Vague by Richard Otter An IF game for the Adrift System (written during 2008 and 2009 with Adrift 4.00 R51). To play this game you will need the ADRIFT Runner v4.0, a freeware program that runs under most Windows platforms. You can obtain this from and If you are using a non-Windows computer a third party runner is available from or Game Description ---------------- With amnesia it is quite possible to have a complete or partial loss of memory, but this isn't like that. It is not that you can't remember who you are or anything about your life, you have no thoughts what-so-ever. Your mind is totally blank, as if it has been completely wiped clean. You seem to have no personality, no memories, no feelings; nothing. It is almost as if you do not actually exist and are just an empty shell. You are also not wearing any clothes, but far form being worried by your own nakedness you have no thoughts about it at all. It is just part of the nothingness. How did you arrive? You do not know. Where did you travel from? You do not know. What do you need to achieve? You have no idea, no idea at all. Yet more badly written interactive fiction or does it all have some meaning? Useful Commands --------------- Some Useful commands for this game are - Remember to examine objects where ever possible. Sometimes you may be able to look on, behind or under an object. Some useful commands:- open object, pull object, use object with object, ask character about object, get object from character, give object to character, get all from object, look to redescribe a location, ask norman about playbill give coat to drunk, ask trainspotter about author, ask norman about location, ask porter about game ask norman about himself, ask porter about you, ask norman about norman You can either 'talk to character', 'ask character about something' or 'ask character about character'. Sometimes a character will have further information, so it may be worth talking to them again. If you get stuck just type 'hints' or visit for a walkthru. General Information ------------------- Feel free to report any bugs, send praise or give general feedback to Note: This game was written with ADRIFT version 4.00 Release 51 and has only been tested with the Adrift Runner version 4.00 R51. Many, many thanks to my beta testers - Anna Fruen, Christy Henshaw, Nick Rogers, Ren Rennington, Finn Rosenloev, Javri and my long suffering wife and family. Although any bugs, problems, bad spelling or poor English are completely my faulty! Richard Otter (rotter on the Adrift forum) 2009