High priority ============= Medium priority =============== * Stamp out any remaining memory leaks. Tools like "top", "ps" or "free" are really too crude to detect this. They do suggest that there may be memory leaks still there (or it may just be GTK+ caching the data), but at least they don't look serious. * Handle errors when reading/writing files. * Make cut/copy/paste work from the Edit menu. I don't really know how to do this so for now, use the built-in right-click menu instead. (The main problem seems to be keeping an Edit menu in sync with the right-click menu.) Low priority / Hope someone else does it ======================================== * Autoconf and Automake * "More" prompt. I have no idea how to do this, but it's less of a priority now because GtkMagnetic now scrolls to the top of the new text, instead of the bottom. * ms_fatal() doesn't really do anything useful, but I'm not sure under which circumstances it will be called. So far I've only seen it when doing stupid things, e.g. trying to load a saved game from a different game. * A nice set of icons. The GTK+ documentation says: "Recommended sizes to provide: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 at minimum, and larger images (64x64, 128x128) if you have them." * Splash screen gamma correction? * Splash screen scaling options? * More sound backends? I've been looking at MAD, but it's too undocumented for me to wrap my head around right now. * Some way of getting the default colours back, other than manually editing the configuration file. * A way of interrupting command playbacks? * Some indication - a statusbar, perhaps - when the interpreter is recording, transcripting or running playbacks? * It would be nice if the hints window word-wrapped text, but I think that would require a custom cell renderer, and I don't think I know enough to make one. Fortunately, most hints are pretty short. * Add some configuration options for how transcript files are word-wrapped? * There will always be more cleanups to do...