The supplied module, the BASIC file !SoundCon.Modules.infocom, is used by Rick Hudson's SoundCon sample conversion application. To use the module you will need a copy of !SoundCon. This is available from many places, is a good place to look. Once you have the application simply drag !SoundCon from this directory over the filer window with the main !SoundCon application in it. This will install the infocom module. Now double-click the !SoundCon app to install its icon on the iconbar. Dragging an infocom-format sample to this icon (or, if the option is set, double-clicking the file) will load it into SoundCon, and from here you may play the sound, interpret it with different frequencies, or convert it to a variety of other formats (equally you can convert those other formats, such as WAVE, to the infocom-format -- this is in fact the main point of the module). The module is still unofficial and should not be distributed other than in this archive. Note: The "sample data length" field of the header of infocom-format DAT files is 2 bytes long. This means an implicit maximum length for samples of just over 65000 bytes. At the moment this module does not check whether the actual sample data is in excess of this. Thus, although SoundCon will happily export very long Infocom-format samples, they will not work properly. However, as there is no fixed frequency for these samples, specifying a low frequency in SoundCon's conversion window may allow you to bypass this limitation to a certain extent. Julian Arnold Rick Hudson