options pack. $include 'syntax.a' $include 'msgs.a' $include 'hero.a' $include 'inv.a' $include 'toasense.a' $include 'spscore.a' $include 'toaquit.a' location kitchen description "This is the kitchen. The toaster is here." exit nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, u, d to kitchen check "You're not going anywhere." end exit. end location. object bread at kitchen is loose. description "" verb get, take check bread at limbo else "There is no bread." does only "Bug." end verb. verb examine, look_in does only "There is no bread." end verb. verb eat does only "There is no bread." end verb. end object. object toaster at kitchen is loose. is not toasting. has time 1. container description "" verb get, take check toaster at limbo else "You can't take the toaster with you." does only "Bug." end verb. verb examine, look_in does only "It's a toaster all right. It has a small lever and a dial that can be set to a number between 1 and 5. The dial is currently set to" say time of toaster. "$$." if toaster is toasting then "$pThe toaster is toasting." end if. end verb. verb fuck_it does only "You shouldn't put any meat in the toaster." end verb. verb feel check toaster is toasting else "It's not hot." does only "It's hot." end verb. end object. object dial at kitchen description "" verb examine, look_in does only "You can turn it to a number between 1 and 5. Currently it is set to" say time of toaster. "$$." end verb. verb turn does only "You must set the dial to a number between 1 and 5." end verb. verb turn_to does only if num < 1 or num >5 then "You must set the dial to a number between 1 and 5." elsif num = time of toaster then "It is already set to that." else set time of toaster to num. "You set the dial to" say num. "$$." end if. end verb. end object. object lever at kitchen description "" verb examine, look_in does only "You can pull it." end verb. verb pull, push check toaster is not toasting else "Wait until the toaster stops toasting." does only "You pull the lever down. The toaster starts heating up." make toaster toasting. schedule pop after time of toaster. end verb. end object. event pop "$pThe lever of the toaster springs back up and the toaster cools down." make toaster not toasting. end event. -- start at kitchen. "$t$t$t$t$t$tTHERE IS NO BREAD" "$p$t$tWritten by Mikko Vuorinen (mvuorine@cc.helsinki.fi)"