10 KEY OFF:SCREEN 0,1:COLOR 15,0,0:WIDTH 40:CLS:LOCATE 5,19:PRINT "IBM" 20 LOCATE 7,8 ,0:PRINT "General utility programs" 30 COLOR 7 ,0:LOCATE 10,9,0:PRINT CHR$(213)+STRING$(21,205)+CHR$(184) 40 LOCATE 11,9,0:PRINT CHR$(179)+" ALIEN "+CHR$(179) 50 LOCATE 12,9,0:PRINT CHR$(179)+STRING$(21,32)+CHR$(179) 60 COLOR 7,0:LOCATE 13,9,0:PRINT CHR$(179)+" Version 2B "+CHR$(179) 70 BEEP 80 LOCATE 14,9,0:PRINT CHR$(212)+STRING$(21,205)+CHR$(190) 90 COLOR 15,0,1:LOCATE 17,7,0:PRINT "MARCH 5, 1982 MAV-5-5-K " 100 COLOR 7,0:LOCATE 23,6,0:PRINT "Press space bar to continue..." 110 IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN GOTO 110 120 CMD$ = INKEY$ 130 IF CMD$ = "" THEN GOTO 120 140 IF CMD$ = CHR$(27) THEN GOTO 160 150 IF CMD$ <> " " THEN GOTO 120 160 REM TRANSFER COMMAND 600 '**ADVENTURE 2000*** 610 '**STARTED 3/5/82*** 620 '**EXPERIMENTAL***** 630 'SCREEN 1:COLOR 7,0:CLS 631 CLS 640 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"press space bar to continue...":LOCATE 2,1 650 DIM A$(100),B$(100):Q=1 660 'BACKROUND 670 PRINT"Welcome to ADVENTURE...":PRINT:PRINT"This is a type of game that has its":PRINT"roots in ths fantasy roll-playing " 680 PRINT"of 'D&D'(Dungeons and dragons). But":PRINT"the computer versions are really quite " 690 PRINT"different.":PRINT:PRINT 700 PRINT"In this game you will assume the roll":PRINT"of a character faced with a series of" 710 PRINT"situations requiring decisions and":PRINT"quick, intelligent reactions. The":PRINT"computer gives you descriptions of" 720 PRINT"various places, objects, and events.":PRINT"You react to the stimulus and tell ":PRINT"the computer what you want to do." 730 X$=INPUT$(1):IF X$=" " THEN 750 740 GOTO 730 750 CLS:LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"press space bar to continue..." 760 LOCATE 3,1 770 PRINT"One letter commands:":PRINT:PRINT"N for 'walk north'":PRINT"E for 'walk east'":PRINT"W for 'walk west'":PRINT"S for 'walk south'" 775 PRINT" Other commands, help,quit,look,shoot,blast,grab,etc" 780 PRINT"L for 'look'":PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"The computer will understand many words":PRINT"so don't hesitate to tell it what":PRINT"you want it to do in two-word commands." 790 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"Good luck..." 800 X$=INPUT$(1):IF X$=" " THEN 830 810 SCREEN 1,0,0,0 820 GOTO 800 830 RUN "A2.SPC"