INTRODUCTION You are seated in the corner of your dining area. Cindy is in the kitchen fixing herself a snack. At the moment, your face is hidden behind your note- book. Discussion rages around you concerning the exact nature of the question to be put to the altar in the 1st Basement of Gora's Castle. But now you can raise your head and plaster that annoying DM "I know what's going on and you don't" look on your face because a decision has been reached: Tark and Heyyock want to ask for information on the Nature of the multi-verse and the relation- ship of that Nature to Good and Evil. Grabbing the nearest pair of percentile dice, you roll ... double zero. You're not offhand sure what the hell that means, especially given that, hmmm .... As you reach for your notebook with the Altar notes, the room begins to darken and tremble. Someone is shouting, "Earthquake! Get under the table!" A foul stench assaults your nostrils. And you feel a nauseating wrench through your body and mind just before being knocked backward by an ear-splitting thunderclap. You look up in time to see a homely, naked, and very fat woman atop your table just before it collapses beneath her weight. You're not sure which incredible thing to focus on: the fat woman picking herself off the floor, the strange black ... rip ... in space floating just below your ceiling, or the sincere hope that you don't wake up too soon. For the moment, the fat woman wins out because she seems to be asking you a question. Something like, "Who the fuck are you? What's going on here?" She's having some trouble looking at you; she alternates between averting her gaze or squinting through the splayed fingers of an outstretched hand. In a bit of a haze, you begin to try to explain what's going on, and she seems unreasonably to get more and more upset. While trying to figure some way to calm her down, your gaze drifts back up toward the ceiling. Startled, you jump when you see a huge eye staring down through the rip in space. Everyone else jumps too when a pleased and unnaturally deep shout of "Ah!" resonates through the room. The last thing you sense clearly is a spew of black radiance rushing toward you from the eye. From then on, you have only the vaguest contact with what is going on. You have the impression that you are writing furiously in your notebooks, making changes to your world, scrawling in some things and erasing others. Time flows strangely for you. Suddenly, a clear perception cuts through the fog of your mind; you hear a name shouted, a name you promptly forget. But now you notice your surroundings again, and white radiance is streaming from the fat lady's forehead. In another thunderclap, the rip in space disappears. END_INTRO MAX_LIVES 1 RESURRECTION_ROOM 199 (* death *) MAXIMUM_SCORE 70 (* flush toilet, 4 rescues, kill NB, win game *) VERB PUT POUR PUSH PRESS Dummy_Verb1 DEBUG Dummy_Verb2 DIG SHOVEL Dummy_Verb3 FLUSH Dummy_Verb4 YOU Dummy_Verb5 CONJURE Dummy_Verb6 KISS Dummy_Verb7 DISBELIEVE Dummy_Verb8 AWAY Dummy_Verb9 DRILL Dummy_Verb10 KILL_PLAYER Dummy_Verb11 KILL_ALL Dummy_Verb12 PICK Dummy_Verb13 CUT PLUCK Dummy_Verb14 MAKE CREATE BLESS Dummy_Verb15 BLEND PUREE Dummy_Verb16 PLUG PLUGIN Dummy_Verb17 UNPLUG Dummy_Verb18 JUMP Dummy_Verb19 USE Dummy_Verb20 MIX GRIND CHOP Dummy_Verb46 APB1 Dummy_Verb47 APB2 Dummy_Verb48 APB3 Dummy_Verb49 APB4 Dummy_Verb50 APB5 END_VERB QUESTION 1 Which stud: UL, UR, LL, or LR (upper left, etc.)? ANSWER 1 LR ROOM 2 Dining Area WEST 3 SOUTH 4 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 2 You are in the dining area of your house. Your table is in splinters on the floor. Your kitchen is to the [west] and your living room to the [south]. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 3 Kitchen EAST 2 NORTH 6 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 3 You are standing in your kitchen. Some broken dishes are lying on the floor, a casualty of the earlier tremors and thunderclaps. Your dining area is to the east and the utility room to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 4 Living Room NORTH 2 SOUTH 5 WEST 12 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 4 You are in your living room. The strangest thing about it, besides the huge, manly hands on the wall, is that your windows look out into the bottom of an ocean -- salt water, kelp, fish, and an occasional shark or two. There are bookshelves along the north wall. Your front door is to the south. There is a small hall area to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 5 (* This room handled in CMD file *) Bottom of the Sea PLAYER_DEAD END_ROOM ROOM 6 Utility Room SOUTH 3 NORTH 7 EAST 9 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 6 You are standing next to your washer and dryer. There is a door to the north, you can see your back porch through the door to the east, and your kitchen is to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 7 Master Bedroom SOUTH 6 SOUTHWEST 8 END_ROOM ROOM 8 Master Bathroom NORTHEAST 7 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 8 You are in your bathroom. There is a door to the northeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM_DESCR 7 You are in your bedroom. The windows to the west look out onto a solid wall of rock. There is a bed near the west wall. There are doors to the south and southwest. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 9 Back Porch WEST 6 NORTH 10 SOUTH 11 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 9 Standing on your back porch, you faintly hear wind whistling outside. You can enter your back yard to the north, and there are doors to the west and south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 10 Back Yard SOUTH 9 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 10 You are standing in what was long ago a garden. You are also feeling slightly giddy because the world appears to end where the wall of the garden should be. Stepping carefully to the edge, you realize that you are standing on a lip of earth about 4 feet thick, and above, below, and before you is only blue sky, clouds, the whistling of the wind, and a few tornadoes far, far away. The porch is back to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 11 Garage NORTH 9 SOUTH 20 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 11 You are standing in your garage. There is a door to the north and the garage door to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 11 "If only there were some way to get a lot of water in here without drowning ourselves in the process..." muses Tark. END_HELP ROOM 12 Hall Area EAST 4 (* living room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 12 You are in a small hall area. It is now even smaller because the doors to the bedrooms have been ripped off their hinges, the doorways now completely filled with outcroppings of granite. Your living room is to the east. You see the top of an intact door to the north, but it is buried beneath a massive slide of dirt and loose rock. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 14 Guest Bathroom SOUTH 12 (* Hall Area *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 14 You are in the guest bathroom. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 15 Mantel's Magnificent Mansion EXIT 7 (* Master Bedroom *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 15 You are lying naked on a comfortable bed. All of your possessions are gone and none of your companions are here. You have also lost your blue tatoos. Searching around, you find yourself in a large mansion with a single main door through which you can exit. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 20 Driveway NORTH 11 (* garage *) NORTHWEST 21 (* front porch *) EAST 23 (* road to castle *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 20 You are now on the driveway in front of your house. Everything seems perfectly normal except that, far down the street, there is a black spire rising above the houses. You can make out dark shapes flying tight circles about its top, but you'd be hard pressed to say what they were. Your front porch is to the north-west, your garage door to the north, or you can walk down the road to the east to investigate the tower. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 21 (* arriving from driveway *) Front Porch SOUTHEAST 20 (* driveway *) NORTH 22 (* front door warps to front porch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 21 Your front door is before you to the north, or you can return to your driveway to the southeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 22 (* arriving from front door warp *) Front Porch SOUTHEAST 20 (* driveway *) NORTH 22 (* front door warps to front porch *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 22 Your front door is behind you to the north, or you can move to your driveway to the southeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 23 59th Street WEST 20 (* driveway *) EAST 24 (* front of castle *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 23 You are walking down 59th Street. Storm clouds seem to be brewing on the horizon. To the east you can make out a dark castle standing on a block that used to be residences, four-star restaurants, and porno shops. To the west is your house. Scattered on the street and lawns to either side is a layer of grey dust and small fragments of plaster and wood. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 24 Outside Castle NORTH 25 (* scree *) WEST 23 (* 59th Street *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 24 You are standing before a medieval castle crafted of black stone. A tall spire rises from its right side. Stretching toward the castle is a scree of shattered concrete blocks, siding, twisted metal, and furniture fragments. The scree ends suddenly, as though cut with a knife, fifty feet from the castle walls where the earth becomes scorched and barren. The entrance to the castle is north across the scree. Home is back to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 25 Scree NORTH 26 (* front door *) SOUTH 24 (* outside castle *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 25 You carefully pick your way across the shifting rubble, almost stepping on a severed arm along the way. The entrance to the castle is to the north; the street is to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 26 Castle Gate NORTH 50 (* Entryway *) ENTER 50 (* Entryway *) SOUTH 25 (* scree *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 26 You stand before the castle gate. Set into the stone wall is a pair of massive iron doors bearing huge ivory handles. You may attempt to enter or head toward the street to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 50 Entryway SOUTH 26 (* Castle Gate *) EXIT 26 (* Castle Gate *) EAST 52 (* East Guard Room *) WEST 51 (* West Guard Room *) NORTH 53 (* courtyard *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 50 You are standing in an arched entryway. An open portcullis leads north to an inner courtyard. A door to the west is ajar, and you catch a glimpse of several armored men inside. They appear to be watching a Bears game on a Sony watchman TV. There is another door to the east, and the castle gate is to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 51 (* this room handled in CMD file *) West Guard Room PLAYER_DEAD END_ROOM ROOM 52 (* East Guard Room *) East Room WEST 50 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 52 You are in a large room with stone walls and three cots along one wall. In the center of the room is a small round table and several chairs. The only exit is to the west. Here, as you will find in general, the interior walls glow with a soft grey light which illuminates the room. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 53 Courtyard SOUTH 50 NORTH 58 WEST 60 EAST 55 ENTER 54 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 53 You are in a what would be a pleasant courtyard. There is a well on the west side and a spectacular fountain on the east side. There are just two things ruining the effect. One is the small, mud house in the center; the other is the overturned school bus in the northwest corner. There are double doors to the north, an open portcullis to the south, and doors to the east and west. Alternatively, you may enter the mud house. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 54 Mud-house EXIT 53 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 54 A foul-smelling mixture of mud and excrement steadily drips from the ceiling onto your head. There is an exit to the courtyard. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 55 Statue Gallery WEST 53 (* courtyard *) NORTH 56 (* conference room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 55 You have stepped into an orgy of rape, torture, and wantonness crafted in stone. There is a staggering array of statues here, depicted in every act of betrayal and depravity imaginable. The clergy is a popular theme. There are doors to the north and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 56 Conference Room SOUTH 55 (* statue gallery *) NORTH 57 (* east hall *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 56 You are in what appears to be a conference room. There is a large oval table in the center into which is inlaid a map of Arcadia. On one wall is a hastily tacked-up map of our own world. There are doors to the north and south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 57 Tapestry Room SOUTH 56 (* conference room *) WEST 58 (* main hall *) DOWN 70 (* basement *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 57 You are in a hallway. Tapestries line the walls, depicting battle scenes. A spiral staircase leads downward. There are doors to the south and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 58 Main Hall EAST 57 (* tapestry room *) WEST 59 (* dining room *) SOUTH 53 (* courtyard *) UP 80 (* Upstairs Hall *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 58 You are in a large hall with vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows. A grand staircase leads upward. There are double doors to the east, west, and south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 59 Dining Room EAST 58 (* main hall *) SOUTH 60 (* kitchen *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 59 You are in the dining room. There are several large tables, one of which is raised on a dais. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling. There are doors to the south and east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 60 Kitchen NORTH 59 (* dining room *) EAST 53 (* courtyard *) SOUTH 61 (* servant's hallway *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 60 You are in the kitchen. It looks mostly like what you would expect except for the high shelf along one wall bearing several human skulls wearing chef hats. No one living seems to be around at the moment. There are doors to the north, south, and east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 61 Servant's Hallway NORTH 60 (* kitchen *) EAST 62 (* servant's quarters) UP 89 (* small east-west hall *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 61 You are in a small north-south hallway. There are doors to the north and east and a small spiral staircase leading upward. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 62 Servant's Quarters WEST 61 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 62 A pair of beds are here and a closet filled with formal clothes, work clothes, aprons, and clean chef hats. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 63 Mantel's Magnificent Mansion EXIT 53 (* Courtyard *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 63 You are lying naked on a comfortable bed. All of your possessions are gone and none of your companions are here. You have also lost your blue tatoos. Searching around, you find yourself in a large mansion with a single main door through which you can exit. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 70 Cellar Stairwell UP 57 (* tapestry room *) WEST 73 (* vat room *) SOUTH 71 (* torture room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 70 You are in a dark and dingy room. The walls here are dirt rather than stone and do not glow. After your eyes adjust, you can just make out the room by the light filtering down the spiral stairs from above. You can now see doors to the south and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 71 Torture Room NORTH 70 (* cellar stairwell *) SOUTH 72 (* prison cell *) LIGHT 1 (* need a light source *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 71 Instruments of torture adorn the floor and walls: posts, flails, racks, thumbscrews, a multitude of nasty-looking things you don't recognize, and even an iron maiden. There are a few snakes around the room which occasionally rear up and hiss at you. Fortunately, you didn't step on any when the room was dark, and the room is large enough that you can avoid them now. To the south there is a prison cell where five or six of the snakes are gathered together. The cell door is open and the only prisoner there has long since decomposed. There is also a door to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 72 Prison Cell NORTH 71 (* torture room *) LIGHT 1 (* need a light source *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 72 You are standing in a prison cell. There is an open cell door to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 73 Vat Room EAST 70 (* Basement Stairwell *) SOUTH 74 (* Storage Room *) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 73 You are in a room containing three large, bubbling vats suspended over a bed of hot coals. The contents of the vats look like boiling pink mud, and the fumes are almost overpowering. There are doors to the south and east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 74 Storage Room NORTH 73 (* Vat Room *) LIGHT 1 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 74 Here you find what were once 35 healthy children. Now their bodies are twisted and melted beyond comprehension. It as though they were made of wax and had been left too near the stove. Their bodies are just bags of pink flesh with soft, blunted protrusions where once were arms and legs. They have no hair, no nails, no mouths, no ears. Only their eyes remain untouched, and those are filled with silent tears. The only exit is to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 80 Upstairs Hall DOWN 58 (* main hall *) EAST 82 (* sex-change room *) WEST 85 (* library *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 80 You are in the upstairs hall. A grand staircase leads downward, and there are doors to the east and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 82 (* sex-change room *) Winchester Room WEST 80 (* upstairs hall *) SOUTH 83 (* troll room *) ENTER 82 (* don't leave room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 82 This room is a little bizarre. In its center there is a ten-foot section of free-standing wall parallel to the east and west walls. This wall sports a single door which appears to lead from one side to the other. You may attempt to enter this door or exit the room through the more functional doors to the south and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 83 Troll Room NORTH 82 (* sex-change room *) UP 100 (* tower staircase *) LOCKED_DOOR (* outer room will be south *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 83 You are in a hall. There are doors to the north and south and a spiral staircase leading upward. The door to the south appears much sturdier than any of the other castle doors. It is cast as a single block of metal. The metal is somewhat like silver, but much more lustrous. The door has a small keyhole. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 83 "This door seems rather odd," opines Tark. END_HELP ROOM 84 Outer Stronghold NORTH 83 (* troll room*) SOUTH 92 (* Inner stronghold door *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 84 This room appears to contain another, circular room at its center. There is a cylindrical wall there, roughly 20 feet in diameter, into which is set a massive iron door with a keyhole. The walls and floor here glow with the grey light you've seen everywhere, but the glow terminates in a sharp line 5 feet from the cylindrical wall. The iron door is to the south, and there is a door to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 85 Library EAST 80 (* Upstairs Hall *) SOUTH 86 (* Hallway *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 85 The room is appointed with several comfortable chairs and two fine oak desks. The walls are lined with bookshelves. Unfortunately, all of the books are in languages neither you nor Tark can read. There are doors to the south and east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 86 Long Hallway NORTH 85 (* library *) NORTHWEST 87 (* north bedroom *) SOUTHWEST 88 (* south bedroom *) SOUTH 89 (* landing *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 86 You are in a long hallway. To the east are windows overlooking the courtyard. The walls between the windows are decorated with frescoes depicting creatures of various races bowing down in subservience to the viewer. The floor is covered with a plush carpet. To the south, you can see that the hallway turns west. There are doors to the north, northwest, and southwest. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 87 North Bedroom SOUTHEAST 86 (* Hallway *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 87 You are in a bedroom. A door opens to the southeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 88 South Bedroom NORTHEAST 86 (* Hallway *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 88 You are in a bedroom. A door opens to the northeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 89 Small Hallway NORTH 86 (*Long hallway *) WEST 61 (*Servants hallway *) DOWN 61 (*Servants hallway*) EAST 90 (*Study*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 89 You are in a small east-west hallway which opens onto a longer hallway to the north. To the west is a small staircase leading down. There is a door to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 90 Study WEST 89 (*Small hallway*) EAST 91 (*Black god room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 90 You are in a study. There is a large ironwood desk by the north wall, overlooking the courtyard. A floor-standing globe of the Peninsula sub-universe is by the desk. Doors lead to the east and west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 91 (* black god room *) WEST 90 (*Study*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 91 You stand amidst punk chaos. The floor is littered with rolls of barbed wire, broken glass, and shattered bones. The walls are emblazoned with a bewildering pattern of black lightning bolts. Dried blood stains much of the walls and floor. The bone shards are fairly clean, but there are tufts of hair attached to small rotting pieces of flesh stuck to the walls. In the middle of the chaos is a large, waist-high, ebony rock. The rock's sides are roughly hewn, but the top is polished smooth and level. The only exit is to the west. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 92 Inner Stronghold Door NORTH 84 (* Outer room *) LOCKED_DOOR (* stronghold will be south *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 92 You are standing before the door to the cylindrical room. It is made of iron and fitted with a lock. The curved wall before you and the floor beneath your feet are not glowing. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 92 "I don't know, what would a thief do?" asks Tark. END_HELP ROOM 93 Stronghold NORTH 92 (* iron door *) EXIT 92 (* inner stronghold door *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 93 You are in a 20 foot diameter circular room. 10 foot circles of soft grey light glow on the floor and ceiling in the center of the room. The only exit is to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 93 "Hmmm," muses Tark. "We can't disbelieve it, we can't drill it, and we can't pick it. How else can you get a lock open?" END_HELP ROOM 100 Tower Staircase DOWN 83 (* troll room *) UP 101 (* more Tower Staircase *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 100 You are on a long, spiraling staircase which hugs the outer perimeter of the tower. There are arrow slits to the outside but no doors or openings to the interior. The staircase is carpeted in sanguine red. You may continue up or down. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 101 Tower Staircase DOWN 100 (* more Tower Staircase *) UP 102 (* tower room *) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 101 You are on a long, spiraling staircase which hugs the outer perimeter of the tower. There are arrow slits to the outside but no doors or openings to the interior. The staircase is carpeted in sanguine red. You may continue up or down. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 102 Tower Landing DOWN 101 (* Tower staircase *) ENTER 103 (* Tower room *) NORTH 103 LOCKED_DOOR END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 102 You are standing on a landing at the top of a long spiraling staircase. To the north is a door. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 103 Tower Room EXIT 102 (* tower landing *) SOUTH 102 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 103 You are in a large circular room with no windows. The floor is black marble, inlaid with large, silvery runes and marked with a variety of chalks and powders. Cold, black radiance streams from a 10' diameter hole in the center of the floor. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 196 Eternity END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 196 You are stuck in a black gem for eternity. You have the option of quitting the game or restoring a saved one. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 197 (* temp. place to kill people *) Software Bug END_ROOM ROOM 198 Despair END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 198 You are lost to despair. You have the option of quitting the game or restoring a saved one. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 199 Death END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 199 You are dead. You have the option of quitting the game or restoring a saved one. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 200 notebook DnD Your DnD notebook is here, lying on the floor. LOCATION 2 (* dining area *) UNMOVABLE READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED NOUN_SYNONYMS book padlock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 200 Upon closer examination, you find that you're notebook is not actually lying on the floor but is a few inches above it, fixed unsupported in the air. Grabbing ahold of it, you cannot move it from its position. You also cannot open it. The cover of your notebook seems considerably harder and sturdier than before, and it is closed shut with what appears to be a padlock. The padlock is insubstantial and difficult to see but glows with a dim internal light. When you try to touch it, your fingers merely pass through. Strangely, the padlock has no keyhole or other obvious mechanism for opening it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 200 Unfortunately, you cannot seem to open your notebook. There is some sort of strange lock on it. END_TEXT NOUN 201 skeletons ebony There are ebony skeletons where your friends were sitting. LOCATION 2 (* dining area *) UNMOVABLE PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS skeleton friend friends END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 201 Where once your friends sat now sit ebony black skeletons of roughly the same size and build. The light reflects in odd ways off of the polished bone, and glowing green maggots swarm in their eye sockets. One of the skeletons wears a small gold cross on a gold chain. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 202 bathrobe black Your bathrobe is here. LOCATION 7 (* master bedroom *) POSITION on the bed WEARABLE SIZE 3 NOUN_SYNONYMS robe END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 202 The most notable thing about your bathrobe is that it is black. END_NOUN NOUN 203 television Your television sits in the northeast corner. LOCATION 7 (* master bedroom *) UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS tv END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 203 Your television looks exactly like a television. END_NOUN NOUN 204 cross gold There is a small gold cross here. POSITION on skeleton WEARABLE SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS chain END_NOUN NOUN 205 shovel garden There is a shovel here, retired after the great, dead garden purge. LOCATION 11 (* garage *) SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN 206 toilet nice There is a toilet here. LOCATION 14 (* guest bathroom *) UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 206 Well, there's a little scum under the rim, but don't you have more important things to worry about? END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 207 toilet shiny There is a toilet here. LOCATION 8 (* master bathroom *) UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 207 Well, there's a little scum under the rim, but don't you have more important things to worry about? END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 208 pipe burst There is a burst water pipe and 6 inches of water here. UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 209 newspaper daily There is a newspaper here. LOCATION 20 READABLE SIZE 3 NOUN_SYNONYMS paper END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 209 It is today's copy of your favorite paper -- the LA Times. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 209 Calvin and Hobbes is especially funny today. END_TEXT NOUN 210 (* OFF radio *) radio Walkman A Walkman radio is here. LOCATION 4 TURNABLE WEARABLE SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN 211 (* ON radio *) radio Walkman A Walkman radio is here, blaring acid rock. TURNABLE WEARABLE SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN 212 (* appears after digging in small hall area *) passage A passage has been dug to the door to the north. UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 213 drill power There is a power drill here. LOCATION 11 SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 213 It is one of those cordless Black & Deckar power drills advertised heavily at Christmastime. It comes with a full set of drill bits. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 214 Looking around, you realize Cindy is nowhere in sight. LOCATION 2 (* dining area *) UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 215 glass drinking There is a drinking glass here. LOCATION 3 POSITION on the counter OPEN END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 215 It is a tall glass, capable of holding about 12 oz. of beverage. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 216 water some There is some water here. DRINKABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 216 The water is a colorless liquid, devoid of any obvious interesting macromolecular features. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 217 water holy There is some holy water here. DRINKABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 217 The water is a colorless liquid, devoid of any obvious interesting macromolecular features. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 218 outlet electrical There is an electrical outlet on the wall over the counter. LOCATION 3 (* Phil's kitchen *) UNMOVABLE OPEN SIZE 1 (* can only contain things put there explicitly in CMD file *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 218 It is a 60 Hz, 120 VAC outlet with two grounded sockets. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 219 cord extension There is a 6' extension cord here. LOCATION 11 (* garage *) SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN 220 blender Waring There is a Waring blender here. LOCATION 3 (* the kitchen *) POSITION plugged in outlet SIZE 20 (* make size more sensible later ... *) OPEN END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 220 It is an electric blender with a half-gallon container. The finish is a stylish glossy black. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 226 (* for parser -- me *) me NOUN_SYNONYMS myself I Philip Phil END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 226 You're not looking and feeling your best at the moment. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 227 (* for parser -- Resist Cold spell *) cold resist END_NOUN NOUN 228 (* for parser -- Curse or Cause Wounds spells *) wounds cause NOUN_SYNONYMS curse END_NOUN NOUN 229 (* for parser -- Snake Charm spell *) charm snake END_NOUN NOUN 230 car squad A squad car is parked here. Someone is in the back seat. UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 230 There is a balding middle-aged man handcuffed and sitting in the back seat. He looks dejected and resigned to his fate. Resting on the front seat is a pouch with a tag attached to it. END_DESCR NOUN 231 pouch tagged There is a tagged pouch here. LOCATION 230 (* inside squad car *) CLOSABLE CLOSED POSITION on the front seat SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 231 The pouch is made of burlap. It is tied shut with a piece of string and an evidence tag which has details about where and under what circumstances it was found. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 232 cards credit There are about fifty credit cards, all under different names. LOCATION 231 (* in the tagged pouch *) POSITION in pouch PLURAL SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN 233 diskette floppy There is a 3-1/2" floppy diskette labelled "Password Breaker." LOCATION 231 (* in the tagged pouch *) POSITION in pouch SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN 234 list bank There is a list of banks, phone numbers, and baud rates here. LOCATION 231 (* in tagged pouch *) POSITION in pouch SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN 235 body dead There is a corpse here, lying before the doors. LOCATION 26 (* at castle gate *) UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS CORPSE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 235 It appears to be the corpse of a survivalist. His skin is deathly white with ugly stains of black and purple. His clothes are icy and stiff, and the ground around him is wet. One dead hand is clutching a pistol in the grip of rigor mortis. In one of his pockets you find a twinkie. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 236 pistol hand There is a pistol here. POSITION on corpse CAN_SHOOT NUM_SHOTS 1 SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS gun Magnum END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 236 It's a .45 Magnum pistol, and there is a single, exploding, teflon-coated bullet left in the chamber. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 237 twinkie Hostess There is a package of twinkies here. POSITION on corpse READABLE SIZE 2 NOUN_SYNONYMS twinkies END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 237 The twinkie is wrapped in cellophane that is yellow and brittle from age. There is writing on the package. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 237 Unsurprisingly, it reads "Hostess Twinkie." In small print you also find "good thru Jan 8, 2134." END_TEXT NOUN 240 fountain There is a fountain here. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 53 (* courtyard *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 240 Upon closer examination, you see that the fountain is actually quite grotesque. The top of the fountain features a young woman crushing the life out of her baby. The water gushes from its distorted mouth and several wounds. Around the lower portion are mermaids, and the water fountains from their slit wrists. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 241 bus school There is an overturned school bus here. LOCATION 53 (*courtyard*) UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 241 The school bus belongs to Long Beach School District No. 57. The bus is empty except for the driver, who lies dead with his head smashed against the windshield. You accidentally stick your hand in some chewing gum on one of the seats. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 242 house mud There is a small mud house here. LOCATION 53 (* courtyard *) UNMOVABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS mudhouse END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 242 There is a small round hut here, constructed from mud and excrement. It is roughly ten feet wide and sports a shoddy wooden door. You hear soft moaning from inside. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 243 (* For YOU ARE FREE command *) free are END_NOUN NOUN 244 statues stone There are many stone statues here. LOCATION 55 (* statue gallery *) UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 244 Examining the statues more carefully is both fascinating and revolting. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 245 statue There is a statue of Cindy here. UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 246 paintings framed Many framed paintings adorn the walls. LOCATION 59 (* Dining Room *) PLURAL UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 247 painting There is a painting of Cindy here. UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 248 (* for picture frames *) stud NOUN_SYNONYMS studs END_NOUN NOUN 249 cabinet wood There is a wood cabinet in one corner of the room. LOCATION 82 (* sex-change room *) CLOSABLE CLOSED UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 250 cake Paisley There is a single piece of Paisley Cake here. LOCATION 249 (* in cabinet *) EDIBLE SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN 251 rack spice A spice rack hangs from the wall. LOCATION 60 (* castle kitchen *) UNMOVABLE OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 251 The spice rack contains an impressive array of spices, including a number of exotic ones. Among them, you find Jurbura, Muirapuma, and Skullcap. END_NOUN NOUN 252 box shiny There is a shiny box here. LOCATION 72 (* prison cell *) POSITION beneath the snakes CLOSABLE CLOSED SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 252 The box is a metal cube roughly one inch on a side. It looks like it consists of two boxes, one which fits inside the other. The appearance of the metal is somewhat like silver but much more lustrous. END_NOUN NOUN 253 book black There is a single, black book here in English. LOCATION 85 (* library *) POSITION on the shelves READABLE SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 253 The book has a black leather cover and is entitled "Soul-Based Bindings and Their Application to the Inanimate" by 't Hooft, High Wizard of the Court of Sen. Tark perks up and is happy that the one book in Common sounds so interesting. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 253 The book has a black leather cover and is entitled "Soul-Based Bindings and Their Application to the Inanimate" by 't Hooft, High Wizard of the Court of Sen. Tark perks up and is happy that the one book in Common sounds so interesting. The basic theory, as laid out in the introduction, is that unusually strong bindings of the inanimate can be worked through an application of soul-based techniques. First, one binds someone's soul into the object of interest. This then provides a hook and power source for achieving the desired binding of the object itself. An application of particular interest to the author is the Cursing of various objects. He dwells on a successful cursing of a holy relic using this technique. The rest of the book is filled with various applications. Most of them don't seem too relevant to your current plight, but you do spy a chapter entitled "Application to Sub-Ethereal Locks." Scanning this chapter more carefully, you find an example which sounds very much like the effect on your notebook. There is a technical description of how to lay such a binding and an equally technical description of how to lift one using similar techniques. There also seems to be a more direct method for lifting it by the application of a specially prepared reagent. A recipe is enclosed. Mix together, and chop and grind into a fine paste: the intestine of a red gecko a fresh piece of cake that is at least 20 years old tears of sadness holy water living troll flesh something personal of the binding's creator a hair from the head of the alchemist's true love Quickly, before the troll flesh can rise, place in the mixture a set of thieving tools and cauterize with Shocking Grasp The more personal the item from the binding's creator, the more powerful the reagent. The recommended technique for the cake is to store it in a stasis box for the required time. END_TEXT NOUN 254 sword bleeding There is a sword here, dripping blood. POSITION atop the ebony rock SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 254 (* handle explicitly? *) It is a double-handed sword. Blood wells from the blade and spews from its surface. END_NOUN NOUN 255 Doorway Translucent The southern door is now translucent and barely visible. UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 256 fragments troll There are troll lord fragments here, crawling towards each other. UNMOVABLE PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN 257 flesh troll There is a piece of troll flesh here, trying to squirm away. SIZE 1 NOUN_SYNONYMS fragment piece END_NOUN NOUN 258 chest iron A heavy iron chest sits in the center of the room. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 93 CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED KEY 271 (* quartz key *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 258 "Good idea," encourages Tark. "Check for traps!" The chest is about a meter across and fitted with a solid lock. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 259 scroll parchment There is a scroll here. LOCATION 258 (* in iron chest *) POSITION in chest READABLE SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 259 The scroll is a 1x3' piece of parchment that has been rolled up for convenience. There is writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 259 The title of the scroll is in English and reads "Mantel's Spell of Eternal Emergency Evasion." The rest is written in strange characters that you cannot make out. END_TEXT NOUN 260 spectacles glass There is a pair of spectacles here. LOCATION 88 (* South Bedroom *) POSITION on a nightstand WEARABLE SIZE 2 PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS glasses END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 260 They seem to be normal, old-fashioned spectacles with gold frames. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 261 scroll parchment There is a scroll here. READABLE SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 261 The scroll is a 1x3' piece of parchment that has been rolled up for convenience. The parchment is blank. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 261 The scroll is blank. END_TEXT NOUN 262 heart black There is a black heart here. POSITION on the floor SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 262 The heart is about twice the size of your fist and drips black blood. The blood has an unpleasant feel to it and you try to avoid touching it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 263 hair Cindy A strand of hair is here. SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 263 You're in trouble if you need us to tell you what it looks like. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 264 tears sad There are tears of sadness here. PLURAL SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 264 Mostly, the tears look wet. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 265 vial perfume There is a perfume vial here. CLOSABLE LOCATION 87 (* North bedroom *) POSITION on the dresser SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 265 The perfume vial is made of delicately cut crystal and is quite small. All the perfume is gone, but it still smells nice. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 266 Jurbura some There is a packet of Jurbura here. EDIBLE SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN 267 MuiraPuma some There is a packet of MuiraPuma here. EDIBLE SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN 268 Skullcap some There is a packet of Skullcap here. EDIBLE SIZE 1 END_NOUN NOUN 269 lock flesh The door before you bears a very strange lock. LOCATION 102 (* tower landing *) UNMOVABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 269 Two inches in front of the door floats a large lock apparently crafted from flesh. The lock does not actually hold the door shut in any obvious way. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 270 desk ironwood There is an ironwood desk here. LOCATION 90 (* study *) CLOSABLE CLOSED UNMOVABLE SIZE 3 NOUN_SYNONYMS drawer drawers cubby rolltop END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 270 The desk is made of ironwood, and has an old-fashioned roll-top cubby on top. The side of the desk has ornamental carvings of grotesque variations on the human form. The top of the desk is inlaid with ivory runes. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 271 key quartz There is a key here. LOCATION 270 (* in the ironwood desk *) SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 271 The key is several inches long, and is made of translucent white quartz, shot through with veins of red. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 272 tray dinner There is a dinner tray here. LOCATION 60 (* castle kitchen *) OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 272 In addition to the main course, the tray is set with a napkin, silver, bread, salad, and caviar. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 273 tray silver There is a silver tray here. LOCATION 60 (* castle kitchen *) OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 273 The tray is set with a silver spoon, a small tea pot, sugar, and a glass of what looks like blood though its not clotting. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 274 (* backup dessert *) tray gold There is a gold tray here. OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 274 The tray is set with a gold spoon, a small tea pot, sugar, and a glass of what looks like blood though its not clotting. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 275 baby roast There is a roasted human baby. LOCATION 272 (* the dinner tray *) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 275 The baby has been cooked with an apple in its mouth. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 276 cheesecake chocolate There is a piece of chocolate cheesecake. LOCATION 273 (* the silver tray *) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN 277 crisp apple There is a piece of apple crisp. LOCATION 274 (* the gold tray *) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN 278 flesh dead There is a dead and hardened piece of troll flesh here. SIZE 1 NOUN_SYNONYMS fragment piece END_NOUN NOUN 280 mush purple There is foaming purple mush here. DRINKABLE EDIBLE POISONOUS OPEN SIZE 10 (* can contain stuff *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 280 The mush is smooth, purple, and foaming rapidly. In fact, it seems to be growing! Looking closely, you can see little flesh-colored globules congealing and then migrating toward each other. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 281 mush some There is some mush here. DRINKABLE EDIBLE POISONOUS OPEN SIZE 10 (* can contain stuff *) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 281 There is some mush here which is foaming rapidly. In fact, it seems to be growing! Looking closely, you can see little flesh-colored globules congealing and then migrating toward each other. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 282 liquid clear There is a clear liquid here. DRINKABLE POISONOUS NOUN_SYNONYMS reagent END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 282 Blue flames play over the surface of the liquid, but they emit neither smoke nor heat. In fact, both flames and liquid are slightly cool to the touch. END_MESSAGE NOUN 283 (* empty *) tray dinner There is a dinner tray here. OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 283 There is a collection of used dishes on the tray and a crumpled napkin. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 284 (* empty *) tray silver There is a silver tray here. OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 284 There is an empty teapot, and empty glass, and empty plate. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 285 (* empty *) tray gold There is a gold tray here. OPEN SIZE 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 285 There is an empty teapot, and empty glass, and empty plate. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 291 (* light for room 71 *) light You can see here by the light of Tark's spell. IS_LIGHT ON UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 292 (* light for room 72 *) light2 You can still see here by the light of Tark's spell. IS_LIGHT ON UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 293 (* light for room 73 *) light3 You can see here by the light of Tark's spell. IS_LIGHT ON UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 294 (* light for room 74 *) light4 You can still see here by the light of Tark's spell. IS_LIGHT ON UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 295 glurbglip You have regained your lost manhood! UNMOVABLE END_NOUN NOUN 299 book reference There is a reference book here. LOCATION 4 (* living room *) READABLE SIZE 2 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 299 The book is entitled "Information for People Who Aren't Phil." END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 299 Information for People Who Aren't Phil -------------------------------------- This game was designed specifically for one particular person. Not being that person, you may not understand or appreciate all of it. If you'd like to give it a try nonetheless, there are some things you'll need to know. Tark: The lady who shows up on the table. Tark is a female cleric (priestess) in Philip's fantasy world. One of the things she can do is "conjure" certain spells. Spells that she would know under normal circumstances, which these aren't, go by the following names: Cure Read Magic Bless Detect Magic Command Find Traps Light Remove Fear Hold Person Protection Resist Cold Snake Charm Silence Detect Charm Resist Fire Slow Poision Spiritual Hammer Continual Light Cure Disease Locate Object Prayer Remove Curse Augury Cure Blindness Dispell Magic Feign Death Glyph Experiment. The parser won't, in fact, recognize most of the spells that are not relevant to the game. Tark also has the ability to "away" undead, causing them to flee or disintegrate. As a cleric, she can also make holy water. Naron Blooder: The major bad guy is named Naron Blooder. He's powerful, sadistic, and more than a little mad. For the past 400 years, since apparently being defeated in a rebellion by the populace, his soul has been hidden and steeping in the aura of dark and twisted gods. Recently, he has revealed himself and again become active in Philip's fantasy world. Naron Blooder was a mage who specialized in Binding -- the binding of creature's souls, be they human, demon, or whatever. Often, instead of killing his enemies, he binds them into twisted forms to wait out eternity. There is always some way to release his bindings, but he seems to have a fair amount of control over the design of that release. He prefers releases which are sadistic and ironic. As an example, there was the binding of an evil, female werewolf into a statue. She could only be awakened by the kiss of a good, male cleric, both parties then being locked into a love geas by a follow-up binding. There was an air sylph, confined to a dungeon of mud, who needed only to be told "you are free" to be freed, who knew this, but was spelled from being able to communicate it. There was a leperechaun bound in a crock of gold and the mind of a Prime Minister transferred into the body of a drooling, spastic, village idiot. There were also simpler bindings like a person bound into the frame of a picture, released by pressing a certain stud on the frame. There was a binding worked upon Tark herself, where she was bound into the form of a sword that spewed blood. The blade needed to be wielded to kill things in order to continue bleeding, and it needed to bleed to continue living. The release was to thrust it through the heart of the person she most cared about in the world, leaving it there until that person died, and Tark awaking to find herself drinking the life's blood from her dearest friend's heart. Paisley Cake: Paisley Cake is an extremely potent aphrodesiac. Three of its ingredients are very rare and difficult to obtain: Jurbura -- the ground intenstine of a red gecko Muira-Puma -- a rare cousin to mosswort which, where it does grow, only appears for one half hour following spring showers Skullcap -- made from slightly hallucenagenic mushrooms Philip's House: Has had a past history of bizarre plumbing problems involving the toilets. Illusions: There are illusions in this game. One disbelieves an illusion by entering DISBELIEVE whatever. Mantel's Spell of Eternal Emergency Evasion: Once this spell has been cast, your body picks up blue tatoos which will generally save your butt and take you to safety if you are killed. Doing so uses up the tatoos. Shocking Grasp: In the fantasy world, this is a spell which, in a sense, electircally charges the mage who casts it. This charge may later be released, typically through the body of one's foe. This spell is not clerical in nature, and Tark does not know it. Trolls: Trolls regenerate damage inflicted upon them, quickly healing wounds, replacing limbs, etc. A dwarf in the fantasy world was once looking for a way to make money by supplying troll blood to alchemists. He had crafted a box of mythril (an exceptionally strong metal, both eldrich and fey -- like a good titanium-steel alloy only better) in which he stored a small living piece of the next troll he happened to slaughter. The flesh could not grow, restricted to the confines of the box. When he needed troll blood, he could remove the flesh, pound on it with an axe while it tried to grow, let the resulting blood drain off, put a piece back in the box, and burn whatever was left over. END_TEXT CREATURE 300 Tark fat Tark is here, looking dazed and not quite herself. LOCATION 2 (* initial room *) CREATURE_SYNONYMS lady GROUPMEMBER WOMAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 300 Speaking with her brings to light a great discrepancy between her and your beliefs of the material powers of the clergy. She claims to know few spells, one of the frustrations of inhabiting a plane so far from the sponsors' influence. Clerical spells, she says, are generally the expertise of the evil sects. When you question her directly on which spells she knows, she grows confused, and then becomes confused that she is confused. "I don't know," she says finally. "Tell me something to conjure and I'll try it." END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 302 elemental fire A fire elemental stands at the south end of the garage. LOCATION 11 (* garage *) END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 302 It looks big, nasty, and even from where you're standing you feel blistering heat. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 303 survivalists There is a group of survivalists here, arguing excitedly. LOCATION 24 (* outside castle *) CREATURE_SYNONYMS survivalist END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 303 All of them are men, all are wearing fatigues, and all are armed. Most have automatic weapons, one guy has grenades, and it's hard to count all the knives you see sticking out of boottops and the like. They seem grim and determined to "do something." They also don't seem to appreciate your stare. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 304 officers police There are two police officers here. CREATURE_SYNONYMS cops policemen cop officer END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 304 Yup, it's California's finest. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 305 Cindy miserable Cindy is here, covered in slime and looking disgusted. LOCATION 54 (* mud-house *) WOMAN END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 305 As you walk forward, the air seem to congeal around you such that you are unable to approach closer than five feet from her. She looks at you and says very carefully, "Philip. Listen to me. This is very important. I have to wake up now." END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 306 snakes writhing There is a writhing mass of six snakes here. LOCATION 72 (* prison cell *) END_CREATURE CREATURE 307 snakes charmed There is a docile heap of six snakes here. END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 307 The snakes are about 4 feet long. Each has a red spot on the back of its head and two dark stripes running the length of the body. They also have prominent fangs. END_CREATURE_DESCR (* skeleton attack will be handled in CMD file *) CREATURE 308 skeletons animated There are ten skeletons armed with swords and rushing toward you. LOCATION 84 (* outer stronghold *) HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) TIME_THRESH 4 (* will handle this myself, but want "angrier" message *) CREATURE_SYNONYMS undead END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 308 The skeletons are ebony and have glowing green maggots swarming in their eye sockets. END_CREATURE_DESCR (* troll attack will be handled in CMD file *) CREATURE 309 lord troll A troll lord is trying to pulverize you. LOCATION 83 (* troll room *) HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) TIME_THRESH 4 (* will handle this myself, but want "angrier" message *) END_CREATURE CREATURE 310 Cindy free Cindy is here, her mouth stained with blood. WOMAN GROUP_MEMBER END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 310 Cindy is looking haggard and not at all happy. But she smiles when you catch her eye. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 311 demigod There is a demigod here. LOCATION 103 (* tower room *) HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) CREATURE_SYNONYMS Naron Blooder Uncontained GC END_CREATURE CREATURE 312 demoness undead There is a repulsive, undead demoness here. LOCATION 90 (* study *) HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) TIME_THRESH 4 (* will handle this myself, but want "angrier" message *) END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 312 She looks like a demoness because she has cloven feet, clawed wings, sharp teeth, and horns protruding from her head. She would be quite beautiful except that her flesh is rotting off of her body as you look at her. Small chunks of it sporadically drop or ooze to the floor. It doesn't seem she could last more than a day unless she does something to replenish herself. She holds a sceptre in one hand. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 313 demoness undead There is a repulsive, undead demoness here, advancing amorously. HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 313 She looks like a demoness because she has cloven feet, clawed wings, sharp teeth, and horns protruding from her head. She would be quite beautiful except that her flesh is rotting off of her body as you look at her. Small chunks of it sporadically drop or ooze to the floor. It doesn't seem she could last more than a day unless she does something to replenish herself. She holds a napkin in one hand, a sceptre in the other. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 314 guard There is a human guard here, approaching menacingly. LOCATION 58 (* initial location: main hall *) HOSTILE THRESHOLD 999 (* disable *) TIME_THRESH 4 (* will handle this myself, but want "angrier" message *) END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 314 The guard is a big man, dressed in well-worn chain. He smiles contemptuously as he advances. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 315 man balding END_CREATURE