#COMMENT Module: WWII.AGT Title: World War II Adventure, AGT Master's Version Author: David S. Raley Date: 21 January 1994 Description: This brief adventure is written only to illustrate how AGTLINE detects various errors during its analysis. This file should compile cleanly under any version of the Master's Edition of AGT, as this sample illustrated those bugs that are not detected by the compiler. This is a very simple adventure, though it is complete (if you forget the occasional bug). Note that if you follow the route given in the walkthrough, the adventure runs as expected. All the bugs are off the main route, since that's where unexpected bugs like to hide. This adventure does not take advantage of any of the special Master's commands so that it would be usable under all versions of AGT. Walkthrough: s, search body, remove rubble, open box with keys, get grenade, n, pull pin, throw grenade, n, n, get panzerfaust, s, fire panzerfaust #END_COMMENT INTRO You are in the middle of a battle, and it looks like reinforcement will not arrive in time. Between a German machine gun nest and a panther, there is no hope that you'll live to see the end of the day. END_ENTRO TITLE World War II Adventure by David S. Raley END_TITLE INSTRUCTIONS Same rules as any other AGT adventure, so why should I reiterate them, here? END_INSTRUCTIONS VOCABULARY ! This one's too short to be worth a menuing system. 1 DON'T 1 EVEN 1 BOTHER END_VOCABULARY #COMMENT Special "rooms" #DEFINE [Nowhere] 0 #DEFINE [Carried] 1 #DEFINE [Worn] 1000 #COMMENT Special "nouns" #DEFINE [Nothing] 0 #DEFINE [Any Light] 1 #COMMENT Special "flags" #DEFINE [Debug] 0 #COMMENT macros for the directions used with ChangePassageway #DEFINE [North] 1 #DEFINE [South] 2 #DEFINE [East] 3 #DEFINE [West] 4 #DEFINE [NorthEast] 5 #DEFINE [NorthWest] 6 #DEFINE [SouthEast] 7 #DEFINE [SouthWest] 8 #DEFINE [Up] 9 #DEFINE [Down] 10 #DEFINE [Enter] 11 #DEFINE [Exit] 12 FLAG [Blew up nest] ; You have blown up the MG nest COUNTER [Grenade Timeout] VERB Dummy_Verb1 SEARCH END_VERB STARTING_ROOM [Foxhole] ROOM [Foxhole] Foxhole NORTH [Battlefield] SOUTH [Shed] END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR [Foxhole] You are in a foxhole in the middle of a battle. The battle is not going well, as the field is dominated by a German Panther. Every so often, you hear an explosion as the panther fires a shell in your vicinity. To the north is a German machine-gun nest. To the south is a shed that's full of machine gun holes. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM [Battlefield] Battlefield NORTH [Machine Gun Nest] SOUTH [Foxhole] END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR [Battlefield] You are in the middle of a battlefield. All about you you hear the sound of rifles shooting, tanks firing, and people dying. To your north is a machine gun nest that's currently strangely quiet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM [Machine Gun Nest] Machine Gun Nest EXIT [Battlefield] END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR [Machine Gun Nest] You are in a German machine gun nest. The machine gun looks like it's been hit with a hand grenade and is no longer operational. The game can be said about the Gerries that were operating it. You can exit the nest to go back into the battlefield. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM [Shed] Shed NORTH [Foxhole] END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR [Shed] You are in a shed that was once used by a French farmer, but today is being used as a shelter in a battle. Unfortantly, it has been a target more than anything else, and there is little left of it. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN [Rifle] Rifle Automatic Your rifle is here. LOCATION [Foxhole] END_NOUN NOUN [Buried Ammo Box] Box Ammo An Ammo Box is partially buried in the rubble. LOCATION [Shed] UNMOVEABLE END_NOUN NOUN [Ammo Box] Box Ammo There is an ammo box here. SIZE 30 WEIGHT 50 KEY [Keys] LOCKED LOCKABLE CLOSABLE END_NOUN NOUN [Rubble] Rubble Shed INVISIBLE UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN [Grenade] Grenade Hand There is a hand grenade here. SIZE 5 WEIGHT 10 LOCATION [Ammo Box] END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR [Grenade] You see a pin near the top of the grenade. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN [Live Grenade] Grenade Hand There is a live hand grenade here. SIZE 5 WEIGHT 10 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR [Grenade] The pin is missing from the grenade, so it's probably armed. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN [Pin] Pin Grenade INVISIBLE UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN [Body] Body Soldier's The body of one of your comrades is here. UNMOVEABLE LOCATION [Shed] END_NOUN NOUN [Keys] Keys Ammo The keys to an ammo box are here. LOCATION [Body] END_NOUN NOUN [Panzerfaust] Panzerfaust Abandoned You see an abandoned panzerfaust here. LOCATION [Machine Gun Nest] END_NOUN CREATURE [Panther] Panther German A mighty German Panther dominates the battlefield. LOCATION [Battlefield] END_CREATURE CREARURE_DESCR [Panther] You see enough of it already--you don't want to get any closer. END_CREATURE COMMAND ANY CounterGT [Grenade] 3 TurnCounterOff [Grenade] Present [Live Grenade] PrintMessage The grenade explodes, killing you in the process. END_Message KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SEARCH BODY NounPresent IsLocated [Keys] [Body] GetIt [Keys] PrintMessage "You search the body and find a set of keys." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND FIRE PANZERFAUST NounIsCarrying Present [Panther] PrintMessage You fire the panzerfaust right at the panther and hit it. The panther then gracefully explodes. Your comrades, seeing the tank explode, let out a cheer and charge the rest of the German positions. The battle is won. END_Message WinGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND FIRE PANZERFAUST NounIsCarrying PrintMessage "At What?" DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND FIRE PANZERFAUST PrintMessage "You'll have to pick it up before you can fire it." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND FIRE RIFLE PrintMessage You fire a few bursts from your rifle, but don't do anything significant against your enemy. END_Message DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation [Foxhole] FlagOff [Blew up nest] PrintMessage Desperate to rally the troops into overtaking the nest, you charge out of your foxhole and rush the Germans like a berserker. They hesitate for a moiment, but not long enough to do you any good. They mow you down with a burst of machin gun fire. END_Message KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND REMOVE RUBBLE Present [Buried Ammo Box] SwapLocations [Buried Ammo Box] [Ammo Box] PrintMessage You remove the rubble that's covering the ammo box. END_Message DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET BOX Present [Buried Ammo Box] PrintMessage "It's buried in the rubble." DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND THROW GRENADE Present [Live Grenade] AtLocation [Shed] PrintMessage You throw the hand grenade. Unfortunately, the grenade bounces off one of the few remaining planks in the of the shed and lands at your feet. Before you can either run or pick it up and throw it away, it explodes. END_Message KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND THROW GRENADE Present [Live Grenade] AtLocation [Foxhole] PrintMessage You hurl the grenade over to the machine gun nest, and hear a satisfying explosion. You listen for a moment and note that the machine gun is no longer firing at you. END_Message TurnFlagOn [Blew up nest] Destroy [Live Grenade] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL PIN Present [Grenade] SwapLocations [Grenade] [Live Grenade] PrintMessage You pull the pin out of the hand grenade. END_Message TurnCounterOn [Grenade Timeout] DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND KILL PANTHER Present PrintMessage "Yeah, sure, and just how do you expect to do that?" DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND