walk west or east along the stream bank. What Now? EAST << Thick Forest >> You are lost amidst a thick mass of trees and bushes which block direct paths forcing you to take long and probably circular routes in your attempts to get past them. What Now? SOUTH << Eastern Side Of Valley >> You are standing amidst some trees on the eastern edge of a large valley. The forest continues to the north, south and west, although a deep stream bars any exit west. There is a small path winding through the trees and up the hill to the east. What Now? EAST << Hill by road >> You have walked up a hill, still in the forest. A road slopes down the side of the hill to the east. There is a small brick building in the distance at the end of the road. A path leads down into a large valley to the west. What Now? EAST << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign. What Now? EXAMINE URN The urn is encrusted with what looks like decades of grime and dirt. There appears to be some writing on the side. What Now? OPEN URN The dirty urn is now open. What Now? EXAMINE IT The urn is encrusted with what looks like decades of grime and dirt. There appears to be some writing on the side. You see some gray ashes. (in the urn) What Now? GET ASHES AND EXAMINE THEM You are now carrying the gray ashes. The ashes are gray and you suspect they are the remains some dear departed soul. What Now? DROP THEM You drop the gray ashes. <-- Wont need again. What Now? WASH URN As you wash the grime and accumulated years of dirt off of the urn, you discover that the urn is actually made of gold and encrusted with gems and precious stones. Your score just increase by 15 to 140. What Now? EXAMINE IT The urn is encrusted with gems and precious stones. There is some writing on the side. What Now? READ URN Engraved in fancy letters on the side of the urn: Last remains of an unknown adventurer, who lost his life in Humongous Cave. What Now? ENTER << Inside building >> You are inside a small building, a well house for a large spring. The stream bubbles up out of the ground and flows out the side of the building through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The word "THURB" has been painted on one of the pipes. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall. A huge steel safe has been installed into the brick wall on the east wall. The safe door is closed. A huge grandfather clock stands against the wall. There are some old, ugly, dirty tennis shoes here. A Boy-Scout compass is lying nearby. There are several iron keys on the ground here. There is tasty food here. There is a small bottle of water here. There is cloak made from a heavy metallic fabric here. There is a piece of crumpled paper here. What Now? INVENTORY You are carrying the following: beautiful rose red apple jeweled urn golden weathercock brass lantern You are wearing the following: silver cross What Now? DROP ALL Sorry, but you must drop things one-at-a-time, here! <-- All "treasures" must be dropped inside the building (i.e., here) or inside the safe that you will find later in the cave. What Now? DROP ROSE As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 1 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the rose hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP APPLE As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 2 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the apple hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP URN As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 3 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the urn hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP COCK As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 4 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the weathercock hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP CROSS As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 5 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the cross hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! < ---------------- CAMPAIGN 2 -- Below The Building ------------------------> What Now? NORTH << Tool room >> You are in a small, low-ceilinged room with the words "Witt Company Tool Room - Melenkurion division" carved into one of the walls. A doorway exits to the south from here. There is a long-handled shovel here. There are a pair of suction cups here. What Now? GET CUPS AND EXAMINE THEM You are now carrying the suction cups. The suction cups are connected to a metal bar with a handle to hold them. These are the kind of suction cups that are used to hold on to something flat such as a large glass window. A window washer on a high-rise building might use these to hold himself on to the glass by giving the command "ATTACH SUCTION CUPS TO WINDOW." These could come in handy if you have to wash some windows. What Now? SOUTH << Inside building >> You are inside a small building, a well house for a large spring. The stream bubbles up out of the ground and flows out the side of the building through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The word "THURB" has been painted on one of the pipes. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall. A huge steel safe has been installed into the brick wall on the east wall. The safe door is closed. A huge grandfather clock stands against the wall. There are some old, ugly, dirty tennis shoes here. A Boy-Scout compass is lying nearby. There are several iron keys on the ground here. There is tasty food here. There is a small bottle of water here. There is cloak made from a heavy metallic fabric here. There is a piece of crumpled paper here. What Now? EXAMINE SAFE The safe takes up most of the east wall of the room. There is a combination knob in the center of the safe's door, while to the left of the knob about eight inches away, is a short handle which is pointing toward the combination knob. You play with the knob and try to turn the handle, but it is no use. The safe is locked and you are unable to unlock it. <-- Remember the date 7-20-43 carved in the tree! What Now? TURN KNOB WHICH DIRECTION (LEFT OR RIGHT) ? RIGHT What number (from 0 to 99) ? 7 Strange! Nothing happened. At least, nothing obvious happened. What Now? TURN KNOB WHICH DIRECTION (LEFT OR RIGHT) ? LEFT What number (from 0 to 99) ? 20 Strange! Nothing happened. At least, nothing obvious happened. What Now? TURN KNOB WHICH DIRECTION (LEFT OR RIGHT) ? RIGHT What number (from 0 to 99) ? 43 You suddenly hear a loud CLICK! What Now? OPEN SAFE You pull the handle with all your strength and the large door slowly swings open revealing the contents of the vault. You see..... A stone stairway leads down. Your score just increase by 15 to 155. <-- Opening the safe with the correct combination is worth 15 points. What Now? DOWN You climb down the steep stairway in the safe. << Southern end of long hall >> You are at the southern end of a long hall. A stairway leads up into the darkness. There is a curtain over the open doorway to the south. The door to the north is closed. It is made of thick steel and looks like it could survive a nuclear blast. Next to the steel door is a small slot. What Now? SOUTH << Programmer's Den >> You are in a strange room with exits to both the north and south. Both exits have curtains draw over them. The floor is carpeted, the walls are rubber, the room is strewn with papers, listings, books, and half-empty JOLT Cola bottles. The cryptic anagram "D + A = L" is inscribed throughout the room. The south wall is almost covered by a large color centerfold of a naked supercomputer. A sign on the wall says, "PROGRAMMER'S DEN" The software wizard is nowhere to be seen. There are many computers here: micros, minis, maxis and megas. What Now? NORTH A bearded programmer steps out from the shadows and says, "Since you didn't try to steal any of my stuff, I'll give you a special plastic card and reveal a secret password. Use the password wisely and enjoy your stay in HUMONGOUS CAVE, my son." With that, the programmer vanishes, leaving a few 0 and 1 bits that briefly form the word: TURBO << Southern end of long hall >> You are at the southern end of a long hall. A stairway leads up into the darkness. There is a curtain over the open doorway to the south. The door to the north is closed. It is made of thick steel and looks like it could survive a nuclear blast. Next to the steel door is a small slot. What Now? EXAMINE CARD The plastic card is about 2 by 4 inches. It has a number of holes in it at one end. At the other end, is printed "INSERT THIS END" and there is an arrow pointing toward the end with the holes. It looks like one of those electronic access cards that hotels use rather than normal metal keys. What Now? EXAMINE SLOT The door is solid steel. You must open it by using some kind of access card -- because above the slot is a small sign that says "INSERT ACCESS CARD FOR ADMITTANCE." What Now? INSERT CARD IN SLOT You insert the card into the slot. A very loud buzzing sound comes from the door and then the door swings open and you enter the room to find ... << Computer Center >> You are in a large computer center with a raised floor and recessed lights in the ceiling. Large mainframes are everywhere. There are exits to the north and south. There is a sign on the east wall. An ancient IBM PC-XT is on a small table in the corner. What Now? EXAMINE MAINFRAMES The mainframe computers here are all the latest and greatest, including Cray's, CDC's, IBM's, DEC's, etc. There is an incredible amount of computing power in this room. What Now? EXAMINE PC-XT The computer is an ancient IBM PC-XT. It has a CGA monitor, 512K of memory, a 10 meg hard drive and a floppy disk drive. What Now? EXAMINE FLOOR The raised floor is made from special tiles about two feet square. What Now? ATTACH SUCTION CUPS TO FLOOR You attach the suction cups to the floor tiles and lift up. A tile comes up making a hole in the floor. Your score just increase by 15 to 170. What Now? LOOK << Computer Center >> You are in a large computer center with a raised floor and recessed lights in the ceiling. Large mainframes are everywhere. There are exits to the north and south. There is a sign on the east wall. There is a hole in the floor where one of the tiles has been removed. An ancient IBM PC-XT is on a small table in the corner. What Now? DOWN For some reason, you can't see anything here. What Now? LIGHT LAMP Your lamp is now shining brightly! What Now? LOOK << Beneath Computer Center >> You are in a small room below the computer center. Near the ceiling there are all sorts of wires and cables. There is also a small hole in the ceiling which you can just reach. To the west is a crawlway leading into the darkness. What Now? WEST << Small Barren Room >> You are in a small barren room. This room has even more wires than the room you were just in. There is a crawlway leading into the darkness to the east. What Now? EXAMINE WIRES The wires and cables are obviously used to connect the computers in the room above. You discover something bright and ticking among the wires. What Now? LOOK << Small Barren Room >> You are in a small barren room. This room has even more wires than the room you were just in. There is a crawlway leading into the darkness to the east. There is a beautiful old gold watch on a matching gold chain here. What Now? GET WATCH As you get the watch, you notice the time ... The time is currently 10:37 A.M. Your score just increase by 15 to 185. What Now? EAST << Beneath Computer Center >> You are in a small room below the computer center. Near the ceiling there are all sorts of wires and cables. There is also a small hole in the ceiling which you can just reach. To the west is a crawlway leading into the darkness. What Now? UP << Computer Center >> You are in a large computer center with a raised floor and recessed lights in the ceiling. Large mainframes are everywhere. There are exits to the north and south. There is a sign on the east wall. There is a hole in the floor where one of the tiles has been removed. An ancient IBM PC-XT is on a small table in the corner. What Now? DROP CUPS <-- Wont need again. You drop the suction cups. What Now? READ SIGN The sign reads: "Expiratory Distribution of Partially Ignited Hydrocarbons into the Immediate Atmosphere Strictly Disallowed". Below these words is a picture of a burning cigarette with a red circle and a red line drawn through it. What Now? NORTH << Air-Conditioned Room >> You are in a small barren room. There is an exit south to the computer center. The room is very, very cold because of the cold air blasting thru the air-conditioning duct in the east wall. What Now? EXAMINE DUCT The air-conditioning duct is near the bottom of the east wall. It is covered by a metal grate. Very COLD air is blowing through it. You are going to freeze if you stay here much longer. What Now? GET DUCT You manage to remove the grate covering the duct. Like a true adventurer, you then let your imagination get the better of your good sense and you crawl into the duct. You crawl about a hundred feet further into the duct before you pause to rest at a place where the duct turns to the south. The air is still blasting away in the duct and you are very, very cold! Your score just increase by 10 to 195. <-- Removing duct is worth 10 points. << At Turn In duct >> You are at a elbow-turn in the duct. The duct extends to the west and to the south. You can not see any light in either direction. It is very cold here! What Now? SOUTH You crawl south along the duct for about an hour -- at least, it seems like an hour. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. It extends forever to the north and to the south. It is very cold! Other than being cold, this place is pretty boring. What Now? SOUTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the south and crawl for a while longer. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. It extends forever to the north and to the south. It is very cold! You are going to freeze if you don't get out of here soon. What Now? SOUTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the south and crawl for a while longer. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. Cold air is blasting at you from the south. It is very cold! The duct extends forever to the north. To the south, you can see a faint light. What Now? SOUTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the south and crawl for a while longer. << End Of The Duct >> You at the mouth of a small opening overlooking a large windy cavern. To the north is a duct that extends as far as you can see. The duct is only about three feet high, so you will need to crawl if you go north. You can also climb down or go south to enter the windy cavern. It is very cold here! What Now? SOUTH << Windy cavern >> You in a large cavern. The cavern has a large hole in the ceiling high above your head. The hole is too far above you to exit that way. An incredibly strong wind blows through the hole in the ceiling. The wind is very, very cold and you will freeze if you don't leave here soon. Passages lead off to the west and to the south. There is a small opening about four feet above the ground in the north end of the cavern. What Now? WEST << Paneled passage >> You in a oak-paneled hallway. The hall extends to the east and to the west. A strong wind is blowing from the east. It is very cold! What Now? WEST << Witt's Private Office >> You are in the private office of Mr. Ralph Witt. There is a hallway to the east. It is very cold because of the air that blows through the hallway. There is a large heavy door in the middle of the west wall. There are the usual office-type pieces of furniture: Along the wall is an old file cabinet. In the corner, there is a wooden coat rack. A nice heavy parka is here. ( on the coat rack ) There is a pocket on the right side of the parka. (in the parka) And, strangely enough, a pocket on the left side also. (in the parka) Witt's large oak desk sits in the center of the floor. There is a cushy swivel chair. ( behind the desk ) There is a pile of mail here. There is a Compaq 486 sitting on the desk (no office should be without one). What Now? WEAR PARKA <-- Needed to keep from freezing to death! You are now wearing the heavy parka. What Now? EXAMINE PARKA The parka looks very warm. It's stuffed with the finest eider down. It has a very heavy zipper with a large pocket on either side. You can't be sure, but you suspect there is no pocket lint in either pocket. The pockets open and close. There is a pocket on the right side of the parka. (in the parka) And, strangely enough, a pocket on the left side also. (in the parka) What Now? EXAMINE POCKET Which "POCKET", the RIGHT POCKET or the LEFT POCKET? THE RIGHT POCKET Pockets are funny. It's hard to tell whether they're left or right. If it's your jacket and you're wearing it, this would be the right pocket. If it was someone else's jacket and they were wearing it while you were examining it, well not only would it be the left pocket but you'd probably get your face slapped. What Now? OPEN RIGHT POCKET The right pocket is now open. What Now? OPEN LEFT POCKET The left pocket is now open. Your score just increase by 15 to 210. What Now? EXAMINE PARKA The parka looks very warm. It's stuffed with the finest eider down. It has a very heavy zipper with a large pocket on either side. You can't be sure, but you suspect there is no pocket lint in either pocket. The pockets open and close. There is a pocket on the right side of the parka. (in the parka) There is a giant rabbit's foot here. (in the pocket) And, strangely enough, a pocket on the left side also. (in the parka) There is a gold key here. (in the pocket) What Now? GET KEY AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the gold key. It's one of those old fashioned keys that looks sort of like a 'K'. It is made of the finest gold and has the initials R.W. engraved delicately on one side. What Now? GET FOOT AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the rabbit's foot. The foot looks like it came from a mighty BIG rabbit. I would sure hate to run into the sucker who belongs with this foot! What Now? GET MAIL AND EXAMINE IT You are now carrying the mail pile. The 'pile' of mail looks more like a man-made mountain. What Now? READ MAIL Every envelope is addressed to Ralph Witt. Have you forgotten the "Adventurer's Oath" you took to be a goodie two shoes and to not do anything illegal in this game? Remember, it is a federal offense to open other people's mail. What Now? RUB RABBIT'S FOOT You rub the rabbit's foot for a while, but nothing happens. What Now? LOOK << Witt's Private Office >> You are in the private office of Mr. Ralph Witt. There is a hallway to the east. It is very cold because of the air that blows through the hallway. There is a large heavy door in the middle of the west wall. There are the usual office-type pieces of furniture: Along the wall is an old file cabinet. In the corner, there is a wooden coat rack. Witt's large oak desk sits in the center of the floor. There is a cushy swivel chair. ( behind the desk ) There is a Compaq 486 sitting on the desk (no office should be without one). What Now? EXAMINE CHAIR It's one of those cushy swivel chairs. Sitting in it would be hazardous to the completion of your task. It looks far too comfortable. What Now? EXAMINE COMPAQ This is one of those new 100 MegaHertz screamers with the latest in laser storage devices. Witt is obviously a POWER user. The monitor actually looks more like a hologram. There is a 3D view of the cave with many lines running from location to location. What Now? READ IT The cave is obviously a very confusing place with locations connected to other places with little or no rhyme or reason. Witt is deranged and so is his cave. What Now? EXAMINE DESK The drawer is in the center of the desk. It has an ornate gold lock. What Now? UNLOCK DESK WITH KEY You have now unlocked the oak desk, using the key. What Now? OPEN DRAWER The oak desk is now open. What Now? LOOK << Witt's Private Office >> You are in the private office of Mr. Ralph Witt. There is a hallway to the east. It is very cold because of the air that blows through the hallway. There is a large heavy door in the middle of the west wall. There are the usual office-type pieces of furniture: Along the wall is an old file cabinet. In the corner, there is a wooden coat rack. Witt's large oak desk sits in the center of the floor. There is a diary here. It is quite old. (in the desk) There is a cushy swivel chair. ( behind the desk ) There is a Compaq 486 sitting on the desk (no office should be without one). What Now? GET DIARY You are now carrying the old diary. What Now? EXAMINE IT The diary is ancient. The leather is dry and cracked and the paper is yellow and very brittle. It is full of pithy little insights on life and adventures. What Now? READ DIARY This game was created using the Adventure Game Toolkit. A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT -- etc., etc., etc... What Now? READ DIARY Time is just nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once. What Now? AGAIN Trolls like eggs! <-- The diary has some hints. Like this one. What Now? AGAIN No problem is so formidable that you can't just run away from it. What Now? AGAIN You've got to kiss a lot of ugly frogs before you find your handsome prince (or princess). <-- The diary has some hints. Like this one. What Now? SIT IN CHAIR Sitting down would be hazardous to the completion of your adventure. You have an urgent mission to perform and you had best get on with it. What Now? EAST << Paneled passage >> You in a oak-paneled hallway. The hall extends to the east and to the west. A strong wind is blowing from the east. It is very cold! What Now? EAST << Windy cavern >> You in a large cavern. The cavern has a large hole in the ceiling high above your head. The hole is too far above you to exit that way. An incredibly strong wind blows through the hole in the ceiling. The wind is very, very cold and you will freeze if you don't leave here soon. Passages lead off to the west and to the south. There is a small opening about four feet above the ground in the north end of the cavern. Your score just increase by 15 to 225. What Now? INVENTORY You are carrying the following: rabbit's foot gold key old diary rare stamps <-- Mail changed into rare stamps gold watch plastic card brass lantern You are wearing the following: heavy parka There is a pocket on the right side of the parka. (in the parka) And, strangely enough, a pocket on the left side also. (in the parka) What Now? EXAMINE STAMPS The envelopes are all stamped with very rare stamps. Specifically, the stamps are all part of a special commemorative series honoring the "Greatest Adventurers of All Time." You are pleased to see your face (beaming brightly) on a pretty blue stamp. Under your pictures is a caption that proclaims you as the "(Almost) Conqueror of Humongous Cave." What Now? NORTH << End Of The Duct >> You at the mouth of a small opening overlooking a large windy cavern. To the north is a duct that extends as far as you can see. The duct is only about three feet high, so you will need to crawl if you go north. You can also climb down or go south to enter the windy cavern. It is very cold here! What Now? NORTH You crawl into the duct and continue to crawl north for a very long time. The cold, cold wind blows through the duct from the cavern to your south. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. Cold air is blasting at you from the south. It is very cold! The duct extends forever to the north. To the south, you can see a faint light. What Now? NORTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the north and crawl for a while longer. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. It extends forever to the north and to the south. It is very cold! You are going to freeze if you don't get out of here soon. What Now? NORTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the north and crawl for a while longer. << In The Duct >> You are in the middle of an extremely long duct. It extends forever to the north and to the south. It is very cold! Other than being cold, this place is pretty boring. What Now? NORTH After a brief pause for rest, you set off to the north and crawl for a while longer. << At Turn In duct >> You are at a elbow-turn in the duct. The duct extends to the west and to the south. You can not see any light in either direction. It is very cold here! What Now? WEST << Air-Conditioned Room >> You are in a small barren room. There is an exit south to the computer center. The room is very, very cold because of the cold air blasting thru the air-conditioning duct in the east wall. There is a metal air-conditioning grate on the floor. What Now? EXTINGUISH LAMP <-- Conserve your lamp's batteries whenever possible! Your lamp is now off. What Now? SOUTH << Computer Center >> You are in a large computer center with a raised floor and recessed lights in the ceiling. Large mainframes are everywhere. There are exits to the north and south. There is a sign on the east wall. There are a pair of suction cups here. There is a hole in the floor where one of the tiles has been removed. An ancient IBM PC-XT is on a small table in the corner. What Now? SOUTH << Southern end of long hall >> You are at the southern end of a long hall. A stairway leads up into the darkness. There is a curtain over the open doorway to the south. The door to the north is closed. It is made of thick steel and looks like it could survive a nuclear blast. Next to the steel door is a small slot. What Now? UP You climb up the stairs and enter the room above through the open safe door. << Inside building >> You are inside a small building, a well house for a large spring. The stream bubbles up out of the ground and flows out the side of the building through a pair of 1 foot diameter sewer pipes. The word "THURB" has been painted on one of the pipes. There is a doorway in the middle of the north wall. A huge steel safe has been installed into the brick wall on the east wall. The safe's door is wide open! A stone stairway leads down. (in the safe) A huge grandfather clock stands against the wall. There are some old, ugly, dirty tennis shoes here. A Boy-Scout compass is lying nearby. There are several iron keys on the ground here. There is tasty food here. There is a small bottle of water here. There is cloak made from a heavy metallic fabric here. There is a piece of crumpled paper here. What Now? INVENTORY You are carrying the following: rabbit's foot gold key old diary rare stamps <-- pile of mail turned into rare stamps gold watch plastic card brass lantern You are wearing the following: heavy parka There is a pocket on the right side of the parka. (in the parka) And, strangely enough, a pocket on the left side also. (in the parka) What Now? EXAMINE STAMPS The envelopes are all stamped with very rare stamps. Specifically, the stamps are all part of a special commemorative series honoring the "Greatest Adventurers of All Time." You are pleased to see your face (beaming brightly) on a pretty blue stamp. Under your pictures is a caption that proclaims you as the "(Almost) Conqueror of Humongous Cave." What Now? DROP FOOT You drop the rabbit's foot. What Now? DROP PARKA <-- Wont need again. You drop the heavy parka. What Now? DROP GOLD KEY As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 6 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the key hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP CARD You drop the plastic card. What Now? DROP STAMPS As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 7 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the stamps hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? DROP DIARY <-- Wont need again. You drop the old diary. What Now? EXAMINE WATCH The watch is an old style pocket watch. It has a matching gold chain. The time is currently 11:55 A.M. What Now? DROP IT As you drop the treasure, a voice booms out: "Well done! You have collected 8 treasure(s) so far out of a total of 37." As the watch hits the floor, it disappears in a puff of blue smoke! What Now? GET KEY You are now carrying the iron keys. What Now? EXAMINE CLOAK The cloak is made from a heavy metallic fabric. It is big enough that it would cover your entire body from head to foot. The manufacturer's label is sewn to the inside of the cloak. What Now? READ LABEL -------------------------------- | Made of Turbo Gore-tex | | Wash in warm water | |------------------------------| | Produced by David Malmberg | | | | Based on original design | | by Woods, Crowther & Platt | -------------------------------- What Now? WEAR CLOAK You are now wearing the metallic cloak. <-- The cloak will protect you from dwarf attacks and other unpleasant accidents. You should wear it whenever you are in the cave if you wish to minimize your risk of accidental death. What Now? EXIT << End of road >> You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully to the south. You see some gray ashes. Next to the door of the building, there is a faded sign.