CyScott v0.6 ------------ CyScott is a port of ScottFree for the Cybiko by Athlor. ScottFree is a Scott Adams adventure game interpreter originally created by Alan Cox. NOTE: requires epforms.dl to be loaded on your Cybiko. Scott Adam's Adventureland is included, adv01.dat. Other games can be found in the files and on the internet. The control pad can be used for the directions n,s,e and w. There are shortcuts for look and inventory as well, l and i. There are at least 30 adventures than can be played under this system. They are profesional quality. Games can be saved and reloaded. A feature unavailable to some of the systems originally having these games like the Vic-20. Scott Adams games: Adventureland Pirate Adventure (a.k.a. Pirate's Cove) Secret Mission (orig. called Mission Impossible) Voodoo Castle The Count Strange Odyssey (SciFi) Mystery Fun House Pyramid of Doom Ghost Town Savage Island, Part I Savage Island, Part II The Golden Voyage Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Return to Pirate's Isle Buckaroo Banzai Adventureland (sampler version) The Hulk Spiderman Fantastic 4 - The Human Torch & The Thing Brian Howarth games: The Golden Baton The Time Machine (SciFi) Arrow of Death Part 1 Arrow of Death Part 2 Escape from Pulsar 7 (SciFi) Circus Feasibility Experiment (SciFi) The Wizard of Akyrz Perseus and Andromeda Ten Little Indians Waxworks Others created with SAC (Scott Adams Compiler), TAS (The Adventure system) or by AI UK. Crystal of Chaos Seas of Blood (modified version) Rebel Planet (modified version) Blizzard Pass He-man Temple Of Terror Kayleth Gremlins Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon Appointment with F. E. A. R. (rumor) Lone Survivor (modified version) Savage Island 2 (modified version) Wizards Spell (modified version) Super Gran: The Adventure (modified version) Mid Winter After the Fire Beyond the Infinite Lone Survivor (possibly others out on the net) Theme song is from the C64 sid version of 'Times of Lore'. Athlor ----------------- Upcoming Projects: RPG Maker, NeoDesk, 6502 VM, C64 Emulator Quill Adventure interpreters (over 200) poss. Sarien port & ZX80/Spectrum emulator Applesoft Basic, Eamon RPG, Mbasic ----------------- Unwanted Cybikos? I would love to adopt a slime green Cybiko Classic. If you have one and would like to see it go to a good home, working or not. Bryan Pope 876 Military Trail Hamilton, Alabama 35570 USA