Triform v1.2b Changelog From v1.2a = New and Extended Features = 1. Players can now distinguish items on the floor, e.g.: TAKE THE KEY THAT IS LYING ON THE FLOOR 2. Adapted Jim Fisher's path-comparison functions to the optional library 3Pathmaker.h. 3. With the optional library 3Who.h, question marks will be removed from player input. 4. The travel_name property can now be either a routine or a string. 5. When TRACK_LOCATIONS is used, the player will be able to refer to absent items using the past tense: TELL PAUL ABOUT THE KEY THAT WAS IN THE CHEST WHERE IS THE BOWL THAT I SAW IN THE CUPBOARD 6. Continued progress on the optional library 3Goals.h. 7. When answering disambiguation questions, input may be a bit more natural: WHICH DO YOU MEAN, THE GOLD KEY OR THE SILVER KEY? > THE ONE ON THE TABLE > THE GOLD ONE > THE SILVER ONE IN THE BAG = Bugs Fixed = 1. Progress made towards correcting parser output when multiple numbers are used in a single command (e.g., TAKE 4 COINS AND BOX AND 3 KEYS). 2. BeforeParsing() will work even if USE_LIBRARY_EXTENSIONS is not enabled. 3. Fixed a bug where NO_STATUSLINE mode would not compile. 4. Fixed some missing prepositions when asking the player to clarify ambiguous input. 5. In serial commas mode, commas were sometimes incorrectly printed or omitted. 6. PICK X UP FROM Y will work. 7. Fixed a bug with removing clothing in complex clothing mode.