! Include file with several different switch combinations! ! Here you can find several different switch combinations ! for your game. To use one, put a comment (!) in front of the ! current one and uncomment the one you would like to use. ! Standard-Compilation: -d2sxE1e~S ! delete double spaces after sentences; show statistics, show a ! hash for each 100 characters of code compiled, show errors ! Microsoft style, use abbreviations to save space, disable debugger ! Debug-Version: !-d2sxE1e ! like standard compilation, but do not disable debugger ! Calculate Abbreviations: !-d2sxE1u~S ! like standard compilation, but calculate abbreviations! ! This code takes a long time to compile, but shows a list of ! possible abbreviations at the end, which you can copy and paste ! right into your code. To make the thing easier for you, just ! send the compile output to a file (see compile.bat). compile room.inf