function [w,bias] = train(negative,positive) % train.m % % Octave function to train a perceptron. % (Code written for GNU Octave should also run in Matlab) % % Expects negative examples to be in negative.txt % and positive examples to be in positive.txt % % The binary feature vectors should be built with % % Sparse matrix representation and operations are not used, although % they would be much more efficient. There was little point, because % sparse matrices are only implemented in Matlab (which costs about % US$2000 and is inaccessible to most IF developers). % % This program implements the same algorithm, and should do the same % thing, as the Perl program "" that is included with Perform. % % Perform (Perceptron Classifier in Inform) v1.0 % Nick Montfort 2004-06-24 if (size(negative,2) != size(positive,2)) printf("Dimensions of positive and negative examples don't match.\n"); break; end printf("Data looks good. Beginning training...\n"); fflush(stdout); d = size(negative,2); w = zeros(1,d); bias = 0; % Initially, all the negative examples are correctly classified by % a zero weight vector: tneg = zeros(1,size(negative,1)); % But the zero weight vector misclassifies all the positive examples: tpos = ones(1,size(positive,1)); i = 0; while ((sum(tneg) + sum(tpos)) > 0) i++; printf("Starting iteration %i beginning with ", i); printf("%i (-) and %i (+) misclassified...\n", sum(tneg), sum(tpos)); fflush(stdout); w = w - (tneg * negative) + (tpos * positive); bias = bias - sum(tneg) + sum(tpos); for j=(1:size(negative,1)); tneg(j) = ((sum(negative(j,:) * w') + bias) > 0); end for j=(1:size(positive,1)); tpos(j) = ((sum(positive(j,:) * w') + bias) <= 0); end end printf("Finished, with %i misclassified.\n", sum(tneg) + sum(tpos));