%%OPTIONS Prefix 'lm'; Listings single; Limit 1000; -- Message file; -- Library '.'; %%MESSAGES English 0 '%1 Adventure Language System'; 1 ' No warnings or errors detected.'; 2 ' No detected warnings.'; 3 ' No detected errors.'; 4 ' %1 informational message(s).'; 5 ' %1 warning(s).'; 6 ' %1 error(s).'; 7 'Maximum number of messages exceeded.'; 100 'Parsing resumed here.'; 101 '%1 inserted.'; 102 '%1 deleted.'; 103 '%1 replaced by %2.'; 104 'Severe syntax error, construct ignored.'; 105 'Syntax error, couldn\'t recover.'; 106 'Parse stack overflow.'; 107 'Parse table error.'; 108 'Parsing terminated.'; 150 'Unterminated STRING.'; 151 'File name missing for $INCLUDE directive.'; 152 'Unterminated quoted identifier.'; 198 'Could not open output file \'%1\' for writing.'; 199 'Adventure source file (%1) not found.'; 201 'Mismatched block identifier, \'%1\' assumed.'; 202 'Multiple usage of direction \'%1\' in this EXIT.'; 203 'Multiple definition of EXIT \'%1\' in this location.'; 204 'Multiple use of %1 clause in this %2.'; 205 'Multiple usage of \'%1\' in this VERB definition.'; 206 'Multiple definition of SYNTAX for \'%1\'.'; 207 'VERB \'%1\' is not defined.'; 208 '\'%1\' is not a VERB.'; 209 'First element in a SYNTAX must be a player word.'; 210 'Action qualification not allowed here.'; 211 'Adventure must start at a Location.'; 212 'Syntax parameter \'%1\' overrides symbol.'; 213 'Verb alternatives not allowed here.'; 214 'Parameter not defined in syntax for \'%1\'.'; 215 'Syntax not compatible with syntax for \'%1\'.'; 216 'Parameter \'%1\' multiply defined in this SYNTAX.'; 217 'Only one multiple parameter allowed for each syntax. This one ignored.'; 218 'Multiple definition of attribute \'%1\'.'; 219 'Multiple declaration of %1.'; 220 'Multiple definition of \'%1\'.'; 221 'Multiple class restriction for parameter \'%1\'.'; 222 'Identifier \'%1\' in class definition is not a parameter.'; 223 'Unknown message identifier.'; 230 'No syntax defined for this verb, assumed \'%1 (object)\'.'; 301 '\'%1\' already declared as a Direction.'; 302 '\'%1\' already declared as a Location.'; 303 '\'%1\' already declared as a Verb.'; 304 '\'%1\' already declared as an Object.'; 305 '\'%1\' already declared as a Container.'; 306 '\'%1\' already declared as an Actor.'; 307 '\'%1\' already declared as an Event.'; 310 'Identifier \'%1\' not defined.'; 311 'Must refer to %1.'; 312 'Parameter not uniquely defined as %1, which is required.'; 315 'Attribute not defined for \'%1\'.'; 318 'Entity \'%1\' is not a Container.'; 320 'Word \'%1\' belongs to multiple word classes (%2 and %3).'; 321 'Synonym target word \'%1\' not defined.'; 322 'Word \'%1\' already defined as a synonym.'; 330 'Wrong type of expression in context of %2. Must be of %1 type.'; 331 'Incompatible types in %1.'; 332 'Type of %1 attribute must match %2 attribute.'; 333 'The word \'%1\' is defined to be both a synonym and another word class.'; 334 'Multiple syntaxes are defined with this structure (words and parameters).'; 335 'ELSE clause of a DEPENDING statement must be the last.'; 340 'Initial location for \'%1\' declared twice. This occurence ignored.'; 400 'Script not defined for Actor \'%1\'.'; 401 'Actor reference required outside Actor specification.'; 402 'An Actor can\'t be inside a Container.'; 403 'Script multiply defined for Actor \'%1\'.'; 404 'Attribute to %1 must be a default attribute.'; 406 'A Container, Integer or String have no default attributes.'; 407 'Attribute in LIMITS must be a default object attribute.'; 408 'Attributes in %1 must be of boolean type.'; 409 'No parameter defined in this context.'; 410 'A parameter may not be used in %1.'; 411 '%1 ignored for Actor \'hero\'.'; 412 'ACTOR is not allowed inside Events.'; 413 'Expression in %1 must be of integer type.'; 414 'Invalid initial location for %1.'; 415 'Invalid Where specification in %1 statement.'; 416 'Interval of size 1 in RANDOM expression.'; 417 'Comparing two constant entities will always yield the same result.'; 418 'Aggregate is only allowed on integer type attributes.'; 419 '%1 SET statement must be of integer or string type.'; 420 'Invalid What specification in %1.'; 501 'Location \'%1\' has no EXITs.'; 600 'Multiple use of option \'%1\', ignored.'; 601 'Unknown option, \'%1\'.'; 602 'Illegal value for option \'%1\'.'; 997 'SYSTEM ERROR: %1'; 998 'Feature not implemented in %1.'; 999 'No Adventure generated.';