In this game the computer understands most simple English sentences. "EAT THE FOOD", "BREAK THE DOOR DOWN", etc. Compound sentences can be created by connecting single commands with AND, THEN or the punctuation symbols "," or ";". However, "end-of-sentence" punctuation symbols like "." and "?" should not be used. The game plays in two parts. At the end of part 1 you MUST save your position. Take anything you can along to part 2. You will not be able to get back to part 1 from part 2. All of the directions can be abbreviated to 1 or 2 characters. North can be N and Northwest can be NW. Several special commands are used in the game: INVENTORY (or I) will list the things you have with you. EXAMINE will allow you to take a closer look at almost any object in the game. Make frequent use of this command. SAVE and RESTORE allow you to save and restore your position to disk. LIST EXITS will show the exits from the room you are in. BRIEF will suppress the long description of a room when you first enter it. VERBOSE will turn the long description back on. LOOK (or L or F8) will repeat the room's long description. SCRIPT will echo the game's output to your printer. UNSCRIPT will turn off SCRIPT. AGAIN (or G) will cause the game to respond as if the previous command had been entered again. The function and cursor keys also have special words assigned to them. For example: F1 is GET. To see what they all mean, enter "?". SCORE will let you see what progress you've made and give you an idea how much of the game you've seen so far. QUIT will end the game and return to DOS.