Inform_Game -> -> newday with name 'a' 'new' 'day', short_name "A New Day", title_length 9, author "Jonathan Fry", filename "newday", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> frenfive with name 'frenetic' 'five' 'frenfive' 'vs' 'sturm' 'und' 'drang', short_name "The Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang", title_length 37, author "Anonymous", filename "frenfive", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> lost with name 'lost' 'spellmaker', short_name "The Lost Spellmaker", title_length 19, author "Neil James Brown", filename "lost", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> bear with name 'a' 'bear' 'bear^s' 'night' 'out', short_name "A Bear's Night Out", title_length 18, author "David Dyte", filename "bear", other_files "bear.sol", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> zero with name 'zero' 'sum' 'game', short_name "Zero Sum Game", title_length 13, author "Cody Sandifer", filename "zero", other_files "zero.hints", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> mimesis with name 'crimes' 'sins' 'against' 'mimesis' 'mimisis', short_name "Sins Against Mimesis", title_length 20, author "One Of The Bruces", filename "mimesis", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> babel with name 'babel', short_name "Babel", title_length 5, author "Ian Finley", filename "babel", other_files "hints.txt and", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> legacy with name 'legacy' 'family', short_name "The Family Legacy", title_length 17, author "FemaleDeer (aka Marnie Parker)", filename "legacy", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> tdragon with name 'town' 'dragon' 'tdragon', short_name "The Town Dragon", title_length 15, author "David A. Cornelson", filename "tdragon", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> agb with name 'agb' 'a' 'good' 'breakfast', short_name "A Good Breakfast", title_length 16, author "Stuart Adair", filename "agb", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> cask with name 'cask', short_name "CASK", title_length 4, author "Harry Hardjono", filename "cask", other_files "cask.txt and cask.inf", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> vtech with name 'vtech' 'virtua' 'tech' 'virtuatech', short_name "VirtuaTech", title_length 10, author "David Glasser", filename "vtech", other_files "readme and walkthrough", email " or"; Inform_Game -> -> tempest with name 'tempest', short_name "The Tempest", title_length 11, author "William Shakespeare", filename "tempest", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> pintown with name 'pin' 'town' 'pintown', short_name "Pintown", title_length 7, author "Stefan Blixt", filename "pintown", other_files "ptwalk.txt", email ",, or"; Hugo_Game -> -> down with name 'down', short_name "Down", title_length 4, author "Kent Tessman", filename "down", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> edifice with name 'edifice' 'interactive' 'an' 'allegory', short_name "The Edifice", subtitle "An Interactive Allegory", title_length 11, author "Lucian Smith", filename "edifice", other_files "edifice.rec", email " -or-", before [; Waylay: self.rating=10; give self general; "Hey! What do you think you're doing? You don't expect to be able to sabotage *this* author's game, do you? We'll just see about that. 10! That's what it gets! 10!"; Rate: if (second==10) { print "(Excellent choice. It won, you know. Guess who wrote it?)^^"; rfalse; } if (self has general) "Sorry, Bub. You had your chance."; ]; Inform_Game -> -> house with name 'aunt' 'nancy' 'nancy^s' 'house', short_name "Aunt Nancy's House", title_length 18, author "Nate Schwartzman", filename "house", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> almanac with name 'poor' 'zefron' 'zefron^s' 'almanac', short_name "Poor Zefron's Almanac", title_length 21, author "Carl Klutzke", filename "almanac", email ""; ALAN_Game -> -> leaves with name 'leaves', short_name "Leaves", title_length 6, author "Mikko Vuorinen", filename "leaves", other_files "leaves.dat and leaves.txt", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> zombie with name 'zombie', short_name "Zombie!", title_length 7, author "Scott W. Starkey", filename "zombie", other_files "zombwalk.txt", email ""; AGT_Game -> -> emailbox with name 'emailbox' 'e-mailbox' 'e-mail' 'box' 'email', short_name "E-MAILBOX", title_length 9, author "Jay Goemmer", filename "emailbox", other_files "emailbox.cfg, emb.bat, cfgnotes.txt, and walkthru.emb", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> savannah with name 'sunset' 'over' 'savannah', short_name "Sunset Over Savannah", title_length 20, author "Ivan Cockrum", filename "savannah", other_files "savannah.sol", email " (until 10/20/97) or (beginning 10/97)"; TADS_Game -> -> glowgrass with name 'glow' 'grass' 'glowgrass', short_name "Glowgrass", title_length 9, author "Nate Cull", filename "glow", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> symetry with name 'reflect' 'symetry', short_name "Symetry", title_length 7, author "Rybread Celcius", filename "reflect", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> pizza with name 'phred' 'phontious' 'quest' 'for' 'pizza', short_name "Phred Phontious and the Quest for Pizza", title_length 39, author "Michael Zey", filename "pizza", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> spring with name 'shes' 'she^s' 'got' 'thing' 'for' 'spring', short_name "She's Got a Thing for a Spring", title_length 30, author "Brent VanFossen", filename "spring", other_files "spring.txt", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> lest with name 'madame' 'l^estrange' 'and' 'trouble' 'spirit' 'lest' 'lestrange', short_name "Madame L'Estrange and the Trouble Spirit", title_length 40, author "Ian Ball and Marcus Young", filename "lest", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> temple with name 'temple' 'of' 'orc' 'mage', short_name "Temple of the Orc Mage", title_length 22, author "Gary Roggin", filename "temple", other_files "tempwalk.txt", email ""; TADS_Game -> -> aardvark with name 'aardvark' 'obscene' 'quest' 'dr' 'aardvark' 'aardvarkbarf', short_name "The Obscene Quest of Dr. Aardvarkbarf", title_length 37, author "Gary Roggin", filename "aardvark", other_files "aarwalk.txt", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> congrats with name 'congrats' 'congratulations', short_name "Congratulations!", title_length 16, author "Frederick Hirsch", filename "congrats", other_files "congrats.wlk", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> erden with name 'travels' 'land' 'of' 'erden' 'quest' 'adventure', short_name "Travels in the Land of Erden", subtitle "In Quest of the Adventure", title_length 28, author "Laura A. Knauth", filename "erden", other_files "Erdensln.doc", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> friday with name 'friday' 'afternoon', short_name "Friday Afternoon", title_length 16, author "Mischa Schweitzer", filename "friday", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> home with name 'coming' 'home', short_name "Coming Home", title_length 11, author "Andrew Katz", filename "home", other_files "home.bat, read1st.txt, home.rec, home.inf, hints.txt, help.inf, and doors.h", email ""; Inform_Game -> -> sylenius with name 'syl' 'sylenius', short_name "Sylenius Mysterium", subtitle "An Interactive Transcendence", title_length 18, author "whomever wrote it", filename "sylenius", other_files "sylenius.sol, and levels.txt"; JACL_Game -> -> jacl with name 'unholy' 'grail', short_name "Unholy Grail", title_length 12, author "Stuart Allen", filename "grail", other_files "jacl.*, source code, and walkthru.txt", email "";