_A Change in the Weather_ Special source-code edition (released June 2014) Copyright 1995-1996 Andrew Plotkin http://www.eblong.com/zarf/if.html This source code is provided for personal, educational use only. The story and text of _A Change in the Weather_ belong to me; you may not use them or create derivative works which contain them. However, you have permission to use the programming techniques of this game in your own works, and you may use the source code excluding game text. If you want to *play* _ACITW_, you're in the wrong place. Go to my web site, or the IF Archive, and download the compiled game file. (http://www.eblong.com/zarf/ftp/weather.z5) * Obvious Warning This code contains spoilers! If you haven't played _ACITW_, and you read this code, you'll certainly ruin the game for yourself. Play it first. I am releasing this code for the benefit of Inform programmers who are familiar with _ACITW_ and want to know how I did it. * About The Source This code is exactly the version I used to build _ACITW_ release 6, except for a couple of changes to help it compile under the later (v1502) I5 release. - I added "@" signs to a couple of Z-machine assembly opcodes. - I made the VerbLib declaration of "task_scores" unconditional. (The game famously does not use the "SCORE" command, but the library's handling of this global is a problem under the later I5 compiler.) - I also renamed the library files to fit with Unix build conventions; on the old Mac setup, they didn't have ".h" suffixes. I have not added explanatory comments to the source; you're on your own for this safari. weather.inf is the top-level source file. The package includes a modified version of the Inform 5/8 library. (The source files are mixed in with the game source; sorry about that.) _ACITW_ must be built with this version. A couple of modifications are tagged with "--Z" comments, but I don't have a record of all the changes I made. * To Compile The game was developed with Inform 5, release v1405. It cannot be compiled with Inform 6. (See notes above about the differences between v1405 and v1502.) The compile command: inform5 weather.inf weather.z5