//to include in Mobile (player) boolean SHOW_LIMB_FOR_WEAPON = true; boolean SHOW_LIMB_FOR_WEARABLE = false; void showInventory ( ) { libinvoke ( "showInventory" , new Object[] { } ); } void inventory_showInventory() { Inventory inventory = self.getInventory(); if ( inventory != null ) { String str = inventory.toString(self); if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase(world.getMessages().getMessage("nothing")+".") ) self.writeInformation ( world.getMessages().getMessage("you.have.nothing",new Object[]{self}) ); else { self.writeInformation ( world.getMessages().getMessage("you.have.items","$inventory",str,new Object[]{self}) ); Inventory limbs = self.getFlattenedPartsInventory(); //cosas que blandes Inventory wieldedWeapons = self.getWieldedWeapons(); //this shadows the homonymous attribute if ( wieldedWeapons != null ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < wieldedWeapons.size() ; i++ ) { if ( wieldedWeapons.elementAt(i) != null ) { Item arma = wieldedWeapons.elementAt(i); //buscar miembro que blande el arma for ( int j = 0 ; j < limbs.size() ; j++ ) { Item miembro = limbs.elementAt(j); if ( miembro.getRelationshipPropertyValueAsBoolean(arma,"wields") ) { if ( SHOW_LIMB_FOR_WEAPON ) self.writeInformation( world.getMessages().getMessage("you.are.wielding.item","$item",arma.constructName2OneItem(self),"$limbs",miembro.constructName2OneItem(self),new Object[]{self,arma,miembro}) ); else self.writeInformation("Estás blandiendo " + arma.constructName2OneItem(self) + ".\n" ); } } } } //cosas que llevas puestas Inventory wornItems = self.getWornItems(); //this shadows the homonymous attribute if ( wornItems != null ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < wornItems.size() ; i++ ) { if ( wornItems.elementAt(i) != null ) { Item vestido = wornItems.elementAt(i); Vector miembrosOcupados = new Vector(); //buscar miembros que visten el wearable for ( int j = 0 ; j < limbs.size() ; j++ ) { Item miembro = limbs.elementAt(j); if ( miembro.getRelationshipPropertyValueAsBoolean(vestido,"wears") ) { miembrosOcupados.add(miembro); } } //output String toOutput=""; for ( int j = 0 ; j < miembrosOcupados.size() ; j++ ) { Item limb = (Item)miembrosOcupados.get(j); if ( j == 0 ) toOutput += limb.constructName2OneItem(self); else if ( j > 0 && j == miembrosOcupados.size() - 1 ) toOutput += " y " + limb.constructName2OneItem(self); else toOutput += ", " + limb.constructName2OneItem(self); } if ( SHOW_LIMB_FOR_WEARABLE ) self.writeInformation( world.getMessages().getMessage("you.are.wearing.item","$item",vestido.constructName2OneItem(self),"$limbs",toOutput,new Object[]{self,vestido,toOutput}) ); else self.writeInformation( "Llevas puesto " + vestido.constructName2OneItem(self) + ".\n" ); } } } } else self.writeInformation( world.getMessages().getMessage("you.have.nothing",new Object[]{self}) + io.getColorCode("reset") ); end(); }