GlkOte -- a Javascript display library for IF interfaces GlkOte Library: version 2.2.4. Designed by Andrew Plotkin GlkOte is a tool for creating interactive fiction -- and other text-based applications -- on a web page. It is a Javascript library which handles the mechanics of displaying text, arranging panes of text, and accepting text input from the user. * Contents Documentation: - README.txt -- this file - docs.html -- how to use GlkOte in your game (or other application) What you need: - glkote.js -- the GlkOte library - glkapi.js -- a Glk API layer - dialog.js -- a library for loading and saving game data - electrofs.js -- replacement for dialog.js for - jquery-1.12.4.js -- the jQuery library - jquery-1.12.4.min.js -- the jQuery library, compressed - glkote.css -- the GlkOte default stylesheet - dialog.css -- the stylesheet for the dialog library - waiting.gif -- an animated "loading" image Example pages: - sample-demo.html -- a "fake game" that demonstrates library features - sample-demo.js -- source code for the fake game - sample-demo2.html -- same fake game with a different stylesheet - glkote-demo2.css -- the different stylesheet - sample-help.html -- pop-up help page for the fake game - sample-demobase.html -- a simpler, one-window use of the library - sample-minimal.html -- minimal, no-window use of the library * Permissions The GlkOte, GlkAPI, and Dialog Javascript libraries are copyright 2008-2016 by Andrew Plotkin. They are distributed under the MIT license; see the "LICENSE" file. The GlkOte documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. See This package includes the jQuery JavaScript framework, version 1.12.4 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors Released under the MIT license For details, see the jQuery web site: