Gargoyle contains several components, aggregated together to form a package. Parts of this package are distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Redistribution of this package is freely allowed, provided that the terms of the GPL are adhered to, including the requirement that the source code for all GPL licensed parts of this package be available from the same location as any binary package. The Gargoyle Glk library is copyright 2006 Tor Andersson. The Luxi fonts are copyright (c) Bigelow & Holmes Inc. They are released under the terms of the Bigelow & Holmes Inc and URW++ GmbH Luxi font license. The Bitstream Charter fonts are designed by Matthew Carter and copyright (c) Bistream Inc., Cmabridge, MA. You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter Type 1 fonts. BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc. The authors assume no liability for damages or loss of revenue resulting from the use of any of the software herein. The software is supplied "as is" and carries no warranty, actual or implied.