In the interest of making more Inform source code available, here is the source to 'Comp99.z5', used as the Inform front end for the Fifth Annual Interactive Fiction Competition. As you may notice, games from other years are also included here. This was done originally so I could test the code before I got the games for the '97 competition (the first year my module was used), and was left in as a kind of easter egg for the intrepid player. In '99, I went all-out and not only went back and added in the games from '95 (the very first IF competition), but also added some games from Aught-Six. If you haven't seen them yet, I hope they make you chuckle. Apart from simple historical interest, this code demonstrates some relatively simple array manipulations, as well as use of the @save opcode; used to create a text file to be mailed to the competition vote-counter. There's also some trickiness in some parse_name routines with games with numbers in the titles, so that you can do things like "rate four in one four" or "rate 4 four" (which does something else). It was tested and released using Inform 6.15 with the 6/7 libraries, as well as Graham Nelson's own library contribution, 'menus.h' (included here for completeness) -Lucian Smith, February 2000