object MainForm: TMainForm Left = 1110 Top = 655 AutoScroll = False Caption = 'FILFRE' ClientHeight = 434 ClientWidth = 632 Color = clWhite Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [] KeyPreview = True Menu = MainMenu OldCreateOrder = False OnClose = FormClose OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown OnResize = FormResize OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 19 object StatusBar: TStatusBar Left = 0 Top = 165 Width = 553 Height = 20 Align = alNone Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clBtnText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] Panels = < item Alignment = taCenter Text = 'Select a story using the File menu.' Width = 50 end item Alignment = taCenter Text = 'INS' Width = 50 end item Width = 50 end> SimplePanel = False UseSystemFont = False OnMouseDown = StatusBarMouseDown end object MainMenu: TMainMenu Left = 448 Top = 144 object FileMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'File' object RestartMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Restart Story' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16466 OnClick = RestartMenuClick end object OpenMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Open New Story...' ShortCut = 16462 OnClick = OpenMenuClick end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object OpenGameMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Restore Game...' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16463 OnClick = OpenGameMenuClick end object SaveGameMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save Game...' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16467 OnClick = SaveGameMenuClick end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object TranscriptMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Transcript' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16468 OnClick = TranscriptMenuClick end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object PrevMenu1: TMenuItem Visible = False OnClick = PrevMenu1Click end object PrevMenu2: TMenuItem Visible = False OnClick = PrevMenu2Click end object PrevMenu3: TMenuItem Visible = False OnClick = PrevMenu3Click end object PrevMenu4: TMenuItem Visible = False OnClick = PrevMenu4Click end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ExitMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Exit' ShortCut = 16465 OnClick = ExitMenuClick end end object EditMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Edit' object UndoMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Undo' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16474 OnClick = UndoMenuClick end object N5: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object CopyMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = CopyMenuClick end object PasteMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = PasteMenuClick end object N10: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SelectMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Select All' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16449 OnClick = SelectMenuClick end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object FindMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Find' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16454 OnClick = FindMenuClick end end object OptionsMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Options' object FontsMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Fonts...' OnClick = FontsMenuClick end object ColorsMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Colors...' OnClick = ColorsMenuClick end object MarginsMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Margins...' OnClick = MarginsMenuClick end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object TimerMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Timer' object TimerShow: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show Timer' OnClick = TimerShowClick end object TimerPause: TMenuItem Caption = 'Pause Timer' Enabled = False OnClick = TimerPauseClick end object TimerReset: TMenuItem Caption = 'Reset Timer' Enabled = False OnClick = TimerResetClick end end object WarningMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show Warning Prompts' Checked = True OnClick = WarningMenuClick end object MoreMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Show More Prompts' Checked = True OnClick = MoreMenuClick end object CoverMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Display Frontispiece (if available)' Checked = True OnClick = CoverMenuClick end end object Windows: TMenuItem Caption = 'Windows' object Verbs: TMenuItem Caption = 'Verbs' Enabled = False OnClick = VerbsClick end object Prepositions: TMenuItem Caption = 'Helper Words' Enabled = False OnClick = PrepositionsClick end object Compass: TMenuItem Caption = 'Compass' Enabled = False OnClick = CompassClick end end object HelpMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Help' object TopicsMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'Help Topics' OnClick = TopicsMenuClick end object N9: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object StoryMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'About This Story' Enabled = False OnClick = StoryMenuClick end object AboutMenu: TMenuItem Caption = 'About Filfre' OnClick = AboutMenuClick end end end object StoryOpenDialog: TOpenDialog Filter = 'Story Files (*.dat, *.z?, *.ulx, *.blb, *.zlb, *.zblorb, *.gblor' + 'b)|*.dat;*.z?;*.ulx;*.blb;*.zlb;*.zblorb; *.gblorb|All Files (*.' + '*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Open New Story' Left = 304 Top = 120 end object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu Left = 304 Top = 48 object PopupCopy: TMenuItem Caption = 'Copy' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16451 OnClick = CopyMenuClick end object PopupPaste: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paste' Enabled = False ShortCut = 16470 OnClick = PasteMenuClick end end object SaveGame: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'sav' Filter = 'Saved Games (*.sav)|*.sav|All Files (*.*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Save Game' Left = 200 Top = 88 end object RestoreGame: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'sav' Filter = 'Saved Games (*.sav)|*.sav|All Files (*.*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Restore Game' Left = 256 Top = 40 end object ScriptDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'txt' Filter = 'Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Save Script' Left = 400 Top = 72 end object FindDialog: TFindDialog OnClose = FindDialogClose OnShow = FindDialogShow Options = [] OnFind = FindDialogFind Left = 200 Top = 24 end object ClockTimer: TTimer Enabled = False OnTimer = ClockTimerTimer Left = 536 Top = 56 end object RecordDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'txt' Filter = 'Recordings (*.rec)|*.rec|All Files (*.*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Save Recording' Left = 424 Top = 216 end object PlayDialog: TOpenDialog Filter = 'Recordings (*.rec)|*.rec|All Files (*.*)|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Open New Story' Left = 368 Top = 112 end object OpenData: TOpenDialog Filter = 'All Files|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Open File' Left = 72 Top = 120 end object SaveData: TSaveDialog Filter = 'All Files|*.*' InitialDir = '.' Title = 'Write to File' Left = 168 Top = 232 end object WaitTimer: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 300 OnTimer = WaitTimerTimer Left = 320 Top = 336 end end