"Rocket Man from the Sea" by Janos Honkonen http://games.vornaskotti.com/ Walkthrough open shack / get small vest / wear small vest / w / w/ sw / get cones / s in / n / e / switch on jamming device / jam signal / w / w / open fridge / get treats / open closet / get helmet / get time bomb / wear helmet / e / u / n / open locker / get bomb / s / w / u / w / throw smoke bomb at martians / e / d / e / d / s / out / ne / x equipment / throw treat at flame thrower / get flame thrower / sw / nw / shoot martians with flame thrower / n / set mines / set bomb s / se / s / s / s / throw treat at suit / z / z / z / tell gogol to shut up / talk to rocket man / talk to rocket man / tell rocket man about attic / yes d / d / open closet / get rag / clean prints / s / clean prints / n / u / clean prints / s / u / sit / tell man about boat Then you can ask the rocket man about things, like mars, war, himself, accent, mission or the universe, until the game ends.