I'm Having a Heart Attack: walkthrough Here is the command I used to test the game: test fullgame with "call 911/burp/pray/hint/xyzzy/open window/eat gum/x brochure/x magnet/open fridge/joke/generic nonsense/cry/sleep/z/jump/damn/bother/quit/restart/x beer/x apple/eat note/x note/smoke/x backpack/score/x chocolate/i/cough/n/x camera//sing/think/wake up/live/die/lick ashtray/get paycheck" You can actually get the paycheck at any time, and you get different comments based on how much you did. You can also examine the director at any time for a random hint. You don't get the "good" acts, though, unless you do so without seeing what he's written. For (hopefully) entertainment value, you can repeat something that gets you a point. So, yeah, you can cheat, restart the game, and win.