JScott -- Scott Adams Adventure Driver in Java Version 1.00 Copyright (C) 1998 Vasyl Tsvirkunov 1. What is it? JScott is an interpreter for classic Scott Adams classic text adventures written in Java (compliant with 1.02). It accepts input files in the same format as Alan Cox's ScottFree (TRS-80 datafile format). It is not a port of ScottFree, but another independent interpreter. However, ScottFree was used as most valuable source of information. Interpreter is structured in that way that in can be plugged into any environment by adding relatively small frontend. Console line-mode and applet frontends are provided. I did not have a goal to make the best SACA interpreter, I was just studying Java programming. Actually, I was not going to release this at first. Then, after the interpreter was finished, I changed my mind. So, I wrote this README file, added some comments to the code and wrapped it up. 2. What do you need to use it? First, you need some SACA datafiles. I am not including any of this, but they are publicly available at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/scott-adams/. JScott works with both Scott Adams and Mysterious adventures. Sorry, no SACA+ support yet (anybody knows the exact format of these?) For line-mode (or if you want to develop your own frontends) you will need Sun or Microsoft Java SDK. Both are free. I recommend Microsoft's one because it is faster and somewhat more robust. You can also use any other Java development environment. For applet mode you can use any Java-enabled browser. IE4 seems to be the fastest and the most accurate. Netscape has a few strange deviations from the standard even in the latest versions of the browser. This version should work with Communicator 4.x, but no guarantee, it is not tested. 3. Installation and use Just unzip it. There are two folders: Source and Compiled. Source contains all Java sources in three files: JScott.java - interpreter itself; JScottTest.java - line-mode frontend; JScottApplet.java - applet frontend. Class files and other stuff are in Compiled folder. There are 15 .class files there - 13 of the interpreter and two frontends. sa.html is an example of use of interpreter in browser. This example cannot be used as is, you need game datafile (in this particular case it is Mysterious Adventure #11, but any will do). The last file in the Compiled folder is you-i.dat. It is language translation file. When interpreter tries to produce any text it checks the file (if provided) for translation. The file consists of string pairs "original" "translation". Instead of printing "original", the "translation" string will be printed. If file you-i.dat is provided to the interpreter all output will be in form "I am..." instead of default "You are..." The entire interpreter can be localized for different language using this approach. Check source code for more information. 4. Release status This is the first public release. I decided not to put "beta" in version number but this doesn't mean that the program is bug-free. It just means that I am not going to work on this one anymore. However if you encounter bug, send a message to vtsvirku@maxis.com. I may decide to update JScott later. 5. Freeware notice This program is freeware. You may use or copy it freely and give away copies as long as you are not charging money for them. Source code is also free. User is permitted to use this code in whole or as parts for other non-profit projects. In such a case documentation for derived project should clearly state that JScott code was used and refer to the original copyright notice. User is not permitted to use this code as part of commercial product. Any damage caused either directly or indirectly by use, inability of use, misuse or abuse of this program are sole responsibility of user. In no case author is liable for such a damage.