Hi! Here's the source code for "Poor Zefron's Almanac", as it was when the game was entered in the 1997 rec.arts.int-fiction contest. It placed 7th out of 35, which I'm pretty pleased with. Maybe someday I'll fix some of the things I know are wrong with it (codewise and designwise) but right now I'm more concerned with moving on to other projects. Regardless, it turned out pretty well, several people liked it, and so I figured it might be of use to someone to look at. The working title for the game was simply "Zap" (clever, huh?), which is why ZAP.T is the main source code file. "TC ZAP" compiles the entire source. The source code files are as follows: ACTORS.T Actor objects: the fly, guard, dragon, etc. Loads MONSTROS.T. ALMANAC.T All source code for the eponymous almanac CARLSTD.T My "standard" library, which, in theory, I'd use for any TADS game. ITEMS.T Things you can carry around. Loads ALMANAC.T. MONSTROS.T All source for the alien. ROOMS.T Rooms and fixed objects. WALK.T Walkthrough source code. ZAP.T The main source code file. Loads ACTORS.T, CARLSTD.T, ITEMS.T, ROOMS.T, WALK.T. Also has source for main ending sequences. Some other notes: BAMF teleports the player to the given room. BAMF teleports the given object to the player. These are pretty handy for debugging. There's lots of code I borrowed from examples that others have made available. I tried to always remember to indicate the source, but I may have missed in a few places: if it's your code, my apologies. Again, thanks to Mike Roberts for making TADS, which made this game possible. He did an outstanding job. I hope you come to admire his work as much as I do. If you have any questions or suggestions or just comments on the code, please feel free to contact me! Carl Klutzke cklutzke@iquest.net 12 February 1998