$include 'knotstandard1.ala' Location shop name Knot Shop description if hero is sighted then "$p$tThe shop still advertises instant escapes from life's hitches. Knotters still nimbly negotiate with the seriously stuck. A hopelessly knotted adventurer remains planted in the floorboards. $p$tBut now you can see a way out of here, an exit to the east." else "$p$tThis bustling venue offers instantaneous solutions to life's little entanglements. Nearby, nimble knotters knuckle down to their work." end if. exit w to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit nw to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit sw to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit n to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit s to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit se to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit ne to shop does if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou can't yet see a way out for yourself." else "$p$tNot that way! This is not a good start for a would-be adventurer!" end if. end exit. exit e to shop check hero is sighted else "$p$tYour vision is clouded by the pressing demands of other people's problems. You can't yet see a way out for yourself." and compass1 in inventory and map1 in inventory else "$p$tAren't you forgetting something?" does "$p$tFinally you can follow your dreams! You have become the Body Adventura! $p$tAs you leave, you bequeath the Knot Shop to the former adventurer stuck in the floor. Bending over, you pat him gently on the head, and whisper the shop's motto in his ear.$p$p" Quit. end exit. end location shop. object shop2 name shop name venue at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only if hero is not sighted then "$p$tYou are not currently aware of any way out of the shop." else "$p$tThe shop still advertises instant escapes from life's hitches. Knotters still nimbly negotiate with the seriously stuck. A hopelessly knotted adventurer remains planted in the floorboards. $p$tBut now you can see a way out of here, an exit to the east." end if. end verb. end object. object knotters name nimble knotters at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tThey're all tied up with their work at the moment." end verb. end object. object sign1 name sign at shop is not takeable. is readable. description if hero is sighted then "" else "There is a sign here." end if. verb read, examine does only "$p$t$t$t$t$t$t* * * * * * * $p$t$t$t$t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ : Our Prices: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $p$t$t$t$t$tThough We Do Knot for Less, $n$t$t$t$t$tWe Ask Not Naught for a Knot! $p$t$t$t$t$t$t * * * * * * * $p$t$t$t$t$t$tOur Motto:$p$t $t$t$t$tNo Knot Unties Itself! $p$t$t$t$t$t$t* * * * * * * " schedule bodyarrival after 2. end verb. end object. object toes name toes at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tThey're grimy with dungeon dust." end verb. end object. object head name head at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tAdventura's head is examining you too." end verb. end object. object foot name foot at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tThe extended foot is very handy." end verb. end object. object torso name torso at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tBig, brave, bronze." end verb. end object. object dust1 name dungeon dust at shop is not takeable. description end object. object leg name leg at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tHow could he ever get it over his neck like that, you wonder?" end verb. end object. object scrotum name scrotum at shop is not takeable. description verb examine does only "$p$tThat's not very polite." end verb. end object. object neck name neck at shop is not takeable. description end object. object door name door at shop is not takeable. description end object. object floor name floor at shop is not takeable. description end object. object shoulder name shoulder at shop is not takeable. description end object. object map1 name map in bodya is not xed. is not normal. is readable. verb take does only if map1 is normal then "$p$t""Ah, ah, ah!"" You resecure the map." locate map1 in inventory. elsif bodya is compasslike and map1 is not normal then "$p$tYou slip the map out from between Adventura's now listless toes." make map1 normal. locate map1 in inventory. make hero mapped. if hero is compassed and hero is mapped then schedule change after 0. else "" end if. else locate map1 in bodya. "$p$tHis toes grip more tightly on what must be an important map." end if. end verb. verb read, examine does only if bodya is compasslike then make map1 xed. "$p$tIt's got the look of a fabulous treasure map -- crinkly, brownish, with snaky lines, arrows, big X's and stuff. This could be major." if map1 is xed and compass1 is xed then schedule end1 after 0. end if. else "$p$tAdventura grips it even tighter with those amazing toes. You can't get it away from him." end if. end verb. end object. object compass1 name compass in bodya is not xed. is not normal. is readable. verb take does only if compass1 is normal then "$p$tYou easily take the compass from the helpless Adventura." locate compass1 in inventory. elsif bodya is compasslike and compass1 is not normal then "$p$tAdventura's exhausted toes give up the compass." make compass1 normal. locate compass1 in inventory. make hero compassed. if hero is compassed and hero is mapped then schedule change after 0. else "" end if. else locate compass1 in bodya. "$p$tYou'll have to get him to loosen his grip on it." end if. end verb. verb read, examine does only if bodya is compasslike then make compass1 xed. "$p$tIt's pointing east! And Adventura has been trying to trick you into going west!" if map1 is xed and compass1 is xed then schedule end1 after 0. end if. else "$p$tIt looks like one of those cheapo silver ones with the rickety needle inside. You can't seem to unbend Adventura's baby toe enough to wrest it out of his grasp." end if. end verb. end object. actor bodya name Body Adventura name body at limbo is not arrived. is not compasslike. container Header "His toes are gripping" else "He is empty-toed." is tied. description if hero is sighted then "" else "The Body Adventura is here." list bodya. end if. verb examine does only if bodya is compasslike then "$p$tBody immobile, foot akilter, he looks just like a weather vane, pointing west." list bodya. else "$p$tFrom the side he looks like a flamingo." list bodya. end if. end verb. end actor. event bodyarrival if bodya is not arrived then "$p$tThe door of the shop abruptly bangs inward and the Body Adventura crashes in, hopping unsteadily on one foot. $n$tEeaagh! He's somehow gotten himself stuck in a one-legged yogic pretzel position. His left leg is jammed up over the back of his neck, so the left foot shoots out awkwardly to the side, off his shoulder. Clasped in those toes are a map and a compass.$n$t ""FRAZZIHW! SGNZXYZZY! INPLUGHKY! !! Red Rover, Red Rover let plover come over!"" The Body Adventura rants on incoherently -- you can't make any sense out of what he's saying. After listening awhile, you suspect that his predicament stems from the gyrations required by his love of adventuring. $p$t""Help me, please,"" he implores you. ""I'm totally stuck!""" locate bodya at shop. make bodya arrived. schedule wonder after 1. else "" end if. end event. event wonder "$p$t(You begin to wonder why he's gripping that map and compass so tightly. What is it that's so important about them? Hmmmm ... could they point the way to a life outside of the knot shop, a different life, an exciting life?)" schedule wonder2 after 1. end event. event wonder2 "$p$t(The more you think about it, the more you realize that you want to see the contents of that map. And while you're at it, you might as well try to grab that compass as well. Might come in handy, say, in trying to find an ice skating rink or a swimming pool.)" schedule wonder3 after 2. end event. event wonder3 "$p$t(Something inside you demands that you examine that map and compass. In your eyes they now glitter like diamonds.)" end event. object hint1 name hint pill name hint in inventory is readable. is not given. description verb examine, read does only "$p$tIt's just a tiny little hint pill." end verb. verb give_to does schedule hint2 after 0. end verb. end object. event hint2 "$p$t""You need to learn to unwind a bit."" $n$tHe swallows the hint but the foot stays right where it is." locate hint1 at limbo. make hint1 given. end event. object wt1 name walkthrough potion name walkthrough in inventory is readable. is not given. description verb examine, read does only "$p$tWarning: Give this walkthrough potion only to those who do not suffer from debilitating Dis-Walkthroughbic Syndrome, wherein the soul suffers extreme guilt and angst for taking a peek, so much so that it must accuse all Non-Dis-Walkthroughbics of cheating." end verb. verb give_to does only schedule wt2 after 0. end verb. end object. event wt2 "$p$t""The foot bone's connected to the ANKLE bone,$n$t the ankle bone's connected to the SHIN bone,$n$t the shin bone's connected to the KNEE bone,$n$t the knee bone's connected to the THIGH bone,$n$t the thigh bone's connected to the HIP bone,$n$t the hip bone's connected to the ... $p$t$t$t NECK bone?""$p$t ""I think I've already played through this part,"" Adventura mourns, scratching his scrotum (which happily seems to be easier to reach than it used to be.) $n$tHe gulps down the potion anyway, but it doesn't seem to help." locate wt1 at limbo. make wt1 given. end event. object adv name piece 'of' advice in inventory description verb listen_to does only "$p$t""Wiggle your toes.""$n$tYou wiggle your toes, which feels good, though nothing happens. But why are you giving yourself advice?" end verb. verb examine does only "$p$tGood idea. Always examine advice carefully. But maybe it would be better to listen to it?" end verb. verb give_to check hint1 is given and wt1 is given else "$p$tYou usually exhaust the remedies before giving advice." does "$p$tIn the absence of further remedies, the Body Adventura begins to wiggle his toes, first tentatively, then faster and faster. $n$tBefore long the flapping toes of the extended foot propel him into a spin, while the wiggling toes of the standing foot drill him slowly into the ground. As he finally grinds to a halt, only his upper torso is visible, consisting of a head, a neck, and a leg and a foot pointing west." locate adv at limbo. schedule question after 1. make bodya compasslike. make map1 takeable. make compass1 takeable. end verb. end object. event question "$p$tThe Body Adventura yells at you, ""Now look what you've done! You've gotten me more stuck than I was before! A fine knotter you turned out to be!""$p$tYou pause for a moment, stunned but elated. As you contemplate the potted adventurer in the floor, you realize you don't have to be Weava Knottersdaughter any longer." end event. event change "$p$tAnd immediately, you feel great, as though you've bolded, braved and bronzed up a bit. Yes! Soon YOU'RE going to be the Body Adventura!" end event. event end1 "$p$tSomething about the shop suddenly seems different." make hero sighted. end event. actor hero Name Weava Knottersdaughter Name me name myself is not compassed. is not mapped. is not sighted. container verb examine does only if hero is compassed and hero is mapped then "$p$tThat's right! You are now the Body Adventura! You'll find that ice rink easily now!" else "$p$tYou are Weava Knottersdaughter, professional knotter. You've unraveled many a line in your day. You're the best. $n$tBut you're not enjoying the thrill of knotting the way you used to. Lately you've been thinking about taking up synchronized swimming, or ice dancing, or something really exciting like that." end if. end verb. end actor. Start at shop. "$p$p$p$p$p$t""So I'm sitting here in the shop, working on a Gordian, no less, ripping away as usual, when this guy comes in with a noose tied securely around his neck.$p$t ""Hey lady,"" he says, ""can you get this thing off my neck?""" "$p$tThe other knotters chuckle with spiteful glee, their nimble fingers plucking on twisted plaits. $p$t""So did you help him out?"" one of them asks. $p$t""Nah, he was a real pain in the you-know-what.""" "$p$p$p$p$p$p$t$t$t$t$t$t**KNOT TO BE UNDONE**$p$t$t$t$t$t *(A WackyComp Production)*$p$t$t$t$t$t$t **by Jess Kiddon** $p$t$t$t$t$t$t (aka Lelah Conrad) $p$t$t$t$t$t (Type credits or info for notes)"