# Messages for Upd8LHSh task.version:1.00ß (24 Jun 1997) task.icon:!upd8LHSh menu.bar:>Info,Quit menu.bart:Updater # error messages err.nosprs:can't find spritefile err.notmpls:can't find templates err.menu:menu creation failed err.update:The upate process failed (%s), no output produced. err.filesave:Can't save file (%s) # error messages returned by the update functions uerr.opens:couldn't open the story file uerr.openc:couldn't open the /CNV file uerr.opent:couldn't create a temporary file uerr.reads:an error occurred whilst reading the story file uerr.readc:an error occurred whilst reading the /CNV file uerr.writet:an error occurred whilst writing the temp file uerr.version:the story file is the wrong version uerr.checksum:the updated file's checksum was wrong # error messages for query boxes err.cancel:OK err.wrongt:Sorry! err.wrong:Upd8LHSh can only update The Lurking Horror and Sherlock story-files err.alreadyt:Stop! err.already:This story-file has already been updated err.amigalht:Eckie Thump! err.amigalh:This Amiga version of The Lurking Horror doesn't need updating err.badcnvt:Stop! err.badcnv:The /CNV file is not correct for this story-file. Try again with the correct /CNV file! err.unsavet:Whoah there, Bess! err.unsavem:A story file has already been updated (but not saved). Do you wish to discard it? err.unsaven:Keep err.unsavey:Discard err.overwt:A Very Important Question err.overwm:You have asked to save the updated file over an existing file. If you proceed, the existing file will be LOST! err.overwn:Cancel err.overwy:Continue