Contents of the "macos" sub-archive for Zip 2.3 and later: MacOS: Contents this file readme.1st Instruction to unpack mac specific files README.TXT Dirk Haase's infos on updated MacIntosh ports of Zip/UnZip HISTORY.TXT Dirk Haase's MacOS specific ChangeLog zipup.h MacOS osdep.h MacOS specific configuration and declarations ZipLib.h used to build a static library, global to the project ZipSx.h used to build a standalone App with MW Sioux, global to the project ZpPrj.hqx Metrowerks CodeWarrior pro3 project file (BinHex) source/ subdirectory containing all sources: a) Zip specific code extrafld.c contains all code related to the mac extra field extrafld.h macglob.h macopen.c replaces fopen() and open() macopen.h macos.c Macintosh-specific routines for use with Info-ZIP's Zip MatWild.c Pattern matching function recurse.c Functions to go through the directories recurse.h unixlike.c This file provides a unix like file-stat routine unixlike.h VolWarn.h contains the warning message, about volumes with the same name zip_rc.hqx resource file for Macintosh unzip (BinHex) b) general utilities shared between Zip and UnZip charmap.h character mapping tables ISO 8859-1 <--> MacRoman helpers.c some helper functions helpers.h macstuff.c Mac filemanager routines copied from MoreFiles 1.4.8 macstuff.h mactime.c replacement for broken Metrowerks RTL time functions pathname.c functions for handling MacOS HFS path- /filenames pathname.h The new ZpPrj.hqx project file should be "un-BinHex'ed" into ZpPrj, which builds the following targets: - Zip Lib (68K) -> static library 68k - Zip Lib (PPC) -> static library PPC - Zip Sioux (68K) -> MW Sioux standalone App, good for debugging - Zip Sioux (PPC) -> MW Sioux standalone App, good for debugging The resource files and the compiler project files are in BinHex form because they contain Macintosh resource forks. The resource info cannot be maintained when handling (e.g. repacking) the master source collection on non-Macintosh systems. The BinHex form is the traditional way for transferring such files via non-Macintosh systems. It's also the safest since it uses only printable characters. The ".hqx" files must be converted with StuffitExpander or BinHex 4.0 (or equivalent) on a Macintosh system before using them.