JACL Adventure Creation Language v2.4 Changes in this version (from 2.3.14): * Fixed bug where errors were not displayed until user input was requested. This caused errors occuring in an infinite loop to never be seen. * Fixed bug preventing the restoration of previously saved games. * The 'ensure' command now allows the name of the attribute to specified indirectly via a string variable. This is useful for passing attributes into a function. * Functions can now be called by passing the name of the function indirectly through a string variable. * Added string constant 'function_name' that contains the name of the currently running function. If the function has multiple names, this variable will contain the name was used to call the function for this execution. * Added 'whileall' and 'untilall' commands for AND logic with while and repeat loops. * Fixed bug with 'ifstring' command where comparing two string variables would always be true. * The 'set' command can now accept multiple operations to perform on the initially specified container. * Added the 'break' command to exit straight out of a while loop. * Added 'notify' system variable to allow score notification to be turned off. Please send any comments, suggestions or bugs to stuart@animats.net For latest release visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/jacl