#COMMENT ********************************************************************* File : O_CMDS.AGT Author : Philip Boswell Last Revised : December 23, 1993 Contains meta-commands and messages for game OCEANA. Included by file OCEANA.AGT during game compilation. ********************************************************************* #END_COMMENT FLAG [Scuba Gear initialized] FLAG [Flashlight initialized] FLAG [Chamber initialized] FLAG [Elevator initialized] FLAG [Nothing interesting on Table] FLAG [Sphere on Table] FLAG [White Block on Table] FLAG [Plain Box on Table] FLAG [Trident on Table] FLAG [Obelisk on Table] FLAG [Green Crystal on Table] FLAG [Shiny Robot saw Pyramid] FLAG [Pyramid on Stone] FLAG [Got Sceptre from Coffin] FLAG [Obelisk sent signal] FLAG [Computer spoke] FLAG [Computer speaking] FLAG [Mass destroyed] FLAG [Robot at controls] FLAG [Power off] FLAG [Time stopped] FLAG [Time stopping] FLAG [Time starting] FLAG [Box was opened/closed while time stopped] FLAG [Passage revealed] FLAG [Jagged Hole patched] FLAG [Missiles armed] FLAG [Has Points for Perfect Ruby in Metal Box] FLAG [Has Points for Crystaline Cylinder in Core] FLAG [Has Points for Waving Trident] FLAG [Has Points for Green Crystal appearance] FLAG [Has Points for Pzxiad] FLAG [Has Points for stopping time] FLAG [Has Points for moving Cabinet] FLAG [Has Points for Hidden Door] FLAG [Has Points for Stone Door] FLAG [Has Points for Secret Door] FLAG [Has Points for killing Tentacle Fish] FLAG [Has Points for killing Giant Squid] FLAG [Pzxiad, LINK] FLAG [Wave Trident, LINK] FLAG [Close Plain Box, LINK] FLAG [Game was restored] COUNTER [Sickness] COUNTER [Turns with high pressure] COUNTER [Breath held] VARIABLE [Air supply] VARIABLE [Flashlight power] VARIABLE [Elevator location] VARIABLE [Transport Chamber location] VARIABLE [Saved time] SUBROUTINES [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] [Change Airlock doors descriptions] [Change Power Core Control Room description] [Change Access Room description] [Change Power Core Room description] [Remove robots from group] [Add robots to group] [Destroy robots] END_SUBROUTINES #COMMENT ** Cause 1 minute to pass for each turn ** COMMAND ANY FlagOFF [Time stopped] AddToTime 1 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Limit # of turns ** COMMAND ANY TimeGT 2100 PrintMessage [PIBOS drops bombs] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Limits # of turns if not cured ** COMMAND ANY AtLocation [Equipment Room] FirstVisitToRoom TurnCounterON [Sickness] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterEquals [Sickness] 200 PrintMessage [Dies from illness] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Sickness] 194 PrintMessage [Feeling very weak] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Sickness] 189 CounterLT [Sickness] 195 PrintMessage [Feeling dizzy] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Sickness] 179 CounterLT [Sickness] 190 PrintMessage [Feeling light-headed] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Sickness] 189 CounterLT [Sickness] 195 Chance 10 PrintMessage [Must rest] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Sickness] 194 Chance 50 PrintMessage [Must rest] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Limit # of turns wearing Scuba Gear ** COMMAND ANY FlagOFF [Scuba Gear initialized] SetVariableTo [Air Supply] 0 TurnFlagON [Scuba Gear initialized] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsWearing [Scuba Gear] FlagOFF [Time stopped] AddToVariable [Air Supply] 1 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsWearing [Scuba Gear] VariableGT [Air Supply] 99 FlagOFF [Time stopped] RemoveIt [Scuba Gear] TurnCounterON [Breath held] PrintMessage [Air in gear runs out, takes off gear] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsWearing [Scuba Gear] VariableLT [Air Supply] 100 VariableGT [Air Supply] 94 FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Air in gear very hard to breathe] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsWearing [Scuba Gear] VariableGT [Air Supply] 85 VariableLT [Air Supply] 95 FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Air in gear hard to breathe] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Limit # of turns with breath held ** COMMAND ANY CounterEquals [Breath held] 3 PrintMessage [Lungs starting to run out of air] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterEquals [Breath held] 4 PrintMessage [Lungs almost out of air] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterEquals [Breath held] 5 PrintMessage [Player drowns] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Limit # of turns with Flashlight ON ** COMMAND ANY FlagOFF [Flashlight initialized] SetVariableTo [Flashlight Power] 0 TurnFlagON [Flashlight initialized] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsON [Yellow Flashlight] FlagOFF [Time stopped] AddToVariable [Flashlight Power] 1 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsON [Yellow Flashlight] VariableEquals [Flashlight Power] 250 FlagOFF [Time stopped] SwapLocations [Yellow Flashlight] [Dead Flashlight] Present [Dead Flashlight] PrintMessage [Flashlight dies] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsON [Yellow Flashlight] Present [Yellow Flashlight] VariableGT [Flashlight Power] 239 FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Flashlight goes out, comes back on] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY IsON [Yellow Flashlight] Present [Yellow Flashlight] VariableGT [Flashlight Power] 229 VariableLT [Flashlight Power] 240 FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Flashlight flickers] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Kill player if player walks around in dark ** COMMAND ANY RoomNeedsLight NOT LightPresent DirectionOK PrintMessage [Walks around in dark and dies] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Initialize Elevator ** COMMAND ANY FlagOFF [Elevator initialized] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 4 TurnFlagON [Elevator initialized] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Initialize Chamber ** COMMAND ANY FlagOFF [Chamber initialized] SetVariableTo [Transport Chamber Location] 1 TurnFlagON [Chamber initialized] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Ten turns with pressure high before crushed to death ** COMMAND ANY CounterEquals [Turns with High Pressure] 10 PrintMessage [Dies due to high pressure] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Turns with High Pressure] 0 PrintMessage [Difficulty breathing normally] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Robots move with player ** COMMAND ANY DirectionOK Present [Shiny Robot] Present [Mining Robot] NOT AtLocation [Control Booth] OR AtLocation [Control Booth] DirectionIS [South] PrintMessage [Both robots follow player] END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY DirectionOK Present [Shiny Robot] NOT Present [Mining Robot] NOT Present [Damaged Robot] NOT AtLocation [Control Booth] OR AtLocation [Control Booth] DirectionIS [South] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot follows player] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Shiny Robot vs. Damaged Robot ** COMMAND ANY Together [Shiny Robot] [Damaged Robot] NOT IsLocated [Shiny Robot] [Nowhere] Destroy [Damaged Robot] Destroy [Shiny Robot] SendToRoom [Robot Parts] [Gym] PrintMessage [Damaged Robot fights Shiny Robot] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Small Fish moves with player ** COMMAND ANY DirectionOK NOT Present [Tentacle Fish] NOT Present [Giant Squid] Present [Small Fish] IsGroupMember [Small Fish] PrintMessage [Small Fish follows player] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Small Fish bites Giant Squid ** COMMAND ANY AtLocation [Ruins] NOT IsLocated [Small Fish] [Nowhere] Together [Small Fish] [Giant Squid] SwapLocations [Giant Squid] [Dead Squid] PrintMessage [Small Fish bites and kills Giant Squid] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Small Fish flees from Tentacle Fish ** COMMAND ANY AtLocation [Nest Room] NOT IsLocated [Small Fish] [Nowhere] Together [Small Fish] [Tentacle Fish] Destroy [Small Fish] PrintMessage [Small Fish flees from Tentacle Fish] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Small Fish flees from Circular Room ** COMMAND ANY Together [Small Fish] [Large Chamber] Destroy [Small Fish] PrintMessage [Small Fish flees from Circular Room] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player at Top of Pyramid goes to Octagonal Room ** COMMAND ANY AtLocation [Top of Pyramid] FlagOFF [Time stopped] GoToRoom [Octagonal Room] PrintMessage [Player is transported to Octagonal Room] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Throwing things underwater ** COMMAND THROW ANY BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] NOUNIsCarrying PrintMessage [Can't throw things underwater] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player tells computer anything ** COMMAND TELL COMPUTER ANY ANY Present [Main Computer] PrintMessage [Computer is too busy to talk] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks computer anything ** COMMAND ASK COMPUTER ANY ANY Present [Main Computer] PrintMessage [Computer is too busy to talk] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Shiny Robot about Pyramid ** COMMAND ASK SHINY ROBOT ABOUT PYRAMID Present [Shiny Robot] Present [Small Pyramid] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot studies Pyramid] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Maintenance Robot about Robot Parts ** COMMAND ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT ROBOT PARTS Present [Robot Parts] Present [Maintenance Robot] Destroy [Robot Parts] PutInCurrentRoom [Shiny Robot] PutInCurrentRoom [Mining Robot] PrintMessage [Maintenance Robot repairs other robots] PlusScore 10 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Maintenance Robot about Broken Module ** COMMAND ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT BROKEN MODULE Present [Broken Module] Present [Maintenance Robot] PrintMessage [It's beyond repair] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Maintenance Robot about Melted Cylinder ** COMMAND ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT MELTED CYLINDER Present [Melted Cylinder] Present [Maintenance Robot] PrintMessage [It's beyond repair] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Maintenance Robot about Cracked Ruby ** COMMAND ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT CRACKED RUBY Present [Cracked Ruby] Present [Maintenance Robot] PrintMessage [It's beyond repair] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player asks Mining Robot about Red Rock ** COMMAND ASK MINING ROBOT ABOUT RED ROCK Present [Red Rock] Present [Mining Robot] PrintMessage [Mining Robot studies Red Rock] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Pyramid to Shiny Robot ** COMMAND GIVE PYRAMID TO SHINY ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK SHINY ROBOT ABOUT PYRAMID END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Robot Parts to Maintenance Robot ** COMMAND GIVE ROBOT PARTS TO MAINTENANCE ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT ROBOT PARTS END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Broken Module to Maintenance Robot ** COMMAND GIVE BROKEN MODULE TO MAINTENANCE ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT BROKEN MODULE END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Melted Cylinder to Maintenance Robot ** COMMAND GIVE MELTED CYLINDER TO MAINTENANCE ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT MELTED CYLINDER END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Cracked Ruby to Maintenance Robot ** COMMAND GIVE CRACKED RUBY TO MAINTENANCE ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK MAINTENANCE ROBOT ABOUT CRACKED RUBY END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player gives Red Rock to Mining Robot ** COMMAND GIVE RED ROCK TO MINING ROBOT ReDirectTo ASK MINING ROBOT ABOUT RED ROCK END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player feeds Small Fish ** COMMAND GIVE SEAWEED TO SMALL FISH Present [Small Fish] Present [Ugly Seaweed] Destroy [Ugly Seaweed] AddToGroup [Small Fish] PrintMessage [Small Fish eats Seaweed, joins Player] PlusScore 10 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player feeds Tentacle Fish ** COMMAND GIVE SEAWEED TO TENTACLE FISH Present [Tentacle Fish] Present [Ugly Seaweed] Destroy [Tentacle Fish] Destroy [Ugly Seaweed] PrintMessage [Tentacle Fish eats Seaweed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player tries to feed Giant Squid ** COMMAND GIVE SEAWEED TO SQUID Present [Giant Squid] Present [Ugly Seaweed] PrintMessage [Giant Squid eats Seaweed, kills Player] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Giving something to creature that doesn't want it ** COMMAND GIVE ANY TO ANY NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectPresent PrintMessage [It doesn't seem to want it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Inner Airlock Door ** COMMAND OPEN INNER DOOR AtLocation [Equipment Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Door] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [West] [Airlock] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN INNER DOOR AtLocation [Airlock] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Door] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [East] [Equipment Room] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Outer Airlock Door ** COMMAND OPEN OUTER DOOR AtLocation [Your Sub] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Door] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [East] [Airlock] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN OUTER DOOR AtLocation [Airlock] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Door] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [West] [Your Sub] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Inner Access Hatch ** COMMAND OPEN INNER HATCH AtLocation [Power Core Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Hatch] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [Northwest] [Access Room] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN INNER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Hatch] NOUNIsClosed IsClosed [Outer Hatch] IsWearing [Radiation Suit] OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [Southeast] [Power Core Room] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN INNER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Hatch] NOUNIsClosed IsOpen [Outer Hatch] PrintMessage [Alarm Sounds] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Outer Access Hatch ** COMMAND OPEN OUTER HATCH AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Hatch] NOUNIsClosed OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [Southeast] [Access Room] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN OUTER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Hatch] NOUNIsClosed IsClosed [Inner Hatch] OpenNOUN ChangePassageway [Northwest] [Power Core Control Room] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] PrintMessage [It's now open] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN OUTER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Hatch] NOUNIsClosed IsOpen [Inner Hatch] PrintMessage [Alarm Sounds] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Plain Box in the Plain Room ** COMMAND OPEN PLAIN BOX AtLocation [Plain Room] NOUNPresent IsCarrying [Plain Box] NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] GoToRoom [Other Plain Room] PrintMessage [Open Plain Box in Plain Room] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN PLAIN BOX AtLocation [Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOT IsCarrying [Plain Box] NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] SendToRoom [Plain Box] [Other Plain Room] OpenIt [Plain Box] PrintMessage [Close/Open Plain Box, not holding it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Box when not in right place ** COMMAND OPEN PLAIN BOX NOT AtLocation [Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Close/Open Plain Box] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Box when not in right place ** COMMAND OPEN PLAIN BOX NOT AtLocation [Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] FlagON [Time stopped] TurnFlagON [Box was opened/closed while time stopped] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Sphere underwater ** COMMAND OPEN SPHERE NOUNPresent BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] PrintMessage [Mass explodes] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Sphere in Puddle Room without having time stopped ** COMMAND OPEN SPHERE AtLocation [Puddle Room] NOUNPresent FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Mass explodes due to puddle] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Sphere while not underwater or without high pressure ** COMMAND OPEN SPHERE NOUNPresent FlagOFF [Time stopped] CounterEquals [Turns with High Pressure] 0 PrintMessage [Open Sphere, Mass expands and crushes] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Secret Door in Office ** COMMAND OPEN SESAME AtLocation [Commander's Office] NOT Present [Hidden Door] PutInCurrentRoom [Hidden Door] ChangePassageway [North] [Secret Room] ChangeDescr [Commander's Office] [Commander's Office, door open] PrintMessage [Commander's Hidden Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN SESAME NOT AtLocation [Commander's Office] OR Present [Hidden Door] PrintMessage [Nothing happens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Opening Power Core with power on ** COMMAND OPEN CORE AtLocation [Power Core Room] FlagOff [Power off] NOUNIsNumber [Power Core] PrintMessage [Player opens Core with power on] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Inner Airlock Door ** COMMAND CLOSE INNER DOOR AtLocation [Equipment Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Door] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE INNER DOOR AtLocation [Airlock] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Door] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Outer Airlock Door ** COMMAND CLOSE OUTER DOOR AtLocation [Your Sub] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Door] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE OUTER DOOR AtLocation [Airlock] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Door] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Airlock doors descriptions] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Inner Access Hatch ** COMMAND CLOSE INNER HATCH AtLocation [Power Core Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Hatch] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [Northwest] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE INNER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Inner Hatch] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [Southeast] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Outer Access Hatch ** COMMAND CLOSE OUTER HATCH AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Hatch] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [Southeast] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE OUTER HATCH AtLocation [Access Room] NOUNIsNumber [Outer Hatch] NOUNIsOpen CloseNOUN ChangePassageway [Northwest] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Access Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [It's now closed] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Plain Box in Other Plain Room ** COMMAND CLOSE PLAIN BOX AtLocation [Other Plain Room] NOUNPresent IsCarrying [Plain Box] NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] GoToRoom [Plain Room] PrintMessage [Close Plain Box in Other Plain Room] TurnFlagON [Close Plain Box, LINK] IsCarrying [Green Crystal] SendToRoom [Green Crystal] [Other Plain Room] PrintMessage [Not holding Green Crystal anymore] END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE PLAIN BOX FlagON [Close Plain Box, LINK] TurnFlagOFF [Close Plain Box, LINK] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE PLAIN BOX AtLocation [Other Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOT IsCarrying [Plain Box] NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] SendToRoom [Plain Box] [Plain Room] CloseIt [Plain Box] PrintMessage [Close/Open Plain Box, not holding it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Box when not in right place ** COMMAND CLOSE PLAIN BOX NOT AtLocation [Other Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Close/Open Plain Box] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE PLAIN BOX NOT AtLocation [Other Plain Room] NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] FlagON [Time stopped] TurnFlagON [Box was opened/closed while time stopped] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Closing Secret Door in Office ** COMMAND CLOSE SESAME AtLocation [Commander's Office] Present [Hidden Door] Destroy [Hidden Door] ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Commander's Office] [Commander's Office, door closed] PrintMessage [Commander's Hidden Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE SESAME NOT AtLocation [Commander's Office] OR NOT Present [Hidden Door] PrintMessage [Nothing happens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Going east into Hangar with Robot present ** COMMAND EAST AtLocation [Control Booth] Present [Shiny Robot] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot asks player about going to Missile complex] PromptForYES TurnFlagON [Robot at controls] DoSubroutine [Remove robots from group] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation [Inside Chamber] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber Location] 3 PrintMessage [Exit Transport Chamber underwater] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Going west into Control Booth with Shiny Robot at controls ** COMMAND WEST AtLocation [Hangar Deck] FlagON [Robot at controls] TurnFlagOFF [Robot at controls] DoSubroutine [Add robots to group] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Going West into Chamber underwater ** COMMAND WEST AtLocation [Circular Room, Underwater] PrintMessage [Enter Transport Chamber underwater] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Going up into Control Booth with Shiny Robot at controls ** COMMAND UP AtLocation [Hangar Deck] FlagON [Robot at controls] TurnFlagOFF [Robot at controls] DoSubroutine [Add robots to group] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Entering Small Submarine with Shiny Robot at controls ** COMMAND ENTER AtLocation [Hangar Deck] FlagON [Robot at controls] GoToRoom [Inside the Submarine] AddToTime 5 ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Small Hangar] SendToRoom [Small Submarine] [Small Hangar] PrintMessage [Submarine goes to Missile complex] DoneWithTurn END_MESSAGE COMMAND ENTER AtLocation [Small Hangar] FlagOFF [Time stopped] GoToRoom [Inside the Submarine] AddToTime 5 ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Hangar Deck] SendToRoom [Small Submarine] [Hangar Deck] PrintMessage [Submarine goes to OCEANA] DoneWithTurn END_MESSAGE #COMMENT ** Entering Chamber ** COMMAND ENTER AtLocation [Circular Room, Underwater] PrintMessage [Enter Transport Chamber underwater] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Exiting Chamber ** COMMAND EXIT AtLocation [Inside Chamber] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 3 PrintMessage [Exit Transport Chamber underwater] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Blue Button in Chamber ** COMMAND PUSH BLUE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Blue Button] AtLocation [Inside Chamber] IsLocated [Blue Card] [Blue Slot] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 1 OR VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 3 ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [East] [Circular Room, Excavations] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Circular Room, Excavations] SendToRoom [Large Chamber] [Circular Room, Excavations] SetVariableTo [Transport Chamber location] 2 PrintMessage [Push button in Transport Chamber] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH BLUE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Blue Button] AtLocation [Inside Chamber] IsLocated [Blue Card] [Blue Slot] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 2 ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [East] [Circular Room] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Circular Room] SendToRoom [Large Chamber] [Circular Room] SetVariableTo [Transport Chamber location] 1 PrintMessage [Push button in Transport Chamber] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Red Button in Chamber ** COMMAND PUSH RED BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Red Button] AtLocation [Inside Chamber] IsLocated [Blue Card] [Blue Slot] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 1 OR VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 2 ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [East] [Circular Room, Underwater] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Circular Room, Underwater] SendToRoom [Large Chamber] [Circular Room, Underwater] SetVariableTo [Transport Chamber location] 3 PrintMessage [Push button in Transport Chamber] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH RED BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Red Button] AtLocation [Inside Chamber] IsLocated [Blue Card] [Blue Slot] VariableEquals [Transport Chamber location] 3 ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [East] [Circular Room] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [Exit] [Circular Room] SendToRoom [Large Chamber] [Circular Room] SetVariableTo [Transport Chamber location] 1 PrintMessage [Push button in Transport Chamber] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing numbered buttons in Elevator ** COMMAND PUSH ONE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [One Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableLT [Elevator Location] 1 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [N-S Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [N-S Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 1 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH ONE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [One Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableGT [Elevator Location] 1 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [N-S Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [N-S Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 1 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH TWO BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Two Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableLT [Elevator Location] 2 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] SendToRoom [White Button] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 2 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH TWO BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Two Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableGT [Elevator Location] 2 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] SendToRoom [White Button] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 2 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH THREE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Three Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableLT [Elevator Location] 3 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Wide Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [Wide Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 3 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH THREE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Three Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableGT [Elevator Location] 3 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Wide Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [Wide Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 3 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH FOUR BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Four Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableLT [Elevator Location] 4 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Corridor Junction, Near Elevator] SendToRoom [White Button] [Corridor Junction, Near Elevator] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 4 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH FOUR BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Four Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableGT [Elevator Location] 4 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Corridor Junction, Near Elevator] SendToRoom [White Button] [Corridor Junction, Near Elevator] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 4 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH FIVE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Five Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableLT [Elevator Location] 5 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Short Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [Short Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 5 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH FIVE BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Five Button] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] VariableGT [Elevator Location] 5 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Short Corridor] SendToRoom [White Button] [Short Corridor] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 5 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Green Button in Elevator ** COMMAND PUSH GREEN BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Green Box] NOUNPresent AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] NOT VariableEquals [Elevator Location] 6 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Motor Room] SendToRoom [White Button] [Motor Room] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 6 PrintMessage [Elevator decends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Brown Button in Elevator with Brown Card in Brown Slot ** COMMAND PUSH BROWN BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Brown Button] IsLocated [Brown Card] [Brown Slot] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] FlagON [Jagged Hole patched] NOT VariableEquals [Elevator Location] 0 ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangePassageway [North] [Defense/Weapon Control] SendToRoom [White Button] [Defense/Weapon Control] SetVariableTo [Elevator Location] 0 PrintMessage [Elevator ascends] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Brown Button with Card in Slot and Hole not patched ** COMMAND PUSH BROWN BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Brown Button] IsLocated [Brown Card] [Brown Slot] AtLocation [Elevator] FlagOFF [Power off] FlagOFF [Jagged Hole patched] PrintMessage [Elevator Alarm sounds] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Orange Button in Communications Room ** COMMAND PUSH ORANGE BUTTON NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Orange Button] TimeLT 1200 PrintMessage [Communications, no change] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH ORANGE BUTTON NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Orange Button] TimeGT 1159 TurnsLT 1700 PrintMessage [Communications, only a few hours] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH ORANGE BUTTON NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Orange Button] TimeGT 1659 PrintMessage [Communications, less than an hour] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Purple Button in the Control Room for the scanner ** COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] PrintMessage [Scanning starts] TurnFlagON [Nothing interesting on Table] FlagON [Sphere on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Gray Mass analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [White Block on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [White Block analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [Plain Box on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Plain Box analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [Trident on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Trident Analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [Obelisk on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Obelisk Analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [Green Crystal on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Green Crystal Analysis] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Nothing more of interest] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] FlagON [Nothing interesting on Table] AddToTime 3 TurnFlagOFF [Nothing interesting on Table] PrintMessage [Nothing of Interest] END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH PURPLE BUTTON AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Button] PrintMessage [Table rolls back out] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Yellow Button in small room ** COMMAND PUSH YELLOW BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Yellow Button] NOUNPresent CounterEquals [Turns with High Pressure] 0 TurnCounterON [Turns with High Pressure] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Small Room] [Small Room, exit sealed] PrintMessage [Pressure in chamber rises] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH YELLOW BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Yellow Button] NOUNPresent CounterGT [Turns with High Pressure] 0 Present [Silver Sphere] IsClosed [Silver Sphere] IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Silver Sphere] TurnCounterOFF [Turns with High Pressure] ChangePassageway [West] [N-S Corridor, N End] ChangeDescr [Small Room] [Small Room, exit open] PrintMessage [Pressure in chamber drops] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH YELLOW BUTTON AtLocation [Small Room] NOUNIsNumber [Yellow Button] CounterGT [Turns with High Pressure] 0 NOT Present [Silver Sphere] OR FlagON [Mass Destroyed] TurnCounterOFF [Turns with High Pressure] ChangePassageway [West] [N-S Corridor, N End] ChangeDescr [Small Room] [Small Room, exit open] PrintMessage [Pressure in Chamber drops] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH YELLOW BUTTON NOUNIsNumber [Yellow Button] NOUNPresent CounterGT [Turns with High Pressure] 0 Present [Silver Sphere] FlagOFF [Mass destroyed] IsOpen [Silver Sphere] OR NOT IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Silver Sphere] PrintMessage [Pressure drops, Mass expands] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Button on Patching Machine ** COMMAND PUSH BEIGE BUTTON AtLocation [On OCEANA] NOUNIsNumber [Beige Machine] NOUNPresent FlagOFF [Jagged Hole patched] TurnFlagON [Jagged Hole patched] CloseIt [Jagged Hole] ChangeDescr [Jagged Hole] [Jagged Hole, patched] PrintMessage [Jagged Hole is patched] PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Small Fish helps Player move Large Rock ** COMMAND PUSH LARGE ROCK NOUNIsNumber [Large Rock] NOUNPresent Present [Small Fish] SendNOUNToRoom [Outside Fissure] ChangePassageway [West] [Small Cave] ChangeDescr [Ledge] [Ledge, passage revealed] PrintMessage [Small Fish helps Player move Rock] PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Cabinet in Motor Room ** COMMAND PUSH CABINET FlagOFF [Passage revealed] TurnFlagON [Passage revealed] ChangePassageway [West] [Bedrock Passage] ChangeDescr [Motor Room] [Motor Room, passage visible] PrintMessage [Push Cabinet, reveal passage] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH CABINET FlagON [Passage revealed] TurnFlagOFF [Passage revealed] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Motor Room] [Motor Room, no passage] PrintMessage [Push Cabinet, cover passage] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Push Triangle to raise Column ** COMMAND PUSH TRIANGLE NOUNIsNumber [Glassy Triangle] NOUNPresent NOT Present [Glassy Column] FlagOFF [Time stopped] PutInCurrentRoom [Glassy Column] PutInCurrentRoom [Purple Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Blue Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Green Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Yellow Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Red Hole] ChangeDescr [Glassy Triangle] [Glassy Triangle, Column visible] PrintMessage [Column rises from Triangle] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH TRIANGLE NOUNIsNumber [Glassy Triangle] NOUNPresent NOT Present [Glassy Column] FlagON [Time stopped] TurnFlagON [Time starting] PutInCurrentRoom [Glassy Column] PutInCurrentRoom [Purple Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Blue Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Green Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Yellow Hole] PutInCurrentRoom [Red Hole] ChangeDescr [Glassy Triangle] [Glassy Triangle, Column visible] PrintMessage [Column rises from Triangle, time restarts] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH TRIANGLE NOUNIsNumber [Glassy Triangle] NOUNPresent Present [Glassy Column] PrintMessage [Nothing happens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pushing Glassy Column to lower it ** COMMAND PUSH COLUMN NOUNPresent IsLocated [Purple Crystal] [Purple Hole] IsLocated [Blue Crystal] [Blue Hole] IsLocated [Green Crystal] [Green Hole] IsLocated [Yellow Crystal] [Yellow Hole] IsLocated [Red Crystal] [Red Hole] TurnFlagON [Time stopping] Destroy [Glassy Column] Destroy [Purple Hole] Destroy [Blue Hole] Destroy [Green Hole] Destroy [Yellow Hole] Destroy [Red Hole] ChangeDescr [Glassy Column] [Glassy Triangle, time stopped] PrintMessage [Column lowers into Triangle, time stops] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH COLUMN NOUNPresent Destroy [Glassy Column] Destroy [Purple Hole] Destroy [Blue Hole] Destroy [Green Hole] Destroy [Yellow Hole] Destroy [Red Hole] ChangeDescr [Glassy Triangle] [Glassy Triangle, no Column] PrintMessage [Column lowers into Triangle] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pulling Orange Lever to WIN THE GAME ** COMMAND PULL ORANGE LEVER NOUNIsNumber [Orange Lever] AtLocation [Defense/Weapon Control] IsLocated [Red Card] [Red Slot] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] IsClosed [Metal Box] FlagON [Missiles armed] FlagON [Obelisk sent signal] PrintMessage [Pull Orange Lever and win] PlusScore 40 WinGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Pulling Orange Lever to LOSE THE GAME ** COMMAND PULL ORANGE LEVER NOUNIsNumber [Orange Lever] AtLocation [Defense/Weapon Control] IsLocated [Red Card] [Red Slot] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] IsClosed [Metal Box] FlagON [Missiles armed] FlagOFF [Obelisk sent signal] PrintMessage [Pull Orange Lever and lose] PlusScore 15 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL ORANGE LEVER NOUNIsNumber [Orange Lever] AtLocation [Defense/Weapon Control] IsLocated [Red Card] [Red Slot] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] IsClosed [Metal Box] FlagOFF [Missiles armed] PrintMessage [Pull Orange Lever and die due to attack] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL ORANGE LEVER NOUNIsNumber [Orange Lever] AtLocation [Defense/Weapon Control] IsLocated [Red Card] [Red Slot] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] NOT IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] OR IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] IsOpen [Metal Box] PrintMessage [Pull Orange Lever and die due to backfire] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL ORANGE LEVER NOUNIsNumber [Orange Lever] AtLocation [Defense/Weapon Control] IsLocated [Red Card] [Red Slot] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] NOT IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] PrintMessage [Pull Orange Lever and die due to core explosion] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player pulls Outcropping with Mining Robot present ** COMMAND PULL OUTCROPPING NOUNPresent Present [Mining Robot] Destroy [Rock Outcropping] PutInCurrentRoom [Red Rock] PrintMessage [Mining Robot breaks off Outcropping] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Turning Black Dial ** COMMAND TURN DIAL AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Black Dial] FlagOFF [Power off] TurnFlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Core Control Panels] [Core Control Panels, power off] ChangeDescr [Black Dial] [Black Dial, off] ChangeDescr [Power Core] [Power Core, power off] ChangeDescr [Emergency Generator] [Emergency Generator, power off] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [Turn power off] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TURN DIAL AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Black Dial] FlagON [Power off] IsOpen [Power Core] OR NOT IsLocated [Melted Cylinder] [Power Core] NOT IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] PrintMessage [Core Explodes] KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TURN DIAL AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Black Dial] FlagON [Power off] IsClosed [Power Core] IsLocated [Melted Cylinder] [Power Core] TurnFlagOFF [Power Off] ChangeDescr [Core Control Panels] [Core Control Panels, power fluct.] ChangeDescr [Black Dial] [Black Dial, on] ChangeDescr [Power Core] [Power Core, power on] ChangeDescr [Emergency Generator] [Emergency Generator, power on] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [Turn power on] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TURN DIAL AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Black Dial] FlagON [Power off] IsClosed [Power Core] IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] TurnFlagOFF [Power Off] ChangeDescr [Core Control Panels] [Core Control Panels, power steady] ChangeDescr [Black Dial] [Black Dial, on] ChangeDescr [Power Core] [Power Core, power on] ChangeDescr [Emergency Generator] [Emergency Generator, power on] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Room description] PrintMessage [Turn power on] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Turning Sceptre in Small Hole ** COMMAND TURN SCEPTRE AtLocation [Excavation Site] IsLocated [Jeweled Sceptre] [Small Hole] NOT Present [Secret Door] PutInCurrentRoom [Secret Door] ChangePassageway [East] [Ancient Passage] ChangeDescr [Excavation Site] [Excavation Site, door open] PrintMessage [Turn Sceptre in hole, open door] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TURN SCEPTRE AtLocation [Excavation Site] IsLocated [Jeweled Sceptre] [Small Hole] Present [Secret Door] Destroy [Secret Door] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Excavation Site] [Excavation Site, door closed] PrintMessage [Turn Sceptre in hole, close door] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Turning Pink Key in in Pink Slot to launch missiles ** COMMAND TURN KEY AtLocation [Missile Room] FlagOFF [Time stopped] FlagON [Missiles armed] PrintMessage [Player turns Pink Key to launch missiles] KillPlayer END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Making sure that certain objects can only contain one object ** #COMMENT %% BUG PATCH %% COMMAND PUT ANY IN GOLD SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN GOLD SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN SILVER SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN SILVER SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN BROWN SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Brown Slot] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Brown Slot] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN PURPLE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN PURPLE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Refinery] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Refinery] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN BLUE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Blue Slot] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Blue Slot] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN GREEN SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN GREEN SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN YELLOW SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN YELLOW SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, Control Room] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, Control Room] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN ORANGE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN ORANGE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN RED SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Red Slot] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Red Slot] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN TURQUOISE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN TURQUOISE SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN AMBER SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN AMBER SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Missile Room] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Missile Room] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN PINK SLOT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Pink Slot] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Pink Slot] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN PURPLE HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Purple Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Purple Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN BLUE HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Blue Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Blue Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN GREEN HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Green Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Green Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN YELLOW HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Yellow Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN RED HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Red Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Red Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN SMALL HOLE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Small Hole] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Small Hole] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN POWER CORE NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Power Core] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Power Core] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN METAL BOX NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Metal Box] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Metal Box] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN COMPUTER SOCKET NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable ObjectIsNumber [Computer Socket] ObjectPresent SomethingInside [Computer Socket] PrintMessage [It won't fit inside it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting things in the sub, chamber, duct, jagged hole ** COMMAND PUT ANY IN SUBMARINE ObjectIsNumber [Small Submarine] ObjectPresent NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable SendNOUNToRoom [Inside the Submarine] PrintMessage [Put it inside] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN CHAMBER ObjectIsNumber [Large Chamber] ObjectPresent NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable SendNOUNToRoom [Inside Chamber] PrintMessage [Put it inside] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN DUCT ObjectIsNumber [Open Vent] ObjectPresent NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable SendNOUNToRoom [In the Ventilation Duct] PrintMessage [Put it inside] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN HOLE ObjectIsNumber [Jagged Hole] ObjectPresent NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable SendNOUNToRoom [Defense/Weapon Control] PrintMessage [Put it inside] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting anything in the box ** COMMAND PUT ANY IN BOX NOUNPresent ObjectPresent IsOpen [Plain Box] PrintMessage [Can't put it in Plain Box] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Cards in Slots to open or close Doors ** COMMAND PUT GOLD CARD IN GOLD SLOT AtLocation [Main Computer Room] NOUNIsNumber [Gold Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] NOT SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] IsClosed [Gold Door] OpenIt [Gold Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] ChangePassageway [West] [Blue Corridor] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GOLD CARD IN GOLD SLOT AtLocation [Main Computer Room] NOUNIsNumber [Gold Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] NOT SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] IsOpen [Gold Door] CloseIt [Gold Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Gold Slot, Main Computer Room] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GOLD CARD IN GOLD SLOT AtLocation [Blue Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Gold Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] IsClosed [Gold Door] OpenIt [Gold Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] ChangePassageway [East] [Main Computer Room] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GOLD CARD IN GOLD SLOT AtLocation [Blue Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Gold Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] IsOpen [Gold Door] CloseIt [Gold Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Gold Slot, Blue Corridor] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT SILVER CARD IN SILVER SLOT AtLocation [Top of Stairs] NOUNIsNumber [Silver Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] NOT SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] IsClosed [Silver Door] OpenIt [Silver Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] ChangePassageway [East] [Blue Corridor] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT SILVER CARD IN SILVER SLOT AtLocation [Top of Stairs] NOUNIsNumber [Silver Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] NOT SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] IsOpen [Silver Door] CloseIt [Silver Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Silver Slot, Top of Stairs] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT SILVER CARD IN SILVER SLOT AtLocation [Blue Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Silver Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] IsClosed [Silver Door] OpenIt [Silver Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] ChangePassageway [West] [Top of Stairs] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT SILVER CARD IN SILVER SLOT AtLocation [Blue Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Silver Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] IsOpen [Silver Door] CloseIt [Silver Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Silver Slot, Blue Corridor] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT PURPLE CARD IN PURPLE SLOT AtLocation [Refinery] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Refinery] NOT SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Refinery] IsClosed [Purple Door] OpenIt [Purple Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Purple Slot, Refinery] ChangePassageway [South] [Long Corridor] ChangeDescr [Refinery] [Refinery, Purple Door open] ChangeDescr [Long Corridor] [Long Corridor, Purple Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT PURPLE CARD IN PURPLE SLOT AtLocation [Refinery] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Refinery] NOT SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Refinery] IsOpen [Purple Door] CloseIt [Purple Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Purple Slot, Refinery] ChangePassageway [South] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Refinery] [Refinery, Purple Door closed] ChangeDescr [Long Corridor] [Long Corridor, Purple Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT PURPLE CARD IN PURPLE SLOT AtLocation [Long Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] IsClosed [Purple Door] OpenIt [Purple Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] ChangePassageway [North] [Refinery] ChangeDescr [Refinery] [Refinery, Purple Door open] ChangeDescr [Long Corridor] [Long Corridor, Purple Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT PURPLE CARD IN PURPLE SLOT AtLocation [Long Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Purple Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] IsOpen [Purple Door] CloseIt [Purple Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Purple Slot, Long Corridor] ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Refinery] [Refinery, Purple Door closed] ChangeDescr [Long Corridor] [Long Corridor, Purple Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GREEN CARD IN GREEN SLOT AtLocation [Weapon Storage] NounIsNumber [Green Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] NOT SomethingInside [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] IsClosed [Green Door] OpenIt [Green Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] ChangePassageway [West] [Corridor Junction] ChangeDescr [Weapon Storage] [Weapon Storage, Green Door open] ChangeDescr [Corridor Junction] [Corridor Junction, Green Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GREEN CARD IN GREEN SLOT AtLocation [Weapon Storage] NounIsNumber [Green Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] NOT SomethingInside [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] IsOpen [Green Door] CloseIt [Green Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Green Slot, Weapon Storage] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Weapon Storage] [Weapon Storage, Green Door closed] ChangeDescr [Corridor Junction] [Corridor Junction, Green Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GREEN CARD IN GREEN SLOT AtLocation [Corridor Junction] NounIsNumber [Green Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] NOT SomethingInside [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] IsClosed [Green Door] OpenIt [Green Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] ChangePassageway [East] [Weapon Storage] ChangeDescr [Weapon Storage] [Weapon Storage, Green Door open] ChangeDescr [Corridor Junction] [Corridor Junction, Green Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT GREEN CARD IN GREEN SLOT AtLocation [Corridor Junction] NounIsNumber [Green Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] NOT SomethingInside [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] IsOpen [Green Door] CloseIt [Green Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Green Slot, Corridor Junction] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Weapon Storage] [Weapon Storage, Green Door closed] ChangeDescr [Corridor Junction] [Corridor Junction, Green Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT YELLOW CARD IN YELLOW SLOT AtLocation [A Control Room] NounIsNumber [Yellow Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, Control Room] NOT SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, Control Room] IsClosed [Yellow Door] OpenIt [Yellow Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Yellow Slot, Control Room] ChangePassageway [Southeast] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] ChangeDescr [A Control Room] [A Control Room, Yellow Door open] ChangeDescr [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End, Yellow Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT YELLOW CARD IN YELLOW SLOT AtLocation [A Control Room] NounIsNumber [Yellow Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, Control Room] NOT SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, Control Room] IsOpen [Yellow Door] CloseIt [Yellow Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Yellow Slot, Control Room] ChangePassageway [Southeast] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [A Control Room] [A Control Room, Yellow Door closed] ChangeDescr [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] [NE-SW Corr., SW End, Yellow Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT YELLOW CARD IN YELLOW SLOT AtLocation [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] NounIsNumber [Yellow Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] IsClosed [Yellow Door] OpenIt [Yellow Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] ChangePassageway [Northwest] [A Control Room] ChangeDescr [A Control Room] [A Control Room, Yellow Door open] ChangeDescr [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] [NE-SW Corridor, SW End, Yellow Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT YELLOW CARD IN YELLOW SLOT AtLocation [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] NounIsNumber [Yellow Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] IsOpen [Yellow Door] CloseIt [Yellow Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Yellow Slot, NE-SW Corridor] ChangePassageway [Northwest] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [A Control Room] [A Control Room, Yellow Door closed] ChangeDescr [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] [NE-SW Corr., SW End, Yellow Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ORANGE CARD IN ORANGE SLOT AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Orange Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] NOT SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] IsClosed [Orange Door] FlagOFF [Power off] OpenIt [Orange Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] ChangePassageway [South] [Short Corridor] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ORANGE CARD IN ORANGE SLOT AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Orange Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] NOT SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] IsOpen [Orange Door] FlagOFF [Power off] CloseIt [Orange Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Orange Slot, Core Control Room] ChangePassageway [South] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ORANGE CARD IN ORANGE SLOT AtLocation [Short Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Orange Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] IsClosed [Orange Door] FlagOFF [Power off] OpenIt [Orange Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] ChangePassageway [North] [Power Core Control Room] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ORANGE CARD IN ORANGE SLOT AtLocation [Short Corridor] NOUNIsNumber [Orange Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] IsOpen [Orange Door] FlagOFF [Power off] CloseIt [Orange Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Orange Slot, Short Corridor] ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] DoSubroutine [Change Power Core Control Room description] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT TURQUOISE CARD IN TURQUOISE SLOT AtLocation [Pillar Room] NounIsNumber [Turquoise Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] NOT SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] IsClosed [Turquoise Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] OpenIt [Turquoise Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] ChangePassageway [South] [Tan Corridor Junction] ChangeDescr [Pillar Room] [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door open] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor Junction] [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT TURQUOISE CARD IN TURQUOISE SLOT AtLocation [Pillar Room] NounIsNumber [Turquoise Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] NOT SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] IsOpen [Turquoise Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] CloseIt [Turquoise Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Turquoise Slot, Pillar Room] ChangePassageway [South] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Pillar Room] [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door closed] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor Junction] [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT TURQUOISE CARD IN TURQUOISE SLOT AtLocation [Tan Corridor Junction] NounIsNumber [Turquoise Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] NOT SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] IsClosed [Turquoise Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] OpenIt [Turquoise Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] ChangePassageway [North] [Pillar Room] ChangeDescr [Pillar Room] [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door open] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor Junction] [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT TURQUOISE CARD IN TURQUOISE SLOT AtLocation [Tan Corridor Junction] NounIsNumber [Turquoise Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] NOT SomethingInside [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] IsOpen [Turquoise Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] CloseIt [Turquoise Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Turquoise Slot, Tan Corridor Junction] ChangePassageway [North] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Pillar Room] [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door closed] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor Junction] [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT AMBER CARD IN AMBER SLOT AtLocation [Missile Room] NOUNIsNumber [Amber Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Missile Room] NOT SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Missile Room] IsClosed [Amber Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] OpenIt [Amber Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Amber Slot, Missile Room] ChangePassageway [East] [Tan Corridor, W End] ChangeDescr [Missile Room] [Missile Room, Amber Door open] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor, W End] [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT AMBER CARD IN AMBER SLOT AtLocation [Missile Room] NOUNIsNumber [Amber Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Missile Room] NOT SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Missile Room] IsOpen [Amber Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] CloseIt [Amber Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Amber Slot, Missile Room] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Missile Room] [Missile Room, Amber Door closed] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor, W End] [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT AMBER CARD IN AMBER SLOT AtLocation [Tan Corridor, W End] NOUNIsNumber [Amber Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] IsClosed [Amber Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] OpenIt [Amber Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] ChangePassageway [West] [Missile Room] ChangeDescr [Missile Room] [Missile Room, Amber Door open] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor, W End] [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door open] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT AMBER CARD IN AMBER SLOT AtLocation [Tan Corridor, W End] NOUNIsNumber [Amber Card] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] NOT SomethingInside [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] IsOpen [Amber Door] FlagOFF [Time stopped] CloseIt [Amber Door] SendNOUNToRoom [Amber Slot, Tan Corridor] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Missile Room] [Missile Room, Amber Door closed] ChangeDescr [Tan Corridor, W End] [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door closed] PrintMessage [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Computer Module in Socket ** COMMAND PUT COMPUTER MODULE IN SOCKET NOUNIsNumber [Computer Module] NOUNPresent NOT SomethingInside [Computer Socket] SendToRoom [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] PrintMessage [Computer repaired] PlusScore 10 DoneWithTurn END_COMMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting the Red Rock on the Conveyor Belt ** COMMAND PUT ROCK ON BELT NOUNPresent AtLocation [Belt Room] Destroy [Red Rock] SendToRoom [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Bin] PrintMessage [Conveyor Belt moves object] PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting the White Block on the Conveyor Belt COMMAND PUT BLOCK ON BELT NOUNPresent AtLocation [Belt Room] Destroy [White Block] SendToRoom [Brown Card] [Metal Bin] SendToRoom [Black Powder] [Metal Bin] PrintMessage [Conveyor Belt moves object] PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting anything else on the Conveyor Belt COMMAND PUT ANY ON BELT NOUNPresent NOUNIsMovable AtLocation [Belt Room] DestroyNOUN SendToRoom [Black Powder] [Metal Bin] PrintMessage [Conveyor Belt moves object] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Sphere on Table ** COMMAND PUT SPHERE ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNPresent IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Silver Sphere] TurnFlagON [Sphere on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting White Block on Table ** COMMAND PUT BLOCK ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNPresent TurnFlagON [White Block on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Plain Box on Table ** COMMAND PUT PLAIN BOX ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNPresent NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] TurnFlagON [Plain Box on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Trident on Table ** COMMAND PUT TRIDENT ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNPresent TurnFlagON [Trident on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Obelisk on Table ** COMMAND PUT OBELISK ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNPresent TurnFlagON [Obelisk on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMAND ** Putting Green Crystal on Table ** COMMAND PUT GREEN CRYSTAL ON TABLE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Green Crystal] NOUNPresent TurnFlagON [Green Crystal on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Pyramid on Cylindrical Stone to open Secret Door ** COMMAND PUT PYRAMID ON CYLINDRICAL STONE NOUNPresent ObjectPresent TurnFlagON [Pyramid on Stone] PutInCurrentRoom [Stone Door] ChangePassageway [East] [Crypt] ChangeDescr [Abandoned Excavation Site] [Abandoned Excavation Site, door open] ChangeDescr [Crypt] [Crypt, door open] PrintMessage [Put Pyramid on Stone] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Pink Key in Pink Slot to arm missiles ** COMMAND PUT PINK KEY IN PINK SLOT AtLocation [Missile Room] NOUNIsNumber [Pink Key] NOUNPresent ObjectIsNumber [Pink Slot] NOT SomethingInside [Pink Slot] FlagOFF [Time stopped] FlagOFF [Missiles armed] TurnFlagON [Missiles armed] SendNOUNtoRoom [Pink Slot] ChangeDescr [Missile Control Panel] [Missile Control Panel, missiles armed] PrintMessage [Player arms missiles] PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Putting Liquid somewhere and losing it ** COMMAND PUT LIQUID Present [Small Vial] IsOpen [Small Vial] IsLocated [Clear Liquid] [Small Vial] EnteredObject ObjectPresent Destroy [Clear Liquid] PrintMessage [Liquid slips through fingers and is lost] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting something that player already has ** COMMAND GET ANY NOUNPresent NOUNIsLocated [Carried] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting something not there ** COMMAND GET ANY NOT NOUNIsNumber [Nothing] NOT NOUNPresent QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Sceptre out of Coffin ** COMMAND GET SCEPTRE AtLocation [Crypt] IsOpen [Golden Coffin] IsLocated [Jeweled Sceptre] [Golden Coffin] FlagOFF [Got Sceptre from Coffin] TurnFlagON [Got Sceptre from Coffin] TurnFlagOFF [Pyramid on Stone] SendToRoom [Small Pyramid] [Abandoned Excavation Site] Destroy [Stone Door] ChangePassageway [West] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Crypt] [Crypt, door closed] ChangeDescr [Abandoned Excavation Site] [Abandoned Excav. Site, door closed] GetIt [Jeweled Sceptre] PrintMessage [Get Sceptre from Coffin] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Skeleton out of Coffin ** COMMAND GET SKELETON AtLocation [Crypt] IsOpen [Golden Coffin] PrintMessage [Get Skeleton and die] KillPlayer END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Computer Module out of socket ** COMMAND GET COMPUTER MODULE NOUNIsNumber [Computer Module] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] AtLocation [Inside a Computer] PrintMessage [Don't touch module] MinusScore 10 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player tries to pick up Black Powder ** COMMAND GET POWDER NOUNIsNumber [Black Powder] NOUNPresent DestroyNOUN PrintMessage [Pick up Black Powder] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Sphere off Table ** COMMAND GET SPHERE AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Silver Sphere] FlagON [Sphere on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Sphere on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Block off Table ** COMMAND GET BLOCK AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [White Block] FlagON [White Block on Table] TurnFlagOFF [White Block on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Plain Box off Table ** COMMAND GET PLAIN BOX AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Plain Box] FlagON [Plain Box on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Plain Box on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Trident off Table ** COMMAND GET TRIDENT AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Diamond Trident] FlagON [Trident on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Trident on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Obelisk off Table ** COMMAND GET OBELISK AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Black Obelisk] FlagON [Obelisk on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Obelisk on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Green Crystal off Table ** COMMAND GET GREEN CRYSTAL AtLocation [A Control Room] NOUNIsNumber [Green Crystal] FlagON [Green Crystal on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Green Crystal on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Pyramid off Cylindrical Stone ** COMMAND GET PYRAMID NOUNIsNumber [Small Pyramid] FlagON [Pyramid on Stone] TurnFlagOFF [Pyramid on Stone] Destroy [Stone Door] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Abandoned Excavation Site] [Abandoned Excav. Site, door closed] PrintMessage [Get Pyramid off Stone] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Pink Key from Pink Slot to unarm missiles ** COMMAND GET KEY AtLocation [Missile Room] NOUNIsNumber [Pink Key] FlagOFF [Time stopped] FlagON [Missiles armed] TurnFlagOFF [Missiles armed] ChangeDescr [Missile Control Panel] [Missile Control Panel, missiles unarmed] PrintMessage [Player unarms missiles] MinusScore 5 QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Liquid and losing it ** COMMAND GET LIQUID Present [Small Vial] IsOpen [Small Vial] IsLocated [Clear Liquid] [Small Vial] Destroy [Clear Liquid] PrintMessage [Liquid slips through fingers and is lost] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT **** GET ALL situations **** #COMMENT ** Getting Sphere off Table ** COMMAND GET ALL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [Sphere on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Sphere on Table] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Block off Table ** COMMAND GET ALL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [White Block on Table] TurnFlagOFF [White Block on Table] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Plain Box off Table ** COMMAND GET ALL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [Plain Box on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Plain Box on Table] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Trident off Table ** COMMAND GET ALL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [Trident on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Trident on Table] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Obelisk off Table ** COMMAND GET ALL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [Obelisk on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Obelisk on Table] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Green Crystal off Table ** COMMAND GET GREEN CRYSTAL AtLocation [A Control Room] FlagON [Green Crystal on Table] TurnFlagOFF [Green Crystal on Table] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Getting Pyramid off Cylindrical Stone ** COMMAND GET ALL Present [Small Pyramid] FlagON [Pyramid on Stone] TurnFlagOFF [Pyramid on Stone] Destroy [Stone Door] ChangePassageway [East] [Nowhere] ChangeDescr [Abandoned Excavation Site] [Abandoned Excav. Site, door closed] PrintMessage [Get Pyramid off Stone] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Drinking the Liquid ** COMMAND DRINK LIQUID NOUNPresent PrintMessage [Drink Clear Liquid] TurnCounterOFF [Sickness] Destroy [Clear Liquid] PlusScore 10 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Typing things on the Computer Terminal ** COMMAND TYPE ZEUS AtLocation [Terminal Room] PrintMessage [Type Zeus] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TYPE ANY AtLocation [Terminal Room] PrintMessage [Type anything else] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TYPE ANY NOT AtLocation [Terminal Room] PrintMessage [Nothing to type on] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Waving Trident in Temple ** COMMAND WAVE TRIDENT NOUNPresent NOUNIsCarrying AtLocation [Temple] NOT Present [Golden Bowl] SendToRoom [Golden Bowl] [Temple] PrintMessage [Wave Trident, Bowl appears] TurnFlagON [Wave Trident, LINK] FlagOFF [Has Points for Waving Trident] PlusScore 5 TurnFlagON [Has Points for Waving Trident] END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE TRIDENT FlagON [Wave Trident, LINK] FlagOFF [Has Points for Green Crystal appearance] Present [Green Crystal] PlusScore 10 TurnFlagON [Has Points for Green Crystal appearance] END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE TRIDENT FlagON [Wave Trident, LINK] TurnFlagOFF [Wave Trident, LINK] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE TRIDENT NOUNPresent NOUNIsCarrying AtLocation [Temple] Present [Golden Bowl] SendToRoom [Golden Bowl] [Other Plain Room] PrintMessage [Wave Trident, Bowl disappears] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Waving Trident someplace else ** COMMAND WAVE TRIDENT NOUNPresent NOUNIsCarrying NOT AtLocation [Temple] FlagOFF [Time stopped] PrintMessage [Wave Trident somewhere else] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Waving anything ** COMMAND WAVE ANY NOUNPresent NOUNIsCarrying PrintMessage [Wave it at no one] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE ANY NOUNPresent NOT NOUNIsCarrying PrintMessage [Must have it to wave it] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Using magic word PZXIAD ** COMMAND MAGIC_WORD AtLocation [Crypt] TurnFlagON [Pzxiad, LINK] FlagOFF [Has Points for Pzxiad] PlusScore 10 TurnFlagON [Has Points for Pzxiad] END_COMMAND COMMAND MAGIC_WORD FlagON [Pzxiad, LINK] TurnFlagOFF [Pzxiad, LINK] QuitAllCMDs END_COMMAND COMMAND PZXIAD NOT AtLocation [Crypt] PrintMessage [Nothing happens] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Miscellaneous meta-command redirections ** COMMAND CLIMB ANY ReDirectTo UP END_COMMAND COMMAND MOVE ANY ReDirectTo PUSH $NOUN$ END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Turn on flag to save to indicate a restore just occured ** #COMMENT %% BUG PATCH %% COMMAND SAVE TurnFlagON [Game was restored] SetVariableToTime [Saved time] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Update the time after a RESTORE ** #COMMENT %% BUG PATCH %% COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Game was restored] TurnFlagOFF [Game was restored] SetTimeToVariable [Saved time] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Move doors with player ** COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Gold Door] AtLocation [Blue Corridor] OR AtLocation [Main Computer Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Gold Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Silver Door] AtLocation [Blue Corridor] OR AtLocation [Top of Stairs] PutInCurrentRoom [Silver Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Purple Door] AtLocation [Long Corridor] OR AtLocation [Refinery] PutInCurrentRoom [Purple Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Green Door] AtLocation [Corridor Junction] OR AtLocation [Weapon Storage] PutInCurrentRoom [Green Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Yellow Door] AtLocation [NE-SW Corridor, SW End] OR AtLocation [A Control Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Yellow Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Orange Door] AtLocation [Short Corridor] OR AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Orange Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Turquoise Door] AtLocation [Tan Corridor Junction] OR AtLocation [Pillar Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Turquoise Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Amber Door] AtLocation [Tan Corridor, W End] OR AtLocation [Missile Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Amber Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Outer Door] AtLocation [Your Sub] OR AtLocation [Airlock] PutInCurrentRoom [Outer Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Inner Door] AtLocation [Equipment Room] OR AtLocation [Airlock] PutInCurrentRoom [Inner Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Outer Hatch] AtLocation [Power Core Control Room] OR AtLocation [Access Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Outer Hatch] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT Present [Inner Hatch] AtLocation [Power Core Room] OR AtLocation [Access Room] PutInCurrentRoom [Inner Hatch] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Abandoned Excavation Site] NOT Present [Stone Door] FlagON [Pyramid on Stone] PutInCurrentRoom [Stone Door] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Crypt] NOT Present [Stone Door] PutInCurrentRoom [Stone Door] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Destroy liquid if vial is open underwater ** COMMAND AFTER BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] Present [Small Vial] IsOpen [Small Vial] IsLocated [Clear Liquid] [Small Vial] Destroy [Clear Liquid] PrintMessage [Liquid is lost to the ocean] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Shiny Robot joins player for first time ** COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Robotics] FirstVisitToRoom PrintMessage [Shiny Robot joins player] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player dies because not wearing Radiation Suit while exposed ** COMMAND AFTER NOT IsWearing [Radiation Suit] FlagOFF [Power off] AtLocation [Power Core Room] OR AtLocation [Access Room] IsOpen [Inner Hatch] PrintMessage [Player is exposed to Core with power on] KillPlayer END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER NOT IsWearing [Radiation Suit] FlagON [Power off] AtLocation [Power Core Room] OR AtLocation [Access Room] IsOpen [Inner Hatch] PrintMessage [Player is exposed to Core with power off] KillPlayer END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Computer speaks to Player ** COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Main Computer Room] IsLocated [Computer Module] [Computer Socket] FlagOFF [Computer spoke] TurnFlagON [Computer speaking] PrintMessage [Computer speaks, gives plan and explains cannon damage] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Computer speaking] NOT IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] PrintMessage [Computer still speaks, core problem] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Computer speaking] FlagOFF [Missiles armed] PrintMessage [Computer finishes, missiles not armed] TurnFlagOFF [Computer speaking] TurnFlagON [Computer spoke] PutInCurrentRoom [Purple Card] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Computer speaking] FlagON [Missiles armed] PrintMessage [Computer finishes, missiles armed] TurnFlagOFF [Computer speaking] TurnFlagON [Computer spoke] PutInCurrentRoom [Purple Card] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player underwater without Scuba Gear, start holding breath ** COMMAND AFTER CounterEquals [Breath held] 0 BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] NOT IsWearing [Scuba Gear] TurnCounterON [Breath held] PrintMessage [Now holding breath] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Player was holding breath, doesn't have to anymore ** COMMAND AFTER CounterGT [Breath held] 0 NOT BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] OR BetweenRooms [Circular Room, Underwater] [Nest Room] IsWearing [Scuba Gear] TurnCounterOFF [Breath held] PrintMessage [Not holding breath anymore] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Robots explode if underwater ** COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Circular Room, Underwater] Present [Shiny Robot] DoSubroutine [Destroy robots] END_MESSAGE #COMMENT ** Small Fish eats Seaweed ** COMMAND AFTER AtLocation [Granite Passage] Present [Ugly Seaweed] Chance 25 Destroy [Ugly Seaweed] PrintMessage [Small Fish eats Seaweed] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Shiny Robot sees Pyramid for first time ** COMMAND AFTER Present [Shiny Robot] Present [Small Pyramid] FlagOFF [Shiny Robot saw Pyramid] TurnFlagON [Shiny Robot saw Pyramid] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot studies Pyramid] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Changing Yellowed Paper to Soggy Paper ** COMMAND AFTER IsLocated [Yellowed Paper] [Small Puddle] SwapLocations [Yellowed Paper] [Soggy Paper] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Time is stopping, alter universe accordingly ** COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time stopping] TurnFlagON [Time stopped] ChangeDescr [Small Puddle] [Small Puddle, time stopped] TurnFlagOFF [Time stopping] FlagOFF [Has Points for stopping time] TurnFlagON [Has Points for stopping time] PlusScore 10 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Time is restarting, alter universe accordingly ** COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] TurnFlagOFF [Time stopped] ChangeDescr [Small Puddle] [Small Puddle, time normal] IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Small Puddle] TurnFlagON [Mass destroyed] RelocateAll [Puddle Room] [Nowhere] RelocateALL [Small Puddle] [Nowhere] SendToRoom [Small Puddle] [Puddle Room] GoToRoom [Puddle Room] ChangePassageway [South] [Octagonal Room] GoToRoom [Black Room] ChangeDescr [Puddle Room] [Puddle Room, passage created] ChangeDescr [Octagonal Room] [Octagonal Room, passage created] PlusScore 10 PrintMessage [Hear nearby explosion] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] NOT IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Small Puddle] FlagOFF [Mass destroyed] IsOpen [Silver Sphere] OR NOT IsLocated [Gray Mass] [Silver Sphere] PrintMessage [Mass expands, explodes with time starting] KillPlayer END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] FlagOFF [Missiles armed] IsLocated [Pink Key] [Pink Slot] TurnFlagON [Missiles armed] ChangeDescr [Missile Control Panel] [Missile Control Panel, missiles armed] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] FlagON [Missiles armed] NOT IsLocated [Pink Key] [Pink Slot] TurnFlagOFF [Missiles armed] ChangeDescr [Missile Control Panel] [Missile Control Panel, missiles unarmed] MinusScore 5 END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] FlagON [Box was opened/closed while time stopped] TurnFlagOFF [Box was opened/closed while time stopped] Present [Plain Box] PrintMessage [Box flashes] END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Time starting] TurnFlagOFF [Time starting] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for opening a secret door ** COMMAND AFTER Present [Hidden Door] FlagOFF [Has Points for Hidden Door] TurnFlagON [Has Points for Hidden Door] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Pyramid on Stone] FlagOFF [Has Points for Stone Door] TurnFlagON [Has Points for Stone Door] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND COMMAND AFTER Present [Secret Door] FlagOFF [Has Points for Secret Door] TurnFlagON [Has Points for Secret Door] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for revealing passage behind Cabinet ** COMMAND AFTER FlagON [Passage revealed] FlagOFF [Has Points for moving Cabinet] TurnFlagON [Has Points for moving Cabinet] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for having Crystaline Cylinder in Core ** COMMAND AFTER IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] FlagOFF [Has Points for Crystaline Cylinder in Core] TurnFlagON [Has Points for Crystaline Cylinder in Core] PlusScore 10 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Take points for removing Crystaline Cylinder from Core ** COMMAND AFTER NOT IsLocated [Crystaline Cylinder] [Power Core] FlagON [Has Points for Crystaline Cylinder in Core] TurnFlagOFF [Has Points for Crystaline Cylinder in Core] MinusScore 10 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for having Perfect Ruby in Metal Box ** COMMAND AFTER IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] FlagOFF [Has Points for Perfect Ruby in Metal Box] TurnFlagON [Has Points for Perfect Ruby in Metal Box] PlusScore 10 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Take points for removing Perfect Ruby from Metal Box ** COMMAND AFTER NOT IsLocated [Perfect Ruby] [Metal Box] FlagON [Has Points for Perfect Ruby in Metal Box] TurnFlagOFF [Has Points for Perfect Ruby in Metal Box] MinusScore 10 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for killing Tentacle Fish ** COMMAND AFTER IsLocated [Tentacle Fish] [Nowhere] FlagOFF [Has Points for killing Tentacle Fish] TurnFlagON [Has Points for killing Tentacle Fish] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Give points for killing Giant Squid ** COMMAND AFTER IsLocated [Giant Squid] [Nowhere] FlagOFF [Has Points for killing Giant Squid] TurnFlagON [Has Points for killing Giant Squid] PlusScore 5 END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Obelisk sends signal ** COMMAND AFTER IsCarrying [Black Obelisk] FlagOFF [Time stopped] FlagOFF [Obelisk sent signal] TurnFlagON [Obelisk sent signal] PlusScore 10 PrintMessage [Obelisk sends signal] END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to change description of Gold and Silver Doors ** COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] IsClosed [Gold Door] IsClosed [Silver Door] ChangeDescr [Blue Corridor] [Blue Corridor, Gold closed, Silver closed] ChangeDescr [Main Computer Room] [Main Computer Room, Gold Door closed] ChangeDescr [Top of Stairs] [Top of Stairs, Silver Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] IsOpen [Gold Door] IsClosed [Silver Door] ChangeDescr [Blue Corridor] [Blue Corridor, Gold open, Silver closed] ChangeDescr [Main Computer Room] [Main Computer Room, Gold Door open] ChangeDescr [Top of Stairs] [Top of Stairs, Silver Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] IsClosed [Gold Door] IsOpen [Silver Door] ChangeDescr [Blue Corridor] [Blue Corridor, Gold closed, Silver open] ChangeDescr [Main Computer Room] [Main Computer Room, Gold Door closed] ChangeDescr [Top of Stairs] [Top of Stairs, Silver Door open] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Gold and Silver Doors descriptions] IsOpen [Gold Door] IsOpen [Silver Door] ChangeDescr [Blue Corridor] [Blue Corridor, Gold open, Silver open] ChangeDescr [Main Computer Room] [Main Computer Room, Gold Door open] ChangeDescr [Top of Stairs] [Top of Stairs, Silver Door open] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to change Airlock doors descriptions] COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Airlock doors descriptions] IsClosed [Outer Door] IsClosed [Inner Door] ChangeDescr [Airlock] [Airlock, both doors closed] ChangeDescr [Your Sub] [Your Sub, door closed] ChangeDescr [Equipment Room] [Equipment Room, door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Airlock doors descriptions] IsOpen [Outer Door] IsClosed [Inner Door] ChangeDescr [Airlock] [Airlock, outer open, inner closed] ChangeDescr [Your Sub] [Your Sub, door open] ChangeDescr [Equipment Room] [Equipment Room, door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Airlock doors descriptions] IsClosed [Outer Door] IsOpen [Inner Door] ChangeDescr [Airlock] [Airlock, outer closed, inner open] ChangeDescr [Your Sub] [Your Sub, door closed] ChangeDescr [Equipment Room] [Equipment Room, door open] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Airlock doors descriptions] IsOpen [Outer Door] IsOpen [Inner Door] ChangeDescr [Airlock] [Airlock, both doors open] ChangeDescr [Your Sub] [Your Sub, door open] ChangeDescr [Equipment Room] [Equipment Room, door open] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to change Power Core Control Room description] COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsClosed [Orange Door] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch closed, p on] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsOpen [Orange Door] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange open, hatch closed, p on] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door open] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsClosed [Orange Door] IsOpen [Outer Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch open, p on] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsOpen [Orange Door] IsOpen [Outer Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange open, hatch open, p on] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door open] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsClosed [Orange Door] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch closed,p off] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsOpen [Orange Door] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange open, hatch closed, p off] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door open] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsClosed [Orange Door] IsOpen [Outer Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch open, p off] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Control Room description] IsOpen [Orange Door] IsOpen [Outer Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Control Room] [PCCR, Orange open, hatch open, p off] ChangeDescr [Short Corridor] [Short Corridor, Orange Door open] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to change Access Room description] COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Access Room description] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] IsClosed [Inner Hatch] ChangeDescr [Access Room] [Access Room, both hatches closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Access Room description] IsOpen [Outer Hatch] IsClosed [Inner Hatch] ChangeDescr [Access Room] [Access Room, outer open, inner closed] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Access Room description] IsClosed [Outer Hatch] IsOpen [Inner Hatch] ChangeDescr [Access Room] [Access Room, outer closed, inner open] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to change the Power Core Room's description ** COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Room description] IsClosed [Inner Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Room] [Power Core Room, hatch closed, power on] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Room description] IsOpen [Inner Hatch] FlagOFF [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Room] [Power Core Room, hatch open, power on] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Room description] IsClosed [Inner Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Room] [Power Core Room, hatch closed, power off] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Change Power Core Room description] IsOpen [Inner Hatch] FlagON [Power off] ChangeDescr [Power Core Room] [Power Core Room, hatch open, power off] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to remove Shiny Robot and Mining Robot from group] COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Remove robots from group] Present [Mining Robot] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot takes controls, Mining Robot stays as well] RemoveFromGroup [Shiny Robot] RemoveFromGroup [Mining Robot] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Remove robots from group] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot takes controls] RemoveFromGroup [Shiny Robot] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to add Shiny Robot and Mining Robot to group ** COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Add robots to group] IsLocated [Mining Robot] [Control Booth] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot leaves controls, Mining Robot rejoins Player] AddToGroup [Shiny Robot] AddToGroup [Mining Robot] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Add robots to group] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot leaves controls] AddToGroup [Shiny Robot] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT ** Subroutine to destroy Shiny Robot and Mining Robot ** COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Destroy robots] Present [Mining Robot] Destroy [Shiny Robot] Destroy [Mining Robot] PrintMessage [Both robots explode underwater] Return END_COMMAND COMMAND SUBROUTINE[Destroy Robots] Destroy [Shiny Robot] PrintMessage [Shiny Robot explodes underwater] Return END_COMMAND #COMMENT *** "Illegal" direction messages *** MESSAGE [Player swims away and returns message] You swim away and find nothing but murky water and more fish. You then swim back to where you started from. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player swims around OCEANA message] You swim all the way around the circumference of OCEANA and wind up back where you started. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player wanders among the missiles message] You wander among the missile tubes, but find nothing of interest. You return to the entrance to the room. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player climbs pyramid but slides back down message] You attempt to climb the smooth face of the pyramid but you slide back down before getting very far. END_MESSAGE #COMMENT *** Meta-command messages *** MESSAGE [Feeling light-headed] You feel slightly light-headed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Feeling dizzy] You are feeling dizzy, your vision is blurring and you are getting weaker! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Feeling very weak] You are feeling very weak, the room is spining and you are barely able to stand, let alone walk! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Dies from illness] You suddenly collapse to the ground as you feel your remaining strength slip away and blackness covers your vision. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Must rest] A sudden wave of dizziness comes over you and forces you to rest until it passes. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Drink Clear Liquid] As you drink the liquid, a warm, tingling feeling comes over you. When the feeling passes, you feel as healthy as you ever have. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Air in gear hard to breathe] You notice that the air in the scuba gear is getting a little hard to breathe. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Air in gear very hard to breathe] You notice that the air in the scuba gear is getting very hard to breathe! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Air in gear runs out, takes off gear] The air in the gear has run out. You take off the gear and toss it aside. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Now holding breath] You are now holding your breath. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Lungs starting to run out of air] Your lungs are starting to run out of air! You won't be able to hold your breath much longer! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Lungs almost out of air] Your lungs are almost out of air! You can't hold your breath much longer! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player drowns] Your lungs have run out of air. Instinctively, you try to take a breath, but only inhale water and slowly drown. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Not holding breath anymore] You are no longer holding your breath. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Flashlight flickers] The flashlight flickers slighlty. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Flashlight goes out, comes back on] The flashlight flickers and goes out! You bang it several times and it comes back on. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Flashlight dies] The flashlight flickers and goes out! You bang it several times but to no avail, the flashlight's batteries must be dead. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Walks around in dark and dies] You foolishly decided to walk around in the dark without a light, tripped, fell down and broke your neck. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Liquid slips through fingers and is lost] As you try to pick up the clear liquid with your hands, it drips through your fingers and onto the floor. After a few seconds, the liquid completely evaporates and is lost forever. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Liquid is lost to the ocean] The ocean water fills the small vial and washes away the clear liquid. END_MESSSAGE MESSAGE [Can't throw things underwater] You can't throw the $noun$ underwater! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [It won't fit inside it] The $adjective$ $noun$ won't fit in the $object$. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [It doesn't seem to want it] You try to give the $adjective$ $noun$ to the $object$, but it doesn't seem to want it. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot joins player] As you enter the room, a shiny robot turns to look at you. It then moves to take up a position next to you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Both robots follow player] The robots follow you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot follows player] The shiny robot follows you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish follows player] The small fish swims along behind you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot studies Pyramid] The shiny robot studies the pyramid for a moment. After a few seconds, it looks at you and says, "I have translated the inscriptions on the pyramid. They translate as follows: If my tomb you wish to find, Take the pyramid and go find The stone of rings. When the stone you have found, Place the pyramid that you found On the stone of rings. PZXIAD" END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Damaged Robot fights Shiny Robot] The damaged robot stops its rampage when it notices the shiny robot. It studies the shiny robot for a few seconds. Then, without any warning, the damaged robot wildly charges the shiny robot and the two robots begin to fight. As the fight proceeds, the hole in the side of the damaged robot's head starts to smoke and spark a lot. As you jump for cover behind a pile of scrap metal, the damaged robot explodes. When you look again, all that's left of the robots is a pile of charred robot parts. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Maintenance Robot repairs other robots] The maintenance robot takes the robot parts and studies them for a moment. It then places them on the floor and proceeds to reassemble and repair the shiny robot and the damaged robot, which is in fact a mining robot. The maintenance robot was able to give it its other two arms and repair the damage to its head. When the mainteance robot finishes, it says, "I have repaired the robots. I am ready for another task." The shiny robot and mining robot take up positions on either side of you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [It's beyond repair] The maintenance robot studies the $object$ for a moment. It then looks at you and says, "The $object$ is not repairable." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Mining Robot studies Red Rock] The mining robot studies the red rock for a moment. It then looks at you and says, "It is a large piece of unrefined and uncut ruby." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish eats Seaweed] The small fish must have been hungry because he just ate the seaweed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish eats Seaweed, joins Player] You offer the seaweed to the small fish. He quickly eats it out of your hand. The small fish then swims to take a position next to you. He seems to want to be your friend. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Tentacle Fish eats Seaweed] You offer the seaweed to the tentacle fish. She examines the seaweed for a second and then eats the seaweed out of your hand. The tentacle fish, with her hunger satisfied, swims off and disappears down the passage. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Giant Squid eats Seaweed, kills player] You offer the seaweed to the giant squid. He snatches it from your hand, eats it and then promptly regurgitates it. It seems as if he didn't like the seaweed has decided to take out his anger about it on you. He grabs you with his tentacles and pulls you apart, piece by piece. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish helps Player move Rock] You try to push the large rock but it won't move. The small fish watches your efforts and looks like he wants to help. He swims off and a few seconds later returns accompanied by a large rock whale. You remember hearing about rock whales in school. They were among the first lifeforms discovered in the oceans of PIBOS. The rock whales were given that name because their skin has a rock-like appearance. You get out of the way as the rock whale pushes the large rock off of the ledge revealing a passage into the mountain. As the rock whale swims off, you wonder if the small fish is somehow intelligent and able to communicate with the creatures of the ocean. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish bites and kills Giant Squid] The small fish sees the giant squid and charges him. The squid is surprised by this and attempts to swat the small fish with one of its tentacles. Fortunately, the small fish is quite agile and is able to dodge the tentacle. The small fish swims up to the squid and bites him. There must be a poison in the small fish's bite because seconds later the giant squid convulses and dies. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish flees from Tentacle Fish] The small fish sees the tentacle fish and quickly swims away down the passage. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Fish flees from Circular Room] The small fish looks around the room and at the chamber in the middle of the room. He is apparently uncomfortable being in the room and he swims off down the passage. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [It's now open] The $adjective$ $noun$ is now open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [It's now closed] The $adjective$ $noun$ is now closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Turn power off] You turn the black dial to the OFF position and wait. You see the indicators on the control panel drop until they read zero. The lights flicker momentarily before a light on the control panel lights up that indicates that an emergency generator has kicked in to power the lights and other essential systems. The throbbing of the core has stopped and the room has become quiet. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Turn power on] You turn the black dial to the ON postion and wait. You watch the indicators rise until they indicate the core is functioning at 2/3 capacity. The lights flicker momentarily as they and other essential systems are switched over to the core for their power. You can hear the throbbing of the core again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Core explodes] You turn the black dial to the ON position and wait. You watch the indicators on the control panel start to rise. Suddenly, the indicators begin to fluctuate wildly. Before you can try to figure out why, the southwest wall becomes an expanding wall of fire that vaporizes everything in its path, including you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player opens Core with power on] You open the hatch on the core an are immediately vaporized by the flood of energy that erupts from the core. Seconds later the core explodes into a massive fireball that completely destroys OCEANA. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Alarm sounds] As you try to open the $adjective$ $noun$ an alarm bell goes off and you find that the $adjective$ $noun$ will not open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player is exposed to Core with power on] You suddenly realize that you are exposed to the intense radiation of the power core. Before you can do anything you begin to melt into a puddle on the floor. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player is exposed to Core with power off] You begin to feel strange and look down to see yourself melting into a puddle on the floor. Even with the power core off, there must still be enough radiation remaining to be fatal. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Push button in Transport Chamber] You push the $adjective$ button and nothing happens. A few seconds pass and you notice that the floor has begun to glow. You suddenly get a tingling sensation all over your body and you see only a blur of colors. This lasts only a short time. After the effects pass, you feel perfectly normal. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Enter Transport Chamber underwater] You open the chamber's door, step through and close it behind you. You notice that the water you let into the chamber has drained through the grating in the floor. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Exit Transport Chamber underwater] As you open the chamber's door to leave, the room floods with water. You find the room outside the chamber completely underwater. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot explodes underwater] You hear a crackling noise and turn to see what it is. Apparently, the robot wasn't designed for underwater use and is shorting out. As the crackling continues, it gets worse and you swim for cover behind the chamber. Suddenly, the robot explodes. When you look again, there isn't anything left of the robot except a little debris, which floats out of the room and out of sight. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Both robots explode underwater] You hear a crackling noise and turn to see what it is. Apparently, the robots weren't designed for underwater use and are shorting out. As the crackling continues, it gets worse and you swim for cover behind the chamber. Suddenly, the robots explode. When you look again, there isn't anything left of the robots except a little debris, which floats out of the room and out of sight. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Put it inside] You put the $noun$ in the $object$. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot asks player about going to Missile complex] As you move to enter the hangar deck, the shiny robot says, "Do you wish to go to OCEANA's missile complex?" END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot takes controls] The shiny robot walks over to the controls for the hangar deck and stands in front of them. It turns to you and says, "I will operate the controls from here and will remotely pilot the sub presently in the hangar to the missile complex." You then turn and enter the hangar deck. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot takes controls, Mining Robot stays as well] The shiny robot walks over to the controls for the hangar deck and stands in front of them. It turns to you and says, "I will operate the controls from here and will remotely pilot the sub presently in the hangar to the missile complex." As you turn to enter the hangar deck, the mining robot says, "My programming forbids me to enter the missile complex. I will wait here." You then turn and enter the hangar deck. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot leaves controls] As you enter the control booth, the shiny robot leaves the control panel and takes up a position next to you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Shiny Robot leaves controls, Mining Robot rejoins Player] As you enter the control booth, the shiny robot leaves the control panel and both robots take up positions on either side of you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Submarine goes to Missile complex] You enter the sub and sit down. The hatch closes and seals behind you. You look out the window and see the hangar deck flood with water. When the deck is filled, the huge metal door swings open. The submarine's engine comes to life and the sub leaves the hangar. You watch rocks and fish go by as the sub proceeds on its journey. After a few minutes pass, you see that you are nearing a mountain. You can see a metalic structure attached to the side of the mountain with a large, open metal door in one side. The sub enters the door and comes to a rest in the middle of a small hangar deck. The huge metal door swings closed and the deck is pumped dry. Behind you, the hatch unseals and opens. As you stand up you hear the shiny robot's voice coming from a speaker. "When you enter the sub again, I will automatically begin procedures to return you to OCEANA." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Submarine goes to OCEANA] You enter the sub and sit down. The hatch closes and seals behind you. You look out the window and see the hangar deck flood with water. When the deck is filled, the huge metal door swings open. The submarine's engine comes to life and the sub leaves the hangar. You watch rocks and fish go by as the sub proceeds on its journey. After a few minutes pass, you see OCEANA directly ahead. A large, metal door is open on one side of OCEANA and the sub is heading directly for it. The sub enters the hangar deck and comes to a rest in one corner. You watch as the metal door swings closed and the deck is pumped dry. Behind you, the hatch unseals and opens. As you stand you hear the shiny robot's voice coming from a speaker, "I will wait for you in the control booth." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Elevator ascends] You press the $adjective$ button and wait. The elevator doors close and the elevator begins to ascend. After a few moments, the elevator comes to a halt and the doors open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Elevator decends] You press the $adjective$ button and wait. The elevator doors close and the elevator begins to descend. After a few moments, the elevator comes to a halt and the doors open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Elevator alarm sounds] You press the brown button and an alarm bell goes off. The elevator doesn't go anywhere. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Conveyor Belt moves object] You place the $adjective$ $noun$ on the conveyor belt. Almost immediately, the belt starts to move and the $adjective$ $noun$ is carried off into the wall and out of sight. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pick up Black Powder] You try to pick up the black powder, but it is so fine that it slips between your fingers and falls to the ground mingling with the dust already there. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Put Card in Slot, Door opens] You slip the $adjective$ card into the $adjective$ slot and the $adjective$ door slides open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Put Card in Slot, Door closes] You slip the $adjective$ card into the $adjective$ slot and the $adjective$ door slides closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Can't put it in Plain Box] An invisible force prevents you from placing the $adjective$ $noun$ in the box. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Close/Open Plain Box] You $verb$ the box and it gives off a flash of blinding light. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Open Plain Box in Plain Room] You $verb$ the box and it gives off a flash of blinding light. You are momentarily disoriented, but that passes quickly. When you recover, you notice that your surroundings have changed and that you are no longer underwater. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Close Plain Box in Other Plain Room] You $verb$ the box and it gives off a flash of blinding light. You are momentarily disoriented, but that passes quickly. When you recover, you notice that your surroundings have changed and that you are underwater again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Not holding Green Crystal anymore] You also notice that you are no longer holding the green crystal! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Close/Open Plain Box, not holding it] You $verb$ the box and it gives off a flash of blinding light. When your vision clears, you notice that the box has vanished! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Communications, no change] You push the orange button and one of the large screens comes to life. It shows a news broadcast. The broadcast indicates that there is no change in the state of affairs between PIBOS and ERANOS. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Communications, only a few hours] You push the orange button and one of the large screens comes to life. It shows a news broadcast. The broadcast indicates that ERANOS has stopped communicating with PIBOS and that analysts are saying war could be only a few hours away. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Communications, less than an hour] You push the orange button and one of the large screens comes to life. It shows a news broadcast. The broadcast indicates that both ERANOS and PIBOS have put their armies on alert and have armed all of their weapons. The war could start within the hour. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player arms missiles] You slip the pink key into the pink slot and several lights on the control panel light up. The lights indicate that the missiles are now armed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player unarms missiles] You remove the pink key from the pink slot and the indicator lights on the control panel go out. The missiles are now no longer armed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player turns Pink Key to launch missiles] You turn the key and the missiles launch. Unfortunately, none of the missiles had been targeted so they just wind up flying straight up until they run out of fuel and become stranded in space. The government of PIBOS must have thought it was under attack because it launched an attack against OCEANA and the missile complex, destroys them and kills you as well. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Scanning starts] You push the purple button and wait. The wall behind the table opens up and the table's top rides through the opening. Then, the wall closes up as if it had never opened. The screen next to the comes on and displays one word centered on it: SCANNING. Then, the screen goes blank. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Gray Mass analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of a sphere containing a shapeless mass. Under the picture is a description: The mass is made of wellnium that has been processed into a thick puddy. Under normal atmospheric conditions, small areas in the puddy will revert to gaseous wellnium. The areas of wellnium gas will expand and cause the puddy to expand to at least a million times its mass. Experimentation has determined that no wellnium puddy will become gaseous when the pressure of the air around it is at least ten atmospheres. Conversly, all the puddy will convert to gas if the air pressure drops to one fifth an atmosphere. Currently, the mass is contained in a sphere that is designed to hold it. WARNING: WELLNIUM WILL REACT EXPLOSIVELY WHEN ALLOWED TO MIX WITH WATER. EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN HANDLING WELLNIUM NEAR WATER. Under that paragraph is a detailed description and atomic break down of wellnium. Since you can't understand it, you ignore it and continue reading. There is also a complete description of the history and uses of wellnium in its various forms. After several minutes pass, the screen goes dark again. another description END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [White Block analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of a block with a card in it. Under the picture is a description: The card is frozen inside a solid block of diamonium. Diamonium is a hard, crystaline substance. Its hardness is comparable to that of pure diamond, thus its name is diamonium. The card frozen in the block is a standard, encoded pass card that appears to be undamaged. Freezing objects inside diamonium provides those objects with excellent protection. Under the paragraph is a detailed atomic break down of diamonium, but since that is well over your head you ignore it. After several minutes pass, the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Plain Box analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of a box in the shape of a cube. Under the picture the following words are printed: OBJECT RESISTS SCANNING, NO INFORMATION OBTAINABLE. A few minutes pass and the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Trident Analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of a crystaline trident. Under the picture a brief paragraph is displayed: The object is a two foot long trident made of diamond. An unknown energy field surrounds and permeates the trident, but seems to have no effect on the trident or any surrounding objects. ALL ATTEMPTS AT ANALYZING ENERGY FIELD HAVE PRODUCED NEGATIVE RESULTS. After several minutes pass, the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Obelisk Analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of an obelisk. Under the picture the following words are printed: OBJECT RESISTS SCANNING, NO INFORMATION OBTAINABLE. A few minutes pass and the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Green Crystal Analysis] After a few seconds, the screen comes to life again and shows a picture of an irregularly shaped crystal. Under the picture a brief paragraph is displayed: The object is an irregularly shaped crystal 2.89 inches long. It is composed primarily of aluminum oxide, but has thin wires of a superconducting material running through it. An unknown energy field surrounds the crystal. The field does not appear to affect the crystal or surrounding objects. ALL ATTEMPTS AT ANALYZING THE ENERGY FIELD HAVE PRODUCED NEGATIVE RESULTS. Under that paragraph a detailed atomic breakdown of the crystal and it's superconducting wires is displayed. You try in vain to make sense of it, but only find yourself wishing you'd payed more attention in your chemistry class. After a few minutes pass, the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Nothing more of interest] After a few minutes pass, the screen comes to life again and displays the following words: NOTHING MORE OF INTEREST FOUND. After a few seconds pass, the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Nothing of interest] After a few minutes pass, the screen comes to life again and displays the following words: NOTHING OF INTEREST FOUND. After a few seconds pass, the screen goes dark again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Table rolls back out] The wall opens up again and the tabletop rolls out. Then, the wall closes up again and no sign of any opening in the wall can be seen. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pressure in chamber rises] You push the yellow button and the door to the west closes and seals. Next, you here the sound of some kind of machine behind one of the walls. Pressure gradually builds on you body and you realize that this is a pressurization chamber. Your ears pop several times before the pressure stops building. You now find it difficult to breath normally. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pressure in chamber drops] You push the yellow button and the air pressure begins to drop. Soon, the pressure has returned to normal and you are able to breath normally. The door to the west unseals and opens. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pressure drops, Mass expands] You push the yellow button and the air pressure begins to drop. You notice that as the pressure drops, the gray mass grows bigger. By the time the pressure returns to normal, the mass has expanded to fill the entire room. You slowly suffocate under the mass as the door opens and it begins to fill the corridor. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Dies due to high pressure] The increased air pressure finally overcomes you and your lungs collapse under the pressure. You fall to the ground unable to breath and suffocate. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Difficulty breathing normally] You are having difficulty breathing normally! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Open Sphere, Mass expands and crushes] You open the sphere and are suddenly trapped under a rapidly expanding gray mass. The mass expands to fill the entire room as you slowly suffocate under it. END_COMMAND MESSAGE [Mass explodes] You open the sphere and a gray mass begins to slowly swell out of it. As the mass grows it begins to feel very warm and the water around it bubbles violenly. Suddenly, the mass explodes, sending little bits of you floating off in every direction. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Mass explodes due to Puddle] You open the sphere and are suddenly trapped under a rapidly expanding gray mass. The mass expands to fill the room as you slowly suffocate under it. Before you die due to suffocation, you hear a muffled sizzling sound and then suddenly the mass explodes, incinerating you in the process. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Commander's Hidden Door opens] A hidden door in the northern wall swings open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Commander's Hidden Door closes] The hidden door swings closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Type Zeus] You type in the word ZEUS and press enter. The screen clears and then some notes written by OCEANA's commander are displayed. The notes are mostly about administrative decisions, but there are references to some kind of secret construction going on that, apparently, wasn't known to everyone. There is also a cryptic reference to Ali Baba, but there's no indication of why the reference was made. After a few minutes, the screen clears and the prompt is displayed again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Type anything else] You type in the word and press enter. The screen clears and the following message is displayed: NO SUCH FILE EXISTS, TRY AGAIN. Then, the screen clears and the prompt is displayed again. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Nothing to type on] There nothing to type on here. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Push Cabinet, reveal passage] You push the cabinet and reveal a small passage in the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Push Cabinet, cover passage] You push the cabinet back in front of the small passage. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Jagged Hole is patched] You press the button and the machine comes to life. The protrusions move around, searching for a hole to patch. They find the jagged hole and pull the machine down onto it. After a few minutes of activity, the machine releases its grip on the hole. The hole has been filled in with a material that is as strong as OCEANA's hull. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Mining Robot breaks off Outcropping] The mining robot watches as you try to pull the outcropping off of the wall. You pull as hard as you can, but it won't come off. The mining robot then steps up to the outcropping and cuts it off with its cutting tool. It places the red rock on the floor and says, "The rock is a piece of unrefined and uncut ruby." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Put Pyramid on Stone] As you place the pyramid on the stone, a stone door in the eastern wall swings open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Get Pyramid off Stone] As you pick up the pyramid, the stone door in the eastern wall swings closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Get Sceptre from Coffin] You remove the sceptre from the coffin and hear a rumbling. Suddenly, the stone door in the western wall flies closed and you are trapped! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Get Skeleton and die] You pick up the skeleton. Suddenly, you hear a loud shrieking and notice that the skeleton is glowing brightly. You try to put the skeleton back in the coffin, but find that you are unable to move. Slowly, you see your limbs turn to stone and then the rest of your body. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Turn Sceptre in hole, open door] As you turn the sceptre, you feel it click into place. You turn it further and a secret door swings open in the eastern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Turn Sceptre in hole, close door] As you turn the sceptre, you feel it click into place. You turn it further and the secret door in the eastern wall swings closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Wave Trident, Bowl appears] You wave the trident in a wide arc and it gives off a brilliant rainbow of colors. Then, you notice that the eyes on the sculptures have begun to glow brighly. A beam of light issues from every eye and all of the beams intersect on the altar. With a clap of thunder, a golden bowl appears at the point of intersection and then the beams vanish. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Wave Trident, Bowl disappears] You wave the trident in a wide arc and it gives off a brilliant rainbow of colors. Then, you notice that the eyes on the sculptures have begun to glow brighly. A beam of light issues from every eye and all of the beams intersect on the bowl. With a clap of thunder, the golden bowl disappears and then the the beams vanish. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Wave Trident somewhere else] You wave the trident in a wide arc and it gives off a brilliant rainbow of colors. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Wave it at no one] You wave the $noun$ at no one in particular. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Must have it to wave it] You must be carrying the $noun$ in order to wave it! END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Player is transported to Octagonal Room] You notice that spots have begun to glow on the four pillars. Suddenly, you are blinded by a bright flash of light. When the light clears, you find you are in a different room. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Obelisk sends signal] The obelisk suddenly feels warm in your hands and begins to glow dimly. Moments later, the obelisk cools off and stops glowing. It appears to be unchanged. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Column rises from Triangle] You reach down and push the center of the triangle and a pentagon-shaped column rises silently from its center. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Column rises from Triangle, time restarts] You reach down and push the center of the triangle and a pentagon-shaped column rises silenly from its center. At the same time, the triangle stops glowing. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Column lowers into Triangle] You push the center of the top of the column and it silently lowers back into the triangle. There are no seams visible in the surface of the triangle. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Column lowers into Triangle, time stops] You push the center of the top of the column and it silently lowers back into the triangle. There are no seams visible in the surface of the triangle, but the triangle has begun to glow. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Box flashes] The plain box gives off a flash of blinding light. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Hear nearby explosion] You jump as you hear a loud explosion somewhere nearby. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Mass expands, explodes with time starting] You are suddenly trapped under an expanding gray mass. As you suffocate, you think you hear a muffled explosion somewhere nearby. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer repaired] You insert the computer module into the socket and then you hear a voice. The voice says, "Thank you for repairing me. I think I can help you complete your mission. Please come to me as soon as you are able." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Don't touch module] You reach out to remove the computer module from the slot and receive a powerful shock. "I want to help you," a voice says, "but I cannot if you vandalize my circuits!" END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer speaks, gives plan and explains cannon damage] As you look around, you are greeted by a voice. "I'm glad you're finally here. Now we can get down to business. I have been watching you ever since you got here and I know what your mission is. You want to use this complex's weapons to force the government of PIBOS to agree to negotiations with ERANOS. Based on my analysis of your people's news broadcasts and communications with ERANOS, I have come up with the same solution and I can help. OCEANA has 100 missiles with high explosive warheads and the main energy cannon. I have analyzed PIBOS' weapon placement and have come to the conclusion that OCEANA has the capability to destroy enough of PIBOS' weapons to force the goverment of PIBOS to surrender to your rebel groups. I will aim OCEANA's missiles at several key PIBOS military facilities. Once the missiles are fired, the main energy cannon will protect the missiles and make sure they reach their targets. Then the cannon will protect OCEANA and destroy other sites. Once PIBOS' military has been crippled, they should be ready to listen." The computer continues to speak. "There are a couple of problems that must be corrected for the plan to work. Firstly, I cannot fire the energy cannon myself. A small explosive was set off on the hull of this complex that flooded the main control center for all of OCEANA's defenses and weapons. Diagnostics indicate that the weapon systems still function but certain key interfaces have been damaged that allow me to fire the cannon. After each firing of the cannon, it's controlling systems reset themselves. Once the systems reset, the damaged interfaces will be bypassed and I will gain firing control for the cannon. Your job is to fire the cannon so that those systems will reset. You must repair the cannon first, however. A fault in the cannon's focusing mechanism has developed that must be corrected before the cannon can be fired." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer still speaks, core problem] The computer pauses before speaking again. "My diagnostics also indicate a problem with the power core. If the power core cannot deliver full power, the cannon will not have enough power to generate its energy pulse." END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer finishes, missiles not armed] "I will now start the final computations to aim the missiles. Due to the complexity of the computations, I will be unable to assist you further until you have fired the cannon to reset its systems. Presently, the missiles have not been armed. This must be done by you because I am unable to perform that function. Before you leave, I have something to give you that may be useful." A purple card falls out of a hidden compartment inside the computer. "I suggest you waste as little time as possible in firing the cannon. Good Luck." The computer then becomes silent. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer finishes, missiles armed] "I will now start the final computations to aim the missiles. Due to the complexity of the computations, I will be unable to assist you further until you have fired the cannon to reset its systems. I see that you have already armed the missiles. This is good because I am unable to perform that function. Before you leave, I have something to give you that may be useful." A purple card falls out of a hidden compartment inside the computer. "I suggest you waste as little time as possible in firing the cannon. Good Luck." The computer then becomes silent. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Computer is too busy to talk] The computer is too busy doing its computations to answer you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pull Orange Lever and die due to backfire] You pull the orange lever and wait. You feel vibrations under your feet as the gun readies to fire. Suddenly, you hear a loud explosion and the entire room shakes. Alarm bells go off and an indicator on one of the control panels indicates that the main gun backfired due to a flaw in the focusing system. The main gun is completely destroyed and it took most of OCEANA with it. A chain reaction has started and you realize that the power core will soon explode in a giant fireball. As you are engulfed by the fireball, you know that nothing can stop the war now. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pull Orange Lever and die due to core explosion] You pull the orange lever and wait. You feel vibrations under your feet as the gun readies to fire. Suddenly, you hear a loud explosion and the entire room shakes. Alarm bells go off and an indicator on one of the control panels indicates that the power core ruptured due to a flaw in the power focusing system in the core. The core has become an expanding fireball that is engulfing OCEANA. As you are engulfed by the fireball, you know that nothing can stop the war now. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pull Orange Lever and die due to attack] You pull the orange lever and wait. The four large screens light up and show every military target on PIBOS. You feel vibrations under your feet as OCEANA's energy cannon fires. One of the targets displayed disappears, but the others launch an attack. Bases all over PIBOS launch missiles targeted for OCEANA. The computer is unable to destroy every incoming missile. An explosion rips open one of the walls in the room and pins you under some debris. You watch helplessly as OCEANA is destroyed around you. You realize that nothing can stop the war now. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pull Orange Lever and lose] You pull the orange lever and wait. The four large screens light up and show every military target on PIBOS. You feel vibrations under your feet as OCEANA's energy cannon fires. Simultaneously, the computer launches every one of OCEANA's missiles. Firing of the cannon did reset it's systems and bypassed the damaged interfaces so the computer can now fire the cannon. You watch as the missiles fly toward their targets. Some are destroyed, but enough survive to reach their targets. One by one the targets displayed vanish as PIBOS' ability to make war is destroyed. You go to the communications room and watch the news of the attack. No more that five minutes after the attack ended, a representative of the PIBOS government comes on and says that the government has received reports from ERANOS that detail your mission. The representative goes on to say that the PIBOS government has surrendered to the rebel groups that have been in communication with ERANOS. Now peace can exist in the Centauri system. Pleased, you return to your sub and return to the surface where you are give a hero's welcome. The new government of PIBOS give you a medal of valor and tells you that you will be put in charge of getting OCEANA fully operational. OCEANA's new purpose will be to study the ocean and the life forms contained within it. OCEANA will also reopen the exploration and study of the ruins. Your efforts have saved countless lives and started a new peace. Six months later, just as OCEANA is getting ready to become fully operation again, signals are detected in space from an advanced and alien civilization. All attempts to contact that civilization fail and result in only one message being received. The message says: YOU ARE NOT YET READY TO JOIN US. You figure that there must be some puzzle or test that humanity must pass in order to be worthy to join the galactic community. A great deal of controversy develops around what that test could be, but no conclusion is reached. You are never able to shake the feeling that the answer lies in the ruins. OCEANA is shutdown to give more funding to the groups that try to contact the aliens, so you may never find out whether or not you are right. *** Game Over. *** END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pull Orange Lever and win] You pull the orange lever and wait. The four large screens light up and show every military target on PIBOS. You feel vibrations under your feet as OCEANA's energy cannon fires. Simultaneously, the computer launches every one of OCEANA's missiles. Firing of the cannon did reset it's systems and bypassed the damaged interfaces so the computer can now fire the cannon. You watch as the missiles fly toward their targets. Some are destroyed, but enough survive to reach their targets. One by one the targets displayed vanish as PIBOS' ability to make war is destroyed. You go to the communications room and watch the news of the attack. No more that five minutes after the attack ended, a representative of the PIBOS government comes on and says that the government has received reports from ERANOS that detail your mission. The representative goes on to say that the PIBOS government has surrendered to the rebel groups that have been in communication with ERANOS. Now peace can exist in the Centauri system. Pleased, you return to your sub and return to the surface where you are give a hero's welcome. The new government of PIBOS give you a medal of valor and tells you that you will be put in charge of getting OCEANA fully operational. OCEANA's new purpose will be to study the ocean and the life forms contained within it. OCEANA will also reopen the exploration and of the ruins. Your efforts have saved countless lives and started a new peace. Six months later, an alien vessel enters the Centauri system and contacts the colonies on PIBOS and ERANOS. The aliens call themselves Garrelians and are a race of reptiles. They explain that they detected a signal beacon here and came to investigate. You recognize them as being the same race as Pzxiad, the high priest of the race of fish people that lived on PIBOS a millennia ago. You tell them of the crypt you found and of Pzxiad. The Garrelians ask to have Pzxiad so they can finally take him home to be buried on his own planet. They tell you that he was an explorer that was presumed lost. He crashed on this world and became the fish peoples' high priest. Most likely, he tried to repair his ship, but couldn't and died here. Pzxiad is given over to his people. Before leaving, the Garrelians tell you that the obelisk was a test. The Garrelians have explored this galaxy and others for thousands of years and have found many different races. Since the Garrelians do not want to interfere with a race before it has matured enough, they designed the obelisk as a test to determine the maturity of the race that finds it. The obelisks activate and emit a signal when they enounter intelligent races that have matured enough to be formally contacted. The obelisk you found was supposed to be for the fish people but they died out hundreds of years ago. By working for peace and unifying the planets in this system, you proved your worth to the obelisk and it sent its signal. The Garelians say they will tell their people about humans that another ship will return to establish formal relations between humans, Garrelians and the many other races that exist in the galaxy. Humanity is about to enter a new chapter of its existance and, thanks to you, it can enter it at peace with itself. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PIBOS drops bombs] Suddenly, the ground starts to shake under you and you realize that the war has begun and ERANOS has started to bomb PIBOS. The bombs they are using are hundreds of times stronger than thermonuclear bombs and will reduce the surface of PIBOS to ashes. The shaking continues and get worse until the walls cave in and bury you. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Nothing happens] Nothing happens. END_MESSAGE #COMMENT ***** Alternate Room Descriptions ***** MESSAGE [Main Computer Room, Gold Door closed] This must be the main computer room of OCEANA. The computer is emmense in its size and complexity. The computer must be able to control everything in OCEANA. Every wall contains control panels for it, but since the computer probably takes care of itself, the controls are useless unless the computer malfunctions. You can clearly see why only some people were allowed in here. The main computer itself is in the southern wall. The only exit is a closed gold leading west. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Main Computer Room, Gold Door open] This must be the main computer room of OCEANA. The computer is emmense in its size and complexity. The computer must be able to control everything in OCEANA. Every wall contains control panels for it, but since the computer probably takes care of itself, the controls are useless unless the computer malfunctions. You can clearly see why only some people were allowed in here. The main computer itself is in the southern wall. The only exit is an open gold leading west. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Blue Corridor, Gold closed, Silver closed] The walls, ceiling and floor of this room are all blue in color, not gray, like the rest of OCEANA. There is a closed silver door to the west and a closed gold door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Blue Corridor, Gold closed, Silver open] The walls, ceiling and floor of this room are all blue in color, not gray, like the rest of OCEANA. There is an open silver door to the west and a closed gold door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Blue Corridor, Gold open, Silver closed] The walls, ceiling and floor of this room are all blue in color, not gray, like the rest of OCEANA. There is a closed silver door to the west and an open gold door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Blue Corridor, Gold open, Silver open] The walls, ceiling and floor of this room are all blue in color, not gray, like the rest of OCEANA. There is an open silver door to the west and an open gold door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Top of Stairs, Silver Door closed] You are at the top of a spiral staircase. A closed silver door leads east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Top of Stairs, Silver Door open] You are at the top of a spiral staircase. An open silver door leads east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Refinery, Purple Door closed] You are in a large room that, based on all of the equipment here, is some kind of refinery. There's nothing here to indicate what is was that was refined. A conveyor belt sticks out of the western wall. The only exit is a closed purple door to the south. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Refinery, Purple Door open] You are in a large room that, based on all of the equipment here, is some kind of refinery. There's nothing here to indicate what is was that was refined. A conveyor belt with a metal bin attached to its end sticks out of the western wall. The only exit is a closed purple door to the south. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Long Corridor, Purple Door closed] This is a long e-w corridor. There is a closed purple door in the northern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Long Corridor, Purple Door open] This is a long e-w corridor. There is an open purple door leading north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Weapon Storage, Green Door closed] You are in a small room which might have been used to store weapons. There doesn't seem to be much here now, though. There is a closed green door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Weapon Storage, Green Door open] You are in a small room which might have been used to store weapons. There doesn't seem to be much here now, though. There is an open green door to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Corridor Junction, Green Door closed] A corridor from the west meets a corridor from the north here. There is a closed green door in the eastern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Corridor Junction, Green Door open] A corridor from the west meets a corridor from the north here. An open green door leads east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [A Control Room, Yellow Door closed] This room is some kind of control room. A large control panel covers the northeastern wall. There is no machine in this room so there's obvious way of determining what this room controls. A table rests up against the northwestern wall. A closed yellow door leads southeast. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [A Control Room, Yellow Door open] This room is some kind of control room. A large control panel covers the northeastern wall. There is no machine in this room so there's obvious way of determining what this room controls. A table rests up against the northwestern wall. An open yellow door leads southeast. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [NE-SW Corr., SW End, Yellow Door closed] This is a ne-sw corridor that curves to the south at its sw end. The corridor leads off to the northeast and there is a door to the southeast. A closed yellow door leads northwest. To the south is the elevator and next to the elevator is a white button. A large 2 has been printed on the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [NE-SW Corridor, SW End, Yellow Door open] This is a ne-sw corridor that curves to the south at its sw end. The corridor leads off to the northeast and there is a door to the southeast. An open yellow door leads northwest. To the south is the elevator and next to the elevator is a white button. A large 2 has been printed on the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch closed, p on] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. You can even hear the throbbing of the power core through the southeastern wall. A closed orange door leads south and a closed access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch open, p on] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. You can even hear the throbbing of the power core through the southeastern wall. A closed orange door leads south and an open access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange open, hatch closed, p on] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. You can even hear the throbbing of the power core through the southeastern wall. An open orange door leads south and a closed access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange open, hatch open, p on] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. You can even hear the throbbing of the power core through the southeastern wall. An open orange door leads south and an open access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch closed,p off] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. Since the core has been shutdown, the room is quiet. A closed orange door leads south and a closed access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange closed, hatch open, p off] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. Since the core has been shutdown, the room is quiet. A closed orange door leads south and an open access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange open, hatch closed, p off] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. Since the core has been shutdown, the room is quiet. An open orange door leads south and a closed access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [PCCR, Orange open, hatch open, p off] You are in a large room. Every wall contains control panels and power level indicators. This room must be the control room for the main power core. Since the core has been shutdown, the room is quiet. An open orange door leads south and an open access hatch leads southeast. There is also an exit to the north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Short Corridor, Orange Door closed] You are in a short n-s corridor. The elevator is to the south. Next to the elevator is a white button. A closed orange door leads north. Doors also lead east and west. There is a large 5 printed on the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Short Corridor, Orange Door open] You are in a short n-s corridor. The elevator is to the south. Next to the elevator is a white button. An open orange door leads north. Doors also lead east and west. There is a large 5 printed on the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door closed] You are standing in a room dominated by two large stone pillars that are in front of the northern wall. The pillars are smooth and stretch from the floor to the ceiling. As the pillars near the ceiling they narrow slightlty. You notice a passage in the northern wall between the pillars. The room's southern wall is a tan wall that is part of the complex. There is a ladder attached to the western wall. The ladder leads up to an opening in the ceiling near the western wall. The only other exit is the closed turquoise door in the southern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Pillar Room, Turquoise Door open] You are standing in a room dominated by two large stone pillars that are in front of the northern wall. The pillars are smooth and stretch from the floor to the ceiling. As the pillars near the ceiling they narrow slightlty. You notice a passage in the northern wall between the pillars. The room's southern wall is a tan wall that is part of the complex. There is a ladder attached to the western wall. The ladder leads up to an opening in the ceiling near the western wall. The only other exit is the open turquoise door in the southern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door closed] You are standing at the junction of two tan corridors. One is an east-west corridor and the other is a north-south corridor. Corridors continue east, west and south. There is also a closed turquoise door in the northern wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Tan Corr. Junction, Turquoise Door open] You are standing at the junction of two tan corridors. One is an east-west corridor and the other is a north-south corridor. Corridors continue east, west and south. There is also an open turquoise door leading north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Missile Room, Amber Door closed] You are standing in large room that stretches far to the west. Most of the room is taken up by row after row of missile tubes. This must be where OCEANA's missiles are launched from. There are a total of 100 missile tubes in the room. These missiles could be very useful in stopping the war. On the southern wall is a large control panel. A closed amber door is to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Missile Room, Amber Door open] You are standing in large room that stretches far to the west. Most of the room is taken up by row after row of missile tubes. This must be where OCEANA's missiles are launched from. There are a total of 100 missile tubes in the room. These missiles could be very useful in stopping the war. On the southern wall is a large control panel. An open amber door is to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door closed] You are at the western end of an east-west corridor with tan walls. This part of the corridor is newer than the other parts. It seems to have been constructed sometime after the rest of this complex was built. There is a closed amber door in the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Tan Corridor, W End, Amber Door open] You are at the western end of an east-west corridor with tan walls. This part of the corridor is newer than the other parts. It seems to have been constructed sometime after the rest of this complex was built. There is an open amber door leading north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Your Sub, door closed] You are in your submarine, a one-man craft designed for deep-sea exploration. Through the window in the front of the sub you can see the ocean floor and the smooth, silvery outer surface of OCEANA. Directly in front of you is your chair. In front of the chair, at arm's reach are your sub's controls. The outer door is to the east. The door is closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Your Sub, door open] You are in your submarine, a one-man craft designed for deep-sea exploration. Through the window in the front of the sub you can see the ocean floor and the smooth, silvery outer surface of OCEANA. Directly in front of you is your chair. In front of the chair, at arm's reach are your sub's controls. The outer door is to the east. The door is open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Airlock, both doors closed] You are in OCEANA's airlock. The outer airlock door is to the west and the inner airlock door is to the east. Both doors are closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Airlock, outer open, inner closed] You are in OCEANA's airlock. The outer airlock door is to the west and the inner airlock door is to the east. The outer door is open and the inner door is closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Airlock, outer closed, inner open] You are in OCEANA's airlock. The outer airlock door is to the west and the inner airlock door is to the east. The outer door is closed and the inner door is open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Airlock, both doors open] You are in OCEANA's airlock. The outer airlock door is to the west and the inner airlock door is to the east. Both doors are open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Equipment Room, door closed] The inhabitants of OCEANA must have used this room to put on their diving equipment before entering the airlock to the west. The inner airlock door is closed. There is also an exit to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR MESSAGE [Equipment Room, door open] The inhabitants of OCEANA must have used this room to put on their diving equipment before entering the airlock to the west. The inner airlock door is open. There is also an exit to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR MESSAGE [Access Room, both hatches closed] This is a room that resembles an airlock. The walls look like they are lined with lead. The outer access hatch is to the northwest and the inner access hatch is to the southeast. Both hatches are closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Access Room, outer open, inner closed] This is a room that resembles an airlock. The walls look like they are lined with lead. The outer access hatch is to the northwest and the inner access hatch is to the southeast. The outer hatch is open and the inner hatch is closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Access Room, outer closed, inner open] This is a room that resembles an airlock. The walls look like they are lined with lead. The outer access hatch is to the northwest and the inner access hatch is to the southeast. The outer hatch is closed and the inner hatch is open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core Room, hatch closed, power on] You are standing in a heavily shielded room whose purpose is to house the power core itself. The entire room throbs in sync with the reactions of the core. The only exit is through the inner hatch, which is closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core Room, hatch closed, power off] You are standing in a heavily shielded room whose purpose is to house the power core itself. The room is absolutely quiet and the vibrations of the core are gone. The only exit is through the inner hatch, which is closed. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core Room, hatch open, power on] You are standing in a heavily shielded room whose purpose is to house the power core itself. The entire room throbs in sync with the reactions of the core. The only exit is through the inner hatch, which is open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core Room, hatch open, power off] You are standing in a heavily shielded room whose purpose is to house the power core itself. The room is absolutely quiet and the vibrations of the core are gone. The only exit is through the inner hatch, which is open. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Room, exit open] You are in a small room. The walls, ceiling and floor of the room are made of metal several inches thick. On the northern wall there is a yellow button. The only exit is to the west. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Room, exit sealed] You are in a small room. The walls, ceiling and floor of the room are made of metal several inches thick. On the northern wall there is a yellow button. The only exit is to the west, but it has been sealed shut. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Commander's Office, door closed] This room must have been the office of OCEANA's commander. He had an ornately carved desk with a tall chair behind it. There is also a set of shelves in the northern wall and a painting hanging on the western wall. The only exit is to the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Commander's Office, door open] This room must have been the office of OCEANA's commander. He had an ornately carved desk with a tall chair behind it. There is also a set of shelves in the northern wall and a painting hanging on the western wall. There is an open door in the northern wall and an exit to the the east. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Motor Room, no passage] You are in a room that has been carved out of solid bedrock. The most prominent feature of the room is the large motor that occupies most of the southern half of the room. The motor is behind the elevator and several cables run from the motor up into the ceiling. Artificial lights have been strung across the ceiling to provide light. The only exit is the elevator. There is a white button next to the elevator. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Motor Room, passage visible] You are in a room that has been carved out of solid bedrock. The most prominent feature of the room is the large motor that occupies most of the southern half of the room. The motor is behind the elevator and several cables run from the motor up into the ceiling. Artificial lights have been strung across the ceiling to provide light. A small passage leads west. The only other exit is the elevator. There is a white button next to the elevator. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Ledge, passage revealed] You are on a ledge on an undersea mountain. Through the murky water, you can see OCEANA far to the northeast. A passage leads into the mountain to the west. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Excavation Site, door closed] This room seems to have been recently excavated. There are signs of recent digging all over the place. Inscriptions cover the eastern wall. The only exit is a passage leading north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Excavation Site, door open] This room seems to have been recently excavated. There are signs of recent digging all over the place. Inscriptions cover the eastern wall. An open secret door leads east and a passage leads north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Abandoned Excav. Site, door closed] This room was an excavation site but looks as if it was abandoned shortly after it was started. The only exit is a passage leading northwest. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Abandoned Excavation Site, door open] This room was an excavation site but looks as if it was abandoned shortly after it was started. An open stone door leads east and a passage leads northwest. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Crypt, door open] You are standing in an ancient crypt. The walls are covered with images of a reptillian person. The only exit is an open stone door to the west. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Crypt, door closed] You are standing in an ancient crypt. The walls are covered with images of a reptillian person. There is a closed stone door in the western wall. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Puddle Room, passage created] You are standing in a small room with a hole in the floor. The top of a ladder sticks out of the hole. The explosion cut a small passage into the southern wall. A passage leads north. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Octagonal Room, passage created] You are in a featureless octagon-shaped room. The walls ceiling and floor are smooth, featureless stone. It looks like an explosion cut a passage into the northern wall. END_MESSAGE #COMMENT ***** Alternate Noun Descriptions ***** MESSAGE [Core Control Panels, power fluct.] The panels contain all sorts of controls for monitoring the status of the core and making adjustments to the power flow. The output power level indicator shows the core to be functioning at roughly 2/3 of its capacity, but the power level is fluctuating quite a bit. There is a large black dial centered on the largest control panel. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Core Control Panels, power steady] The panels contain all sorts of controls for monitoring the status of the core and making adjustments to the power flow. The output power level indicator shows the core to be functioning at 2/3 of its capacity and the power level is holding steady. There is a large black dial centered on the largest control panel. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Core Control Panels, power off] The panels contain all sorts of controls for monitoring the status of the core and making adjustments to the power flow. The output power level indicator shows the core to be completely shutdown. A light on one panel indicates that lights, life support and other essential systems are being run by an emergency generator. There is a large black dial centered on the largest control panel. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Black Dial, on] The black dial is the largest one in the room and there appears to be some writing on it. It has two settings, ON and OFF, and is currently in the ON position. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Black Dial, off] The black dial is the largest one in the room and there appears to be some writing on it. It has two settings, ON and OFF, and is currently in the OFF position. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core, power on] The power core is spherical in shape. It rests on three cylindrical pipes that disappear into the floor. The substances that are used to power OCEANA are a a classified secret and you don't know what they are. However, the reaction produces a great deal of energy. It's probably also fair to say that if the reactants were allowed to mix uncontrolled, the resulting explosion would completely destroy OCEANA. The entire room is throbbing in sync with the reaction occuring in the chamber. Through the small heavily shielded window in the chamber all you can see is the blinding light produced by the reaction. The level of radiation produced by the reaction must be incredible because not even the heavily shielded chamber can stop some of the radiation from leaking out. This accounts for the higher than normal radiation levels in the room. There is a small hatch in one side of the core. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Power Core, power off] The power core is spherical in shape. It rests on three cylindrical pipes that disappear into the floor. The substances that are used to power OCEANA are a a classified secret and you don't know what they are. However, the reaction produces a great deal of energy. It's probably also fair to say that if the reactants were allowed to mix uncontrolled, the resulting explosion would completely destroy OCEANA. There is a small, heavily shielded window on one side of the core that is dark. Normally the reactions of the core cause the whole room to vibrate, but, since the core has been shutdown, the room is quiet. There is a small hatch in one side of the core. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Emergency Generator, power on] The generator looks like is can produce enough power to supply a portion of OCEANA's power needs. It must be an emergency generator and is designed to be used when OCEANA's main power core is shutdown. The generator is off at the moment. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Emergency Generator, power off] The generator looks like is can produce enough power to supply a portion of OCEANA's power needs. It must be an emergency generator and is designed to be used when OCEANA's main power core is shutdown. The generator is on and generating power to keep essential systems functioning. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Jagged Hole, patched] The hole is about six inches across with jagged edges. The hole has been patched with some material that appears to be as strong as the hull of OCEANA. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Missile Control Panel, missiles unarmed] The panel is large and takes up a considerable portion of the southern wall. It contains indicators for each missile and controls for setting the missiles' targets. The missiles are presently unarmed. There is a pink slot centered at the bottom of the panel. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Missile Control Panel, missiles armed] The panel is large and takes up a considerable portion of the southern wall. It contains indicators for each missile and controls for setting the missiles' targets. Indicator lights on the panel indicate that all of the missiles are now armed. There is a pink slot centered at the bottom of the panel. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Glassy Triangle, no Column] The triangle is milky white with a glassy surface. It's an equilateral triangle with each side measuring four feet. You can see no marks or seams in in its surface. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Glassy Triangle, time stopped] The triangle is milky white with a glassy surface. It's an equilateral triangle with each side measuring four feet. You can see no marks or seams in in its surface. The triangle is glowing. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Glassy Triangle, Column visible] The triangle is milky white with a glassy surface. It's an equilateral triangle with each side measuring four feet. Rising up from the middle of the triangle is a glassy, pentagon-shaped column. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Puddle, time normal] The puddle isn't very large and is only about an inch deep. It was formed by dripping water coming from a crack in the ceiling. END_MESSAGE MESSAGE [Small Puddle, time stopped] The puddle isn't very large and is only about an inch deep. It was formed by dripping water coming from a crack in the ceiling. You are stunned to see a drop of water suspended in midair! END_MESSAGE