> x book You're not interested in reading. > push books Leave the books to the people who care about them. > burn book books That's a horrible idea. > get books book I think you wanted to say "get something". Please try again. > x wall The walls are shiny here. > push walls No need to concern yourself with that. > x ceiling fan The ceiling fan is quite high up. > touch it There's no way you could reach it! > turn it No need to concern yourself with that. > x atmosphere There's a really nice atmosphere to the place. > push atmosphere No need to concern yourself with that. > get air You need the air to breathe, that's all. > turn library The library is super-important. Better not mess with it. > x it It's truly glorious. > x shelf They're full of books. > x air The air is oh so thin here. > x thin air The air is oh so thin here. > x big library It's truly glorious. > x box It's a fine box. > quit Are you sure you want to quit? yes