# GORREVEN.LEX # # Extra lexicon for "The Gorreven Papers". Verb null full : 'sit' end Verb null full : 'kill' syn : 'attack|fight' normal : "That's not the kind of thing I can kill." end Verb null full : 'break' syn : 'smash' normal : "It won't break." end Verb null full : 'search' syn : 'examine' normal : TRUE methods 'NORMAL' : if main.subj.IsAhollow_object then { >>I get closer for a more thorough look. player.location := main.subj; 'MOVE' -> player } else if main.subj.IsAguard_type and main.subj.alive then write "He's not going to permit that kind of scrutiny; not while he's alive." else if ('look' -> main.subj) = ABSENT then write "I find nothing unusual even upon a close search." end lex null full : 'from' end Verb null full : 'wear' syn : 'put on' end Verb null full : 'remove' syn : 'take off' end Verb null full : 'open' end Verb null full : 'close' syn : 'shut' end Verb null full : 'push' syn : 'press' normal : "I push it but nothing happens." end Verb null full : 'pull' normal : "I pull on it but nothing happens." end lex PutInto full : 'put...in' normal : TRUE on_menu : FALSE methods 'NORMAL' : if main.dobj = moat then 'Drop Subj In' -> moat else ABSENT end Verb null full : 'climb' normal : "Climb " & ('DEF' -> main.subj) &"? That doesn't make any sense." end Verb Turn full : 'turn' normal : "Turn " & ('DEF' -> main.subj) & "? That doesn't make sense." end