! testing normal scoring ! #Iftrue (#version_number == 8); Constant USEINFORM; #Endif; Constant Story "Parser test"; Constant Headline "^A parser test suite for PunyInform.^"; Serial "200827"; Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = LitRoom; ! Uncomment to show time instead of score/turns !Statusline time; !Constant DEBUG; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEANDPERFORM; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEPATTERN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSETOKEN; !Constant DEBUG_CHECKNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_GETNEXTNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_SCOPE; ! Uncomment to add optional features to PunyLib !Constant DEBUG; !Constant CUSTOM_ABBREVIATIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_ALLOW_WRITTEN_NUMBERS; Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_METAVERBS; !Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_VERBSET; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_DIRECTIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_GUESS_MISSING_NOUN; !Constant OPTIONAL_MANUAL_SCOPE; !Constant RUNTIME_ERRORS = 0; #IfDef OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; Constant MAX_SCORE = 7; Constant OBJECT_SCORE = 1; Array task_scores -> 3 0; ! inform doens't like array of length 1 Constant TASKS_PROVIDED; Constant NUMBER_TASKS = 1; #IfNot; Constant MAX_SCORE = 4; #EndIf; ![ PrintTaskName task_number; ! switch (task_number) { ! 0: "opening the box"; ! } !]; #Ifdef USEINFORM; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; #IfNot; Include "globals.h"; #EndIf; #Ifndef USEINFORM; Include "puny.h"; #EndIf; ! Uncomment to add PunyLib extensions !Include "ext_menu.h"; !Include "ext_flags.h"; !Include "ext_quote_box.h"; !Include "ext_cheap_scenery.h"; #Ifdef USEINFORM; Include "Grammar"; #Endif; Object LitRoom "Lit Room" with description [; print "You are in a brightly lit room.^"; ], has light; Object -> Box "box" with name 'box', after [; LetGo: --score; "Yay, got rid of ", (the) noun, "!"; Open: #IfDef OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; Achieved(0); ! opening the box is an achievement #EndIf; Receive: ++score; ! win if you put two things in the box if(score >= MAX_SCORE) deadflag = 2; ], has openable static container; Object -> Poison "poison" with name 'poison', before [; Eat: deadflag = true; "AAAargh!"; ]; Object -> Point "one point" with name 'one' 'point'; Object -> Toy "toy" with name 'toy'; Object -> Torch "torch" with name 'torch'; [Initialise; print "^^The testsuite is open for business!^^"; #IfDef USEINFORM; location=INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE;; #EndIf; ];