This is the commented official Walkthrough for Gotomomi, by Arno v. Borries. This walkthrough represents only one of the many ways this game can be played and finished. In particular, it will leave much of the exploration to the player and whether or not it leads to a satisfactory ending is up to the reader to decide. All commands are given in upper case for ease of reading. They will work just as well in lower case, as will their abbreviations, some of which can be looked up in the in-game help. The walkthrough contains descriptive headings. So skimming through it might be enough to get on with the game when you're stuck. Reading this will obviously spoil the game experience. The Beginning (None of this is strictly neccessary, it's just a good start into the story to get an idea of what you face) HELP // get some general tips, they should help. EXAMINE SELF // some exposition can't hurt. INVENTORY // always a good idea at the start. UP // to Gotomomi central station. LOOK AT WALLET // what happened? DOWN // now what? UP // to the long distance lines station. UP // that was kind of expected. SOUTH // to the ticket office. EXAMINE ADVERTISING // just to get a feel for the value of money in this story. TALK TO EMPLOYEE // try to buy a ticket so you know how much money you will need. NORTH, DOWN, SOUTH // to the police box. TALK TO OFFICER // you can tell him your wallet was stolen, but don't tell him your real name, it would cause a non-standard game over. Getting hired at the courier service (how make some money to buy some clothes and rent a boat. You may want to stop reading here if all you wanted was a kick start into the game) NORTH,WEST, NORTH // to beside the railway viaduct. LOOK AT SHOPS // one catches your interest. IN // to Tanaka's used good shop. TALK TO MAN // sell one of two items. Try to make more than 6000 yen. If you can't, try again. Keep the other. It does not matter which one at this point. OUT, SOUTH, SOUTH // to the docklands. EXAMINE BOOTHS // One is a boat rental. IN // to inside the boat rental booth. TALK TO SEA-BEAR // Rent the motor boat. OUT, DOWN // onto the pier near the bridge. EXAMINE BOAT // this yields some pretty interesting information. ENTER BOAT START ENGINE WITH BOAT KEY EAST, EAST, EAST, OUT // to inside „Affordable apparel“. TALK TO WOMAN // buy the boiler suit and the working boots. Again, be stubborn and get them at minimum value. IN // to the changing cubicle. TAKE OFF OBI TAKE OFF YUKATA TAKE OFF GETA WEAR BOILER SUIT WEAR BOOTS OUT // of the changing cubicle. TALK TO WOMAN // sell all the clothing you took off. Haggle for optimum prices. OUT // back into the boat. WEST, WEST, WEST, OUT, UP, NORTH, EAST, UP, NORTH, EAST to „CityTrafficking“ TALK TO WOMAN // Get yourself hired. The first delivery (how to get into the „Martyrium“) EXAMINE PAD // now you know where to go. WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, EAST // To the office of Yano & Chou's TALK TO GUY // get him to give you his parcel and sign your pad. EXAMINE PAD // next is a certain nightclub. WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST // to the frontdesk of the „Martyrium“ TALK TO REDHEAD // To get into the club. DOWN // to the dancefloor of the „Martyrium“ TALK TO JJ // Get his signature. The second delivery (how to navigate the sewers and get an ID card without loosing a lot of money.) LOOK AT PAD // Where might „the burrow“ be? UP, EAST,IN // Back to Tanaka's used-goods-shop. TALK TO TANAKA // get the flashlight cheap. OUT, SOUTH, SOUTH, DOWN, IN // back into your boat. EAST, EAST, NORTH // into the sewers. SWITCH ON FLASHLIGHT // entirely unneccessary, this is just as a help for new players. NORTH, EAST, NORTH, OUT, NORTH // to the „burrow“. TALK TO MAN // get him to sign. LOOK AT PAD // you have to get into the mall somehow. TALK TO MAN // Again, that's right. Get the job as his drug dealer. SOUTH, IN, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH // and we're out of the sewer system. EAST, EAST, OUT, UP, NORTH, NORTH, WEST, DOWN // to the dance floor of the „Martyrium“. DANCE // otherwise no one will talk to you. TALK TO DANCER // Try to sell your drugs. Try and make at least 7000 yen for each dose. Repeat until your supply of drugs is exhausted, or you get caught by the management and thrown out, in which case you can continue to sell your stuff to passer-bye in the streets at a somewhat lower price. Whatever the outcome of this, get back to the chinaman after you have no more drugs left. Get back to the chinaman (UP, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, DOWN, IN, EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, NORTH, OUT, NORTH if all went well) TALK TO CHINAMAN // He'll give you half the profits. TALK TO CHINAMAN // Buy a fake ID. SOUTH, ENTER BOAT, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, WEST, OUT, UP, NORTH, EAST, EAST, SOUTH // to Utsunomiya Agnieszka. You'll have to show your ID card in the process. TALK TO WOMAN // have her sign the pad. The third delivery (what to do at the painter's studio) EXAMINE PAD // it's in the same building. NORTH, IN // into the elevator. PUSH 104 OUT, SOUTH // to the artist's studio. TALK TO PAINTER // get him to sign your pad, have him paint you. TAKE OFF BOILER SUIT TAKE OFF BOOTS TALK TO PAINTER // just talk to him about this and that. He'll pay you in the end. EXAMINE PAD // back to Tanaka's it is. PUT ON BOILER SUIT PUT ON BOOTS NORTH, IN // into the elevator. PUSH 0 OUT, WEST, WEST, NORTH, IN // To Tanaka's used-goods-shop. TALK TO TANAKA // To get this delivery over with. The fourth delivery (How to get into „the little china girl“) EXAMINE PAD OUT, NORTH, DOWN // to the reception of „the little China Girl“. EAST // tell her you're the courier service. She throws you out anyway. UP, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, UP, NORTH, EAST // back to „CityTrafficking“. TALK TO KEI // she'll send you back. WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, DOWN // back to „the little China Girl“. TALK TO WOMAN // She won't let you in. UP, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, UP, NORTH, EAST // back to „CityTrafficking“ once again. TALK TO KEI // she'll get on the phone LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN,... // a few times! WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, DOWN // back to „the little China Girl“. TALK TO WOMAN // And again she won't let you in. UP, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, UP, NORTH, EAST // back to „CityTrafficking“. TALK TO KEI // tell her your tale. Take breaking and entering. WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, WEST, NORTH, IN // to Tanaka's used-goods-shop. TALK TO TANAKA // buy a pair of pliers. This is not for torturing anyone. OUT, SOUTH, WEST, UP, NORTH, DOWN // to the Back alley. CLIMB LADDER EXAMINE WINDOW CUT WIRE WITH PLIERS WEST, WEST, DOWN // to the bar of „the little China Girl“. TALK TO BARTENDER // Get the box. EXAMINE PAD // So it's back to the beginning. WEST, WEST, NORTH, EAST // to the office of Yano & Chou's. TALK TO MAN // have him sign your pad. EXAMINE PAD // All done! WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, UP, NORTH, EAST // back to your employer. TALK TO KEI // get your earnings. Finishing the game (How to get the last bit of money and get into the train) WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, WEST, SOUTH, DOWN, IN // into the boat TURN BOAT KEY TAKE BOAT KEY OUT, UP, IN // into the boat rental. TALK TO SEA-BEAR // to get your deposit back. OUT, NORTH, NORTH, IN // to Tanaka's TALK TO TANAKA // sell all you can. OUT, SOUTH, EAST, UP, SOUTH // to the ticket office TALK TO EMPLOYEE // Hopefully you should have enough money to buy a ticket now. If not, there are still ways to make more money. You should have come by some of them along the way. NORTH, UP // to the long-distance tracks. ENTER TRAIN // and you're finished. Or do it all differently right from the start.