!---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Grammar for Verb Stub Routines v2.2.1 by Kent Tessman (c) 1995-1996 ! for use with Hugo Compiler v2.2 ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This grammar file must be included along with the standard grammar file ! at the start of the game file (before any executable code); GRAMMAR.G ! does this if the VERBSTUBS flag is set. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #version 2.2 xverb "yes" * DoYes xverb "no" * DoNo xverb "sorry" * DoSorry verb "use" * object DoUse verb "smell", "sniff", "inhale", "breathe" * DoSmell * object DoSmell verb "jump", "leap", "hop" * DoJump verb "wave" * DoWaveHands * "hands" DoWaveHands * "to" object DoWaveHands * held DoWave verb "throw", "hurl", "toss" * DoVague * held DoThrowAt * held "at" xobject DoThrowAt verb "climb" * DoClimb * "in"/"into"/"inside" object DoEnter * "in"/"inside" DoEnter * "on"/"onto" object DoEnter * "off"/"offof" object DoExit * "down"/"out"/"outside" DoExit * "up"/"down" object DoClimb * object DoClimb verb "sleep", "rest", "nap", "snooze" * DoSleep verb "push", "shove" * DoVague * "on" object DoPush * object DoPush verb "pull", "yank", "tug" * DoVague * "on" object DoPull * object DoPull verb "kiss", "hug" * DoVague * object DoKiss verb "swim", "dive" * DoSwim verb "wake", "awake", "awaken" * DoWake * "up" DoWake * "up" living DoWakeCharacter * living DoWakeCharacter verb "touch", "feel" * DoVague * object DoTouch verb "tie", "attach", "fasten", "lash" * DoVague * object DoTie * object "to" xobject DoTie * object "with" held DoTie verb "untie", "detach", "unfasten", "unlash" * DoVague * object DoUntie * object "from" xobject DoUntie verb "burn", "light", "incinerate" * DoVague * object DoBurn * object "with" held DoBurn verb "set" * "fire" "to" object DoBurn * object "on" "fire" DoBurn * object "ablaze" DoBurn verb "cut", "slice", "chop", "sever" * DoVague * object DoCut * object "with" held DoCut verb "dig", "burrow" * DoVague * "in"/"into" object DoDig * "in"/"into" object "with" held DoDig * object DoDig * object "with" held DoDig verb "yell", "shout", "scream", "bellow", "cry" * DoYell verb "search" * DoVague * "for" object DoVague * "in" object DoSearch * object DoSearch xverb "help" * DoHelp * object DoHelpChar