Buck The Past, an Inform 7 game for Spring Thing 2017 Buck the Past is a game with many weird, odd features. It features the adventures of Matt Doerr. It's sort of in the same vein as Problems Compound or Slicker City, with the same silly reverses, but it's not at all necessary to play either to understand BtP. It includes many features and examples of semi-random silliness, including: --different items and puzzle answers to get through whether you have innuendo/profanity turned on or off --65 off-the-wall ideas to have the game explain with XP It has 24 rooms (9 are part of a puzzle and have no human interaction) aside from silly death rooms, but the full version will have much more. If you find bugs or have suggestions for improvements, write me at blurglecruncheon@gmail.com. My testers pointed out a lot of stuff that felt like it should've been obvious once I saw it. I'd be glad to give you credit.