*temp blank *set blank " " *temp roundcombat *set roundcombat round(combat) *temp roundunarmed *set roundunarmed round(unarmed) *temp roundsword *set roundsword round(sword) *temp roundbow *set roundbow round(bow) *temp rounddagger *set rounddagger round(dagger) *temp roundaxe *set roundaxe round(axe) *temp roundgun *set roundgun round(gun) *stat_chart text blank PROFILE *stat_chart text fullname Name *stat_chart text Gender text Origin *if cloth = "norm" You are wearing inconspicuous traveling clothes. *if cloth = "uni" You are wearing the unarmored, but sturdy grey uniform of the Imperial Combat Forces. *if cloth = "femform" You are wearing an expensive formal gown, the only one you own. *if cloth = "maleform" You are wearing an expensive formal coat, the only one you own. *if cloth = "armor" *if armor = "plate" You are wearing *if renown >= 80 your famous custom made *if armortype = "heavy" spikey ${armorc} ${armortype} plate armor. *if armor = "leather" You are wearing traveling clothes reinforced with leather armor. *if armor = "clothing" You are wearing inconspicuous traveling clothes. *if armor = "robes" You are wearing magically reinforced Sage's robes. *if armor = "gown" You are wearing an expensive gown, suited for a person of your ranking. *if armor = "coat" You are wearing an expensive coat, suited for a person of your ranking. *line_break *line_break *stat_chart text blank ABILITIES *if magic > 0 *stat_chart text roundcombat Combat text intel Intelligence text magic Focus *if magic = 0 *stat_chart text roundcombat Combat text intel Intelligence *label skills *if gun > 0 percent roundunarmed Unarmed percent roundsword Swords percent rounddagger Daggers percent roundaxe Axes percent roundbow Archery percent roundgun Guns *elsif combat > 0 *stat_chart percent roundunarmed Unarmed percent roundsword Swords percent rounddagger Daggers percent roundaxe Axes percent roundbow Archery *label weapons *if ((condag) and (currentweap = "unarmed")) Weapon: Concealed Dagger *goto will *elsif condag Weapons: Concealed Dagger, $!{currentweap} *goto will *else Weapon: $!{currentweap} *goto will *label will *if willpower < 100 *stat_chart percent Willpower *stat_chart text blank REPUTATION *stat_chart percent Renown *stat_chart opposed_pair Inspiring Inspiring Oppressive *if loyal *if rebel < 1 Your loyalty to the Empire is unquestioned. *if ((rebel >= 1) and (rebel <= 9)) You appear to be a model citizen of the Empire. *if ((rebel >= 10) and (rebel <= 39)) Your loyalty to the Empire is viewed as unstable. *if ((rebel >= 40) and (rebel <= 59)) You are suspected of being an Anti-Imperial sympathizer. *if ((rebel >= 60) and (rebel <= 84)) Your complete disregard for Imperial values is common knowledge. *if rebel > 84 Your utter despisal for the Empire is evident to everyone. *if book > 0 You've started writing a book. It is ${book}% complete. *label specialabilities *stat_chart text blank SPECIAL ABILITIES *if ((origin = "Capel") and (shifter = false)) You are gifted with the ability of fate tracing. *if ((origin = "Capel") and (shifter)) You are a Fate Shifter. *if origin = "Asylia" You are a master painter. *if origin = "Ehl" You are well versed in a variety of languages and dialects. *if unarmedspecial Syphel taught you how to disable unarmed opponents.