label characters: define c = Character(_("Char"), color="#ff0bd0") define c_text = Character(_("Char"), color="#c900a2") define qc = Character(_("???"), color="#ff0bd0") define p = Character("[name]", color="#414141") define p_text = Character("[name]", color="#747474") define a = Character(_("Aurora"), color="#9d00db") define qa = Character(_("???"), color="#9d00db") define l = Character(_("Calypso"), color="#618bfd") define ql = Character(_("???"), color="#618bfd") define k = Character(_("Kitty"), color="#ff56de") define qk = Character(_("???"), color="#ff56de") define u = Character(_("Aura"), color="#6f0000") define qu = Character(_("???"), color="#6f0000") label start: python: name = renpy.input(_("What's your name?")) name = name.strip() or __("Travis") label game: label opening: scene bg building play music "demo4.ogg" "A typical morning. Wake up, get ready for work, slave away behind a desk for 8 hours, typing up names and numbers I don’t care about." "By 3 o’clock, I’m usually looking out the office window, willing it to get dark so I can go home and finally relax. Maybe hit up my PS3, or go for a jog. Heck, maybe I’ll order some pizza. Why not, right?" "At least it’s a Friday." "The day rolls past, the sound of my fingers tapping the keys of my computer the only sound I hear as I absent-mindedly type." "I was extremely lucky to get a good, well-paying job in my field shortly after graduating. Hard work does pay off, as it turns out." "As 5 o’clock comes around, I heave a sigh, saving my work for the day and shrugging my jacket on. I’ve accomplished all the work I’d set out to do for the day, so I figure I’ll go home and settle down for some gaming." "As I walk out the door, stifling a yawn, I find myself face to face with a girl about my age, looking confusedly up at my face." show char surprise "She’s about 5’3, long, brown hair with some gold highlights. Her green eyes are wide with surprise." qc "Oh, sorry, I, wait what? No, I’m sorry sorry." show char confused "The girl stammers quickly, tripping over her words. I stare at her in confusion." p "Are you okay?" "I ask, slightly concerned by her panicked expression." show char surprise qc "Yes, no, what? Yeah I’m fine. Is this… a bar??" "She asks, arching an eyebrow." p "…No? It’s a business office?" show char confused "I reply, even more confused." "The girl pouts, grumbling to herself." show char sad qc "Damn my sister. She’s always pulling pranks on me like this. She told me there was a new bar in town that had Shirley Temples. This is where she said it was." "She looks genuinely disappointed. I can’t help but laugh." "(Her sister must be one firecracker.)" "The girl looks up at me, scrunching her brows together." show char angry qc "What’s so funny?" "She asks, pouting even more." p "Nothing, nothing" "I reply, straightening my face." p "What’s your name?" show char surprise c "My name? Oh, yes, my name. I’m Charlotte, but my friends call me Char, and you can call me Char, if you want. I mean like assuming we talk again. Ever. Sorry. Like I just met you. Sorry" show char confused "She stumbles over her words, blinking in confusion. I smile to myself. My evening has gotten much better already." p "Nice to meet you Char, I’m [name]. Well, I myself was just about to hit up a bar after work. I know a good one a few blocks away. Would you care to join me?" stop music show char angry play music "tense.ogg" "Char glares at me, her eyes flashing with anger." c "Just how stupid do you think I am?" "She growls, backing away." "I realise immediately how much of a creep I must sound like, inviting a girl I just met for drinks. I hurry to apologise." p "I, uh, I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought since you looked so sad about not getting your Shirley Temple…" stop music fadeout 1 play sound "ringtone.ogg" show char surprise "My phone rings, my Mario ringtone surprising both of us. Her face softens a little. I ignore my phone, and instead keep my attention on Char." stop sound fadeout 1 show char neutral play music "demo4.ogg" fadein 2 c "So… you’re a gamer, I take it." "She says carefully." "I'm almost amazed by how quickly she jumps from angry to talking about games." p "Sure am. I like your hoodie." "I say, indicating her Dark Souls hoodie." c "Well… if you play Dark Souls, you can’t be that bad. I suppose… I’ll take you up on that Shirley Temple." "This comes as a pleasant surprise. She might be a bit awkward, but Char seems like a nice person." "My apartment is within walking distance from my job, so I don’t bother to drive when the weather is nice, as it is today." p "Well, it’s just to the left here." "I say, indicating." "Char immediately turns to the right and starts walking." p "Um..?" "I ask, a little confused." show char surprise c "Huh? Oh! THAT left!" show char laugh "She says, grinning sheepishly." c "My sense of direction is about as good as a one-legged giraffe with dementia." show char neutral p "That’s… quite the comparison." "I say, unsure whether to laugh or not." show char neutral "Char shrugs, turning to walk in the correct direction. I notice that she pointedly keeps a few steps away from me, eyeing me warily. Not that I blame her, I’m still some random guy." "Char walks quietly along, the silence slightly awkward. I wrack my brains trying to think of normal topics of conversation, but for some reason it seems I’ve lost my ability to think." show char confused c "So, uh, what other games do you play?" "Char asks, speaking up at last." p "I play a lot of stuff. Nintendo, Skyrim, Fallout, GTA, Monster Hunter, Pokémon…" "I say, off the top of my head." show char happy "Her eyes brighten at the words 'Pokémon.'" p "I assume you play Pokémon?" c "Of course I play Pokémon! What's your favourite?" show char neutral "I tell her." "Char seems to accept this." show char laugh c "Mine is Suicune!" stop music fadeout 1 #bar scene label bar: scene bg bar play music "bar.ogg" fadein 1 "We arrive at the bar a few minutes later." show aura neutral: xalign 0.85 yalign 1.0 show kitty neutral: xalign 0.20 yalign 1.0 show aurora neutral at center "Immediately I catch sight of three women." show kitty neutral at center hide aurora hide aura "The first one is slender, long blonde hair, and eyes so blue I can see them from where I stand. I can’t help but notice the size of her chest. I know, I know. I’m shallow. But I’m still a guy." show aurora neutral at center hide kitty "The second one has long black hair, streaked with purple. Something is off about her eyes, but from this distance, I can’t tell. They look… purple. Could just be the light though." show aura neutral at center hide aurora "The third one looks spot on like the second, but much paler, her hair wild, her eyes a rusty brown, almost red, like dried blood. Something about her sends a shiver down my spine. Ridiculous, I know. But there was something wrong with this girl." show char neutral hide aura "Char catches me staring. She turns her attention to the three women." show char surprise c "Oh!" "She runs up to the three girls, giving purple-eyes a little shove." show char angry: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 show aurora neutral: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 c "You piece of shit! You told me the bar was down there!" show aurora laugh: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 "Purple-eyes laughs, ruffling Char’s hair." qa "But messing with you is fuuuuun!" "She drawls, teasingly." show kitty neutral at center show aurora neutral: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 show char neutral: xalign 0.10 yalign 1.0 qk "Aurora, you have just GOT to stop being so mean to your sister!" "The blonde is next to talk, her voice soothing and melodic." show kitty laugh: xalign 0.35 yalign 1.0 show aura neutral: xalign 0.63 yalign 1.0 "The third girl, whom I can now see does indeed have red eyes, continues to remain silent." "I approach the four of them, clearing my throat awkwardly. They all turn to me." show aurora angry at center hide kitty hide char hide aura "Aurora(?)’s gaze hardens instantly as she pushes Char behind her, her face twisting into hatred." stop music fadeout 1 play music "tense.ogg" "Her eyes blaze with fire, and I can see that they really are purple. Well, one of them. Her right eye is clouded and unseeing. A scar runs down across her eye, from above her eyebrow to the middle of her cheek." qa "Who the FUCK are you?" "She hisses through her teeth, aggression dripping from every word." "I immediately back up, eyes widening as the girl bristles with fury." p "I-I'm [name]." "I stammer, completely confused and slightly scared." show char confused: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 show aurora angry: xalign 0.85 yalign 1.0 c "Aurora, girl it’s fine. He’s with me. He’s not a threat." stop music play music "bar.ogg" fadein 1 "Aurora relaxes a little, but I catch the words she hisses at Char." a "Every man is a threat." show kitty sexy at center show aurora neutral: xalign 0.85 yalign 1.0 k "Now, now, darling sister, that’s no way to treat a gentleman. Hello sweetie, I'm Kitty~" "She purrs, addressing me." k "Why don’t you come have a seat with us? Drinks on me." show kitty wink "She winks, leaning over towards me." show kitty neutral k "Hmmm?" "She says, her words sweet and honeyed." show kitty sexy: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show char neutral: xalign 0.05 yalign 1.0 show aura neutral: xalign 0.65 yalign 1.0 show aurora neutral: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 "The four of them are so different, it’s hard to believe they are related. I’m standing there, confused and uncertain, when Aurora nudges the red-eyed girl." a "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" "She asks, rolling her eyes." u "Oh. Of course. I'm Aura. I'm her twin." "She nods, gesturing at Aurora." p "I had figured as much." "There is definitely something wrong with this girl, besides her impossible red eyes and deathly pale skin. She stares blankly at me, no emotion behind her eyes whatsoever." show char confused: xalign 0.05 yalign 1.0 show kitty neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 c "Kitty, when will you learn to stop hitting on every man you see?" "Char asks, exasperated." "I take it that this is a normal occurrence. I accept Kitty’s invitation and pull up a barstool at their table, positioning myself between Kitty and Char." "At that moment, a fifth girl walks up. I eye her, confused." hide aurora hide kitty hide aura hide char show caly surprise at center "There's no way this girl is 21, I think to myself." show char surprise: xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 c "Girly! What are you doing here?" ql "You said you’d be home ages ago. I wasn’t sure where you were so I figured I’d come check at Kitty’s work." show caly neutral: xalign 0.50 yalign 1.0 show kitty neutral: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 k "Aww I’m sorry sweetie. I got held up by this evil little thing." show aurora neutral: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 show char neutral: xalign 0.00 yalign 1.0 "She says, gesturing to Aurora." a "How did you even get in here?" show aura neutral: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 u "Meh." "The girl’s eyes widen as she looks at me." show caly surprise: ql "W-who's this?" "She asks, troubled" p "Oh, hi, I’m [name]. I met Char on my way home, then ran into these three here. It’s nice to meet you." "I say as politely as I can. Kitty puts her arm around the younger girl." show kitty neutral: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 k "This is our little sister, Calypso. She’s only 18, but she’s more mature than probably all of us put together." show char laugh: xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 show kitty laugh: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 show caly laugh: xalign 0.50 yalign 1.0 show aura happy: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 show aurora laugh: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 "The three of them laugh, Caly giggles softly, and even Aura gives a faint smile. How adorable, I think to myself." "Somehow, I’ve ended up at a table with five beautiful women, and it’s barely 6 o’clock." stop music fadeout 1 hide aurora hide char hide caly hide aura hide kitty #opening bedroom scene label bedroom: show bg bedroom with fade "The next day..." play music "happy.ogg" fadein 1 "It's a Saturday, so of course, I'm sleeping in late, taking my sweet time enjoying the warmth of my bed. By the time I finally open my eyes, it's 11 o'clock." p "*yawn* Yesterday sure was crazy, wasn't it?" "I say to myself." "I'm thinking about breakfast. I never ended up actually ordering pizza last night, thanks to the distraction of the ladies I'd met. They all seemed like good people." "Well... maybe not Aura. I can't get those eyes and that blank expression out of my head." show char neutral "Char, awkward though she is, has a bubbly charm to her I can't quite place." hide char show aurora neutral "I liked Aurora too, even if she seemed to want to kill me. There's something very mysterious about her. I think I want to find out more." hide aurora show aura neutral "Aura was... interesting. Her complete lack of emotion set me on edge, but I can't help but be fascinated by her." hide aura show kitty neutral "Kitty is sexy and flirtatious, but there is something about her that makes me think she's hiding something more." hide kitty show caly neutral "Calypso seemed like an absolute sweetheart. I can't imagine her ever doing anything wrong. I'd love to find out more about her, though." show kitty neutral: xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 show aura neutral: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 show aurora neutral: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 show char neutral: xalign 0.50 yalign 1.0 show caly neutral: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 "The five of them are so vastly different, it's hard to imagine they're related." p "But... I think the one I'm most interested in is..." #choose character label choices: show kitty neutral: xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0 show aura neutral: xalign 0.25 yalign 1.0 show aurora neutral: xalign 0.75 yalign 1.0 show char neutral: xalign 0.50 yalign 1.0 show caly neutral: xalign 1.0 yalign 1.0 hide charstats hide aurorastats hide aurastats hide kittystats hide calystats menu: "Char": jump c_char "Aurora": jump c_aurora "Aura": jump c_aura "Kitty": jump c_kitty "Calypso": jump c_caly label choose_char: $ menu_flag = True p "Is Char the one I’m most interested in?" jump choosechar label choose_aurora: $ menu_flag = False p "Is Aurora the one I want?" jump choose_aurora label choose_aura: $ menu_flag = True p "Do I want Aura?" jump choose_aura label choose_kitty: $ menu_flag = False p "How about Kitty?" jump choose_kitty label choose_caly: $ menu_flag = True p "Or Caly?" jump choose_caly label c_char: show char neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show charstats: xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1 hide aurora hide aura hide caly hide kitty p "Is Char the one I want?" menu: "Yes": jump yes_char "No": jump choices label yes_char: show char neutral jump char label c_aurora: show aurora neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show aurorastats: xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1 hide char hide aura hide caly hide kitty p "Is Aurora the one I want?" menu: "Yes": jump yes_aurora "No": jump choices label yes_aurora: show aurora neutral "Sorry, Char's the only character working right now." jump choices label c_aura: show aura neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show aurastats: xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1 hide aurora hide char hide caly hide kitty p "Is Aura the one I want?" menu: "Yes": jump yes_aura "No": jump choices label yes_aura: show aura neutral "Sorry, Char's the only character working right now." jump choices label c_kitty: show kitty neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show kittystats: xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1 hide aurora hide char hide caly hide aura p "Is Kitty the one I want?" menu: "Yes": jump yes_kitty "No": jump choices label yes_kitty: show kitty neutral "Sorry, Char's the only character working right now." jump choices label c_caly: show caly neutral: xalign 0.30 yalign 1.0 show calystats: xalign 0.8 yalign 0.1 hide aurora hide char hide kitty hide aura p "Is Calypso the one I want?" menu: "Yes": jump yes_caly "No": jump choices label yes_caly: show caly neutral "Sorry, Char's the only character working right now." jump choices