JACL Adventure Creation Language v2.4 For a quick-start look at some of the games included with this distribution, change into the 'bin' directory and type, for example: './garjacl ../games/grail.jacl' To use the multimedia-capable JACL interpreter 'garjacl', you will need to copy the file 'src/Gargoyle/libgarlk.so' to '/usr/lib'. Depending on you currently installed libraries, others libraries to support multimedia may be needed. For instructions and installation information see the appropriate chapter in the Author's Guide (guide/installation.html). Please send any comments, suggestions or bugs to stuart@animats.net For latest release visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/jacl For JACL forum visit http://jacl.game-host.org:8080/punbb/viewforum.php?id=2