Square Circle Source ReadMe The source of "Square Circle" is provided as-is, with no warranties given concerning its suitability for any purpose. The copyright of "Square Circle" is retained by Eric Eve, who can be contacted at eric.eve@hmc.ox.ac.uk. This source is released principally for the interest of people learning TADS 3. You may compile and modify this source for your own use and experimentation if you wish, but no license is granted to distributed modified versions of "Square Circle". The contents of this source distribution are: SCReadMe.txt (this file) SquareCircle.t3m SquareCircle.t (the startup file and map for the prison compound) fields.t (the other part of the game map) SquareHints.t (the hints system) SquareCircle.h (macros and templates) AddVerbs.t (additional verb definitions etc.) books.t (definitions of the 3 books found in the cell) guardian.t (NPC definition) hermit.t (NPC definition) pig.t (NPC definition) WhiteCoat.t (NPC definition) receptionist.t (NPC definition) In addition, to compile the game you will need the following library files extension files, which can be downloaded from the IF-Archive: DupDobj.t (also included in this distribution) cquotes.t GiveToAskFor.t (part of TCommand) ncDebugActions.t Only the first of these is actually essential to running the game (but if you don't include the others you'll need to remove them from SquareCircle.t3m). Eric Eve 05-Dec-04