label day_three: window hide with Pause(1) show text "Day Three" zorder 5 with dissolve with Pause(2) hide text with dissolve window show show inn zorder 3 with dissolve $game.ForestRunaway = "False" """ Tired and cold, you push open the door to Henryk's inn. You had no choice but to fix your door yourself last night and when it was done your house had lost so much heat that you were forced to make another fire. But more than the work or the chill, it was the wolf's words that kept you awake. So it is all real. All of it. Your daydreaming about other people's stories is changing them. It's changing what happened in the past. And maybe it's changing who the people are. And there are things out there in the woods that know what you are doing. Henryk is waiting for you when you arrive. """ show henrykimg zorder 4 with dissolve: xalign 0.05 yalign 0.25 if game.town_stability >= 5: $textinsert4 = "I suggested to the Alderman a while ago that it would be nice to try to make the daily hand-out of food and wood a little more festive and he's finally agreed that we've probably earned a bit of a break, so I'm going to go help make the preparations." else: $textinsert4 = "There was a fight last night, we're still trying to get to the bottom of why, but three people ended up in Fyodora's clinic and the Alderman wants my help figuring out what to do about it." henryk """ Morning [game.player_name]. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to watch the inn, at least until early afternoon. [textinsert4] You'll manage fine here though. You're good at this, better than I am most days. """ if game.town_stability <= 5: $textinsert5 = ", although despite his best efforts, it is clear that he does not really believe his own words" else: $textinsert5 = "" "Henryk smiles kindly[textinsert5]." henryk "I must rush though. I will see you later. If anything catches on fire, I'll be at the town hall or the main square." hide henrykimg with dissolve "Then he's gone and from that moment you are run off your feet, not stopping to catch your breath until the breakfast rush is over. Everyone has the same thing, some strange meat that looks like rabbit but tastes far better than anything you have ever tasted before." "Then finally you are given a quiet moment to stand behind the bar, feeling the tiredness catching up with you as your eyes lose focus and drift towards where the town's doctor, Fyodora, is greeting one of her friends." "You do not think you know the friend and yet, in your tiredness, you have no choice but to become her." hide inn with dissolve call doctor_5 from _call_doctor_5 show inn zorder 3 with dissolve if game.town_stability <= 6: "A loud sound and then pain. Your hand goes to your face, pushing a small fragment of glass further into your skin. Blood leaks between your fingers." "Worker" """ Are you fucking playing with me? You mocking me or something? You want me to shove your teeth down your throat? Or are you fucking deaf? Give. Me. A. Fucking. Drink! Now! """ "Your eyes flick down to the shards of broken glass at your feet, but are brought straight back up again as the man opposite you slams his fist against the bar." "Worker" "Oh I'm going to enjoy kicking the shit out of you." """ Someone standing nearby lets out a 'whoop', while a hunter nods to you and pulls a knife out of his belt. Instinct takes over and you turn wordlessly, pour out a shot and, from a safe distance, slide it over to the worker, mumbling something about it being on the house. He spits on the bar as he turns, clearly disappointed that you didn't go all the way and give him an opportunity to fight. He's not the only one. A crowd has formed - apparently many of its members customers who had already tried and failed to gain your attention – clearly ready for violence. It is not without irony that you note that, for the moment, it is alcohol that defuses the situation. """ else: "Your head hits the wall and then your chin hits your chest. Hard hands press into your shoulders. You feel your balance tipping and your knees go weak, but the fingers dig painfully into your skin and you steady yourself." "Worker" "Hello, can you hear me?" "You open your eyes to see a man's face just inches from your own, his features twisted with worry. You mumble something, acknowledging his presence or stating that you feel fine, which you do, and he lets out a sigh and allows himself a smile." "Worker" """ We were getting worried. You were just standing there, not reacting to anything. Are you sure you're okay? Fyodora is just over there, we can get her to look at you if you want? """ """ You nod, trying not to appear too keen to avoid seeing Fyodora. Still, the worker stays protectively on your side of the bar for a few more minutes and it takes some time, and a lot of drinks, to disperse the whole crowd. But eventually it is done and the concerned looks move away. """ """ But what happened? How did it happen? You remember bits. You remember seeing that the bar was crowded. But you saw it from the corner of the room. From Fyodora's table. From Fyodora's friend's perspective, just a small, incidental detail briefly abutting her story. But your own eyes? Your own story? It just wasn't there, it just didn't exist. You shake your head, trying to clear it for just a moment. You serve the final waiting customer and you stop for a moment, breathing deeply. Someone comes and sits opposite you. He's just come in from the snow, apparently oblivious to the tension in the air. """ "Gatherer" "You speak to people, don't you? I've got another shift now, but I think I should tell someone what I just saw and I can't find Nat or the Alderman. I thought I'd talk to Henryk, but you'll pass it on to him, won't you?" "They begin speaking before you have a chance to answer and you are immediately gone, back in the forest, the body you feel once again not your own." hide inn with dissolve call thelovers from _call_thelovers show inn zorder 3 with dissolve """ You see the man thank you for telling Henryk his story and then leave. You look around the room. No new customers. A couple are talking at the end of the bar, the woman nursing a bandaged arm. The man has just finished soothing her, just finished making her ready to open up. So she starts to tell her story. """ $game.pondweedstatus = "empty" hide inn with dissolve call pondweed from _call_pondweed show inn zorder 3 with dissolve show henrykimg zorder 4 with dissolve: xalign 0.05 yalign 0.25 "Henryk" "[game.player_name], [game.player_name] listen to me." if game.pondweedstatus == "attack": $textinsert6 = "gently toying with the bandaging around her upper chest." elif game.pondweedstatus == "gift": $textinsert6 = "hold out a copper amulet to her friend." else: $textinsert6 = "shrug and let her friend move the conversation on." "You see the woman [textinsert6] Then your eyes turn and you see Henryk in front of you." henryk """ You're not okay, are you [game.player_name]? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone here today. I thought maybe you were just tired, but that's no excuse, I should have taken more care. I heard you were ignoring customers, just staring into space. No, no I'm not angry, of course I'm not. I'm just worried. Do you want to talk to me about it? Do you want a day off? How can I help? """ menu: "Everything is fine, I just had a bit of a dizzy spell earlier.": $c=1 "Henryk examines your face for just a moment. You know he's good at reading people and you know he's just as good at hiding what he finds. He may see your lie, or he may not. All he {i}does{/i} is smile." henryk "Good, I am glad you are well. Still, I'll finish and close up myself tonight. It's only been a few hours but I feel like I've been away from this place for too long. I'll see you tomorrow then, right?" "You nod and Henryk lets you go." $game.ToldHenryk = "Nothing" $c=4 "I don't know what it is. A day off would be good, I think.": $c=2 "Henryk examines your face for just a moment. You know he's good at reading people and you know he's just as good at hiding what he finds. He may see your lie, or he may not. All he {i}does{/i} is nod." henryk """ Okay. All of this has been incredibly hard and you've been here every day. You rest, I'll manage here tomorrow by myself. And why don't you head out now. It's only been a few hours but I feel like I've been away from this place for too long. I hope you feel better soon [game.player_name]. If you're not in the day after tomorrow, I'll come visit, bring some soup. Don't worry, I'll find someone to cover for you. """ "He smiles and offers to walk you home, but you refuse. It won't be easy for him to run the Wolf and Wheel by himself tomorrow and it will be near impossible for him to find someone willing to take on the extra work of helping him. He's given his word, so he will manage, but you will be back the day after tomorrow anyway." "You nod and Henryk lets you go." $game.ToldHenryk = "Sick" $game.town_stability -=2 $c=4 "I think it's some kind of magic Henryk. I hear people's stories and I feel like I am living them. And then I change them and when I come back it's like the things I chose really happened.": $c=3 "Henryk stares into your eyes for a long time and then nods." henryk "I believe you." "You tell him more, about the Nightwatcher and the book, about the stag and the wolf. He asks questions here and there, but mostly he just listens." if game.town_stability >= 7: henryk """ This is significant [game.player_name]. And, I'm sorry to say, dangerous. I worry that you'll lose yourself in this, somehow. And I hope you will understand what I mean by this, but people need to make their own decisions. I'm not saying that I don't trust you [game.player_name]. But I do believe that the ability to choose is one of the most important parts of being alive. Which is why the people won't like it. We are doing all right at the moment. I have faith in us; people are mostly keeping calm and our supplies are stable. We have hope. Hope that we'll make it through this alive and free. But you could threaten that hope. How much will people care about the future if they cannot even be sure that the past is their own? If they remember talking about meeting their love in front of you and begin to worry that their whole lives have been based on something that they were forced to want? Or worse, they may think that we might actually make it through this, only for you to change it all. You could undo anything that anyone has ever done. I hope you can see why that is terrifying. """ else: henryk """ This is significant [game.player_name]. And, I'm sorry to say, dangerous. I worry that you'll lose yourself in this, somehow. And I hope you will understand what I mean by this, but people need to make their own decisions. I'm not saying that I don't trust you [game.player_name]. But I do believe that the ability to choose is one of the most important parts of being alive. Which is why the people won't like it. We are not doing well. People are panicking and I don't think anyone could blame them. Our stocks are running low. People are dying in cold houses. And there are strange things in the woods. The people are scared and scared people generally don't look kindly on things they don't understand. Especially things that could threaten them. You could undo anything that anyone has ever done. I hope you can see why that is terrifying. Even those who might see you as a miracle, who might otherwise find hope in knowing that someone can take their past and remake it, will balk. How much hope can you have for the future when you cannot even be sure that the past is your own? If someone remembers talking about meeting their love in front of you and begins to worry that their whole lives have been based on something that they were forced to want, are they going to have much faith in anything? """ henryk """ This will not end well, especially for you. I am sorry. I hope you believe that I know you have done nothing wrong and that I know that you don't plan on using your ability in the ways that people will fear you will. But I know that others will not see it the same way and I understand why. I think you need to find some way to control this. I will help, I just need to figure out how. Listen, don't worry about it now. I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you panic. Sleep on it and I'll think. We can talk about it all again tomorrow. But in the meantime, be careful, and maybe see if you can try to control it. But go home now. You've had a long day and I'm sure you've got a lot to think about. Sleep, enjoy some dreams and I'll see you tomorrow. """ "Henryk smiles warmly, although even he cannot keep the worry out of his eyes." $game.ToldHenryk = "Yes" $c=4 $textinsert7 = "doe" $textinsert8 = "black" if game.status_stag == "Alive": $textinsert7 = "stag" $textinsert8 = "constellation" hide henrykimg with dissolve hide inn with dissolve show bedroom zorder 3 with dissolve """ You walk home and, feeling tired and lacking anything else to do, you fall asleep quickly. Perhaps it does not come as a surprise when something wakes you. The cold and the thick odour of dying fish are what truly bring you into wakefulness, but you also heard the knock of your flimsy door being inelegantly forced open. Your small room is crowded. In the centre, sitting on its haunches, is the wolf. To its right, standing perfectly still, is the [textinsert7]. On its left, swaying and twitching, is a woman with thick, wet, slimy hair. All stare for some time before the wolf starts talking in its slow and strangled way. """ #modify this threshold if game.occult_connection >= 12: "Wolf" """ We have been watching you. You've been good to us. You are one of us. You have our scent. But it is covered by the scent of slaughterers. They hate our kind. An entire flock of Wolpertinger, I believe you call them, murdered since we last spoke. I smell their flesh on your breath and the breath of all those in this slaughterer den. They will kill us, as they kill everything. And then they will freeze in the cold. But it does not have to be that way. Even if you are not, the other slaughterers are evil, stupid creatures. That is why they have an alpha. If their alpha was smart, they would not kill us. And we could help that alpha. You could be that alpha. We know what you do. It does nothing to us. You could just be another of them to us. You could just freeze. But we don't want that. We want you to be their alpha. Make them unkill our friends. Make them tame. """ "The wolf pauses as if done, but the [textinsert7] nudges it with its nose." "Wolf" """ Or you could come to us. We can keep your skin warm and your belly full. We are your pack, so it would make sense if you chose to leave this slaughterer den and sleep with us. We would understand and we would accept. You must choose. Our night or their faded day. We will be back. """ """ The wolf turns and leaves, the woman turning and leaving with it. The [textinsert7] waits a few moments longer, its [textinsert8] eyes seemingly looking straight through you. Then it too leaves and you are left alone to fix your door. Again.""" $game.ForestRunaway = "True" else: "Wolf" """ We have been watching you. We do not think you are any friend of ours. You are not one of us. You have our scent, but it is a lie. Perhaps it is a lie to yourself. But it matters not why the flesh is rotten, we will not eat it. You are like all of the slaughterers. You hate our kind. An entire flock of Wolpertinger, I believe you call them, murdered since we last spoke. I smell their flesh on your breath and the breath of all those in this slaughterer den. But you are growing weak while we grow strong. The dark is our mother, but it brings a cold and scarcity of prey that is bad for your bodies. This is our world. You will do what we need you to do. You will do everything you can to make sure that we do not seek to hunt your kind in the way that they have always hunted us. You made our home your larder. We could do the same. Do not make us as soaked in blood as you are. """ """ The wolf merely sits, the [textinsert7] merely stands, but the woman takes a step forward. She hisses, spittle flying from her scaly lips, and she strokes the underside of one nail across your skin. Water so clogged with dirt that you can see it even in the gloom is smeared against your flesh and drips onto your sheets. She growls and leans in. There is no stopping her, she is fast and slippery. She gently places her teeth around the skin above your jugular vein. She lets you know that it would take very little for her to kill you. And then she steps back. """ "Wolf" "Redeem yourselves. Or we will commit the final sin and clean this world." """ Without a sound, the wolf turns to leave. The woman close behind, leaving with a gurgling, choking that might be laughter. The [textinsert7] waits a few moments longer, its [textinsert8] eyes seemingly looking straight through you. Then it too leaves, and you are left alone to fix your door. Again. """ if game.ToldHenryk == "Sick": """ You do little the next day but sleep. With so many disturbed nights, you really are feeling tired. And it is nice to have a day to just be by yourself, to forget the darkness and the cold and the chaos for a while. And then, in what feels like a moment, it is over and you are going back into work. """ else: "You are even more tired when you set off for work the following morning." hide bedroom with dissolve return