Welcome To The Spatent Obstruction 11-1-92 By Christopher Canavan WHAT IS THIS THING ANYWAY? Well, to be very vague about this, you are now reading the docs to a shareware text adventure game. Back in the early 80's a small company named Infocom were releasing such games as Zork, Planetfall, and the hundreds of sequels to Zork. Text adventure games were a massive hit but died out but the end of the 80's and into the mid 90's because graphic adventure games were being released. But, there were still text adventure game fans and I made this game in tribute to those elite few still out there or for the people who are just interested in this sort of thing. A text adventure game is best described as a "use you imagination" sort of game. A few of you are probably out there sighing now and you guys can exit and erase this game. You won't be interested. What happens in this game is that you are put into a situation and are forced to make it out alive. This can be anything from a quest for a magic stone to getting of an island with your life. You move from room to room using simple commands and pick up and use objects you find along the way. You will be faced with various problems that must be faced before you continue and, thus, the game will progress until it ends or you die. WAIT! IS THIS LIKE ALL THOSE OTHER TEXT ADVENTURE GAMES? Actually, this game has a neat little twist. In most adventure games it just do what has to be done and that's about it. Well, in this one I took a writing standpoint and, in basic terms, made an interactive novel in which you get actual dialogue. It was a bit of a pain trying to convert all the writing symbols (such as commas, etc..) to the AGT meta-language. But, I think I did a good job. Just like any other novels this game is divided into chapters. OK, I'M READY, WHAT IS THIS GAME YOU GAVE ME? The game you are going to be playing is called "The Spatent Obstruction". It's a game that puts you in the place of a regular guy adventurer named Aber Johnson. You will meet friends along the way and a few will even join you for the game. I'm not going to tell you much, it's your job to figure the rest out. The game uses the AGT text system and is programmed in the AGT language which I prefer to Basic any day. For those interested, the AGT system can recognize over 400 words (I estimate at least 500) and is capable of 200 locations, hundreds of objects and nouns, and about 200 creatures. For reference, the game Leisure Suit Larry I, from Sierra On-LIne, there were only 60 locations. So, you can imagine the fun you'll have with this one. WOW! WHAT GREAT GUY MADE THIS GAME? The author, writer, and programmer of this game is the one, the only, Chris Canavan. I live in a nice little town called Wallingford in an even nicer state named Connecticut. I'm not big on programming but I like to think I have some skill in writing so I decided to make a little step from writing a short story and go for an adventure game. I hope you enjoy it! HOW MUCH DO I PAY FOR THIS? As a matter of fact, you pay nothing. You have it now so it's pretty obvious you didn't pay anything for it! What kind of stupid questions are you asking me anyway? But, this is shareware, and YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! It means that if you like the game, just a little bit, then you send me a small donation so I get something in return for the many hours I put into this game. To get more information on the paying part of this deal see the end of this doc. CHRIS, COME ON, HOW MUCH TIME DID YOU REALLY SPEND ON THIS? Guess what? I can't tell you. I am writing these docs before I actually start programming the game. This means that all I have, sitting on my desk here, are the few maps and and notes I made to the game. Trust me. It's going to take awhile. THE GAME IS GREAT! BUT, I'M STUCK! All I can do is laugh. Well, hmmmm, I can do a bit more. If you sneak a little peek at the end of this doc you'll see that if you send in your donations you will get a disk full of hints! Well, I have to have some way to get donations here. CHRIS, I'M THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO ABUSES HINT BOOKS! I JUST WANT ONE HINT! One hint, huh? Ok, write me at the address you send the donation to, tell me what's wrong and i'll send you a hint. But, you should really think about making that donation! YOUR TELLING ME ALL THIS STUFF BUT HOW DOES THE GAME ACTUALLY WORK? Woah, slipped my mind. I guess I should start getting boring now and explain how to actually use this thing. But, wait! It has a built in help file! All you do, is when it asks you if you want instructions, hit Y. OK, I'M READY TO PAY THAT DONATION NOW! TELL ME HOW! You are?! Great! Ok...GO READ: **** REGIS.FRM **** WHATS IN THE FUTURE? Well, there will be a sequel to the Spatent Obstruction. For those of you who actually make it to the end of this you will find that a sequel is very much needed. But, those of you playing this have probably gotten it from a bbs or a friend. There will be no distribution of the sequel unless the donation is paid. This will give you the sequel along with a few other little things. The reason for this is to give the user (that's you, by the way) a reason to donate. Also, I am in the process of reviewing software that will allow graphic adventure games to be made in the similar format (EGA or higer and 80206). With the donation you will get all of these sent to your house. So, let me just say, in a final little statement, that it is really worth donation for the simple reason that I put good time into this and the fact that you will receive future releases.