BORROWED TIME (Activision) Start in your Office. LOOK ANSWER PHONE (you learn that someone is after you) E E(a couple of thugs now approach you!) E HIDE BEHIND CHAIR N LOCK DOOR UP BREAK WINDOW GET GLASS GO WINDOW WALK ON WIRE CUT WIRE DOWN TALK TO MAN SHOW GUN (he tells you that Lebock lives up on North Main) TALK TO MAN SHOW GUN (you learn the word: 'TINPLAYER') W W W W W N FREE MAVIS GET ALL (the Novel and the White Tube) S S EXAMINE NOVEL GET BOOKMARK (it's a 'claim stub') E DROP BOOK DROP GLASS S EXAMINE TRASH GET BONE DROP WALLET E N (the Nurse asks if you are a patient of Lafferty's) YES EXAMINE DESK GET BANDAGES S W N N E N OPEN DOOR EXAMINE TABLE GET MATCHES (you are now hit on the head and eventually awake hanging by your wrists!!) GET MATCHES (if you didn't manage to get them before being coshed!) GET CANDLE LIGHT MATCH LIGHT CANDLE BURN TWINE (you're now free!) DROP MATCHES W EXAMINE CAN (you find a receipt) MOVE STOVE (you find a key, but badly burn your hands!!) GET BANDAGES WEAR BANDAGES GET ALL DROP BANDAGES E S S W W W N HIT MAN (Jake gives you some empty cans and a pair of gloves) WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT (Detectives Jones and Hardcastle now ask you for evidence) SHOW GLOVES SHOW CANS SHOW TUBE SHOW RECEIPT SHOW STUB (Mongo is subsequently led away). S W W N (you are taken into Farnham's study) WAIT (you will hear Farnham quietly mutter the word 'HIYO' to silence his dogs) S E N (the dogs now growl at you) SAY HIYO N FREE RITA TALK TO WAINWRIGHT (he gives you a report) WAIT WAIT WAIT (Shuman is now arrested) E E E E E N SAY TINPLAYER (the Bruiser lets you in) LOCK DOOR EXAMINE FIREPLACE GET PAPER E GET CANDLESTICK WAIT (Rocco enters) HIT ROCCO E E S E E OPEN BOX 999 GET POEM READ POEM (a clue plus the number 6316 on the reverse) DROP CANDLESTICK W W S S S SET LOCK TO 6316 (you now find a shovel within the shed) GET SHOVEL N DIG SIX FEET (you locate a suitcase) GET SUITCASE (Two thugs now chase you!!) N W W W HIDE BEHIND TRASH (the thugs run past, but you've also disturbed a dog!) GIVE BONE TO DOG (it was probably his anyway!!) E E E E OPEN SUITCASE GET FOLDER ARREST FARNHAM (the Detectives take you to Farnham's by squad car) N SHOW PAPER SHOW FOLDER SHOW MONEY SHOW REPORT. FINAL MESSAGE "The evidence is all there", says Jones while drawing his weapon. You and Hardcastle do the same. seems that all of Farnham's henchmen have disappeared. "Congratulations, Harlow", says Hardcastle, "You've got Boss Farnham" You saved Mavis, Wainwright and Rita and sent Shuman, Mongo and even Boss Farnham up the river for a long time. All in all, not bad for a day's work. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *